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Niif on leadership and effective organizational performance



This paper: "Possible application of IFRS in doctoral research on Study of the impact of the exercise of leadership competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) on effective organizational performance": It constitutes an update exercise on the scope, content and application of the International Financial Information and Auditing Standards, together with the reflective analysis of its possible relationship and application to the author's doctoral research work, as well as it will serve as a basis for possible professional recommendations to be developed within the framework of the author's organizational consultative work.

The contents of several publications shared as part of the collection of the subject Information Systems and Financial Auditing and other materials managed by the author were taken as a basis, in the course of the thematic investigation, seeking to land the theory to real practical experiences of its application.


We will take as a basic reference the problem definition of the author's doctoral research:

Currently there is a high amount of studies, research, and publications related to the topic of leadership in all its breadth; the styles; the exercise of its influence; the characteristics and skills of effective leaders; techniques to implement leadership processes and their impact on human talent; the concepts and scope of problems; the strategies and techniques for solving them; the tools; change processes and their implementation, participation and resistance reduction techniques; and the methodologies for designing improvement projects in organizations, etc. have allowed the author to identify the different concepts. However, in practice, in order to integrate all these elements; the insufficiency of arguments that comprehensively address the phenomenon is perceived and, therefore,the lack of a comprehensive theory or model that allows us to fully answer the problem and facilitate the answer to the research question.

There is no lack of information, on the contrary, what is missing, in the author's opinion, is the “interlining or fabric” that unites and links the arguments, analyzes them comprehensively and provides proven methodological suggestions to improve the implementation of the leadership phenomenon associated with competencies, as a means of directly impacting organizational performance.

I verify that within these leadership competencies, of course that related to the analysis of information and financial auditing by leaders is essential to improve their performance.


The increasingly evident need, given the current characteristics of the global organizational context; to significantly increase competitiveness through the quality of leadership and its influence on effective business performance; It deserves to study in depth its integral behavior and its scope; in order to demonstrate the importance of strengthening the acquisition and implementation of leadership competencies, as a way to improve the effective performance of organizations, through the positive influence of their leaders.

Reflecting on the theoretical framework analyzed as part of the Seminar on International Information Systems and Financial Auditing, we verify and ratify our perception of the important need to strengthen the competencies of leaders, related to the domain of financial particularities from an updated international perspective, that allow them to analyze and question the proper formulation and interpretation of the data generated in their income statements and other economic-financial reports, as a way to draw proactive strategies that increase the quality and comprehensiveness of the exercise of their leadership and at the same time ensure more effective organizational performance.

We believe that not only the Manager or Financial or Accounting Director of a company should know, interpret and efficiently implement the aforementioned competencies; Instead, first of all, the General Manager or Director, together with the members of the Board, even when they are not experts, must master financial skills in a basic way.

Generalizing these perceptions in the business sector will be useful and beneficial

Which will allow organizational leaders:

  • Develop skills to analyze audit results in their relationship and impact with the area they lead Adequately interpret the statistics and financial results of their organization Draw specific strategies in their respective areas to support and implement the decisions proposed by the specialized area Generate a synergy of results from a comprehensive perspective and improvement approaches. Lead the organization to a level of economic and financial effectiveness from a proactive, comprehensive and intelligent action of its top leaders.


When we carry out an investigation we ask ourselves many questions and it is obvious that, if there were previous answers, or rather if we had anticipated clarity of the necessary answers, it would not be necessary to investigate.

And in the same way, the breadth of available information notably hinders and at the same time facilitates the purpose for those of us who are beginning to enter this investigative path.

However, asking specific questions will guide this process; in addition to the inference that the research object is necessary and it is worth collecting relevant information, analyzing it and being able to contribute modestly on our part, some application of the resulting knowledge.

We will ask ourselves in the research: There is a possibility of application of the NIFF in the doctoral research on Study of the impact of the exercise of leadership competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) on effective organizational performance "

It is intended to analyze the possible interactive relationship between the conditions (possession and possibility of implementation) of the leadership competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and the performance resulting from their impact, in organizations in this case considering the application

And in this specific case, we would try to analyze how the development of skills for the application and interpretation of financial information and audit systems could influence the quality of effective performance of leaders, through a greater degree of awareness of effectiveness and timeliness. of the accounting and financial strategies and decisions that are made in the organizations with which we interact professionally.


Assess the possible impact of the development of interpretation skills for financial information and auditing systems, which strengthen leadership and the conditions for their implementation, on the effective performance of the organization O.


  • Evaluate the current domain of interpretation competencies of the information systems and financial auditing of the leaders of the organization where we will develop the case study Develop a training based on the identified needs Check in the development of the management meetings of the organization, the quality of the Interventions and proposals of strategies of their leaders Follow up on the problem in the analysis of the results of the organization Formally feedback to the Council on the results that are achieved, identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as roles of their leaders Systematically update the Council on changes in international standards and your possible relationship with the company



Due to the complexity and breadth of the subject we will try to approach a synthesis of the consulted materials, contributing our interpretation of them.

