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Profile of Successful Entrepreneurs in the 21st Century


We are in the second decade of a new century, with different needs, demands and behaviors, as a consequence of the increase in knowledge and technology and the demand of society to have quality products and services.

On the world stage, the processes of change are increasingly dynamic, where structures, forms, instruments, means and knowledge are constantly being renewed at breakneck speed.

The modern economy is characterized by being globalized and interdependent in its production, commercialization, investment, financial flows and technological development processes, where companies have increasing productivity demands, where market laws force them to deepen and change strategies and policies, to plan, create and innovate, to have the capacity to adapt, speed of response and sensitivity to anticipate future needs and to be able to survive and develop in this new and increasingly complex environment.

The current situation of companies around the world requires them to carry out profitable businesses in the short and long terms, with a vision, mission and objectives clearly defined and adopted and understood by all the personnel involved that predict and ensure a promising future and quality of life for all participants, according to all the changing and dynamic factors of the internal and external environment that influence them.

Today, businesses are conceived differently in this new world, economic globalization, electronic and therefore virtual money, telecommunications and teleconferences, cell phones with all the applications that can be imagined, very light and thin miniature computers with capabilities to process information unimaginable a few years ago.

Currently the commercial world is the one that dominates the internet network, with hundreds of thousands of connected companies and millions of clients and with the possibility of sharing information without restrictions and with great short-term potential that will have consequences in the way of doing businesses that are difficult to size.

The survival and success of companies depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of their personnel, their systems and processes, on having access to cutting-edge technologies and the ability to respond quickly and with quality to satisfy their customers who every day have more offers and they are more demanding.

Companies must continuously evolve and improve and have a good vision to adapt to the circumstances of each moment and scenarios that constantly change.

The continuous improvement processes, the instrumentation of quality models, the reengineering of processes and the comprehensive evaluation systems are not in themselves an end, but a means that will allow companies to have a more successful position every day.

These models and processes allow entrepreneurs to know how their business is, what they want to do with it, how they are going to do it, how to put it into practice with a previously defined methodology and planning and evaluate if the proposed objectives were really achieved, in order to decide whether to continue on the same path or if there is a need to correct the course and strategy to remain competitive.

It is necessary to start from the base that competitiveness cannot be imposed, but rather requires the committed participation of all, where entrepreneurs have the social responsibility of equitably organizing the factors of production, based on man; origin, reason and purpose of social processes.

Being competitive implies the development and implementation of modern technologies, which requires the modernization of administrative systems at all levels, deepening training programs and creating new organizational and operating models.

Changes are needed that improve the performance of organizations and at the same time make the work of the staff more interesting and satisfying, reflecting in a better quality of life for all participants.

Faced with an environment that has become widely dynamic, it is essential that companies are constantly updating the knowledge, systems and processes that allow them to be successful in an increasingly competitive job market.

In general, it can be affirmed that modern societies go through very profound economic, political, social and environmental change processes, which implies modifications in the behavior models that have traditionally been followed.

These models or paradigms, just as societies evolve, because they continually have to face changes and social crises and when these reach a critical level, the model begins to wear out and a change begins that ends up replacing the previous model, with models according to the new conditions and needs of contemporary societies.

This means change and for this you have to be willing to change.

It must be considered that while the transition from one model to another lasts, the new model is difficult to implement and therefore generates a state of uncertainty that causes confusion between the new and the innovative that puzzles on the one hand and the old known and accustomed.

It has been demonstrated at a national and international level that those companies or institutions that have adopted the new models are an example of how productivity and competitiveness can be increased.

It is about a radical transformation in the way of seeing, doing and thinking about the administration and operation of a company.

The corporate culture has undergone very deep paradigmatic transformations that substantially modified the administration and operation of companies.

Entrepreneurs must have the ability, sensitivity, excellent attitude, and top management knowledge to run a business successfully.


Strategy, imagination and creativity

- Create strategic opportunities that provide greater competitiveness and the possibility of growth to the company.

- Manage, solve and take advantage of difficult situations and find, in these, business opportunities.

- Resolve critical issues that require an immediate decision.

- Solve the problems that arise with original ideas.

- Make quick decisions in accordance with the real possibilities of the company.

- Promote winning ideas different from the traditional ways of doing and doing things and penetrating and changing markets.

- Make changes thinking beyond the conventions.

- Have innovative capacity.

- Detect the disadvantages before the competition and give them the best solution.


- Establish, for the benefit of the staff, institutional mechanisms for change.

- Motivate employees and synchronize their needs with those of the organization.

- Assume leadership through motivation and conviction, setting the course to follow in the present and looking to the future to guide the company creatively, innovatively and positively.

- Promote and guide human and public relations for the benefit of the company.


• Promote continuous improvement processes.

• Generate a new business culture, with productivity and quality.

• Measure, monitor and evaluate the degree of fulfillment of the objectives and the quality of the results.


- Coordinate, organize, manage and efficiently and effectively develop material, human, technological and financial resources.

- Select and apply the best managerial, administrative, operational and accounting models for the company.

- Promote, acquire and adapt to technological developments that allow the company to be more competitive.

- Analyze the reports and reports received from all areas and make decisions as soon as possible.

- Develop and constantly update a system of costs and general expenses to define sales prices based on expected profit.

- Control expenses and review and control costs permanently.


- Correctly divide the time devoted to the vital and functional activities of the company.

- Calculate the time requirements to perform daily activities efficiently and realistically.

- Follow up on all pending and agreements.

- Prepare daily lists of pending issues.

- Do not leave for tomorrow what you can solve today.

Marketing and commercialization

- Develop and permanently update the marketing and commercialization processes.

- Have a trained, motivated and successful sales force.

