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Negotiation concertação remuneração

Table of contents:


The main objective of this work was to achieve two processes of remuneration and perception of its integration and evolution without movement of collective bargaining and of social agreement. It is intended not to lose sight of the evolution of two so called objective systems, of the time of the scientific organization of work and adaptation to new movements of individualization of remuneration.

To carry out this study, we proceed to a search through bibliography related to the subject, specialized journals, only in areas of sociology of work and human resources. We also use the Internet as a source of research, especially for the last point, related to the new remuneration systems. We also go through the Labor and Entrepreneurship Bulletins to consult some Collective Contracts of Labor and Company Agreements.

A major part two salaries são, in Portugal, and a semelhança do that happens a little all over Europe, fixed through collective bargaining. Despite this, some authors considered that salary negotiation is not normally poor country, not least considering the evolution of two salaries of entrepreneurship and professional training.

A social concert is beginning to develop, not our country, depois da adesão à CEE, the first agreement of social concertação and assassinated in 1986. It corresponds to a social movement, very important, institutionalized or not, which saw to allow or balance the forces You work and contribute to the convergence of industrial relations. Through this, some classical labor laws can be altered that have a direct influence on the definition of retribution.

A remuneration system appears as a mediator of the move that is established between the organization and the individual. It does not seem to us that there are universal remuneration models. These, we find themselves closely linked to the cultural values ​​and the basic principles of organization, the economy, and the cultural and social values ​​of the individual, in such circumstances.

Barnacle-se, from all the way a historical evolution from or beginning two times. From the point of view of the forms of systematization, considered in this study, we saw the Taylorian systems that break into the old system of salary à peça. We saw two salaries that were participated in, very much in progress from two movements of May of 68, which had previously been practiced and yet were not abandoned.

As for the method of qualifications of functions, we observe how this method represents the corollary of the logical and scientific justification of the remuneration to the worker.

Contudo, or novo path of retribution seems to make no sense of individualization. What will your main benefits and benefits be? This is a question that we try to address from the perception of two remuneration systems at the macro-economic level and at the company level at the social dimension.

Regarding the internal organization of work, destined to a second group, post or point of introduction, to a framework of the social perspective of remuneration, passing through the collective bargaining and social agreement, justifying and explaining the main objectives, especially in light of remuneração dos trabalhadores.

Or third group of the corpo do work, addresses or development of some key concepts of retribution, referring to the legal perspective and identification of some types of salary and forms of remuneration most practiced.

The fourth group refers to the remuneration systems since Taylor years old, being the last point dedicated to the new remuneration systems.

The last point of work, before the conclusion, corresponds to a small analysis of the remuneration trends practiced in the work contracts that we observe.

2 Social perspective of remuneration

2.1 Sociological framework

From a sociological point of view, we note that the remuneration systems observe a very low level of the labor market, with patronized policies on one side, and the unions on the other, to try, a balance between the interests and commitments of the parties.

On the one hand, the employer seeks to acquire the authority to sanction the worker's produtividade, in accordance with a foreseeable distributive justice. On the other hand, you are responsible for two unions seeking equal justice, assuming in this way, two fronts of non-convergent interests.

The salary groups represent, however, enormous disparities as a result of a balance of recognition of two individual or collective merits that are represented by a varied set of professional groups that are acquiring more or less negotiation skills.

We can not suggest that also production models and management techniques allow us to define indicators of people policies that define remuneration systems.

It seems to be able to identify some relationship between the salaries and the produtividade. Verify higher salaries for industries that show a higher productivity. On the other hand, higher salaries are necessary to attract more qualified workers. When consulted you are asked for suggestions that we can improve the efficiency of the companies, these indicate more benefits, higher salaries and less working conditions.

2.2 A collective bargaining

A semelhança do that happens all over Europe, you workers in Portugal, we see your wages fixed by collective bargaining. This process does not include Public Administration and Public Companies, since the negotiation involves the administrations, the guardianship bodies and the workers themselves. Portugal has a legal system that allows a greater intervention by the State, being able to issue ports of extension and regulation of work.

Second statistic, or number of workers per outrem count, open hairs IRCT is very high, over 90%. 82% opened by CCT and 9% by AE

Luís Santos Fernandes (1999), considers that the salary negotiation, in Portugal, can be considered, in a generally poor way, not having any link between its evolution and evolution of technologies. Now, enter the evolution of two salaries and the evolution of entrepreneurship and professional training, notably.

