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Business plan for the manufacture and sale of costume jewelery


This project is based on the feasibility and feasibility study regarding the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of costume jewelery, for which to know these two variables four studies were carried out that allowed visualizing the needs required for its start up.


This project is made up of:

The NATURE OF THE PROJECT: Where we will justify the creation of the company, we will define vision, mission and objectives, as well as its competitive advantages among other aspects.

A MARKET STUDY, in which the classes of products to be offered are described and defined, as well as the segmentation of the target market, collection of information to determine demand and an analysis to determine supply.

A TECHNICAL STUDY, which describes the size of the project, its location, the tools necessary to start activities, the production process, the required labor, the necessary raw material, among other important aspects.

An ADMINISTRATIVE STUDY, where the initial investment is evaluated, the quantification of income, determination of expenses and costs, as well as aspects of the company such as mission, vision, etc.

A FINANCIAL STUDY, where the financing alternatives that the project can take are determined, as well as the option of viewing investors interested in it.


The main reason for creating a company is to enjoy unique and different privileges from others, in addition to having a financially comfortable life and of course, feeling capable of achieving a proposed goal, in other words feeling fulfilled. For this reason, the initiative to create a company has been launched in the Calderón García family, which seeks to achieve this goal proposed several years ago. With regard to this, the decision to create a company that is dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of fine and fantasy costume jewelery, is mainly due to the detection of a problem that affects the sale of the same, which could be solved due to the clear knowledge about this market, this is due to the experience we have as manufacturers of costume jewelery. With this, and with the passing of the years,It has been observed that the viability of this business is quite wide, this is due to the fact that the profitability of the year has been known, taking into account that the market is already working, and that recognition in it has been obtained thanks to to the excellent products on offer. But to launch into the business world, the decision has been made to conduct a study; a Business Plan, which will allow verifying the true feasibility of the project, in order to develop the best strategy for the creation of the company, and thus achieve an optimal and precise consolidation in the market. You can also verify and analyze the risk on making this important decision.taking into account that the market is already working, and that recognition in it has been obtained thanks to the excellent products that are offered. But to launch into the business world, the decision has been made to conduct a study; a Business Plan, which will allow verifying the true feasibility of the project, in order to develop the best strategy for the creation of the company, and thus achieve an optimal and precise consolidation in the market. You can also verify and analyze the risk on making this important decision.taking into account that the market is already working, and that recognition in it has been obtained thanks to the excellent products that are offered. But to launch into the business world, the decision has been made to conduct a study; a Business Plan, which will allow verifying the true feasibility of the project, in order to develop the best strategy for the creation of the company, and thus achieve an optimal and precise consolidation in the market. You can also verify and analyze the risk on making this important decision.that will allow to verify the true feasibility of the project, in order to develop the best strategy for the creation of the company, and thus achieve a consolidation in the market in an optimal and precise way. You can also verify and analyze the risk on making this important decision.that will allow to verify the true feasibility of the project, in order to develop the best strategy for the creation of the company, and thus achieve a consolidation in the market in an optimal and precise way. You can also verify and analyze the risk on making this important decision.



Jewelery stores are companies that handle a competitive market. In order to provide good quality and good service, costume jewelery stores must guarantee their products, this guarantee refers not only to the durability of a product, but also to its quality with respect to its originality and versatility. As is well known, the price of a garment is determined according to the type of material used, as well as the technique that is implemented. Jewelery stores are generally of a commercial nature, since they must acquire through suppliers, products that complement their range of exposure for the end customer.The costume jewelery market is very competitive and most stores must place very well crafted garments and be very authentic to be able to stand out from all the antagonism since the offers compete for variety, price or quality.


Based on the above, how should a Business Plan be structured that allows creating a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of costume jewelery in the eastern part of the city of Caracas, obtaining benefits that allow the creation and development of products to satisfy a need of the market?


1.3.1.- GENERAL Prepare a business plan that allows detecting the feasibility in the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of costume jewelery in the eastern part of the city of Caracas.


  • Prepare a Market Study, which allows obtaining information on demand, cost projection, define sales price and turn it into the first support of the business plan. Develop a Technical Study, in order to determine the size, location, engineering Develop an Administrative Study, which considers the best way to set up and structure the project. Develop a Financial Study, which allows obtaining information on the need for the resources to be invested and their profitability.


This project is focused on the study of the feasibility and viability of the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of costume jewelery in the eastern area of ​​the city of Caracas in Venezuela, with which it is intended to determine the possibilities of starting up the project. If the results obtained by this study are positive, the project will be extended and the second phase of this proposal will begin, which is the constitution of the company in legal terms; this phase will take place with a new project that will be developed in due course. If, on the contrary, the results have a negative perspective, a different strategy will be studied, until the objective is achieved.


