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Nanotechnology in mexico

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Is it possible to print the thirty volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica on the head of a pin? How small is small? These are some of the questions that the Nobel Prize winner in Physics Richard Feynman asked himself in 1959 in his keynote There´s plenty of room at the bottomThe obligatory answer to such questions would be that we would limit the dimensions of the atoms and molecules that make up matter. But he "proposed that the laws of physics did not prevent the manipulation of matter atom by atom and that, in doing so, there would be a whole universe of technological possibilities" (Antunez, et al., 2010) Feynman demonstrated that it is possible to print the Encyclopedia Britannica in the head of a pin by reducing the size of the letter twenty-five thousand times. Each point of the small letters would cover an area that would have approximately a thousand atoms, it would be a sufficient proportion to make the reading of said text possible by means of existing physical devices.

From that research, one begins to speak of a new field of research: nanotechnology or molecular technology. Eric Drexler, leading researcher in the field, “Nanotechnology is the control of the structure of matter based on the handling of individual molecules that has the purpose of manufacturing products of various kinds: nanocomputers and nanorobots, biological machines at molecular scale, and many more things ”(Martínez Morales, 2005)

To give us an idea, what we all know is that technology is based on the handling of many molecules: when manufacturing microchips, each line of the microcircuit is made up of lots of molecules. A common chemical reaction or DNA handling techniques also work with many molecules. In no case was it possible to manipulate each molecule individually.

Nanotechnology set out, succeeded, and continues to break paradigms (by advancing so rapidly in many fields) in research by making it possible for each molecule to be manipulated directly and individually to develop artifacts and machines that have many purposes.

Nanotechnology encompasses, apart from its original areas (physics, chemistry, engineering or robotics) other fields that at first seemed very remote but are now very important such as biology, medicine or the environment. (Vega)

Currently, there are many everyday products that were made with nanotechnological processes such as blockers with nanoparticles responsible for absorbing ultraviolet radiation, lamps such as LEDs or nanochips. In the field of medicine, tests have been carried out that reveal great effectiveness in fighting viruses, tumors or diseases such as cancer. In biology, pesticides have been developed that have nanoparticles in charge of optimizing wastewater treatment.

Nanotechnology is expected to help solve problems in society, such as energy that is currently still dependent on fossil fuels, water supply, among others. (Antunez, and others, 2010)

This article aims to address the subject in an understandable way for any type of reader and that it will be - being optimistic - just a brushstroke to the great world that is nanotechnology and I predict that due to the impressive way in which this science evolves, obsolete in few moths.

Elder brother

The term Nano comes from the Greek dwarf and refers to dimensions in the order of 10 -9 magnitude. Therefore, a nanometer is equal to 10 -9 m and the nanometer scale goes from 0.1 to 100 nm.

Nanometric Scale

Nano scale

History of Nanotechnology

Despite the fact that nanotechnology is a fairly new science, since it emerged in the 20th century, there are indications that it is indirectly found in our daily lives since memorable times:

The word "Nanotechnology" was first used by Kyoto University researcher Norio Taniguchi in 1974 who called this the ability to manipulate materials at the nanometric level. In 1989, Don Eigler used an electron microscope to move Xénon atoms and write the acronym IBM and Eric Drexler was the first to analyze the possibility (from the physical point of view) of building a universal molecular assembler that would lead to the possibility of producing goods of consumption with the unique cost of manufacture. (Vega)

Although nanotechnology arose in the first decades of the 20th century, a field of research could be started and experimented regularly and systematically only from the development of technologies that made it possible to visualize, measure, manipulate and process matter at that scale. At the beginning of these investigations were the proximity microscopes created in the mid-80's.

Viewed as a modern or knowledge revolution, nanotechnology is said to:

Knowing the traditional toxicology about the exposure analysis, its transport through the body and the fate of conventional toxins does not apply to nanoparticles because their size gives them unique properties.

"Sinanotox will be a virtual system with easy access via the Internet, where the user can access the test batteries through an intelligent guidance system depending on the type of nanomaterial." (Sánchez, 2018).

The system was developed by Mexicans and will set world precedents since Sinanotox, unlike European systems, will have information on all branches of knowledge that nanotechnology has.

“Sinanotox stands out from the rest in the fact that it basically combines all the instrumental capacities and scientific specialization of Mexican researchers in related areas. This fact will help Sinanotox to be an independent system for the toxicological evaluation of nanomaterials ”. (Sánchez, 2018).

The first version should be ready in mid-2018 and it will be a very valuable instrument to distinguish nanomaterials since they are currently used in the agricultural, health and food industries, among others.

