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Multitasking applied to decision making


The topic that occupies me for reflection is called "Multitasking applied to decision making" from the perspective of managerial work at the upper middle level, a look at the reality of the managerial profile and performance referred to the educational context.


It has happened to them that suddenly you wake up a fresh morning thinking what has been of your life until today, what direction have you taken? What direction did you go? Was the route already traveled the best? These questions have to do with the decisions you made at the time, with your belief system, your fears, but also with your dreams, let's reflect for a moment how important decision-making is throughout the life of the human being Have you ever listened to the recommendations of the school counselor to develop your “life plan”, did you think that you wanted to be when you grew up? Or how would you look in ten years? to himself in that walk many people take care of multiple activities necessary to meet the daily needs at home, at church, in the community, at the office, etc.We will call this series of activities "multitasking", an example of multitasking actions are women; who have the ability to focus their attention on several tasks at once; While they cook, they have the washing machine running, they serve the children a snack, while they take a call that promotes their telephone company, incidentally speaking of telephony, is another specific example of the subject, since the world of cell phones has news and benefits that have to do with multitasking smart screens, well hence; multitasking and decision making are two terms that we will merge to make sense of the perspective of the performance of managers in schools.who have the ability to focus their attention on several tasks at once; While they cook, they have the washing machine running, they serve the children a snack, while they take a call that promotes their telephone company, incidentally speaking of telephony, is another specific example of the subject, since the world of cell phones has news and benefits that have to do with multitasking smart screens, well hence; multitasking and decision making are two terms that we will merge to make sense of the perspective of the performance of managers in schools.who have the ability to focus their attention on several tasks at once; While they cook, they have the washing machine running, they serve the children a snack, while they take a call that promotes their telephone company, incidentally speaking of telephony, is another specific example of the subject, since the world of cell phones has news and benefits that have to do with multitasking smart screens, well hence; multitasking and decision making are two terms that we will merge to make sense of the perspective of the performance of managers in schools.It is another specific example of the subject, since the world of cell phones has news and benefits that have to do with multitasking smart screens, well hence; multitasking and decision making are two terms that we will merge to make sense of the perspective of the performance of managers in schools.It is another specific example of the subject, since the world of cell phones has news and benefits that have to do with multitasking smart screens, well hence; multitasking and decision making are two terms that we will merge to make sense of the perspective of the performance of managers in schools.


In my case, I am the director of a baccalaureate in upper secondary education, and one of the attributes of managerial skills says; "Integrate teachers, administrative staff, students and parents to make decisions for the improvement of the school" is here where we enter the subject that occupies me today for reflection, of that conjunctural moment in making decisions. decisions that are intertwined with the multitasking that emanate from an educational center to offer a quality educational service for students, since "making decisions and putting them into practice is the most important task of a manager, but also the most important personal act" (Ariño & Maella, 2010).


Let's start by conceptualizing the two terms of the topic, what then is decision making?

In the online video of the book "Iceberg in sight" he mentions 10 principles for decision making that I find interesting to mention to better understand this process.

  1. Worry about deciding well, rather than getting it right. Clearly identify your goals. Present your problems in a realistic way. Do not deceive yourself, it is very easy to do so. Attend only to relevant information. Recognize uncertainty and manage it. Be creative and generate alternatives.Keep in mind that your decisions have consequences.Whatever you decide, put it into practice, Be aware that not everything is rationality.

Indeed, I share the vision of Ariño & Maella making a decision is not a matter of acting because you think that you are right about the direction you should take, but rather be clear about what you want, with what intention you make a decision, what are your priorities And whatever your decision you must get down to work and accept the consequences that emanate from it, assuming a proactive rather than reactive attitude. Analogously speaking, let us remember Lewis Carroll in his work 'Alice in Wonderland' (1865) when he asks the Cheshire cat:

Could you please tell me which way I have to take to get out of here?

  • It depends a lot on where you want to go, replied the cat.

—I don't care where, Alicia answered.

  • Then it doesn't matter which way you go, said the Cat.

This work of yesteryear was created for children or adolescents, however, reading it carefully we can find many meanings for adult life, don't you think it's better to define what you want?

Marta Lorena & Hilda Mar, researchers of the ALFA III project (2011) -10 (cooperation program between higher education institutions of the European Union and Latin America) comment that according to various investigations and theoretical approaches, decision-making can be defined as: “A broad process that can include both the evaluation of the alternatives, the trial, and the choice of one of them (…)” (Artieta and González, 1998: 368).

Another concept; "Decision making is a process that ranges from the definition of problems, data collection, generation of alternatives and selection of a course of action, which will allow you to solve a problem or take advantage of an opportunity, the decision-making process is the mental path that the Administrator uses to reach a decision ”.

Under the gaze of these concepts I dare to add that the decision-making of a manager in his school must be a responsible act, which generates inclusive alternatives on the consensus of the other educational actors and with this he manages to visualize a whole scenario of opportunities on the guidelines that you must follow to run your educational center that offers a quality service.

