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Need for innovation as a key element for competitiveness


When we refer to the term innovation, we are talking about a change that introduces one or more novelties. Apply new ideas. Innovation requires awareness and balance when it comes to transporting ideas from the imaginary or fictional field, to that of realizations or implementations, since everyone can have ideas, but having good ideas is something else.

The COTEC Foundation defines innovation as "the art of turning ideas and knowledge into new or improved products, processes or services that the market values." Innovation is associated with an activity related to creativity, chance or the inspiration of a moment. For Frascati innovation is "the transformation of an idea into a salable, new or improved product, into an operational process in industry and commerce or into a new method of social service."

The word innovation is very attractive, it is totally fashionable and perhaps that is why it has been misused on many occasions; either to justify millionaire investments or as an excuse to carry out spectacular advertising campaigns. Innovation is something new, and it must be useful. Normally it arises from the interaction between specialists, who when they combine their knowledge make appear new ideas that nobody had thought about before. The proximity with customers and the close relationship that arises with them, can give us tools and turn the information obtained there into innovation.

Any company that intends to achieve a position of leader in the market must consider innovation within its processes as it affects all areas. Innovation does not exclusively imply the generation of new products and services, but also affects the way of doing things.

You learn more in war than in peace. Most companies continue to do the same things that led them to success in the past, they feel comfortable, trying to avoid turbulence by avoiding making dramatic changes. The "changes" that are implemented are only to try to imitate the market trend or following steps that similar companies have already worked for. Little is invested in innovation and differentiation.

Technological changes and changes in general around market competitiveness are the order of the day and it is an obligation to learn more about them to gain an advantage. It is unacceptable to think that it is okay, that it is growing slowly but surely and planting yourself there. Today it is either renewed or it stays, or it is innovated or lags behind.

Seeking that the culture of innovation that is integrated into the strategic objectives of the company comes first. Seek to transform and innovate in order to achieve results different from those that we have become accustomed to. Things are done well only once, but can always be done better.

An open culture encourages and encourages innovation, risk taking and openness to change. There's nothing good that doesn't start with a dose of insanity. Companies that choose to reinvent themselves before others will gain a competitive advantage. Not to change because the wrong things are being done, but to improve those already done and maintain a living spirit of evolution.

Generating a capacity for constant strategic innovation, making everyone in the organization feel the need to innovate and creating and keeping them alert and focused on capturing the opportunities of tomorrow, is a primary task of a company today. Greater closeness between collaborators and openness to their ideas and suggestions for improvement is important.

You can't bet on innovation without leaders who haven't yet reinvented themselves and speak the language of innovation. A good guide is required. People who are not common, who are not satisfied with what has been achieved so far, who feel comfortable being uncomfortable, thinking like nobody else to give their clients the only thing; who are at the forefront. They must have a great mentality to face risks in the new conditions of the environment and a new mental attitude to take one step at a time every day.

Maintaining a winning spirit in your organization is precisely your job as a leader. It is not enough to change to the rhythm of the market, you have to go ahead, anticipate the needs of your customers. Entrepreneurial leaders are what organizations now require. You have to try something different even if it doesn't work out the first time. Change does not minimize leadership, it makes it great. Leadership in innovation is increasingly difficult to maintain, intellectual capital is more valuable than physical or financial capital. Being innovative is the new value of leaders.

To survive in the current world economic situation, a commitment to innovation is necessary. Think differently to make your people a different team and do different things too. Think different to be better. Those who think this way are the ones who will gain a competitive advantage. Either companies are catching up or are heavily risking their place in the future.

Success against your competitors lies in differentiating yourself from the rest, adaptation and flexibility will make the difference. Innovation is the key element of competitiveness. The competitiveness of a nation depends on the ability of its industry to innovate.

Need for innovation as a key element for competitiveness