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Business plan: adding a new service to an existing business


Business planning allows us to analyze the objectives that we must share, anticipating trends, evaluating future options and reducing uncertainty.

The Business Plan is a document that identifies, describes and analyzes a business opportunity in an orderly manner; it is a necessary strategy to convert the aforementioned opportunity into a specific business project.

This job consists of an additional service to an existing business. We expose the document printing service received by email in the communication rooms in Havana, Cuba.

I believe that this work can be a starting point to develop the business plans of various services in Correos de Cuba.



It is the printing service for messages and attachments received by email in the navigation rooms of the Post Office of Havana City.


National and international email communication services to Cuban and foreign citizens.

Geographic location

The navigation rooms are located in different Post Offices of the municipalities of the City of Havana, such as: Calle Obispo, Calle Orelly in Old Havana, Calle Reina and Calle Zanja in Centro Habana, Ave 19 and Boyeros, Calle Línea and Paseo in Plaza of the Revolution and in others such as Marianao, Zona 6 de Alamar in Habana del Este, Ave 42 and 13 in Playa.


We are an organization aimed at guaranteeing Universal Postal Services and other related and value-added services, with the aim of achieving maximum satisfaction for Cuban society and its integration with the world.


We provide Postal Services with quality guarantees and associated Multiservices, ensuring levels of profitability and efficiency, using advanced technologies, with motivated and professionally developed workers that contribute to the successful result and continuous development of the postal activity and that enjoy high social recognition..


  • Loyalty to the Fatherland, the Revolution and Socialism: Full identification with the revolutionary process. Professionalism: Full control of the activity carried out, manifesting a correct use of the resources at its disposal, achieving specific goals in the expected timeframes. Responsibility and discipline: Transparent compliance with their ethical, moral and labor duties. Honesty and honesty: Guarantee the security of the activities carried out, the preservation of resources and the fidelity of the information. Sense of belonging: Identification and commitment to Correos.

The service

Improve email services to increase their quality and meet the needs of the population.

Keep customers and increase market share in document printing and browsing service.

Activity sector

The e-mail communications service sector is in a growth stage in the country and in the Cuban Post Office, this business is also growing. Providing within this business the document printing service.


  • The business has a growth trend in Havana City. Market still unsatisfied and the growing demands of customers, on the speed and effectiveness of the service.


  • Competition grows stronger New competitors Lack of professionalism in the personnel providing the service.


  • Our main competitor in navigation service is the company ETECSA, but it does not offer the printing service.Habanaguanex SA and Foto-Serví and Trimagen, although it provides the printing service, it does not have navigation and email, customers would have to transfer the document to print in a flash memory, as they do currently, which also receive it in the Copy -Center. In these entities the prices for the printing service is 60% more than ours, which is $ 0.45 CUC for each side of printed sheet.We are represented in 80% of the municipalities of the capital, the largest number of rooms are located in the places with the most traffic by the population and transit visitors from the provinces and abroad.

Public to whom the service is directed.

  • The target audience to which it is directed is clients who have an account to navigate in the navigation room and satisfy the need of those clients who wish to take their printed mail. Today this service is not provided in any of the rooms that provide service of We want to apply the service that we are proposing in the first year in the navigation rooms with the highest demand, located in the municipalities of Old Havana, Havana Center, Plaza, Playa, Arroyo Naranjo.

We expect that the e-mail printing service will be used by a total of approximately 50,000 clients per month of the approximately 350,000 that have an e-mail account on the Cibercorreos platform.

Short-term goals

  • Offer quality services That our customers have a new service within the Navigation rooms business and that their acquisition allows satisfaction, which meets expectations.Achieve sales growth of this new service that allows us to continue growing within and outside the City of Havana. Continue growing with this service in other venues in the capital and the rest of the country.

Marketing plan

Two elements are taken into account: price and promotion.

The price

  • It is affordable, assuming that it is a service within the navigation business. For a value of 0.25 CUC for each document that you print. Contribute to the improvement of the service, raising the professionalism of the managers who work directly with the clients in the rooms, training them to develop more and more the skills to work with the clients.

The promotion

The Post Office is represented in all the municipalities of the capital, we also have a telephone information center and the back cover of the Bohemia magazine. In addition to the integral mailmen, who are our communicators par excellence. The managers and IT staff who provide the service of the rooms and the customer service staff that is represented in each email.

Operations Plan

Technical procedures exist in each room for the application of the Cybermail system. As well as the rights and duties that clients and employees have and must fulfill.

There is also the procedures to follow for all the areas that are involved such as (Commercial, Operations, IT and Economy).

