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Neuro-ethics in social reality. test

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In our environment, we find countless ethical, social and legal problems associated with the development of neurosciences and the application of its techniques, will, decision-making, biological bases of personality, and self-awareness; These processes are part of scientific knowledge, which brain scholars call: neuro-science.

This branch of study is analyzed and studied by physicians within the field of neurology.


Ethics is the science that studies the attitudes, behaviors, conducts, where each human being, man, woman, child or adult, reacts differently to the stimuli of the environment and of the society where it operates.

It is worth asking ourselves, if these behaviors or behaviors have some scientific explanation, or are they only isolated cases where each individual applies or interprets their own moral judgment, believing that what we do is the right or wrong thing, or we simply seek to satisfy our own needs. and expectations at the expense of other people.


Neuro, ethical, reality, social


We will approach this essay with an ethical approach, applied to the social reality in which we live without losing sight of the behavior of neurons, in order to enter the study of neuro-ethics. We will deal with separate topics covered in the keywords, and finally we will analyze their importance in the current era.


With the meaning of nerve, it serves to form words related to the nervous system. ("Neuro" nf).

This term is defined as a prefix of Greek origin, with the Spanish variation that covers all words and expressions, related to a fiber or axon in the form of a thread called a nerve, likewise, its diseases and characteristics, very common in the branch Of medicine. (definition, September 14, 2017)

The prefix neuro, helps us to indicate that a topic is related to the nervous system, its characteristics and applications.


The term ethics comes from the Greek word ethos, which originally meant "home", "place where you live" and which ended up pointing to the

Peculiar and acquired "character" or "way of being" of someone; custom (mos-moris: morality).

Ethics has an intimate relationship with morality, so much so that even the two areas are quite often confused. At present, ethics has been diversifying, it is the set of norms that come from within and morality is the norms that come from outside; that is, of society (concept definition, 2015).

The human being has freedom, that is, he is the owner of his actions. Anyone can decide between doing good or evil. Justice is the science that regulates the social order in order to punish those unjust actions, which deserve a sanction. Ethics is linked to the morality that governs the correct action.

Ethics is marked by norms that are the basis for differentiating between good and evil, one of the philosophical themes par excellence. ("Ethics", nf).

From our point of view, ethics helps us in daily life to make judgments of the good or bad of our attitudes and behaviors, it is the basis of the work and social life of human beings, in our coexistence environment.


Javier del Arco (2010), refers that William Safire defines Neuro-ethics as «the examination of what is correct and incorrect, good and bad, in the treatment, either clinical, surgical or both, of the human brain. Or also the alarmingly unwanted invasion and manipulation of the human brain. '

We have seen that the subject of the brain has given great expectations and has become part of the conversations, according to President George Bush (1990) who says that in the years 1990 - 2000 they were called the decade of the brain.

The topic of neuro-ethics is a very broad topic because it does not have an exact definition, since in certain articles, neuro-ethics talks about decision-making, will, biological bases and self-awareness.

We cannot really define neuro-ethics, but we can speculate that it arises for the purpose of studying the relationship between the brain and the personality of human beings in our environment.


Neuroscience is a discipline that includes many sciences that deal with studying, from an inter, multi and transdisciplinary point of view, the structure and functional organization of the Nervous System “particularly of the Brain” (“Neuroscience”, nf).

Neuroscientists investigate the different aspects that make up the nervous system: its structure, functions, pathologies, and molecular bases. Likewise, this discipline analyzes the existing interactions between the different dimensions of the human brain, since all of them serve to understand the biological foundations of behavior. (Javier Navarro, 09/17/2010).

Neuro-ethics and neuroscience are closely related, because they both study the so-called “mind-brain” problem, and they necessarily imply solving ethical problems.

This discipline tries to decipher and understand the mysteries of the brain and how they lead us to have different behaviors. Study the different elements of our nervous system and the interaction between them, and how they mark our behaviors. Neuroscience itself is multiple branches that are part of the same tree, because unless it relies on other disciplines, we would not be able to know how our nervous system is constituted and much less, know the reason for our behaviors.

In a classical way, Bioethics can be defined as: "the systematic study of human behavior in the field of life sciences and health care, examined in the light of values ​​and moral principles" (Encyclopedia of Bioethics).

Accordingly, to the above we realize that bioethics goes hand in hand with neuroethics, since the behavior of human beings is under moral and ethical judgment, always with the purpose of making the best decision.


"Reality is what happens in a true or certain way, as opposed to what belongs to the realm of fantasy, imagination or illusion. The real, therefore, is what actually exists ” ( Pérez and Gardey, 2015).

The above tells us that reality is what really happens in our life and not in our mind, it is what happens good or bad, we have to assume it and solve it in the best way under good judgment.


“From the Latin sociālis, social, is that belonging to or relative to society. Let us remember that society is understood as the set of individuals who share the same culture and who interact with each other to form a community ”(Pérez and Merino, 2009).


Neuro-ethics in social reality, we come to the conclusion that this is a part of the human being, it is of being or not being, it involves, as the word says, ethical judgments, this is knowing that what we do can have a negative part or consequences, that with the facts carried out would put us in doubt if we are really a thinking being, and that according to our knowledge would not be appropriate, since neuro-ethics itself is more a concept about decisions that we must make, about things or thoughts to support. It is very curious because it is like a science that we think is derived from neuroscience, why? Because they are sciences in charge of brain research, how it is and since to study a brain as such is needed, it is not feasible to do it with a person or it is not ethical, since for now it is not something common,Neuro-ethics are judgments and decisions that we make to determine whether we are doing good or bad, always with the purpose of making the best decision in any dilemma.


In the time that we have been addressing this issue, we have come to the conclusion that in some cases, we apply the principles of neuro-ethics, perhaps without knowing it, since in our daily lives we have to make good or bad decisions, in our environment we can see multiculturalism and we can also notice that we are participants in it, that is why we enter into decision-making dilemmas, because we seek our own well-being but, we must take into account that these do not affect other people to achieve a healthy coexistence in society.


  • ABIMAD. (sf). Obtained from ABIMAD: https://www.abimad.org/documentaci%C3%B3n-portemas/1-bio%C3%A9tica-general-y-deontolog%C3%ADa/bio%C3%A9tica-una-nuevadefinici% C3% B3n / Arco, JD (November 9, 2010). Trends 21. Obtained from Trends 21: http://www.tendencia21.net/biofilosofia/Neuroetica-I-Introduccion_a59.htmlArco, JD (November 9, 2010). Trends 21. Obtained from Trends 21: http://www.tendences21.net/biofilosofia/Neuroetica-I-Introduccion_a59.html Concept definition.de. (August 2, 2015). Obtained from Concept definition.de: http://conceptdefinition.de/etica/ Definition. (sf). Obtained from Definition: https://definicion.mx/etica/ Definition.org. (sf). Obtained from http://www.definicion.org/neuro- Definiciona. (September 14, 2017). Obtained from Definiciona: https://definiciona.com/neuro/Navarro, J.(September 17, 2010). Definition ABC. Obtained from ABC Definition: https://www.definicionabc.com/?s=Human Neurocapital Neuroscience. (sf). Obtained from Human Neurocapital: http://www.neurocapitalhumano.com.ar/shop/otraspaginas.asp?paginanp=219Porto, JP, & Gardey, A. (2015). Definition of. Obtained from Definition.de: https://definicion.de/realidad/Porto, JP, & Merino, M. (sf).
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Neuro-ethics in social reality. test