  1. We consider valid as an introductory purpose; Due to its relationship with the topic that we develop, rescue the approaches expressed by Díaz-Lorrabaquio, (2016 a: 3-11) . Where the particularities of adoption of IFRS in logistics services are related, starting with a detailed explanation of the basic concepts:

The generation of financial information, through Financial Reporting Standards (NIF) or International Standards (IFRS), in each of the elements of the supply chain, are the raw material for the CEOs, owners and / or boards of management in decision making. ….Each of the elements of the supply chain should add value to the activities to achieve adequate levels of quality and service. ….For many years, the person responsible for issuing the accounting standard in our country was the Accounting Principles Commission of the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos A. C; However, as of June 2004, in accordance with the global trend, the CINIF assumes responsibility for the issuance of accounting regulations.

The logistics company must be within the accounting framework referred to in this section through the supplementation that we will point out later with the International Financial Reporting Standards and that allows evaluating the business lines, in the elements that participate in the supply chain. On the other hand, it is the obligation of taxpayers in Mexico, in accordance with tax provisions, to keep accounting, and they must keep it at the disposal of the tax authorities; based on the Fiscal Code of the Federation and its Regulations.

Regarding the international context, there are numerous references that show the relevance that the Accounting Conceptual Framework has for the IASB, in the absence of a rule or interpretation that specifically applies to a transaction; Management should use its judgment to develop and apply an accounting policy. When preparing this judgment, management must use as sources of information the definitions, recognition criteria and valuation concepts for assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The Financial Statements must reasonably present the financial situation, financial performance and cash flows of an entity; They must also faithfully present the effects of transactions and other events in accordance with the definitions and criteria of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, established by the IASB's Conceptual Framework.

….The accounting regulations have tried to find an adequate theoretical support to support the accounting practice and to conceptually guide the issuance of particular standards, thereby discarding approaches based merely on experience, use or custom.

The search for an adequate theoretical support to issue accounting regulations has increased notably (contained in the conceptual frameworks in the international arena). Joining this trend, the CINIF undertook the task of updating the theoretical foundations expressed in the Bulletins of series A “Basic accounting principles”, issued by the Accounting Principles Commission (CPC) of the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (IMCP), attending to the needs that the global economy has generated in the entities that issue financial information. Convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards.

The structure of the FRS presented in this Standard is similar to that of the IFRS issued by the IASB, since these are also made up of conceptual standards and particular standards.


… Accounting produces information that is essential for the administration and development of entities and, therefore, processes the operations carried out by the entity and groups data and information for the use of the administration and of the people within the entity who take decisions. For this purpose, financial statements are prepared to present a summary of the relevant and fundamental financial aspects for the organization. This information is extended to third parties interested in the development of the same entity.


The financial information that emanates from accounting is quantitative information, expressed in monetary and descriptive units, that shows the position and financial performance of an entity, and whose essential objective is to be useful to the general user in making their economic decisions. Its fundamental manifestation are the financial statements.

It is essentially focused on providing information that allows evaluating the performance of the entity, as well as providing elements of judgment to estimate the future behavior of cash flows, among other aspects.

The multiplicity of participants in the economic activity and their diversity of interests determine that the financial information is of use and applies to be useful for the different interested parties. From this point of view, the Mexican Council for Financial Information Standards (CINIF) issues the NIFs that serve as the basis for entities to prepare financial information that meets the common needs of a wide variety of users.

II. As expressed in the presentation of IFAC International Federation of Accountants, (2015: ppt 1-5) that highlights the transcendent importance of strategic thinking in decision-making in the accounting profession as well as other topics of interest.

The phrase of Choudhury, F, Executive Director of IFAC: “The point of the need for strategic thinking that meets the accounting profession, is the nexus that good decision making helps to strengthen organizations and promote economies, in the public interest. ”- demonstrates the significance and importance of professional accounting in the global economy and its contribution to society

The article demonstrates the incorporation of Accountants to the fastest growing areas of the world economy. IFAC as a global Association announced that it had reached the number of professional accountants represented by our 175+ member organizations in more than 130 countries and 2.84 million jurisdictions.

The outlook for meeting the strong global demand for professional accountants is highly encouraging.

The report highlights the importance of professional accountants to growing economies and compares the growth of the profession with the growth of total employment in the regions. It also indicates how the global profession is embedded in the whole of society: in public practice, business and industry, the public sector and academia. The landscape shows a profession in demand, growing and making significant contributions to all areas of society.

The growth of the profession is an indicator of your resilience in good times and bad and a strong message for young people, considering career options. Trust, Credibility, and Competent Professional Accountants are value integrators who offer strategic advice and make sense of changing regulatory landscapes, regardless of economic conditions.

The global profession is rooted in all of society: in public practice, business and industry, the public sector, and academia. The landscape shows a profession in demand, growing and making significant contributions to all areas of society.

The reasons for the growth of members to IFAC are related to:

Profession to high-quality international standards, including a code of ethics for professional accountants and statements of member obligations and statements of member obligations (SMOs) that IFAC member organizations adhere to and that place the public interest at the heart of the professional accountants to reach


1.- IFAC Professional Accounting Organizations (PAOs) grow organically

The number of professional accountants who are members of the IFAC PAO grew 16%, from 2.4 1 million.

2.- Europe is still the largest region; Africa and the Middle East experienced the highest growth

Africa and the Middle East had the smallest number, but experienced the most significant growth in the period: 25%.

3.- IFAC PAOs grew faster than the growth of employment Total

Significantly exceeded total employment growth in all but one region. In developed economies, IFAC PAOs grew 20%,

4.- There is a great opportunity in Global accounting

They represent only a third of those working in accounting-related fields around the world.

5.- Accountants are integrated into society

They work in business and industry, the public sector and academia; a little over 45% work in public practice.


