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Nanotechnology. the amazing little giant

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In the International System of Measurements, a series of prefixes are handled, which allow people, organizations and companies to facilitate the handling of multiples of the unit. For example, when you talk about 1 kilometer you are talking about 1000 meters, because the prefix kilo establishes that the unit, that is, the meter, is multiplied by a thousand. So to understand the dimension of which we will be talking on this occasion, you have to think about a meter of thread, if that meter is divided by 100, you will obtain a centimeter of thread, if it is divided by 10, you will obtain a millimeter of thread, if that millimeter of thread is divided by 1000, a micrometer of thread is obtained, and finally, if it is divided again by 100, then one nanometer of thread is obtained.

As it can be interpreted, it is a very small measure of measure, however, it is currently one of the most used in technological matters and in the development of new electronic devices, which totally impact society, not only in a region, but also in the world. whole world.

Working on it implies high levels of quality, technological development, and perfectionism at its highest level, since the components and materials that are handled are incredibly small and must be treated very carefully.

And although at the beginning, you think about the endless barriers or problems that these types of technologies or devices may face, it is also necessary to think about all the potential that you have. A very clear example of the development of this technology is computers, because at the beginning just a few decades ago, the computers that existed covered an entire room, because their components were large and demanded more space, however today, computers and electronic devices are getting smaller and smaller, and they can carry out many more activities than their predecessors. This is the potential that exists, and how the size of the devices is reducing more and more.

It is a branch of technology that is still growing, it has not yet reached a limit in which it can be mentioned that it is no longer possible to continue with the development of technological devices, however, as any other branch of technology presents some difficulties and barriers that it seeks to overcome, which would have an increasing impact on the way of life of the human being, and the way in which society behaves and carries out its daily activities.

International System of Measurements

It is necessary to know the measures that are handled internationally, and their interpretation, because in some cases there are some language barriers that must be overcome, to avoid confusion or errors of scale. The prefixes and the measures that are handled are the following:

Table 1. Measures and prefixes used (International System of Weights and Measures, 2006)

This is how the parameters that are used internationally are established, and mention is made of the very small magnitude of working in nanometers. This without diminishing all the potential and all the technology that, thanks to technological and scientific advances, has been able to develop in a way.

Concepts and definitions.

Nanotechnology generally consists of manipulating materials at atomic and molecular levels, better known as “nano materials”, which by themselves have unique characteristics that are totally different from the other materials that originate them. Among all the potential that nanotechnology has, the promise of changing the world is denoted, as it is known, for example, having reaches from the automotive branch, as in the textile branch, by means of nano robots or nano materials that allow the paint adhesion, or deep cleaning that removes any type of dirt on the fabrics.

They present the following definitions, by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (2009):

  • Nanomaterials:

They are the artificially developed structures of matter with dimensions below 100 nanometers, which exhibit size-dependent properties and which have been minimally processed. For example: nanoparticles, nanotubes, quantum dots, fullerenes, dendrimers and nanoporous materials.  Nano-intermediaries:

Intermediate products that do not fall into the category of nanomaterials or final consumer products, that can incorporate nanomaterials or that have been built with nanometric characteristics and parameters, coatings, fabrics, memories and logic chips, optical components, etc.

  • Nano-enriched products:

It refers to products at the end of the value chain, which incorporate nanomaterials and nano-intermediaries, for example, products already applicable to cars, clothing, airplanes, computers, electronic devices, processed foods, pharmaceutical products, etc.

  • Nanotechnology:

It is the technical ability to modify and manipulate matter with the possibility of manufacturing materials and products from the rearrangement of atoms and molecules, developing functional structures or devices at “nano” dimensions.

In this way, it is understood that the characteristics that exist in this branch of technology include new parameters and specifications, and that is why it is each of the definitions that make a difference with the other materials that are normally used.

Presentation of the nanometer world at an international level.

In recent years, nanotechnology incorporated into finished products has increased on average by 22%. This trend is expected to continue or increase in the near future. This type of technology has great dynamism with scientific research, in such a way that the transition in the chain leads to science-technology-innovation is a very fast process.

Therefore, there is a great interest on the part of companies, governments and risk investors because nanotechnology facilitates the creation, transformation and improvement of a product. It is a very clear example of this that in 2007 the world expenditure on R&D in nanotechnology reached 13,500 million dollars.