This author tells us that the most predominant content of the collective labor agreements is as the salary tables. Note-I know that between 1982 and 1986 the collective agreements will enrich their contents with “other remunerations”, such as: food allowance, daytime payments, season tickets, and shift allowances - above all, these remunerations are worthy of registration, not this period.

In practice, there are collective agreements that fix the minimum salary at the sectoral level. We note great differences between the conventional and effective salaries, which vary in function of two analysis criteria, noting a high salary dispersion, interactivities, tending to increase the highest qualifications. Registers, in more recent years, an increase between the groups of upper and middle quadra, has also increased the salary dispersion between sexes. Barnacle is, in the same way, that larger companies have higher average salaries.

At the State intervention, the establishment of rules that regulate the system of collective labor relations, the fixation of wages for two workers of the Public Administration, the fixation of the national minimum wage, and the fixation of rules with direct or indirect impact on evolution two nominal minimum salaries.

Or that it sits, two unions report, and that you are seeking defensive positions, trying not to lose directives and entrepreneurs try to make collective regulation more flexible not interested in companies. This confrontation generates, not rarely, a blockade in negotiations.

From the point of view of the inequality of two sexes, at most two IRC's do not adapt the designations of non-male and non-female profiles. However, not rarely, they are attributed to professional categories, mainly performed by women with lower remuneration. In general, two IRCTs opt for a simple classification system, which arises from the designation and description of the functions of professional categories, unless the criteria underlying the adopted classification are never explained. Note-it is to the persistence of a slightly neutral classification system that does not value the skills of women and competencies that are characterized by natures of women.

2.3 A social agreement

Even though it was criticized for us in the 70's, social concertation seems to have been turned, I leave today, indispensible and uncontrollable. From two years 90 onwards, trade union organizations and employers have demonstrated a desire to move, beginning to proliferate, and we find the private sector even in the presence of the government authorities.

José Lamoureaux understands that the term social concertation is increasingly being used, yet at the same time it remains polysemic and ambiguous. Call attention to the fact of the actors who are involved in the concert will be more and more varied. It is understood, of all the concerns that the agreement represents a meeting and discussion of common interests, among the economic actors, in order to find and define the current policies for the economy and the labor market. In concert, it seems to be two possible paths for two social actors to participate in the political sphere. Its main objective will be to establish agreements and common actions of the economic and social forum, between the various social actors.

A concertação turned into a form of social partnership, in such a way that conflicts of interest will move to placing integrative and complementary terms, thus seeking convergences, and establishing an arbitrage between the powers of each um.

A social agreement does not always have an institutional (permanent) character but a reparative force of interests, also, in this case, temporary. No first case responds to long-term problems and no second to immediate problems.

In 1986, Portugal's addendum to CEE seems to have developed modes of social agreement and reciprocal commitment. This is the height of a period of economic recovery, an increase in royal salaries and a process of union crisis. Or the first agreement of social agreement was assassinated in Portugal in 1986 with application for 1987. Translation-se numa methodological revolution gives way to perspective the salary negotiations.

The policies negotiated in terms of salary increases, minimum income (1996), polyvalence, social security and health are very important. It begins to acknowledge that the policies of performance and other, need a lot of previous debate and the participation of two partners.

A social concertation I see contributing to the convergence of industrial relations and the alteration of classical labor laws that have at the same time direct influence on the definition of two systems of remuneration for workers.

From the point of view of remunerations, and not only, to social agreement, I see a different dimension to combine two interests of the parties - between entrepreneurs and employers.

3. Conceitos key da Remuneração

3.1 A legal perspective

Second Monteiro Fernandes, for retribution is a fundamental element of the individual work contract and is due to the availability of the work force. It can be made in money, which is more common, but also possible to make in genres. Second or author, can be used, in the same way and worth, or thermo salary. A remuneration is defined in Chapter III of the Labor Code and from art. 249º to 270º.

Or art. 249th of the Labor Code defines the principles of remuneration, considering it "here we have a contract, give norms that either regulate two uses, or a temporary worker as compensation for your work."

Second or second point of the same article, it is presumed that a "compensation for the work was included as a base salary for all regular and periodic benefits made directly or indirectly, in money or in kind."

