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Peanut nougat production business in Cuba

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Peanut Nougat Producer in Pinar del Río.

OLMARAYI a product that the people of Pinar del Río have been tasting for decades, without losing its essence, today is recognized with a particular stamp. Right granted by the Cuban Office of Industrial Property.

Mario Luís Valdez Espinosa has been a self-employed worker since this category emerged in our country. With professional training Bachelor of Psychopedagogy, Mario, known to all as Mario Maní, is dedicated to making various nougat of this product and their quality is recognized among his colleagues.

He has done everything from peanuts, it is a business in which he went through all its varieties, perhaps without knowing it towards everything that today becomes his most important tools the knowledge of how the sale of peanuts works in Cuban culture and which ones they are the most liked varieties among the multitude of our streets.

What could he have done with the peanuts?

  • Sell ​​the famous peanut cones in the streets, made by someone else and with only 20 cents of profit… Later, make them personally for other vendors. He eats in the street, he told Mario that it was a possibility with greater prospects, he could distribute the nougat to the cafeterias and thus his product was multiplied by each person who would offer this service and who wanted to make a partnership with him. The workshop was one square meter, it could not be large productions, but the quality was not determined by the space, on the contrary it was the passport to its recognized prestige in this field, which today covers a large part of the Pinar del Río market, with greater resources greater sales,without losing the seal of Mario's nougat, today OLMARAYI nougat


The Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI). State body subordinate to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), responsible for the establishment of the legal regime, policy, management and management of Industrial Property in Cuba, as well as the provision of services inherent to the matter.

It has established a wide range of specialized services aimed at researchers, entrepreneurs, technicians, engineers, to provide them with the necessary tools that allow them the legal and adequate protection of new or improved products, processes, services, and also achieve their successful commercialization.

All this is possible thanks to the updating of the Cuban economic model, and the new context in which the non-state sector develops, the culture of services and the need to differentiate products for competition itself.

Let us remember that the Council of Ministers in Cuba approved a comprehensive industrial property policy that responds to the guidelines of the PCC, among other aspects.

A letter, according to the official newspaper Granma, reveals that industrial property acquires new dimensions and greater importance as a tool for managing imports, investments and scientific and technological development, both for state and non-state organizations.


If you stop your gaze for a moment, it does not stop being Mario, each consonant and vowel are present, but it is more than that reading, it is the product of everything that has truly been my life. My family, the closest… those at home… my wife, my 2 children, their names were the motivation. It was to achieve a label in which we were all in some way, the final product… the first syllable of each of our names. Ol Twine Ma rio Ra iko and Yi ra…

What benefits do you grant to

It is characteristic of my personality, in addition to using rich perfumes ha ha ha, wanting to know everything about the things I do, its scientific basis and that has allowed me to exchange in any type of scenario, with my professional colleagues and even with the producers of the field, it is only to adapt the language a little and that is enough, but the cognitive base if it has to be. And popular wisdom recognizes many qualities of peanuts, that is why I always study its properties and benefits, which in some way can be summarized as:

  • Its scientific name is: Arachis hypogaea Family: Fabaceae Due to the presence of abundant plant fiber, the ingestion of nuts causes a rapid transit of food through the digestive tract preventing constipation, intestinal diverticula or colon cancer. osteoporosis, a weakness of the bones due to lack of calcium. It also delays the absorption of sugars, delaying their absorption and releasing their energy progressively and thus avoid being converted into fat, preventing obesity. Due to its unsaturated fat content like omega three it prevents the increase in blood cholesterol and also favors intellectual effort due to its phosphorus content.People who eat nuts have a 20% lower rate of premature death from heart disease and various other causes.Improves cardiovascular health. Remember that heart disease is the second cause of death in our country.

Why the hat, why the colors of the OLMARAYI seal?

The hat has been used for more than two centuries mainly for special occasions, although its use for protection has already changed and is part of the national identity.

It is a unisex piece, it is used by both men and women as a defense against the cold or the sun and also as an ornament; in some cases it may indicate social differences.

The yarey hat, always used by Cuban peasants to protect themselves from the strong rays of the sun, is wide-brimmed, fresh, light, cheap and easy to make. In the bush, the mambises also wore that hat with a difference: the front brim turned upwards and in this place, a cockade with the national insignia, all those things are in some way in my product, from the field to the consumption of the nougat.

The colors are divided into: primary colors such as red, blue and yellow (so called since they cannot be obtained by combining or mixing others), and the so-called secondary colors (violet, green and orange), called secondary because are precisely obtained by mixing or combining the aforementioned primary colors

Hence, OLMARAYI starts with red and ends with green ha ha ha. Understand that the raw material is Peanuts. The fruit is red. And later sugar and a bit of my secret give the delicious OLMARAYI nougat that is tasted in pinar del Rio that goes with the green color in all its settings the green of the tobacco the green of the ball the green of Viñales and its mogotes the green of the plant that bears my dried fruit.

Depending on your tonal trend, you will have different sensations about the same color, it is only a matter of creating the sensation you want and depending on the combination of tones, some colors are easily associated, so they can give identity to it.

Something very important, already knowing the importance of color to cause sensations to your users, is to know what sensation each color produces in the psyche of people.

It is important to clarify that the texture of the hat is made up of real photos of the different types of nougat, hence its variety.

Because industrial property was part of the objectives to be achieved in this field as a state-owned producer?

The fundamental cause of the changes and transformations that, as I had written before, is undergoing our economic model and the possibilities that self-employed workers have today, recognizing that making money legally is still difficult, but it is peace of mind with oneself worth paying for. Also today, everything I need for my nougats is for free sale there is no difficulty in acquiring them and I believe that the people deserve that the results of the work are available to everyone and I am not only talking about my product but about a group of results that are found today in self-employed workers who solve the life of the Cuban, an innovator par excellence and with a creativity that is to be recognized.

Name: Lic. Mario Luís Valdez Espinosa.

Address: Km 3 ½ Alturas de la Coloma № 2. Distribution Alturas de la Coloma. Pinar del Río Municipality and Province. Republic of Cuba, CP 20100.

Profession: Graduate in Psychopedagogy, Current performance self-employed.

Peanut Nougat production business in Cuba

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Peanut nougat production business in Cuba