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Smart optimism and entrepreneurship


In the aftermath of the Second War, when England alone was losing disastrously, Churchill said: "I am optimistic, nothing else seems useful to me." We applaud this disposition towards life, it is our reference, because if not, the balance will tip to pessimism. Towards what Freud calls "Common Human Unhappiness", giving excessive value to pessimism (more alert to threats and dangers). We live immersed in the negative, the “black” media that show a hopeless, hyper-consumerist world and a sinister black cloud load. We have to balance the equation with intelligent optimism, with hope; believe that our world is the best of all possible worlds and above all that we can improve it:

"Be you the change you want in the world" Gandhi.

As humanity goes, thank God, solving many of its basic problems and improving life expectancy from 25 to 100 years, in just two generations, it focuses on areas never studied but necessary for those of us who aspire to live 100 years. There are PhDs in happiness, emotional intelligence, and positive thinking. Emotional management is essential today and optimism has managed to arouse the interest of science.

For leisure I have come across several articles and research on the subject. The University of Michigan states that optimism improves health, quality of life, helps the heart, prevents and improves diseases, reduces stress, helps self-improvement. And the University of Pittsburgh ensures that optimists get sick less… Among many other studies on the subject.

Optimism is critical, including (and above all) for your wallet. Every time an entrepreneur does a business, develops a project, has a goal, it is 'pure Intelligent optimism in action'. That quality drives the world economy. Little thing!

Without intelligent optimism, there is no possible company or valid business; It is the precondition for success in business and in many things: for NASA the most important test for astronauts is to measure their level of optimism, it is fundamental for them.

They classify optimism into categories for businesses. Research from the National Taiwan University argues that the successful are the "realistic optimists." This optimist believes that he is capable, he knows that he has obstacles but that with effort and perseverance they can be overcome.

The pessimist who claimed to be better prepared for disaster has long been overrated. They called themselves "realists." This study, and the new trends in psychological economics, balance the equation and put optimists on the upside, being slightly beyond the Aristotelian average. This is the realistic optimist: You are cautious about possible problems but at the same time, if you are an intelligent optimist, you believe that they can be overcome. Optimism and realism are not incompatible, but necessarily compatible. This optimist has greater management of his relationships, self-control, greater performance, smarter thoughts and greater creativity. They have what psychologists call internal control (not external) and management of the dimension of problems (always - never).

Young people envision a prosperous future, create their own businesses and companies that in turn generate employment. The world is abundant and the opportunities bigger and bigger in all fields. Be part of a culture of entrepreneurship.

Become intelligent optimists, realistic optimists!

Michael Jordán was told when he was young that he did not serve basketball and in his junior year he did not qualify for the school team; he says he has missed 9,000 shots, lost 300 games and missed the indispensable shot 26 times.

"I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed" Michael Jordán. How deeply optimistic…

This humble note only invites you to read on the subject as we train our optimism to have the ability to see alternatives.

Smart optimism and entrepreneurship