Provide equipment and solutions in AA systems, and commercial and industrial refrigeration, applying the latest technologies and methodologies with a service focused on the optimal and appropriate solution to customer requirements, optimizing the performance of the equipment through technological tools.


To be a company recognized for its service, attention and high quality in solving air conditioning and refrigeration problems provided to its customers.

Vision Development over time:

Short: (3 to 5 years)

  • Positioning in the local market by having recognition for advice, designs and products in addition to their prompt execution. Possessing a physical infrastructure with the tools required to carry out the work and having trained personnel.

Medium: (5 to 10 years)

  • Be an authorized distributor of the most recognized brands in the country of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment Execute medium and large-scale projects to have experience that expresses the work Have a database of satisfied customers and increase human capital to be able to provide a better service to different areas of the country.

Length: (10 years and older)

  • To be one of the leading companies in the market that offers a high quality service and compliance, differentiating itself from its customers. To be a direct and sole importer of recognized accessories without a presence in the country, having strategic alliances with international suppliers.


These products are more accessible to those in contact with the company than the competition; especially in the short term; Because the attention is personalized and the client can choose the size, color or shape of the design of her garment, something that she cannot with other companies.

Another advantage that we give with these products is the beauty and elegance that is offered when decorating women's wardrobes with the use of these accessories.


That the competition has more products for sale.

1.9.-Conditions that allow to offer a greater quantity of products.

Recruitment of personnel, willing to qualify for the elaboration of the garments.


Ability to innovate and launch new products and presentations.


Be new to the market.



Celebrations throughout the year.


There are many companies dedicated to this sector that offer similar products.


Women aged 15 to 60 years in the city of Caracas.


They are aimed at the expectation of the end customer, in this way it is intended to supply products that meet satisfaction requirements at the time of purchase, which are a fundamental part of the value chain.

The products will be offered to the end customer, as well as to distributors or wholesalers, these have characteristics of wholesale purchase, which makes them the main objective of sale. Many of the wholesalers have their own commercial stores which allows for greater confidence when selling. The products are aimed especially at the general female public as already mentioned previously, which must meet some expectations that the project has, for example, the type of material they sell. In this way, the project is focused on jewelry stores that are especially dedicated to the sale of a wide variety of garments. The analysis of the client is a determining factor to avoid complications in the project,It is intended to keep track of customers in order to make a periodic evaluation of their behavior, both purchasing and loyalty, honesty, compliance, etc. This will allow the project to obtain greater benefits with fewer risks.

Percentage of target size that is expected to be captured in the coming years:

First year: 30%

Third year: 60%

From the fourth to the tenth year: 70% to 100%

These types of jewelery products are aimed at women in the A. B and C strata.


Notoriously, the jewelry market has had trend changes due to the constant evolution of fashion and technology. In the past, most of the garments were made by hand, today technological methods have been developed that allow designing pieces to be made to suit the client. Studies carried out in the jewelery sector in Venezuela are very scarce, due to this it is uncertain to know what the true trend that exists today is, but the same sector has managed to develop ways of understanding the consumer and thus provide them with the best quality on the products on offer. Normally the final consumer requires certain parameters that are important for costume jewelery, these parameters are defined as: price, fashion, quality, expectation, design and especially beauty.


To create a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of costume jewelery, it is necessary to have a wide range of products, which will be developed in an innovative way, complying with some parameters that will help to differentiate them from the competition. The products to offer have tangible characteristics, since they will produce a visual and palpable impact on the client that will generate expectations of comfort and physical well-being, as well as economic benefit and of course spiritual well-being, therefore and according to Galindo Ruiz they are a utility of image, since “it is given by the psychological and emotional value that the client attributes to a product or service, either by the brand or its social condition, among others. With this it can be deduced that they are classified as goods of purchase,since they present essential characteristics such as: quality, price, design or style. This project is focused on the production and sale of jewelry products. “Jewelry essentially refers to activities dedicated to designing and making objects used as personal adornment: rings, necklaces, chains, earrings, medals and religious insignia, bracelets, bangles and pins.


Acrylic stones, chains, cords, mouse tail, pellets, brilliants among other craft materials.

2.3.2.-Uses: These products will be used by women to decorate the type of clothing they will use.


To start the project, it is necessary to have a means that allows to publicize the products, as well as the services that are offered, in this way, the first part that the project will develop with respect to advertising, is the disclosure of information with the help of business cards, which allow giving information to the customer about the service, as well as contact information for easy location. Business cards are one of the most used media in commerce and it is a fundamental part of recognition in the market


It is determined that the demand is of the satisfied unsaturated type, this means that even though the market presents jewelery products for sale, there are also acceptance opportunities. With regard to the type of need that the jewelry market presents, it is determined that they are not necessary or taste goods. But the jewelry market presents a problem when calculating demand since there is no reliable information or analysis on the consumption of these products, this is due to the great variety of them that are presented and that the market shows a type of cyclical consumption or in some way seasonal, which means that the products sometimes rotate evenly and harmonically and other times it only tends to be consumed on special dates of the year. These factors are further complicated,when the economy is involved. The raw material to make the garments has a great variability with respect to its economic value, day by day its price varies according to the price of the dollar, which, as is well known, rises and falls depending on the market.

