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New generations of environmentally conscious entrepreneurs

Table of contents:



It is a way of thinking and acting, oriented towards the creation of wealth, through taking advantage of opportunities, developing a global vision and balanced leadership, managing a calculated risk, the result of which is the creation of value that benefits: entrepreneurs, the company, the economy, the environment and society.



He is a person with the potential to innovate. With the ability to generate goods and services in a creative, methodical, ethical, responsible and effective way.

Entrepreneurial action

It is all innovative action that, through an organized system of interpersonal relationships and the combination of resources, is oriented to the achievement of a certain goal.

1. Environmental awareness

How our actions influence the day to day with respect to the environment and how you are affects the future of our space.

When talking about environmental problems, the following come to mind:

  • destruction of the ozone layer global warming alarming increase in waste generation water - air pollution

But we do not see a direct relationship between our daily actions and these events.

How do we achieve environmental awareness?

It is a training process that allows us to become aware of the importance of the environment, promotes in people the development of values ​​and new attitudes that contribute to the rational use of natural resources and the solution of the environmental problems that we face in our city.

2. Sustainability as a factor of competitiveness

"We are using 50% more of the resources that the Earth can provide, which indicates that we would need one more planet to survive and according to calculations, in 2030 we would need much more than two planets to continue existing."

The industrial systems of rich and developed countries are responsible for 80% of global pollution and have caused more than 90% of the damage caused to the



  • Increase in world population = pressure on natural resources. We have accumulated great pressure on the planet. High carbon emissions. Deforestation. Water - air - soil pollution. Loss of biodiversity. And many more…


  • Decrease in biodiversity = imbalance of ecosystems Scarcity of water = thirst and death of living individuals Forest degradation = loss of ecosystems Lower food production = hunger Increase in global temperature More diseases Climate change = more heat, colder, more aggressive weather events (storms, hurricanes, cyclones, gales).

And many more…

Waste management, recycling and post-consumption. According to different regulations worldwide it must be had from:

Ideas for new ventures

  • its origin its recovery for recycling and reuse the elimination of recoverable NO

Clean Production. It is an integrated preventive environmental strategy that is applied to processes, products and services in order to increase efficiency and reduce risks to human beings and the environment…

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New generations of environmentally conscious entrepreneurs