A Convention No. 95 of the ILO, defines remuneration as: “O ganho, be sure of its denomination or method of calculation, since it has been valued-it is paid, fixed by agreement or by national legislation, lived by an employer to a worker by virtue of the work contract, written or verbal, by the work that the latter has performed or has come to perform, or for services that he has provided or must provide ”.

A direct remuneration of the worker guaranteed by contractual or regulatory title and constitutes a true entrepreneurial entity. Second or art. 251st of the Labor Code can be certain, variable, or wrong.

Or art. 252º, the Labor Code defines what is awarded, and the remuneration calculated on the basis of the working time. To determine the value of the variable remuneration, we take two values ​​that the worker received in the last twelve months, or, according to what is available to us, the instruments of collective regulation of work are not calculated for possible. shape.

I dispose, in addition to the law, not the same article, I do not point 4, that "or worker cannot, in each month of work, receive an amount lower than or the minimum guaranteed salary applicable".

3.2 Identification of different types of wages

A retribution is related to internal and external causes to the organization. Internal causes are determined by the nature of the business and the business. Pela ability to pay for the organization. Level of production and workmanship and the demand of two unions. As external causes to the company that determine the remuneration of the labor market, the government legislation, or the custodian of life, the industrial structure of the country and region and the international economy.

We identify the following different types of salary: individual salary, functional salary, premium salary, direct salary, indirect salary and deferred salary.

Or individual salary based on a contract of pure work exchange for a monetary value. Item based on hours of presence or units produced.

Its main drawbacks are that it is difficult to apply with large numbers of people. It is subjective when not accompanied by efficient technique of personal appreciation and individual action control.

O salary function: a salary corresponds to each function. Necessity of qualification of functions and a pension management for the promotion and definition of professional careers. The main drawbacks are not to be recognized or individual merit and not to be applied in activities with a reduced number of functions.

Or technical salary and prize and a type of salary closely linked to the Scientific Organization of Work. The main drawbacks are that at the end of some time of application or award it is confused, how the “stimulus function” will come out, attenuates or disappears. Or deferred salary and attributed by direct or indirect means, at certain heights, when certain events occur or at certain heights of life. There are examples of this type of salary as annual gratifications, participation in the results, subsidy of fairs, of doença, of accident, pension of reform, of survivorship and compensation of "adeus".

3.3 O direct and indirect salary

Or salary is a pecuniary compensation, or feita through patrimonial values, of a loaned work. As benefits are of a corresponding and synalagmatic character.

Either direct salary or salary that is paid in numerário to the worker, does not signify the work performance. It is related to the hours worked or not worked, or the production carried out. They comprise standard hours, overtime, holiday work, awards / commissions, daytime / seniority, category, shift allowances and special allowances. Within hours we do not work, we contaminate paid holidays, holidays, licenses with expiration and other work interruptions. Or indirect salary is a part of the remuneration that is not attributed by direct means, plus through royalties or social benefits established by legal means. São examples disso: housing subsidy, construction loan, social action, refeitory, study bags, trade fair colony and others.

As a rule, the classical systems, or the salary based on the worker, supports the economy of the system. Reflect a hierarchical level of the worker. Tem, in principle, a defined development, career perspective and determines a level of life to the worker.

A remuneration for the additional hours, qualified as supra-salary, is intended to remunerate a work that has been carried out within the legal duration of the normal working time.

A remuneration destined to fulfill a logic of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the work-hand.

The indirect or social salary represents a complement of remuneration, having in account the social condition and the family of the worker. As a result of this concept, social solidarity institutions are being developed and multiplied, necessary between employers and employers.

A social solidarity gives account of different non-work situations, such as a job or job, susceptible to affect or a worker during or during your professional career.

This part gives indirect remuneration, since it does not correspond to direct remuneration to the assets engaged, but deferred salary. I pay hard-working hair and entrepreneurial hair.

Through indirect salary, a social solidarity system is created supported by workers and employers, a mutuality system, through which state, or other entities, in accordance with policies for or effect, assuming a doença to reform these situations. of unemployment.

3.4 Awards and fringe benefits

Some studies indicate that individuals tend to want to escort their own complementary social benefits, also called fringe benefits, a flexible benefits program can allow a collaborator to be an escort for those who are more suited to their needs. And this will not increase the costs of the company, pois, some of them depend on a percentage of the salaries of the company. As benefits of a policy of benefits adapted to the collaborator are obvious, allowing a greater retention and attraction of two individuals necessary to the organization.