With the above analysis, it is very important to make a good decision to effectively calculate the demand. As the records or details of the consumption of costume jewelery are uncertain, the best methodology to carry out this study is through a field study, taking data and asking questions of the owners of the jewelery sales. In this way, the best way to acquire this information is through surveys.

The Caracas Chamber of Commerce does not have exact data to know the number of jewelery stores that currently operate in the eastern area due to this, they proceeded to measure them by counting, to establish the potential customers who could acquire the products and discard those that do not meet the purchase specifications.




a) Work in the public sector

b) Work in the private sector

c) Student

d) Does not respond

Do you buy jewelry?

a) Yes b) No

What jewelry items do you buy the most?

a) Earrings b) Necklaces c) Bracelets d) Rings

How much money do you buy in Costume Jewelry per month?

a) S /. 100 thousand - 250 thousand b) s /. 260 thousand - 500 thousand c) s /. 510 thousand - 000 d) 760 thousand - 1 million e) 1 million or more

Usually You Where do you buy the Jewelry?

a) Shopping centers b) Salesmen at home or work c) Informal sales stands

What characteristics are important to you when choosing the Jewelry?

a) Price b) Quality c) Fashion d) Color e) Material

2.7.-Conclusions of the Survey:

  1. a) Works in the Public Sector b) Works in the private sector c) Student d) Does not respond

35% Work in the Public Sector

45% Work in the Private Sector

16.25% Student

3.75 No response

In the image you can see that in the same way 3.75% of those surveyed do not answer about their occupation, 16.25% are students, 35% agree to work in the Public Sector, and the majority with a 45 percent say they work in the Private Sector.

  1. Do you buy jewelry?

Yes 81.25% No 18.75%

In the image you can see that 81.25% of the respondents say they buy jewelry, this indicates that 18.75% of the respondents do not purchase any jewelry accessories and that they could be potential customers.

  1. What jewelry items do you buy the most?

21% Tendrils

38% Necklaces

42% Bracelets

8% Rings

The results show that earrings represent 21% of purchases, necklaces 38%, bracelets carry 42% of consumption and Rings only 8%, giving a clear demonstration of which accessories should be made with greater production.

  1. How much money do you buy in Costume Jewelry per month?

15% 100mil - 250mil

15% 260mil - 500mil

25% 510 thousand - 750 thousand

35% 760 thousand - 1 million

25% 1 million more

The results show that only 30% would be willing to pay less than Bs. 500 thousand for an accessory garment, we must remember that the survey was carried out in the eastern area of ​​Caracas where the inhabitants have a high purchasing power as shown by the following percentages. 25% of those surveyed affirm that they can pay between 510 thousand and 750 thousand Bolívares for a garment; in turn, the highest percentage is between 760 thousand and 1 million Bolívares, which represents 35% of the surveyed sample, and 25% remains for those who are willing to pay up to more than 1 million Bolívares.

  1. Usually You Where do you buy the Jewelry?

25% Shopping centers 32% Home or work vendors 43% Informal sales stalls

The results state that 43% of people buy their jewelry products in informal stalls, it is likely because they expect it to be cheaper than in other places.

  1. What characteristics are important to you when choosing the Jewelry?

35% Price 25% Quality 10% Fashion 15% Color 15% Material

2.8.-Conclusions of the Survey

  • Of the 80 jewelry stores surveyed, 15 state that they do not have a supplier that can meet the purchasing needs, therefore it can be deduced that these may be potential customers for the sale of the products that the project offers. of costume jewelery surveyed, 11 affirm that the currently available market does not have the products they need to meet their needs, therefore the products can be accepted more easily. 73 of the 80 stores surveyed claim to have suppliers, while 7 of these say they have their own manufacturing workshop Of the 80 jewelry stores surveyed, 63 say that IF they would like to have a supplier that meets all their purchasing needs, thus there is 78,75% certainty that the market is willing to receive a new supplier.


If the chamber of commerce does not have exact data on the number of jewelry stores that exist in the downtown area of ​​the city of Caracas, much less does it have information on the suppliers that supply these jewelry stores, therefore it is uncertain to know what is the market offer. For this reason, the survey for the analysis of demand was carried out with the intention of also knowing the offer, which allowed obtaining information on the percentage of the market covered by suppliers that have characteristics similar to our project, and who may be our main competition.. In this way the following is concluded.