The organization constantly asks itself how to continue to improve its position and results and proposes:

  • Maintain and improve the profession in full value

There are a significant number of people working within or parallel to the accounting profession around the world

What else can be done to promote the distinctive characteristics of an accounting professional?

  • Better articulate the value of accountants in society

They work in the public sector, in business and industry, and in academia, as well as in public practice. These accountants add value to organizations and communities and support global economic stability.

  • Who successfully compete for the best talents

IFAC PAOs Membership Growth has outpaced total employment growth in almost all regions of the world.

III. Taking into account the presentation of IFAC International Federation of Accountants (2015: ppt 1-5) where the positive impact of the accounting profession and other matters of interest is analyzed:

IFAC members will continue to grow organically

Earlier this year, IFAC announced that the number of professional accountants represented by our more than 175 member organizations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions reached 2.84 million. The study found a strong correlation between the number of accountants working in economies with GDP per capita, and an even stronger index correlated with the Development Program, which measures indicators, including life expectancy, years of schooling and income.

The impact of the profession on decision-making is decisive for the improvement of living standards and the health, well-being and prosperity of nations and their citizens.

The report also estimates that the Global Ecology of Accounting - including Members of IFAC Professional Accounting Organizations (PAOs), as well as individuals who identify their roles as accountants or accountants - contributes more than half a billion US dollars. annually to the economy. Of this amount, IFAC PAO Members contribute almost 43%.

These measures highlight economic stability and growth at multiple levels throughout society. Accountants contribute significantly to the sustainability of small, medium and large organizations, to capital markets, enables management of public finances and public services, and ultimately to outstanding economic prosperity.

Beyond that direct contribution, accountants play an important role in global society that enables production and growth in economic sectors. The profession makes the largest economic contributions especially in Europe and North America. Other regions of the world offer an opportunity to contribute more to the global economy. IFAC and its organizations are active members in capacity building and development of the profession.In those regions, this study has identified trends, opportunities and challenges for the profession, including: The critical role of professional accountants in the global economy, and its economic contribution to society.

IFAC and the accounting profession must continue to work with governments, policy makers, regulators, businesses and the public so that the profession's contribution to businesses, communities is recognized and developed.

The global economic contribution of persons defined as accountants by statistics, but not affiliated with an IFAC PAO, is $ 327 billion. This figure highlights a significant opportunity for the global profession to be even more coordinated and impactful, thereby further contributing to economic growth and prosperity.

Economic development, measured by Product (GDP) per capita, is strongly correlated to the proportion of accountants in the labor force. The correlation is strongest among emerging economies, and weakest among less developed economies. Professional accountants support economic growth by promoting transparency and efficiency. Their work is crucial to creating and sustaining the investment and climate necessary to improve productivity and economic development. And as economies grow, they are able to move into higher value-added activities through better education and stronger institutions, increasing the prevalence of the service sector, particularly professional services.

  1. As we can appreciate the article by Mantilla-Blanco, (2007: 124-161) where we observe the differences between GAAP and IFRS as well as the effects and benefits of their use:

The GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) are a set of general rules and standards that accounting guide to formulate criteria regarding the measuring and heritage information property and economic elements of an entity.

The generally accepted accounting principles and financial reporting standards (NIF) are a set of general rules that serve as a guide to formulate accounting criteria relating to the measurement of the assets and information of heritage and economic elements of an entity. GAAP are parameters so that the preparation of financial statements is based on uniform methods of accounting technique

What are the effects or qualities of GAAP?

  • They must be reasonable and practical in their application They must produce equitable and understandable results They must be applicable under varying circumstances They must be capable of being uniformly observed They must produce comparable results from period to period and between companies They must be adjusted to generally accepted results that support accounting principles in general IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), also known by its acronym in English as IFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards), are technical accounting standards adopted by the IASB, a private institution based in London. These standards should be applied to all financial statements in general. As well as any other accounting information that a for-profit institution has. These may have industrial, financial, commercial or other activities. In this way, clients, lenders, the general public and any related person can be used to make the correct economic decision.

Benefits of using IFRS

First, any financial information to be compared under the same parameter is improved. Obstacles to the flow of capital are eliminated and the cost of statistics and information is lower. In turn, it improves credit risk analysis and optimizes business competition, among other actions.

They are not an accounting system and less a software that does the work of the accountant. The latter must always apply their knowledge and experiences in the application of these standards in the preparation and preparation of financial statements. Systems help and facilitate operational work, but criteria and standards are applied by people.

Accounting reforms

At present, a reality that can be seen in almost everyone is the implementation of substantive accounting reforms, aimed at guaranteeing the highest quality, bearing in mind that economic and social stability is at stake.

Such reforms are based on four fundamental principles:

  • checks and balances, from a rule-based system to a principle-based system, public interest; and transparency

As López de Sa, (2003: 71-85) expresses us: That it deals with the historical differences and accounting conceptions between the European and North American schools in terms of norms and the appearance of a neo-patrimonialist proposal in Brazil

It was thus that in 1840 (barely ten years after the first edition of the aforementioned work by Comte), the brilliant Italian Francesco Villa, lectured following that direction of positive thinking:

“Full knowledge of the registration and maintenance of accounts is an art for those who compute (keep books), but it is not enough for an accountant… who is not limited only to keeping books, but also censors the provision of accounts that such books must be extracted, without which there could not be a judgment criterion of the results of an administration, nor the nature of this, the details, the norms, the laws, nor the adequacy that governs them be known ”.