A fixed benefit policy may indicate that the part of the organization some paternalism and even end by being more expensive for the organization. A certain escolha seems to be to opt for a total “mix” of compensation prepared according to the type of business of the company.

Rewards you become a remunerative practice that fears to severely penalize women. Either award for seniority and daytime penalties as absences from work for reasons of family responsibilities, or same as award for assistance.

Note that if the participation of women in the negotiating commissions fails, it will be able to contribute to a deepening of the fosso between the remuneration of women and two homens.

To conclude, it is important to say that there do not seem to be credible statistics on wages for these standards based on collective labor contracts that register wage values ​​below two values ​​practiced by the market.

4. Remuneration systems

4.1 Taylorist remuneration processes

Two of Taylor's merits were to develop a remuneration system with a complete salary policy. Taylor abolished the autonomy of workers, granting experts the ability to decide and think about the questions of the organization of work. Second or seu system, the salary will not remunerate as soon as a product made, as it happened, it will not be paid for, before it was thought for the second direction of a logic of time and according to the predetermined quality of the product. According to this logic, two workers were paid successively according to these premises, being able to grant them successive prizes até à proportion increased from 30% to 35% on or lower salary. These values ​​were found by Taylor, and I have studies of motivation that lead to the conclusion that I attained an improvement of 20% of the salary,goal of two workers has a tendency to prefer the standard of production and not to produce any additional effort. Já com a premium of 30% to 35% more than two workers have a tendency to consider that it is worth or extra effort of production.

The Taylorian remuneration systems will correct the salary deficiencies that are valued or quantitative effect but not valued for qualitative efficiency.

These remuneration systems will end up being highly criticized in the United States and in Europe, by the unions that we will denounce in accordance with the establishment of workers. The board responded according to the objective of the scientific measures of salary calculation and according to these premises.

Subsequent psychological and sociological analyzes call for attention to the deficiencies of a salary policy based on reward and punishment, as is the case of the Taylorian system. On the one hand, in relation to the manufacturing defects and at times it is difficult to determine the true cause and perpetuate discussions that are prejudicial to a good working environment for the company's services. Second, this competitive effect can easily pit workers against each other and create a psychological climate of risk in the company. Increased work accident damages caused by great competition and excess workload. On the other hand, I note that the head of the company feels good about this possibility of rewarding the loyalty of two more diligent workers, despite criticism that has been acknowledged.

This system ended up advancing for or two participated salaries, where it was thought that some two major defects would have been corrected.

4.2 Participated salaries

Participated salaries tem if the idea of ​​fazer to participate as workers benefits us from the company. It is constituted as a great fashion based on the student's response from May 1968. This type of salary has an implicit idea, older than that or that it is posed to think about a priori judgment, which encourages participation between or work in capital, carried out Through a division two fruits gives economic activity. In order for it to divide money through two shared salaries, it is necessary that the companies have profits. The award is not directly conditioned by the worker's skills and his direct skills or his work equipment, as well as the ability of the management and entrepreneurial equipment and his direct collaborators. The Fordist systems will apply, of certain way, some two serious principles,When we determine the proportionality of the salary to the proportion of the produtivity.

4.3 Method of qualificações de funções

This method of qualification of functions or of work posts aims to obtain or calculate the remuneration of bands of subjectivity or arbitrary employer, with a view to integrating a pension management of the person, in which it is based on the line of accounts as the requirements of the function and the capabilities of your owner.

Tem-se, in this method, by principle, that is remunerated a post of work or function in não an indivíduo. An appraisal must be made with a number of objective comparison charts that provide a perspective to the hierarchy of functions in the company.

A remuneração, tabela-se, also, by pre-established competition levels and qualification coefficients defined by the company and / or by the collective labor agreements.

This method of qualification of functions reproduces a fairly rigid general scheme. It comprises four different phases that go to description of functions, to evaluation of functions, to fixation of your price and for the purpose or establishment of the company's remuneration system.

This method became known as the American system, called the Hay method, which is applied, in particular, to two frames.