Each room has the equipment (computers) and furniture necessary to provide the service.

In the new printing service there is a printer that will be connected directly to the manager's machine, which will carry out the credit assignment and search for the document in the user's folder, for the printing that he requests, after subscribing the requested service.

Human Resources

The post office navigation rooms have two managers.

A manager that performs the function of cashiers, (opening the accounts to new clients and credits money in the clients 'accounts, as well as downloading all the messages and photos in the clients' flash memory.

The other manager is in charge of advising and explaining to clients how to operate with the Cibercorreos® system, to send and receive their messages as well as visit other consultation sites.

The personnel selection and recruitment methods used are: personal interviews and verification by the detective.

Preparation and development strategy is in the workplace and especially the cybermail application program, to provide the customer with a better service, as well as a customer service course and a comprehensive management course.


The Business Plan is a document that identifies, describes and analyzes a business opportunity in an orderly manner, examines its technical, economic and financial viability and develops all the procedures and strategies necessary to convert the aforementioned opportunity into a specific business project.

Planning in business brings us advantages that allow us to analyze the objectives that we must share, anticipating trends, evaluating future options and above all it is a system to control strategic decisions, reducing uncertainty.

The Business Plan that gives rise to this work consists of an additional service to an existing business. We propose the document printing service in the Navigation Rooms in the Havana City Post Office. For this, there are 10 rooms in different Correos and Postal Services, with representation from several municipalities of the Capital.

I believe that this document can be a starting point to develop the business plans of various Correos de Cuba services, which today requires a chronological projection and an economic and financial analysis that allows managers to make strategic decisions in the entity's key result areas.

  • Business Description

The Cuban Post Office, offers within its services the infocommunications through 42 navigation rooms distributed throughout the national territory, these rooms have an application called Cibercorreos®, in which different telematic services are provided, including Navigation and E-mail services to Cuban and foreign citizens, who have the facility to access these services with their own user in any of the post offices enabled for them.

The new service to add to the business of the Navigation Rooms of the Post Office in Havana City as initially proposed, is the printing of the message and document received by email that can be obtained by the clients as soon as they are sent to their user folder the document they wish to print, the manager of the room will offer the printing service requested by the client, which will pay 0.25 CUC for each sheet that is printed in black and white.

Mission: We are an organization aimed at guaranteeing universal postal services and other related and value-added services, in order to achieve the maximum satisfaction of Cuban society and its integration with the world.

Vision: We provide Postal Services with quality guarantees and associated Multiservices, ensuring profitability and efficiency levels, using advanced technologies, with motivated and professionally developed workers that contribute to the successful result and continuous development of the postal activity and who enjoy a high social recognition.


About the service that we will offer, we can say that it is new in the navigation rooms, not so for Correo; Well, initially, people communicated with each other, through letters that, although not as fast as an email, is still valid. Then the telegram and the cable arrived through the teletypes, later the fax arrived as a text route and finally the email that allows us to receive, send messages, documents, photos, etc. And although it is in freely convertible currency (CUC), it is a cheaper way than the telephone, it also allows you to visit and search for information on other national websites.

Description of the service and distinctive value

Basic concept of the service to offer, is the printing of electronic messages and attached documents, the client has access to it by sending the mail that he wishes to print to his document folder. The manager of the navigation room will access the folder from their machine to the folder where the client placed the document or email they wish to print and the client will pay an amount of 0.25 CUC, for each printed sheet.

Distinctive value for the consumer or benefits of the service

They have the option of having their message received by e-mail printed and which you can read whenever you want and even share it with family and friends. In addition to not being long hours of waiting.

The target audience to which it is directed is the client who has an account to navigate in the navigation room and satisfies the need of those clients who wish to take their printed mail.

Today this service is not provided in any of the rooms that provide email service

We are represented in 10 of the 15 municipalities of the capital and even in the most central and visited municipality, we have located 2 navigation rooms with 15 PCs each (Old Havana).

  • Market study

Analysis of demand

External analysis

Factors that constitute the environment of our service and that influences the market and its behavior.

Demographic factor

We want to apply the service that we are proposing in the first year in the navigation rooms with the highest demand, located in the municipalities of Old Havana, Havana center, Plaza, Playa, Arroyo Naranjo.

We expect that the email printing service will be used by a total of approximately 50,000 customers per month of the 350,000 who have an email account on the Cibercorreos platform.

Our main clients are:

  • Clients who receive remittances from abroad.-– representing 70%. Relatives of the collaborators. -representing 5%. Students- representing 5%. Other clients in general on a smaller scale.- representing 20%.