What the aforementioned intellectual tried to demonstrate was the clear difference between the function of recording to inform and that of knowing what that information means.

European intellectuals, going beyond what was traditionally done, built a whole scientific structure, through their own methods.

….What was just a “practice” was transformed into an organized knowledge about the phenomena of an aggregate in motion that aims to supply the needs of the enterprises (heritage).

The foundations of the European accounting schools with a scientific vocation

From the early 19th century to the first decades of the second half of the 20th century, great schools of accounting scientific thought flourished in Europe.

Europe, consequently, seriously developed a vast theoretical and logical matter, remaking them only a few decades ago, due to pressure from the United States, which practically imposed its pragmatic rules, having as vehicles of action, basically financial and multinational institutions audit, powerful companies with very high turnover.

… From the beginning of the 20th century they were aware that the registers were only instruments of memory that in isolation they represented little.

They studied the phenomena, starting from observations and considered the accounting record as an instrument only for the "memory of events." They had divergences regarding the nature of the research objects (and this was what characterized the scientific currents), but, in the development of the matter, they were extraordinary in coherent conceptual constructions on the heritage reality.

The foundations of the American school

In the first half of the 20th century, what existed in that country was a great variety of recording and demonstration methods, and a few valuable books that tested theories such as those of Paton, Kester and Finney.

Instead of accelerating the scientific movement, starting with the theorists, what was preferred was to organize guild institutions, through which, from the beginning of the 20th century, the "Principles" and "Procedures" began to be established. ”Of records.

Meanwhile, the regime employed followed an empirical line, eminently pragmatic in nature, concerned only with recording and reporting

They sought what was convenient for the users and not the truth that they should have the duty to preserve.

The concern then, from the beginning and throughout the training course of the so-called "American school" or "American school" was the capital market and not the scientific study of the facts that relate to individualized wealth.

For their part, "research programs" without a basic theory of orientation (all research needs a theory to guide it, without which it becomes disorder) were not very fruitful from the logical point of view, and this led in 1961, to a new organization by the entities.

The bases of the neo-patrimonialist proposal as a scientific current of Brazilian origin

Under the aegis of the logical criterion, the "Theory of the Systemic Functions of Heritage" emerged from the social cells, a doctrine that fed my "General Theory of Accounting Knowledge", from which "neo patrimonialism" was derived.

“In my concern to determine the influence of sets of phenomena, I structured the Theory of Cost Limits (concluded in 1959) of Dynamic Liquidity (concluded in 1961), of Capital Equilibrium (concluded in 1963) of Systematic Functions (concluded in 1985) from which the “General Accounting Knowledge” was derived (concluded in 1991).

From my reflections I logically deduced that there were certain correlations in which heritage phenomena occurred, that speed was relevant in the production of events, that there were definite relationships between limits and the circulations of values. Finally, I understood that it was important to know what produces the phenomena, that is, the “agent causes” .

As Laínez, Callao and Jarne tell us, (2003: 500-590) where they reflect what is related to the cost-benefit in the application of financial regulation: Where they indicate the procedures for the primary adoption of IFRS.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued in June 2003 what is intended to be a guide for the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 1 for those entities that wanted or were forced to comply for the first time with said standards in the preparation of its financial statements (an updated list of these can be seen in Annex 1). This standard replaces Interpretation SIC 8, approved in 1998, in which the IASB (at that time IASC) tried to solve some of the problems that appeared as a result of said adoption and, specifically:

  1. how the financial statements of the company should be prepared and presented in the year in question how the transitional provisions established in IFRS (and in their interpretations) should be applied to the balances of the accounts that existed prior to the date of entry in force of IFRS (and its Interpretations).

In essence, SIC 8 required the company that applied IFRS for the first time to prepare its financial statements as if they had always been prepared with the IFRS and Interpretations in force in that year, the IFRS:

  1. includes very specific exemptions to avoid costs that are likely to exceed the benefits to users of financial statements, as well as a small number of other exceptions that are for practical reasons; clarifies that the entity will apply the latest version of the IFRS specifies how the estimates made according to IFRS by whoever applies them for the first time are related to the estimates made for the same date according to previously applied accounting principles; it specifies that the transitory provisions of other IFRS are not applicable by whoever is applying them. applying for the first time requires disclosure of more information about the transition to IFRS.

An entity's first IFRS financial statements, as well as its interim financial information for a part of the period covered by such financial statements, contain high-quality information that:

  1. it is transparent to users and comparable for all periods presented; it provides an adequate starting point for accounting under IFRS; it can be generated at a cost that does not exceed the benefits provided to users.

As raised by Simpson, Meeks, Klumpes, and (2000: 5-47). Occasional Paper Series 12. FSA Financial Services Authority.

On September 17, 1999, the Financial Services Authority held a seminar entitled "Cost-Benefit Issues in Financial Regulation." This seminar was part of the preparations for the FSA for the management of their new responsibilities for the cost-benefit analysis in the Services and Markets Law.

This seminar was developed by the authors of this document and assisted the FSA in formulating its cost-benefit analysis policy in a large number of aspects. These include the importance of establishing a cost-benefit analysis in a broader economic context, possible approaches to benefits, and the need to carefully distinguish between regulatory impacts across stakeholder group resources versus stakeholder groups. the real economy. In that regard, some useful insights were produced which are mentioned in this short summary.