Application areas.

Technology applied at the “nano” level currently has different application areas, and it is expected that in the near future, these application branches may increase. At the moment the most outstanding applications are reflected in:

  • BiologyMedicineMaterialsEnergySimulation and modelingElectronicsOpticsPhotonicsSPM probesCarbon tubesMetrology

Applications and contributions.

It has been mentioned above, the fields of application are varied, and therefore nanotechnology is developing in different areas at the same time. Some of the most outstanding projects are mentioned below, which use some type of nanotechnology and which have a positive impact on society:


  • Fuel cells and hydrogen

- Noble nanoparticulate electrocatalysts.

- Nanostructured proton exchange membranes

- Storage of hydrogen in nanomaterials.

  • Lithium batteries

- Nanoparticulate and / or nanostructured electronic materials.

  • Photovoltaic

- Silicon substitute materials

  • Supercapacitors

- Carbonaceous nanomaterials as active material

- Inorganic nanomaterials

This type of application and project development aims to improve the quality of the materials used in electronic devices, improving operating costs and improving their characteristics to withstand physical magnitudes such as temperature.

SPM Near Field Microscopies:

This consists of approaching a tip, better known as a probe, to a surface to be visualized, and measuring the interaction between the tip and the surface. By moving the tip over the surface, a map of the interaction that exists is obtained and therefore an image is created that shows the study.

This type of nanotechnology has some applications in science such as:

  • The STM microscope that measures the electrical current that measures the electrical current between the tip and the sample The AFM microscope that measures the interaction forces between the tip and the sample when they are very close The SNIOM Microscope is responsible for measuring evanescent light reflected or transmitted by the sample The MFM microscope measures the magnetic forces of interaction.

All these interaction parameters occur at a distance of one nanometer or less, that is to say at 0.000000001 meters, which is why they are highly sophisticated elements with delicate and very precise measurements.

Biology and Medicine:

Nanotechnology applied in the areas of biology and medicine has its contribution mainly through new diagnostic systems at the molecular level, in the vast majority of them, through imaging techniques, new and more selective therapies, which increase their efficiency and support technological to regenerative medicine. This same type of study and progress has allowed us to start working in the agricultural and food industry, since to a large extent, it has a very large influence and a similarity that allows working under the same parameters.

More specifically, nanomedicine is a research and scientific method approach, as well as an interdisciplinary technological one that seeks, through the development and application of nanotechnology, to better power the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of certain types of diseases or traumatic injuries.. It also seeks the way in which the health and quality of life of people can be preserved and improved.

In addition, the application in medicine also studies the interactions that exist on a nanometric scale, between 1 and 100 nanometers, for which some devices, systems and technologies have been developed and used that include nanostructures with the ability to interact with molecular scale and interconnect with microsystems to create an interaction at the cellular or subcellular level. Nanodiagnosis makes it possible to identify diseases or their predisposition, detecting it from a cellular or molecular level through the use of nanodevices. In this same concept is the social and clinical need hand in hand with the technological capacity to detect diseases in the earliest possible state,as well as the need to be able to detect undesirable side effects of drugs before their prescription.

Mention can also be made of the applications that are currently being developed with greater force, mainly focused on three transversal axes regardless of the pathologies: Improving in vivo diagnosis, as well as in-vitro, the development of new systems that increase efficiency in the supply and dosage of drugs and the development of technologies for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In vitro diagnostics, which are carried out using nanotechnology, are possible through biosensors or integrated devices that contain many sensors. In the approach to "in-vivo" diagnostics, its most important application is the improvement of diagnostic imaging that allows reaching the molecular level. The image is defined as the measurement,characterization and diagnosis "in-vivo" of cellular or molecular biological processes, by means of images generated through the joint use of new molecular agents and traditional medical imaging techniques.

Another approach of Nanomedicine is the application of new technological systems to regenerative medicine, as it is an emerging area that seeks the repair or replacement of tissues and organs through the application of methods from gene therapy, cell, dosage of substances bioregenerative and tissue engineering.

Electronics and molecular electronics.

Nanoelectronics is in charge of the study of the phenomena of transport and distribution of charges and spin on nanometer scales. This branch can be classified into:

Molecular Electronics.