Climate Factor

It favors us to develop the service, because in this period the country is immersed in energy saving. To guarantee the population at nighttime electricity service that is not affected in homes, the heat in the room, the long hours of waiting, with this new service will allow the customer to have the option of printing their mail and taking it from Documentary form (paper) for reading and analysis at home and sharing it with the family if you wish.

Communication Factor

  • The Post Office is represented in all the municipalities of the capital, we also have a telephone information center and the back cover of the Bohemia magazine. In addition to the integral mailmen, who are our communicators par excellence. The managers and IT staff who provide the service of the rooms and the customer service staff that is represented in each email.

Socio cultural factor

  • Today this service is not available in competitor's navigation rooms. Etecsa, in the Hotels.

Legal factors

  • This type of service is found within our corporate purpose and in the product and service nomenclature. By resolution 2093/05 of the Ministry of Economy and Planning.

Technological factors

  • We are favored by the technological change in which our company is immersed, the technology is acquired through the Copextel company, in charge of guaranteeing all the necessary equipment, as well as its maintenance and repair.

Environmental factor

  • We do not pollute the environment. Computer equipment does not pollute the environment.

Market / Sector Analysis

Diagnosis of the target market and segmentation.

The market is aimed at the 350,000 clients who have an email account with the Cibercorreos application in the navigation rooms of the Havana City Post Office.

We focus on the navigation rooms of the Capital and later it could be expanded to the other main provinces such as Matanzas, Stgo de Cuba, Camagüey and finally the rest of the country.

Our objective is to address mainly clients who have little time to read and respond, as well as having the option to share the mail with other people (family and friends).

We offer document printing service to customers who have a Cibermail account, at a price of 0.25 CUC per printed sheet.

Customers who have an email account in the Cibercorreos application and check them periodically, there are around 300,000 our monthly sales volume for the navigation services is 50,000.00 CUC.

It is in the communications sector that has many differentiation opportunities, they are independent rooms with clients of different characteristics and requesting the same services.

In current conditions, the navigation business is more requested by customers with each passing day, as it is an effective and efficient means of communication, inexpensive and is a specialized sector.

Offer analysis

Today our competitor is the Etecsa Company, which does not offer the printing service in its rooms within the navigation business.

Marketing analysis

In our navigation rooms we will offer e-mail printing service and attached documents to customers who have a Cibermail account in our navigation rooms at a price of 0.25 CUC, per printed sheet.

To make our new services known to customers and to promote sales, they will put a poster and loose advertising the services and what prices, in addition to each Commercial Manager, when the client deposits to credit time in their account, they will inform them of the ease they have If the message is printed, if you wish, you will pay 0.25 CUC for each printed sheet.

Target market revenue strategy

To achieve the development of this service we intend to offer it in the Navigation Rooms most visited by customers.

For this we will rely on the statistical information of sale by navigation service. (Email).

Achieve income from this service that allows us to continue growing inside and outside the city of Havana.

Entities that provide the Navigation service % of Sales of Services by distribution in the Market.
Rooms in Correos - CH. 70%
Rooms in ETECSA - CH twenty%
Rooms in Hotels - CH 10%

% of sales of navigation service by distribution in the market.

Calculation of Potential Demand

As it is a new service that is incorporated into an existing business, but based on verbal surveys, customer approaches, we believe that initially it will be used by 1 in 7 customers who have email that would be 50,000 customers per month, representing 15 % of potential demand.

  • 7 clients represent 100% 1 client represents 14.28%.

Marketing strategy

It is mainly aimed at:

  • Improve the service by raising the professionalism of the managers of the navigation rooms, Train staff in customer service technique, Use the dissemination media and graphics to promote the new service with the managers who work in the rooms.

Analysis of the representation of this service

The places that will begin to provide the printing service for e-mails or documents sent electronically are the 10 most frequented Internet-mail navigation rooms in Havana City.

The navigation and communication rooms and municipalities of location

Not. Navigation Rooms Municipality.
one Orelly Room Old Havana.
two Bishop Room Old Havana.
3 Zanja Room Havana Center.
4 Havana Room 4 Square.
5 Havana Room 13 Beach.
6 Havana Room 14 Marianao.
7 Havana Room 11 Guanabacoa.
8 Havana Room 5 October 10th.
9 Havana Room 9 Arroyo Naranjo.
10 Havana Room 25 East Havana.

Competition / Concurrency Analysis

Our main competitor in navigation service is ETECSA, but it does not offer the printing service.