This document was structured based on the presentation of three speakers (David Simpson, Geoff Meeks and Paul Klumpes). The seminar begins with interviews of those attending the seminar and the discussions that took place there. Each speaker was responsible for their interviews, which they subsequently wrote and edited.

David Simpson's presentation had four main axes. He explained some of the problems consumers face in the financial services retail market. He suggests that regulation is not the optimal solution to many of these problems. He continued his presentation, with the definition of an operational concept of "Competition", as a process of continuous interaction over time between buyers and sellers within the financial market. In addition, he criticized the use of cost-benefit analysis as a means to determine how markets behave according to the assumptions of the neoclassical equilibrium model, on which the technique is based.

He further said that, however, those who insist on the adequacy of the neoclassical model and its insurmountable difficulty in theory, cannot say what the effect of partial changes can affect the long-term equilibrium and neither can account potential cumulative or unexpected effects of regulation.

Geoff Meeks's presentation referred to the cost-benefits of accounting regulation. He placed greater emphasis on the inability shown by some accounting regulations to comply with his Accounting Standards policy for cost-benefit analysis.

He mentioned that the flaws in accounting regulations are for technical reasons. He suggested strategies in which it would be easier to observe and evaluate the benefits of accounting regulation than to analyze the costs first.

Paul Klumpes' presentation refers to competition among lobbyists for influencing financial services regulation in the case of pension companies across the UK. Note that competition between lobbyists influencing politics could reconcile opposing views that exist in government regulation, correcting market failure and favoring the politically powerful. He uses the case of pension regulation to demonstrate the wide variety of costs and benefits that can arise for different interest groups, drawing attention to possible political consequences.

VIII. We add a theoretical summary of IFRS as well as its behavior in Latin America According to the Inter-American Organization of Economic Sciences OICE. (2013). Retrieved on 02-05-2017 from WWW. IFRS -140831195806PHPAPP02.


The International Financial Reporting Standards correspond to a unique set of legally enforceable and globally accepted, understandable and high quality standards based on clearly articulated principles; that require that financial statements contain comparable, transparent and high-quality information that helps investors, and other users, to make economic decisions.

SOME IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THE FRS The term Accounting is replaced by that of financial information.

  • IFRS is a matter of accounting quality and transparency of financial information, rather than a new accounting framework. They are based mostly on principle and not on rules, which increases the professional judgment that management and the entity's financier should use. The IFRS could be comparable to a high quality accounting standard, where what matters is information for financial purposes and not only legal requirements. More than a new accounting framework or accounting model, it is a good practice in terms of financial information. IFRS are not designed to make tax cuts,Therefore, it is necessary for the tax authorities of the country to clearly leave the bases on which an entity must calculate its income tax and the capital values ​​for which it must declare its assets and liabilities, although it is possible that tax authorities are based in IFRS to make tax policies, tax legal requirements should not affect the presentation of financial information that is presented to users


  • The international market driven by globalization has provided a large flow of foreign investment to savings. Consequently, accounting must reproduce the information understandable to investors in order to assist them in making financial decisions. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) seek to mitigate accounting asymmetries in the world and allow comparability of the information produced by Today, more than 130 countries are in the process of applying international financial reporting standards. Latin America is included in this process, seeing the importance of the adoption of standards.


  • Globalization, in addition to allowing financing and investment possibilities, has an impact on the opening of capital markets around the world. This fact has been transcendental to increase the importance and implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS from now on).In Latin America we are at a crucial moment in the history of accounting, since in 2009 and 2010 the first financial statements under IFRS were published in Chile and Brazil; For their part, in Argentina and Mexico said issuance began in the first quarter of 2012.

In practice, it is necessary to find a balance between the aforementioned characteristics to adequately meet the needs of general users and thereby meet the objectives of financial statements. The qualitative characteristics of the financial statements are established in greater detail in NIF A-4, Qualitative characteristics of the financial statements.

As expressed (Díaz- Lorrabaquio, 2016 b: 3-11) Where it shows us the Results achieved as part of a Project in the Company OR with the application of IFRS.

The board of directors authorized the investment for the implementation of ORABLE-EBS, and its main advantages include the following:

  • Financial information is available virtually online.  Double capture is avoided and information integrity is maintained. The controls inherent to the system allow for better risk management, due to the links in the different modules (GL / General ledger; AP / Accounts payables; AR / Accounts Receivable; Fixed assets, Purchases) and with the various masters (customers, suppliers, materials, etc.). Efficient flow of transactions to collection, payment and registration. Development of cost centers that allow associating the profit centers that the commercial management maintains with the entity's customers. The benefits of the software are maximized throughout the organization, as it is not limited to a certain number of companies, it is applicable for the entire group. The importance of data management generates information,that linked is what really allows adequate decision-making.

The primary objective, when associating the income accounts with the expenditure accounts, is to improve the income statement previously presented; very important to consider the consolidated reporting system that we have implemented; The evolution of the referred analysis is presented below.

It has been essential to maintain an integral business model that allows consolidating financial information, respecting the analysis of the information of the logistics company considering the corporate interest.

How can you support the implementation of cost and expense analysis techniques in a company that provides logistics services, through financial information by business line (segments)?

The implementation of the correct analysis techniques in the financial information in the logistics company, allows to evaluate the viability and profitability of the particular project.