The defining adjective gives the “objectivity” of the method above all, two serious promoters, because of practical difficulties. On the one hand, it is noted or was excessively mathematical in character. On the other hand, the implication of the company hierarchy and two serious experts do not deixa to introduce subjectivity and arbitrariness. Over the years superior hierarchical níveis are perceived, with frequency games of interest and power, in definition, not only two principles, as in distinction of functions. Apart from that, in general, an evaluation of the functions is kept in segregated and not disclosed, or in case of question, in terms of ensuring the system's balance, which is assumed as important in salary policies.

4.4 As new trends in remuneration

The traditional systems of remuneration, according to Camila Hatsumi Minamide, seem to present some characteristics that we can determine or fail. On the one hand, they present inflexibility, as a standardized treatment, independent of the characteristics of the segment of activity, nationality, company or group. On the other hand, it presents a limited view of organization and excessively bureaucratized conservatism, with highly hierarchical and delinquent internal communication processes. Note, furthermore, divergences in the convergence of efforts for common objectives and lack of strategic remuneration orientation.

With new trends in remuneration, we note that a large part of companies are beginning to opt for a flexible and differentiating remuneration policy, which is considered essential to stimulate and renew their management. Your main objectives will be to conserve individual melhores, reward and encourage unwanted behaviors and competitions and respect the different characteristics of both individuals and groups. It is very important that this is perceived in a fair and transparent way.

The introduction of a new salary policy must be preceded by information and minimization of uncertainty. It must involve the participation and involvement of two individuals. It must be carried out progressively. It is important that you ensure articulation with the various functional areas of the company, Human Resources and Performance Assessment.

A salary policy must be relevant, showing that it is in accordance with the company's global policy. Objective, by way of translating concrete objectives and realizing them. Clear, simple and easy to understand. Written, by way of generalization or its evolutionary knowledge, accompanying the evolution of the structure and the labor market.

O novo Code of Labor, art. 253º - retribuição mista- defines that the employer must direct two serious workers to remuneration, with no sense of encouraging the elevation of two levels of produtividade. It also defines that the entrepreneur must have the elements that contribute to the valorization of the worker, understanding the qualities of the person as a reflection of the work. For these purposes, consider the law, not according to paragraph 3 of the same article, "it must be remunerated to constitute a fixed part and another variable, as a level of production determined from the respective bases of appreciation." It seems to us that this article to the Labor Legislation advises on a path of individualization of remuneration.

Patrícia Cosme, understands that the salary remuneration system based on individual positions does not correspond to business needs and individual expectations, or that it can cause great difficulties in many times when Luta is struggling to conquer talents and is very brave. Note that the organizations are undergoing constant changes and permanent transformation that visam or increase the production of two costs, hair that, according to the definition of the assignment of a position, becomes very complex.

As changes, in our understanding, will pass through a redeployment of practical salaries, at the national and international level, with positions broadly and generically defined, long-band salary structures, as a career growth linked to the acquisition of essential competencies or business.

It acknowledges that the challenge for the definition of new remuneration systems is great, and these, in turn, need a deep understanding of the business and a permanent maintenance and redesign of the system. This work will have to be very difficult for Human Resources Departments together with the other managers of the organization.

In a general way or that it is verified our various studies on the new remuneration systems and that the organizations have a great need to compensate the individual difference, which is marked by professional hairs of excellence and that must be withdrawn by the companies.

Note, we have more recent remuneration, one tenth of a fixed plot in comparison with a variable plot that results from a way to increase flexibility in the management of rewards.

However, the practice of paying for competencies and skills has caused some problems, understood as perverse, as it is difficult to establish how much each skill or competition is worth, especially given the difficulty of establishing benchmarks for comparison in the labor market.

One of the great vantages of two new systems seems to be either to stimulate or to continuously develop two professions and to deepen their commitment to the company. To make the system simple, due to its operational nature, it does not seem to be an easy task.

5. Analysis of remuneration trends in some IRC's

In the Instruments of Collective Regulation that we observe - IRCs, we identify the following indicators, as an integral part of the pecuniary amount, variable or fixed, stipulated by law, for the workers abranged by the respective collective regulation.

The indicators observed are: categories, diuturnities (old), products of the company distributed free of charge, subsidy of bombeiro, command of equips, subsidy of fairs, subsidy of Natal, Avaliação de Desempenho, deslocações occasionais, premium of produtividade, old award, casamento, chamada award, insurance award (in the case of systematic relocations), lodging and food, transportation subsidy, night and shift work remuneration, prevention subsidy, continuous labor subsidy, falhas subsidy, infant subsidy / Mistress, student worker subsidy, risk subsidy, compensation / pre-marking of fairs, small lunch, assiduity premium, funeral and deficient filhos.