Now we understand by multitasking; Estefanía Blasco Graduated in Journalism and Communication makes a post in the blog of infoautónomos about “multitasking” employees; advantages and disadvantages for SMEs, the writer comments that in the face of current economic difficulties, SMEs, but especially micro-SMEs, are forced to look for “multitasking” profiles or employees to whom they entrust various tasks in the company.

He also refers that hiring this type of employee is already a phenomenon both for the business world and for those who offer their talent or are looking for a job. Entrepreneurs seek not a professional or "expert" profile but rather a professional capable of "adapting" to different environments.

Despite the future benefits that a company may want, especially if its financial capacity is limited, multitasking employees also pose disadvantages for it. Let's look at both circumstances;

Advantage; savings in company costs, ease of multitasking employee to grow and evolve within the company, convenient for the company the mobility of this type of employees that does not affect business productivity.

Disadvantages: the worker may lose the vision of an expert when doing their tasks due to having less specialization, may not identify the processes that need to be improved, the employee may become indispensable and irreplaceable, may present a drop in productivity and get lost among so many roles, take more time to perform.

The writer concludes that the key to successfully hiring a worker is knowing how to keep balance and flexibility (Estefanía Blasco, 2014).

Now, the notion of "knowledge society" was used for the first time in the early 90's by the philosopher of business management Peter Drucker, this term is conceptualized as an innovation in information and communication technologies, since the increase In the transfer of information, it has greatly modified how the activities of modern society are developed, breaking with them factors such as time and space, in the mid-70's technological convergence gave rise to the progressive development of the computer, when These technologies are transferred from the military to civil sectors, the effect on society is manifested with great impact, the world is now digital. Much of our analog life is converted into ones and zeros, the network is born,Knowledge resides in people, the post-capitalist society in a knowledge society, whoever has the knowledge of process management has production in the world of globalization, we face a period in which we will have to obtain and interpret information quickly, The knowledge society will completely change the way we behave and direct ourselves, that is why I make special mention in this concept of "multitasking" to the world of technology and cell phones, in March of this year, recently on the website ofThe knowledge society will completely change the way we behave and direct ourselves, that is why I make special mention in this concept of "multitasking" to the world of technology and cell phones, in March of this year, recently on the website ofThe knowledge society will completely change the way we behave and direct ourselves, that is why I make special mention in this concept of "multitasking" to the world of technology and cell phones, in March of this year, recently on the website ofBBC world has published the launch of a series of new Marshmallow smartphones that will soon go on sale, these phones use Android N operating system which will introduce multitasking split screen and improved notification controls, which will allow users to users use two applications at the same time, the information can be copied from one application to the other, these benefits in cell phones make it easier for the user to use multitasking in the phone applications, allowing the use of a greater amount of information and data retention.


With all the reference described above, we can conclude that this fusion of activities and attitudes represented in this issue of multitasking applied to decision-making seen from the performance of managerial functions in a school center, is an honorable responsibility that distinguishes managers To lead their school group to achieve success in the educational service to which they are owed, a manager who assumes a multitasking attitude is aware of the decisions he makes, assumes responsibility for the consequences, has the vision of what activity, service and / or attitude the work team must correct so that continuous improvement in the quality of the educational service that is offered on a daily basis occurs in a systematic way,This fusion of multitasking and decision-making basically implies a change in the organizational structure of the school, it implies not only knowing how to do, but also knowing how to be, modifying human attitudes and values, the director appropriates their mental screens as in smartphones, you must have improved, renewed ideas, alternatives to organize a decision and delegate correctly, educating is a privilege that not everyone has, running a school is not an easy task, you have to have the ability to coordinate the team working proactively, to motivate workers, students, teachers and parents to always be proactive collaborators in the continuous improvement of the school, with the firm purpose of offering students a better world than the one we were born into.

Lic. María Eunice López Antonio

Director of Cobach 235

Teacher at the Descartes University of Sciences and Technology, Tuxtla Gutiérrez campus, Chiapas.


  • http://www.sems.gob.mx/work/models/sems/Resource/10905/1/images/Acuerdo_449_competencias_perfil_director.pdf (consulted 07/01/2016). Ariño, M. and Maella, P. (2010) Icerbergalavista available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMImL7WI2RM (consulted 07/01/2016).http://dearade.udea.edu.co/aula/pluginfile.php/1150/mod_resource/content/1/Competencia_Toma_de_Decisiones.pdf (consulted 6/07/2016) https://slideplayer.es/slide/2312461/ Presentation topic: «Management decision making CAP. III. 3.1.- INTRODUCTION Decision-making is the selection of a course of action among various options. All of us." (accessed 07/1/2016).The Age of Knowledge, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nluHAc6XaYc (accessed 07/06/2016) Your decisions are what have you where you are now. Available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALe2SqAOkU (consulted 07/01/2016).
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Multitasking applied to decision making