It is the study of the molecular properties that can guide the information process. In 2001, the first molecular circuits were built, using called rotazan molecules, which are capable of working in the same way as a transistor.

Carbon nanotubes.

When "Carbon Nanotubes" are mentioned, mention is being made of tubular carbon molecules, with properties that make them very attractive and potentially useful for applications such as electronic and mechanical components, which must necessarily be very small. Their particular characteristics are high hardness and have unique electronic properties as well as being extremely efficient heat conductors. Their excellent electrical, mechanical and chemical properties allow them to be candidates for making devices such as nano-scale transistors, emission screens, actuators, etc.

Semiconductor Nanostructures.

They are divided into those that work similar to a diode and those that work similar to a transistor, with a potential to operate on the nanometer scale, at ultra-high speeds and with an ultra-high density of circuits. They are used in applications such as catalysis, photovoltaic cells, lasers, and transistors.


They are the elements that are used for the development of new technologies, and that have to have specific characteristics and of extremely good quality, which allow them to be worked and manipulated at nanometric scales, among these materials are:

  • NanostructuredNanoparticlesNanopowdersNanocapsulesNanoporous materialsNanofibersFoilingsNanowiresDendrimersThin filmsQuantum dots

Opportunities and Risks.

Nanotechnology has great potential for great benefits. Due to innovations in many fields of application, an enormous commercial potential is estimated, simply by mentioning that in Europe today there are already hundreds of companies that are dedicated to the development of commercial applications of technology at nano-scale, generating thousands of jobs, through highly qualified people.

However, the possibilities are not entirely infinite or entirely feasible, for example a risk that some scholars and scientists come to consider is a plague of nanorobots, which unite and attack the human being as a well coordinated and programmed swarm, and is that one of the goals or objectives is the realization of nanorobots, but is it feasible? So far it is not, and not for lack of materials or well-organized structures, the concept is simply impossible to develop.

We think of a robot, of nanometric scale, it is basic, that the robot will perform a task, so it must have "hands and fingers" with which it can hold particles or molecules, this in itself is already a great limitation, and Continuing with the problems, the particles are not all the same size, so they must be "fat fingers" that allow you to hold particles to transport and handle them, in addition it must be taken into account that when transporting or manipulating atoms bonds can form It is as if the atoms literally stick to the "hands". Therefore to this day, it is impossible to build a nanorobot.

So, the idea of ​​an army of nanorobots trying to conquer the world, until today, is still an idea lacking foundations, however, a factor that if taken into account in many cases, is the possibility that nanoparticles could be harmful to health due to its small size, that it is even possible to penetrate the cells of the human body and even to be able to overcome biological barriers (such as the blood-brain barrier) this issue is still unknown to the sector international scientist.


The trend is marked "make everything smaller and smaller" is seen in communication technologies, cell phones, computers, electronic devices, etc. For this reason, the development of technology at the nano-scale cannot be stopped at once. It presents a highly promising potential, which in good hands, could develop great advances in different areas of the scientific sector, which would improve the quality of life of human beings, as well as the way in which they relate to others and carry out their daily activities.

However, like the vast majority of advances in technology, it brings out the "dark side" of the human being, hungry for power, highly competitive and with a desire to dominate something, which is why it also represents a danger to the human race, if the advance and development of these technologies is not properly controlled.

It is expected that in the near future, the barriers that limit this technology, can be overcome, and allow the development of devices that help the human being, and facilitate their daily life.

Bibliographic references.

  • National Directorate of Scientific Information and National Directorate of Studies. (2009). Nanotechnology. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Iñaki Gorostidi, Garazi Andonegi, Igor Campillo, Egoitz Etxebeste, Javier Urtasun. (April 2007). The era of Nanotechnology. CICNETWORK, No. 1, pp. 1-72.Mathias Schulenburg, Cologne. (2004). Nanotechnology Innovations for the world of tomorrow. Belgium: EUROPEAN COMMISSION, DG Investigation, Ángel Rubio. (2008). Nanoscience: concepts and applications. San Sebastián, Spain: ETSP. Carmen Chacón, Maite Fernández, Concepción Narros, Soraya Serrano. (2008). Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Spain. Madrid, Spain: Phantoms Foundation.
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Nanotechnology. the amazing little giant