In all of the collective bargaining that we observe, we have been given to perceive that, in their case, the influence of two principles, two new remuneration systems, was verified, not only in reference to questions such as similar competences and skills. Regarding professional training, only does Portucel refer to it, stating that the company undertakes to provide training in accordance with the functions of the collaborator.

Verify-always update of salaries through two inflation indices. As careers are defined by functions, work stations and habilitações. You vary from 5 to 12 according to the sector. Every two snows it takes three steps. The lowest salary was € 475.82 and the highest salary was € 2367.82.

It is verified that the subsidies of student workers are significant and it is admitted that many two employees are not expected to be in the 9th year, but the subsidies are defined from the level “até ao 6th year”. Or subsidy for the highest maximum registered ensino - the values ​​are close to all, which is $ 32,670.00 - Portucel. O subsidy attached to the 6th year and approximately one tertiary do superior. Curiously, at most, two agreements express that the new hires should not be recruited as workers with less than 12th year or specific technical professional training.

As days or annuities continue to have some weight in our salaries, realizing that collective contracting continues to give great importance to old age. These days vary from 3 to 5 years and are tended for approximately 6 steps. Na Cimpor a worker will be able to see or his salary will go up in 150 € a year over 15 years only through the old variable.

There are also references to the 6% attendance subsidy and the 52% annual attendance premium.

The subsidies on duty têm a big weight us salários. It varies between 9 and 22% on the agreed base salary as the type of shifts.

In terms of the participated salary system, two agreements were issued for reference to a quarterly results award of 2% of the audited operating result with uniform distribution of two levels III to VII. Two agreements refer to product premiums of 6% on the total salary mass distributed that did not start every year and for three years.

After we have agreed, we verify that there is a continuing tendency to be a remuneration for classificação de functions or posto de trabajo. We verify the existence of prizes and some participated salaries.

We do not notice the existence of individualization of remuneration of a declaration of fringe-benefits, through social royalties, translated by life insurance, doença, supplement of reform, velhice and disability, marriage and funeral.

6. Conclusions

A retribution is a fundamental element of the individual work contract and is due to the availability of work force. It can be made in money, which is more common, but also possible to make in genres. It constitutes a direct worker guaranteed by contractual or normative title and constitutes a true entrepreneurial entity.

As a rule, the classical systems, or the salary based on the worker, supports the economy of the system. Reflect a hierarchical level of the worker. Tem, in principle, a defined development, career perspective and determines a level of life to the worker.

A retribution is related to internal and external causes to the organization. The internal causes are determined by the nature of the business and the entrepreneur, the ability to pay for the organization, the level of production and the workmanship and the demands of two unions. As causes external to the company that determine the salary or labor market, the government legislation, or custody of life, the industrial structure of the country and region, and the international economy.

From a sociological point of view, we note that the remuneration systems observe a very subtle labor market, with patronized policies on one side, and the unions on the other, to try, a confrontation between the interests and commitments of the parties.

On the one hand, the employer seeks to acquire the authority to sanction the worker's produtividade, in accordance with a foreseeable distributive justice. On the other hand, you are responsible for two unions seeking equal justice, assuming in this way, two fronts of different and not converging interests.

The salary groups represent, however, enormous disparities as a result of a balance of recognition of two individual or collective merits that are represented by a varied set of professional groups that are acquiring more or less negotiation skills.

A semelhança do that happens all over Europe, you workers in Portugal, we see your wages fixed by collective bargaining. This process does not include the Public Administration and Public Companies, since the negotiations involve the administrations, the guardianship bodies and the workers themselves. Portugal has a legal system that allows a greater intervention by the State, being able to issue ports of extension and regulation of work.

The most predominant content is collective labor agreements as well as salary tables. Note-I know that between 1982 and 1986 the collective agreements will enrich their contents with “other remunerations”, such as: food allowance, daytime payments, season tickets, and shift allowances - above all, these remunerations are worthy of registration, not this period, noting-it is a evolution, from then on for ca, our remuneration systems.

In practice, there are collective agreements that fix the minimum salary at the sectoral level. We note great differences between the conventional and effective salaries, which vary in function of two analysis criteria, noting a high salary dispersion, interactivities, tending to increase the highest qualifications.