- Exceed the expectations of customers to return.

- Give customers what they want and a little more.

- Communicate to customers the importance they have for the company.


- Set objectives, choose means and allocate resources with rationality and consistency.

- Analyze, evaluate, understand and resolve aspects of administration, operation, marketing and control in general.

- Detect strengths and opportunities and take advantage of them, know weaknesses and risks and correct or minimize them.

- Take advantage of crises to change situations and ways of doing things with fresh ideas.

- Work long hours with intelligence and effectiveness.

- Communicate clearly in verbal and written form in Spanish and English.

- Have control of your person in crisis situations.



- Understand the company as a basic element of the economic development of a country.

- Be aware of the role they play within society.

- Understand the interrelationship and influence between companies, staff and society as a whole.

- Have a clear vision of the company.


- Support, encourage and show interest in staff.

- Understand the reality of employees at all levels who are affected by economic, legal, ethical and social factors.

- Build and maintain trust, loyalty and frankness of staff.

- Give importance and recognition to the work of the staff.

- Develop leadership at each level of the company.

- Develop trust and cooperation.

- Be impartial with the staff without being carried away by sympathies or recommendations.

- Use creative cooperation to achieve higher levels of productivity.

- Listen to all collaborators of the company especially those who are in the trench, the people who work with clients directly are those who know the degree of acceptance of the company's products and services.

- Have a flexible criterion.

- Give employees a voice and vote and promote responsibility, loyalty and good ideas to improve the company.

- Share the benefits with collaborators and treat them as colleagues.

- Have healthy working relationships.

- Recognize skills and work done for the benefit of the company with honest words and monetary awards.


• Understand the importance of having quality services given to the community.


- Understand and adapt to the different stages of growth of the company.

- Distinguish between the urgent and the important, the accessory and the main thing.

- Choose the appropriate options.

- Reconcile interests.

- Cope with the unexpected.

- Solve different situations with criteria and common sense.

- Respect the time of others.

- Prevent possible contingencies, even if everything seems fine.

- Have as fundamental values ​​impartiality, equanimity, justice, honesty and equity.

- Know how to apologize when there are mistakes and not offer excuses.

- Maintain employees with the expectation of what the next step of the company will be.



- Promote the growth of the company so that it produces well-paid jobs and honest profits.


- Seek continuous improvement and improvement of employees.

- Encourage the participation of collaborators in the work with a spirit of service.

- Develop an environment of excellence and quality.

- Strengthen and promote the unity of the staff and the good image of the company.

- Maintain permanent training in new knowledge, techniques and methods in business administration.


- Act as a promoter of change, promoting access to cutting-edge technologies.


- Create innovative strategies to differentiate the company and its products and services from the competition

- Interact and compete healthily with other companies in the search for solutions to the demands of service and quality generated by customers.

- Consider all your competitors no matter how small they are.

- Do not involve the company in price wars.


- Fulfill their responsibilities with firmness, energy, tact and sacrifice.

- Do the work that is required in an intense and intelligent way.

- Objectively see the reality of each situation and be willing to change your mind.

- Be intuitive, disciplined and restless.

- Be positive and enterprising.

- Be responsible and comply with commitments to employees, suppliers, customers, authorities, partners and competitors.

- Be tenacious and do not abandon the project even when difficulties arise.

- Have confidence and self-assurance.

- Have a broad social sense in the practice of business.

- Be conservative when expanding.

- Be ethical in business relationships.

- Be objective, fair, grateful and humane.

- Choose partners and friends who have principles and values.

- See your own company as others see it.

- Be the most committed person who believes the most in the company.

- Respect and enhance ethical, personal and business values ​​before their collaborators, suppliers, the community and the authority.


- Of some legal and fiscal situations.

- Of the structure and general functions of the public administration.

- Of the national and international reality in the economic, political and social.

- Of the investigations and the advances of the techniques, models and strategies of senior management and leadership.

- Of computerized systems that help to make communication and information more efficient in all areas of the company.

- Personnel, finance, production, marketing, international trade, information technology, technology, economics, accounting, costs, statistics, control, metrics and comprehensive evaluation of the company.

- Have expert consultants in different topics to solve some situations or to analyze new projects and businesses.

It is proven that entrepreneurs who enjoy their work have advantages over their competitors: they are more productive, spend long hours at work without feeling tired, and are less likely to get sick.

For an entrepreneur to be successful, he must create companies that satisfy his personal needs, so he must make sure that the nature of the business is in accordance with his wishes, attitudes, character, knowledge and potential. There are companies that did not work because they did not meet the expectations of the employer.

A study carried out by a prestigious firm shows that the majority of failures are due to the incompetence and inexperience of the owner and the staff who help him, poor company management and a lack of understanding of the importance of establishing processes, procedures, controls and adequate systems.

In summary, a successful entrepreneur is, in addition to a leader, a self-confident person, who knows how to accept himself with his defects and qualities, who is flexible, sensible, convincing and tolerant of others.

It acts when it should and does it precisely; is able to make the right decisions and face their consequences; he is an observer and is attentive to what is happening; your experience and knowledge are recognized; He is charismatic, expresses his ideas easily and logically, clears doubts, is kind and a winner.

There are entrepreneurs who are the protagonists of great success stories thanks to the fact that they dare to innovate and take opportunities when they can and do things in an open and creative way.

Of course, it is almost impossible to find an entrepreneur who meets all the characteristics and requirements mentioned.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a role model of entrepreneurial virtue to be successful.

Determination compensates for many deficiencies, but the challenge is to seek constant personal improvement until you achieve the best of profiles.

"The organization is the mother of success"

"Efficiency and effectiveness are the key to the economic success of a company"


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


Profile of Successful Entrepreneurs in the 21st Century