How can the implementation of analysis tools in a logistics company be economically capitalized, and in the results of the organization?

With the results obtained, cost subsidies for each profit center will be avoided; From the analysis we carried out, we confirmed that the assignment was not the best, the changes were made and in several cases we returned with clients to improve rates, and in some others, it was decided to cancel the business line.

How can the implementation of best practices add value to the organization?

The implementation of best practices allows to better manage the risks of the organization, which although it is true are not eliminated, if they allow to keep them visible and managed.

How through the capitalization of the implementation the quality of the service is improved?

With the redefinition of the information by segments, and taking advantage of the concepts of the diploma, we made an analysis of Premium clients, for us all clients are very important, however, there are some who, from the definition of their rate, require and pay a privileged service.

How the organization can optimize its resources by taking advantage of the implementation of best practices?

The effort has been decided to carry out for the entire organization, which will require establishing an alternative work program. We reached the conclusion that the implementation of this project will allow us to become more efficient, contain the complex times that lie ahead due to exchange rate volatility and turbulence in the national and international political environment.

It is also important to consider, as we referred to earlier, that Oracle (our ERP system) allows:

  • Improve visibility of critical business data Simplify compliance and mitigate risks Accelerate cash flow and reduce costs Identify and execute best practices Eliminate redundant processes

However, we will be evaluating scaling our version with the purchase of licenses for the specific logistics module; Without accurate environmental planning, no company can understand the impact that major business challenges - such as globalization, multi-channel commerce, and supply chain risk mitigation - can have on its logistics operations.

Each of the elements detailed in this document add value to organizations; however, in a comprehensive effort, the results go beyond the sum of individual results, that is, they are enhanced.

The benefit of the implementation has been decided to extend to the entire organization, respecting the consolidated reporting conditions.

It is confirmed that data analysis adds value to the extent that the needs of users (in this case the general, commercial and operations management) are met.


Implementing the case study modality: We will focus on the case of a port company in which we have been advising and training for a five-year period; where the study of the consistent application of intelligent leadership methods, techniques and styles could provide arguments and evidence to answer the research question.

We will add the use of a technique called: Life stories to carry out interviews that allow us to reconstruct perceptions about the recent past of the company as a preliminary basis to survey a representative sample of collaborators who evaluate from their point of view the quality in the exercise of leadership competencies and their influence on performance.

This modality will allow us to particularize in the use of tools that allow us to insert what is related to the theoretical framework, in the context of company O.

And develop actions to verify compliance with the specific objectives of our investigation, namely:

  • Evaluate the current domain of interpretation competencies of information systems and financial auditing of the leaders of the organization where we will develop the case study, through evaluations of possession of competencies and performance Develop personalized training for leaders and collectively the organization, based on the needs identified in the previous evaluation Check in the development of the organization's directive meetings, the quality of the interventions and proposals of strategies of its leaders, through observations and evaluation surveys of the meetings by the participants Follow up on the problem in the analysis of the organization's results,Through their inclusion in the strategic objectives of the company Formally feedback to the Board on the results that are achieved, identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as roles of its leaders, through reports, interviews and feedback sessions Systematically update the Board on changes in international standards and its possible relationship with the company.

The case study research method will be applied because it is a unit of self-contained meaning clearly distinguishable from its context that makes the phenomenon special in a port context. The «Verstehen» line will be used to try to understand from the qualitative component, the problem and all the associated elements present in the case study; since to answer the research question, it is necessary to resort to ordering, synthesizing, understanding, analyzing and drawing conclusions from the various available statistical information and, at the same time, taking experiential opinions, and analytical reflections of the actors.

The case study will be inserted in the port sector because worldwide it is one of the most dynamic, which has a high development, specialization and focus on the continuous increase of productivity, cutting-edge technology; EDI (Electronic Data Interchange); where strategic alliances and economies of scale proliferate; great capacity and adaptation to changes; Multimodalism and multifunctionality and development of nodes and logistics platforms.

Focused on Mexico and the special environment of the Port of Manzanillo; for its excellent geographic position, proximity to the main consumption centers, interconnection and communication routes, security conditions, relationship and balance between service, quality and price; Port staff commitment, maturity and idiosyncrasy, and synergy of the port community through the Operations Committee.

And the author has selected company "O" for its differentiating characteristics: adaptability to give constant response and satisfaction to new customer requirements and changes in the environment; high sense of belonging of its personnel, the factor of integration and participation in the strategies to face the competition; alignment of efforts to achieve objectives; its institutional values, its efficiency and productivity indicators, relationship and balance between service, quality and price; commercial and service management, trust, credibility, image and reputation gained with clients, suppliers, the market, authorities, the community and its collaborators throughout 21 years of operation, good service,continuous improvement and fulfillment of its commitments and sensitivity and commitment to the care and development of its human talent, the community and its environment.


Taking into account that the stated objective of this work has been to carry out a study of the theoretical background of the International Financial Information Standards and to provide the relationship of the subject with the object of doctoral research; the documentary results of the study and analysis allow us to know, understand and substantiate the benefit of their application in any organizational setting. Ratifying in particular the suitability of current application of these standards in the company OR where we will carry out the Case Study, adding the positive assessment referred by its leaders about the application experience in said context.