Nanotechnology Companies in Mexico

Let's start by giving an overview of how Mexico begins to get involved in nanotechnology research:

  • In 2001, the government gave nanotechnologies recognition in Science and Technology policies. In 2009, the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) financed a National Network of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to facilitate scientific work. that about seventy million years have been invested in NTthe last five years. In 2008, a group of advanced companies in the sector were located in Monterrey, Nuevo León. There are, without being less important, companies with high technology in states such as Chihuahua, Puebla, among others. Various sources indicate that Mexico occupies the second place in NT development in Latin America. The first is Brazil and Argentina the third. (Záyago Lau, Foladori, Appelbaum, & Arteaga Figeroa, 2013)

The study that produced the figures that will be given below was carried out from 2010 to 2012 and located the following companies that develop nanotechnologies in the country:

  • Nuevo León, 39 companies Mexico City, 31 companies State of Mexico, 10 companies Jalisco, 3 companies Tamaulipas, Sonora and Coahuila, 2 companies Baja California, Hidalgo, Morelos, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Quintana Roo, Veracruz and Yucatán, only 1 company.

These companies are developed in different sectors such as:

  • ChemicalWaterElectrical componentsPlastic and rubberConstructionCommercialFoodNanomaterialsIndustrial equipmentElectronicsSteel and IronAutomotiveBiotechnology

We are present in the invention of NT, but there is still much to do and above all, government support is required for the research.

Thesis proposal

In a futuristic way…

"Development of a microchip that allows women not to suffer hormonal disorders during the menstrual cycle and menopause"

Build a microchip capable of detecting the hormonal indices of women and stabilize it before suffering from crisis or even avoid the symptoms of menstruation such as stomach aches or menopause such as hot flashes.


Feynman's question Is it possible to print the thirty volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica on the head of a pin? Now it can be confirmed with a resounding YES. Nanotechnology is far above what we ever imagine and what can be dreamed of.

The world has constant deficiencies that have not been able to be solved with money from great nations (or rather, it has not wanted to be invested). Nanotechnology could eradicate hunger on Earth, it could cure cancer, or even give us eternal life.

As we could see, it is a fairly new science although there are representations of it even in stained glass and ceramics of the ancestors but its study as we know it is at a fairly accelerated pace of evolution. Something that I came across is that a source older than five years was risky or just to get basic concepts since today's studies are already different.

Nanotechnology studies individual molecules and is called by some authors the "Technological Revolution of the Century." However, many more are afraid of the consequences that it can bring in people's daily lives. As we could see, NT is involved in all sectors, being multidisciplinary, it also needs highly trained people in areas such as physics, chemistry, medicine, among others. In Mexico there is little, but significant presence of nanotechnology companies and there is government support and the backing of Conacyt for research.

I hope for a good seat to be able to see the new world that nanotechnology will bring with it, there is still much to do in legal matters since the least thing we would like would be to violate human laws and harm ourselves.


Antunez, J., Maytorena, J., Morales, L., Isabel, PM, Petranovskii, V., & Oscar, R. (2010). Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology UNAM. Obtained from the Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology UNAM:


Aznar, M. (2013). Critical Thinking about Nanotechnology. U niversitaria Digital Magazine. Obtained from


Campillo, B., & Zuleta, G. (2014). Bioethics and Nanotechnology. Lasallian Journal of Research, 63-69.

García Guerrero, M., & Foladori, G. (2015). Science and Technology Disclosure:

the limits of the technical approach in nanotechnologies. Eureka Magazine on Science Teaching and Popularization, 508-519.

Martínez Morales, M. (2005). From the crockery of the aguazulejos to the zyvex nanosystems. Science and Man Magazine, 25-28.

Mendoza, G., & Rodríguez-López, JL (2007). Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: An Ongoing Revolution. Latin American Profiles, 161-186.

Miñón Hernández, D. (04 of 12 of 2015). Physical and chemical characteristics of native and nanostructured blue corn starch and its biological properties in induced diabetes in Wistar rats. (U. Veracruzana, Compiler) Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Obtained from


Sánchez, V. (05 of 03 of 2018). Conacyt Press. Obtained from Conacyt Press:


Vega, AF (nd). Faculty of Chemistry UNAM. Obtained from the UNAM Faculty of Chemistry:

Záyago Lau, E., Foladori, G., Appelbaum, RP, & Arteaga Figeroa, ER (2013). Nanotechnology companies in Mexico: towards a first inventory. Social Studies, 10-25.


Translation: There is abundant space in the background

Operating systems


Nanotechnology in mexico