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We need an entrepreneurial mindset


The future looks promising for those people who have understood that a proactive attitude is everything and that being flexible and entrepreneurial is the basis of success whether an employee or an entrepreneur, and here I want to quote this interesting phrase by Alvin Toffler (writer and futurist). "The ignorant of the 21st century will not be those who do not know how to read or write but those who do not know how to learn, unlearn and learn again."

I want to start this article with two questions:

Why are there people who undertake and others who do not? What is different about entrepreneurs compared to others?

Years ago, and we spoke of the last century, there was a phrase that our parents constantly repeated to us as children "Study, apply yourself, get good grades and look for a good job." However, today, in the 21st century, this phrase is no longer valid!

You may have realized that secure employment is in the phase of extinction and the guarantee that our parents enjoyed of working a lifetime for the same company no longer exists. Today people change jobs much faster and the average is every 3 to 5 years.

Unfortunately, the employment situation around the world is quite disturbing and the outlook leaves us little room to dream.

It is important to understand that undertaking today is no longer an option, it is a reality for everyone. Developing an entrepreneurial attitude, that is to say, proactive and with initiative is something that all of us should do and I want to share my reflections with you.

There are not even employees today who are saved from having to develop entrepreneurial skills.

So entrepreneurship is no longer a matter for the few but for everyone and why, it is very simple. To be successful in a market that changes so quickly, either as an employee or as an entrepreneur, you will have to reinvent and readjust your occupation every day so as not to become obsolete and, therefore, expendable.

Even companies are looking for employees with a proactive attitude, that is, people who know how to solve problems, propose new ideas, deal with new and constant learning and challenges, etc.

I can assure you, that an employer when hiring a new employee will be wondering:

Will this person be able to bring value to my business every day?

Will you be able to learn as quickly as the changes that my company will produce to adapt to the market?

What can you offer that we no longer have?


Nowadays, what is important is not just a degree of study or the knowledge itself. What is really important is what do I do with it? What do I do with my degrees, my knowledge? How do I use them to earn money?

To summarize, even if you have a university degree, you will not get rid of:

  • look for a company that is working well, find a way that what you offer adds value and generates interest so that they hire you, always keep up to date, recycling and training are vital.

Today we all need to be more entrepreneurial and move in a different way, even if we are working for someone else, the future is encouraging only for those who are willing to change and renew themselves.

The future looks promising for those people who have understood that a proactive attitude is everything and that being flexible and entrepreneurial is the basis of success whether an employee or an entrepreneur, and here I want to quote this interesting phrase by Alvin Toffler (writer and futurist).

"The ignorant of the 21st century will not be those who do not know how to read or write but those who do not know how to learn, unlearn and learn again."

And you do you think? How are you facing the great challenges of this new era?

We need an entrepreneurial mindset