The fact of being able to share a real example of results achieved with the application of IFRS in the company of our case study, we consider that it is a contribution of work results

We agree and it is very clear to us as a result of the analysis of Nexus Materials 1 and 2:

  • The transcendent importance of the profession of Accountant, the strengthening of the strategic thinking that the accounting profession fulfills through understanding its influence as “the nexus that good decision-making helps to strengthen organizations and promote economies, in the public interest. »- demonstrates the significance and importance of professional accounting in the world economy and its contribution to society. The remarkable incorporation of accountants into the fastest growing areas of the world economyIts decisive influence on world GDP growth The high degree of incorporation of accountants to IFAC The growth and social roots of the profession with respect to others The trust and credibility generated by competent accountants The development achieved by Europe with respect to other continents, although Africa and the Middle East also grew to a lesser extent The interest of the organization to continue growing and taking advantage of challenges and opportunities The impact of the profession for the global improvement of production and growth of global economic sectors.

We consider what is expressed in the aforementioned Mantilla document to be correct. (2007):

“As the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or Financial Information Standards (NIF) are a set of general rules that serve as an accounting guide to formulate criteria related to the measurement of equity and the information of the equity and economic elements of an entity. And the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), also known by its acronym in English as IFRS, (International Financial Reporting Standards), have subsequently been created as technical accounting standards adopted by the IASB, a private institution based in London. These standards should apply to all financial statements in general. As well as any other accounting information that a for-profit institution has ”.

Regarding what was raised by López de Sa. (2003): This reading allowed us to ratify the reasoning that we had already arrived at in our experience of historical work in managerial contexts, that accounting is not a resource only to produce records and flows; but a tool to understand what is happening. And scientifically explain the patrimonial and administrative facts according to the rules

We were able to learn that the events did not take place or reach the same relevance in Europe, as in the United States and in Brazil, since the Europeans, through a rigorous social scientific approach that identified causes and consequences, contributed to the accounting analysis with greater rigor in their analysis. application; while the Americans prioritized the utilitarian approach with less scientific rigor and the Brazilians contextualized the relationships in which the accounting events are inserted, leading to a Neo patrimonial current.

The reading and analysis of Laínez, J., Callao, S., Jarne, J. (2003) allowed us to interpret that in essence this document is normative about the regulations that organizations must comply with when they first apply the international standards of financial information replacing SIC Interpretation 8, approved in 1998, in which the IASB (at that time IASC) tried to solve some of the problems that appear as a result of said adoption.

Due to its drafting, it is a regulatory and clarifying document of the benefits of using the standard, its scope and how the financial statements should be prepared.

From the point of view of its usefulness for our research, we consider it very important to ratify in the company where we will carry out the case study, the degree and quality of application of these regulations since they are already applying IFRS.

Reading the document of the authors Simpson, Meeks, Klumpes, Andrews. (2000, October). It shows us cost-benefit issues in financial regulation and highlights some of the problems consumers face in the retail financial services market.

Presents: "an operational concept of" Competition ", as a process of continuous interaction over time between buyers and sellers within the financial market"

Criticizes: "the use of cost-benefit analysis as a means to determine how markets behave according to the assumptions of the neoclassical equilibrium model, on which the technique is based."

He points out: "that it is not possible to say what the effect of partial changes may affect the long-term equilibrium, and neither can one account for the possible cumulative or unexpected effects of regulation."

It highlights: "the inability shown by some accounting regulations to comply with their Accounting Standards policy for cost-benefit analysis"

It reflects: “the competition that exists between pressure groups to influence the regulation of financial services in the case of companies dedicated to pensions, throughout the United Kingdom.

It observes that: "competition between pressure groups influencing politics could reconcile opposing opinions that exist in government regulation, correcting market failure and favoring the politically powerful."

We consider that it is general information but important to acquire culture on the subject in question. And that we can share it with the case study company for your knowledge.

The document of the Inter-American Organization of Economic Sciences OICE. (2013)

It reflects the content of IFRS, particularizing in Latin America. "It highlights the role of globalization in boosting the international market, so the regulations seek to mitigate accounting asymmetries in the market, allowing comparability of the information produced. For which 130 countries are in the process of adopting these.

The possibility of financing investments with an impact on the opening of markets stands out, so convergence and adoption is crucial for Latin America

From the document by the author Díaz-Lorrabaquio (20016 b), we recognize his expertise and usefulness for belonging to the company where we will carry out the case study and for the degree of agreement we have with his proposals.

We drew very important conclusions related to their experience through the implementation of an IFRS adoption project and other improvement actions, in company O, where we will carry out the case study.

In Manzanillo there are comprehensive port service companies, we can confirm that they are important elements in the supply chain of importers and exporters.

The financial analysis of the different business lines (information by segments) of a company that provides logistics services, and the adequate recognition of the costs for each element of the value chain, confirms whether the expected profits are maximized.

Due to the current conditions of the country and the effects that the global economy generates, it is strategic to maintain control of costs in each element of the value chain.

The main objective of most companies is economic, so it is strategic to analyze the income statements, budgets, investment projects in a company where its corporate purpose is to participate as a business administrator in the logistics control section.

The profit margin (in general terms) is low in a logistics company, where its main objective is the coordination of complementary services to support its client in the import and / or export of goods; the search for operational efficiencies in each element of the value chain is vital. The techniques in cost analysis allow identifying areas of opportunity in the financial structure of a company dedicated to providing logistics services.

The implementation of cost analysis tools and financial statements, through best practices, as support for the operation of a company that provides logistics services, is essential in these global times. Adding value to an organization, based on the correct management of cost analysis through the generation of financial information by segments, including an adequate portfolio of services, is a differentiator in the market.