  • Of the 80 stores surveyed, 65 say they have a supplier that meets their purchasing needs, the remaining 15 say they do not have it, therefore it follows that 81.25% of the market is covered, leaving a margin of 18, 75% of the uncovered market to which it is intended to reach.


The project will be located in sites accessible to the creator, that is, it is not a single fixed site (it is currently in Play On, a children's game site located in El Hatillo) and for this purpose it will begin to produce 50 units per month. They will be obtained by means of the manual elaboration of its creator and collaborators. In turn, they will be published on social networks and as a garment to decorate the clothing of the creator and her collaborators.



The supply of Raw Materials and materials will be acquired through the creator and its manufacture will also be in charge; at the same time of the collaborators.

3.1.2.- Competitive Strategy:

Currently there is no costume jewelery store in which the client is advised on the proper use of beauty items that are in line with their personality and on the occasions to use or they are given the freedom to participate in the design of the accessory itself of beauty. The client will be served exceeding their expectations, the products will be relatively innovated both in their attributes and presentations (Defense of Market Participation) seeking excellence.


Position yourself in the jewelry market locally in the city of Caracas


The type of research that will be carried out for the realization of this project will be through a survey to have a clearer knowledge of how the market is currently in this type of project, our source of information will be the personalized one to know how the project, taking into account that the survey is a powerful and economical strategy when it comes to learning about a subject, since it is learned first-hand directly from the consumer.


3.3.1.- Projections

This type of project will lead us to learn more about the jewelry market, the way in which women are occupied every day by their appearance in terms of their wardrobe and what accessories to use with it and in addition to all this we will build a company that cares about highlighting female beauty even more, leading us to obtain utility and profitability.






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3.3.2.-Political-legal environment

In recent times, the government has established loan facilities for SMEs, thus providing an opportunity to start a business idea.

The government also offers events in which business plans are presented for a contest in which it provides you with seed capital and also training for the management of the company.

Through the Ministry of Popular Power, it offers training to entrepreneurs from different areas and they present themselves in groups to receive training in the area they want at an economic price.

4.- Financial Plan

The Financial Plan makes it possible to assess, among other things, the liquidity situation, indebtedness, financial independence, asset, inventory and collection management, and financial balance.

4.1.- Determination of the objectives of the financial study

  • Verify the Financial Ratios annually Carry out and execute strategies, in the event of possible weaknesses resulting from the financial ratios Define the profit of 100% Establish monthly sales represented in a value of 80% Periodically carry out a physical inventory of the garments compared to the exit account of commodity.

4.2-Required salary structure

General management 2 Salaries
Commercial Employees Salary + Commission

Salary Structure

In the case of General Management, they will be remunerated with 2 monthly Base Salary for the first three years.

For the employees of the Commercial Area, they will have a base salary of Bs.1,300,000 plus a sales commission of 10.% for each item sold per month for each employee; The employee must record the quantity sold in the sales book and merchandise book and thus calculate his commission.

The initial investment includes the acquisition of all the fixed and deferred assets necessary to start the operations of a company. Bs 20,000 are required for the initial investment of the project. 000 which will be invested as follows:

Calculation of the initial investment

Fixed Assets Value Tools and Equipment (gizmo, pliers, nylon hammer) $ 6,845,000
Inputs in Billing Machines $ 465,000
Work material (cords, pellets, chains, acrylic stones, and wire) $ 3,080,000
Electrical and Lighting Installations $ 193,000
Water Facilities $ 208,000
Facilities Costs and Expenses $ 60,000
Advertising investment 1,500,000
Viaticals 8,749. 000
Total value 20. 000. 000

$ 18.905.100,00


  • Within the delimitation of the project there are 80 potential clients, of which 18 affirm that the available market does not have the products they need to meet their requirements, therefore the products can be accepted by these 18 jewelery stores. affirm that each of the surveyed stores has 4 suppliers, which are the main competition in the market, for which it is intended to compete with guarantee, quality and price, giving the customer, comparing the unsatisfied potential demand and the manufacturing capacity From the manager and her collaborators it is concluded that only the aforementioned personnel is required since the demand is not wide enough to have more. It is determined that the project has a capital investment of $ 20,000,000 pesos.There are several financing alternatives, including requesting loans from banks. This project requires a loan of 40,111,946 Bolívares, for the start-up

Consulted Bibliography

GALINDO RUÍZ, Carlos. (2008) Manual for business creation. 3rd ed. Bogotá: Eco editions,. p. 37.

QUISPESAYHUA A,. (2011) Investment project for a costume jewelery. Single Edition. pp. 3. 4

Oviedo J., (2012) Business plan for the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of jewelry in the city of Bogotá. Degree project to apply for the title of Industrial Technologist.

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Business plan for the manufacture and sale of costume jewelery