At the State intervention, the establishment of rules that regulate the system of collective labor relations, the fixation of wages for two workers of the Public Administration, the fixation of the national minimum wage, and the fixation of rules with direct or indirect impact on evolution two nominal minimum salaries.

Even though it was criticized in the 70's, a social agreement seems to have turned, gone today, indispensible and uncontrollable, appearing as a new system of mediation between the various actors. From two years 90 onwards, trade union organizations and employers have demonstrated a desire to move, beginning to proliferate, and we find the private sector even in the presence of the government authorities.

In concert, it seems to be two possible paths for two social actors to participate in the political sphere. Its main objective will be to establish agreements and common actions of the economic and social forum, between the different visas.

A concertation turned into a form of social partnership, in such a way that conflicts of interest are placed, or are tempted to place, in integrative and complementary terms, in order to find convergences, establishing an arbitrage between the powers of each um and avoiding the old direct and dual confrontations that are established between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. From the point of view of remunerations, and not only, I acknowledge that the social agreement was given a different dimension to the combination of two interests of the parties.

In terms of the consideration of the first organization of two remuneration systems, we saw that the Taylorian organization conceives several forms, more systematic, of organizing or remuneration process. However, these remuneration systems will end up being very criticized in the United States and in Europe, by the trade unions that we will denounce to the agreement that was established between the workers.

Or method of qualification of functions or of work posts, which begins to be used by Fordist organizations, aims to make a profit or calculation of remunerations of bands of subjectivity or of employer arbitrariness, with a view to integrating a social security management, and in which be aware of the requirements of the function and the capacities of the owner.

Tem-se, in this method, by principle, that is remunerated a post of work or function in não an indivíduo. An appraisal must be made with a number of objective comparison charts that provide a perspective to the hierarchy of functions in the company.

You participate in salaries, fear if, in order to participate, the workers benefit us from the company. It is constituted as a great fashion based on the student's response from May 1968. This type of salary has an implicit idea, older than that or that it is posed to think about a priori judgment, which encourages participation between the capital work carried out through of a division two fruits gives economic activity.

With new trends in remuneration, we note that a large part of companies are beginning to opt for a flexible and differentiating remuneration policy, which is considered essential to stimulate and renew management. Your main objectives will be to conserve individual melhores, reward and encourage unwanted behaviors and competitions and respect the different characteristics of both individuals and groups. It is very important that this is perceived in a fair and transparent way.

The system of remuneration based on salaries subject to positions does not correspond to business needs and individual expectations, or it can cause great difficulties in times when war is fighting for the conquest of talents and very courageous.

A question that we do not start the work foi: or novo path of retribution seems to make no sense of individualization. What will your main benefits and benefits be?

The practice of remunerating for competencies and skills seems to be the most preferred and indicated path for analysts. But I have caused some problems, understood as perverse, as I say, difficult to establish how much each skill or competition is worth. Above all, the greater the difficulty and felt level of the definition of formulas to establish benchmarks for comparison in the labor market.

Some great vantage of two new systems, it seems to be, either to stimulate or continuous development of two professions and or to deepen their commitment to the company. Making the system simple, in its operational nature, it seems, however, not to be a task of easy execution.

When it comes to collective bargaining, it has been seen or your path is little more difficult as the paths of individualization of remuneration.

It seems to be perceived, through this study, that the organizations themselves are adapting to a system, that they want new, more outlines of systematization, and overly implementation, it is still defined as very imprecise, and it is perceived to exist of universal remuneration systems.

We understand that the new remuneration systems, caminham, have its basic principles, along with new social trends, widely disseminated and encouraged by new companies: individualization of questões and two problems.

We believe that, in our new systems, an important point not to lose sight of will be equitable and transparent of its structural design. This question becomes, in our opinion, as complex for organizations as for collective bargaining, and it can become a problem that generates conflicts and crises that are difficult to resolve in labor organizations.

To conclude, we will say that more than love for a camisole, the companies, seek to see, workers who adjust to their temporary needs, or that they may want to say, that the national economies must be attentive to the structures of remuneration of the organizations, which have ended. to determine as living conditions two seus cidadãos. We also note that as you increase the various plots, the remuneration can begin to decrease, considerably, the value of the amount of taxes paid to the State and these are essential to its existence.


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Negotiation concertação remuneração