How can you support the implementation of cost and expense analysis techniques in a company that provides logistics services, through financial information by business line (segments)?

How can the implementation of analysis tools in a logistics company be economically capitalized, and in the results of the organization?

How can the implementation of best practices add value to the organization?

How through the capitalization of the implementation the quality of the service is improved?

How the organization can optimize its resources by taking advantage of the implementation of best practices?

Answering these questions asked by the aforementioned author will make us delve into the usefulness of considering IFRS as part of leadership skills training to complement effective performance.


The comprehensive analysis of the consulted bibliography allows us to clearly understand the crucial importance of knowing and properly implementing IFRS in companies, as well as the convenience of developing the competencies of organizational leaders regarding the analysis and interpretation of financial statements, such as objective basis of their strategic thinking and decision-making in their respective organizations.

Which would respond to our general research objective: Assess the possible impact of the development of skills in interpreting information systems and financial auditing, which strengthen leadership and the conditions for its implementation, on the effective performance of the O organization.

We also ratify the possibility of meeting the objective of theoretical and practical applicability of International Financial Information Standards in the business context and its relationship with the author's doctoral research object.

It will be convenient to check how the finance function can support the achievement of the strategic objectives of an organization and allow a better position in the market compared to competitors

In the work of the author Díaz- Lorrabaquio (2016), the author explains how important results were already achieved with results of the application of IFRS in Manzanillo- Mexico and allows us to provide a real practical example to our work. As well as further reinforcing the reason why we have selected this company as the object of our investigation. From the same author, we return to interesting additional questions that we will take into account when verifying the results of our research.

As part of these conclusions, we can refer to our doctoral research work the possible proposal and recommendation that a basic training on the importance, content and benefit of applying the IFRS, as well as the main indicators that the leaders of the organization must study and analyze in the income statements in order to identify and ratify their strategies and corresponding decisions with sufficient quality and proactivity, which allows them to positively impact their performance and, therefore, that of the company. And implement follow-up actions for them.

It is interesting for us to conclude that regardless of the fact that its application is not mandatory for companies that are not listed on the stock market; In the specific case of the company where we will carry out the base case study of our research, IFRS are already applied although they are not listed on the stock market.

Which we consider a distinctive detail of the development stage of this company belonging to the Mexican port sector, with a high level of international practice in its work. And the fact of having a synchronization of your information and accounting audit in accordance with international principles and rules, benefits the quality of financial information when comparing under the same parameter, facilitates your relationship with clients, increases the effectiveness of your operations. and improves its image in the international logistics sector.

It was a pleasure and an exercise in professional development and intellectual growth for the author to carry out this work, considering the repercussion it will have on its application to her Doctoral Thesis and the continuation of her advisory services.

We thank Dr. Sergio I. Ramírez Cacho for his advice and level of depth in the design of the subject, the evaluative rubric and the bibliographic materials provided as support and guidance to develop the theoretical framework.


  1. Díaz - Lorrabaquio. (2016). Final project. The importance of cost allocation and analysis of financial information by business line (segments) in a logistics services company IFAC International Federation of Accountants. (2015). NEXUS 1.The Accountancy Profession, behin D the numbers. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from: https://www.ifac.org/system/files/publications/files/Nexus-1-The-Accountancy-Profession-Behind-The-Numbers.pdfIFAC International Federation of Accountants. (2015). Nexus 2. The Accountancy Profession A Global Value-Add. IFAC International Federation of Accountants. Retrieved on March 5, 2017, from: https://www.ifac.org/system/files/publications/files/Nexus-2-The-Accountancy-Profession-A-Global-Value-Add-IFAC.pdfLaínez, J., Callao, S., Jarne, J. (2003).Adoption for the first time of international financial reporting standards. Monograph 18. Monographs on international financial reporting standards. 500-590. Retrieved on March 5, 2017, from: http://www.audytax.mx/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/14La%C3%ADnez-Callao-G.-y-Jarne-J.-2003. pdf López de Sá, (2003). Bases of the European and North American school against the accounting culture and the neo-patrimonialist proposal. International Journal Legis de Contabilidad & Auditoría, (13), 69-92.Mantilla-Blanco. (2007). Differences between the GAAP Information Audit and the IFRS Information Audit. International Journal of Legis de Contabilidad & Auditoría, (31), 123-167. Inter-American Organization of Economic Sciences OICE. (2013). IFRS in Latin America. Retrieved on February 5, 2017, from: https: //www.nicniif.org / home / novedades / las-niif-en-america-latina.html Simpson, D., Meeks, G., Klumpes, P., Andrews, P. (2000, October). Some cost-benefit issues in financial regulation. Occasional Paper Series 12. Financial Services Authority. Retrieved on March 5, 2017, from:

Article 33 establishes the accounting requirements for tax purposes. Section VI confirms the basic financial statements that must be issued and that are aligned with the accounting regulatory framework accepted in Mexico.

International Accounting Standard Board.

The Financial Services Authority (FCA) is the regulatory body for all financial service providers in the UK. It is an independent, non-governmental entity that receives its legal powers through the Services Act and Financial Markets 2000. It is responsible to Ministers of the Treasury and Parliament for ensuring market confidence, financial stability, consumer protection and the reduction of financial crime.

Niif on leadership and effective organizational performance