Habanaguanex SA and Foto-Serví and Trimagen, although it provides the printing service it does not have navigation, customers would have to transfer the document to be printed in a flash memory, as they currently do, which also receive it at the Copy -Center, in these entities the prices for the printing service is 60% more expensive than ours at 0.45 CUC for each side of the printed sheet.

We are represented in 80% of the municipalities of the capital, the largest number of rooms are located in the places with the most traffic for the population and transit visitors from the provinces and abroad.

The use of the Mckinsey Matrix determines the competitive position of the navigation service and its relationship with the sector.

Entities Monthly service volume % Market share
Post Office Rooms 350,000 70%
Etecsa rooms 100,000 twenty%
Hotel Rooms 50,000 10%

Mckinsej matrix


  • Attractiveness of the sector. Position of the Company.

Attractiveness of the sector

Variables Tall Medium Low
Increase 0.5
Competition 0.5
Market one
Technology one
Total 3/4 = 0.75

Position of the company

Variables Tall Medium Low
Market share 0.5
Price 0.5
Accessibility 0.5
Technology one
Total 2.5 / 4 = 0.625

Mckinsej matrix

Attractiveness of the Sector.




0.33 0.625 0.33

High Medium Low

Position of the company.

The market in which the service is found is in a favorable position and must be carefully invested, discovering opportunities and profits. Segmentation must be done according to the purchasing power of the clients.

The consumer

  • With this service we cover a demand that arose from a need and has become a desire that we intend to satisfy with this project, as well as the need for our clients to communicate and share messages with other family members at home.
  • Company Analysis

Industry analysis

  • We will deal with some of the elements that characterize our company, weak and strong points.


  • We are represented in different municipalities of the City of Havana. We have a political and social effect. The current investment process in which we are with the change in technology (Technological equipment) favors us. We are the only ones to provide the document printing service from the same navigation room.

Weak points

  • The lack of professionalism and demotivation of the personnel who provide this service in the navigation rooms.


  • Not having the necessary supplies to provide the service (paper, printer ribbon).


  • That customers prefer us to navigate in our rooms, in addition to having a new service as one more option, to extend to other provinces of the country.

The strategy to better face the threats: is to make a purchase budget 8 months in advance, develop training courses and evaluate performance by applying a stimulation system that exists from the fulfillment of the sales plan in services.

  • Administrative Study

Organization of the navigation or communication rooms in the Post Office and Postal Service

Legal Aspect: Correos is a state company, which has within its social objective, to provide an electronic base service to the general population, it has its commercial certificate of communications services, issued by the MINCIN governing body and its license to operate in both currencies.

Organization Chart of the Business Plan

Roles and responsibilities:

The post office navigation rooms have two managers:

A manager: who performs the function of cashiers, (opening accounts to new clients and credits money to clients 'accounts, as well as downloading all messages and photos in the clients' flash memory.

The other manager: is in charge of advising and explaining to clients how to operate with the Cibercorreos® system, to send and receive their messages as well as visit other consultation sites.

Computer Chief of the Post Office: He is in charge of guaranteeing that all the machines are working and carrying out the repair procedures.

Head of Operations: He is in charge of ensuring that operations, procedures and resolutions established in the post office in general, as well as the closing of each shift

Chief Financial Officer and Cashier: They are in charge of collecting and balancing the cash, preparing the documentation and sending the cash to the bank through TRASVAL.

Sales Manager: He is in charge of monitoring the behavior of services and income, in the navigation rooms.

The average age of the personnel working in the room is 27 years old and the sex is female, representing 90% of the workforce in the navigation rooms. The average monthly salary in post office is $ 315.00 MN.

The level of qualification: it is technical or upper intermediate level.

Preparation and development strategy

It is in the workplace and especially the cybermail application program to provide the customer with a better service, as well as a customer service course and a comprehensive management course.

The personnel selection methods used are:

  • Personal interview Verification by detectives.

Financial study

Financing plan

We will not need to resort to a financial entity for the development of the project, because the company is in a change of technology in general of computing media for a Chinese loan, which will allow us to acquire the printers (Lenovo Brand- 350+) that we need to the new service we are proposing.

Sales projection

By way of conclusion in the financial indicators we can say that:

The updated return is 60% (IRR), which places the investment in an acceptable range, the current value of the future business is a NPV of $ 26,419.5 CUC, the net result tells us the magnitude of the business and by the results We can say that it is a good business, reaching five years with a positive balance of $ 65,000.00 CUC.

  • Technical study

We consider that the new document printing service is fostered on the basis of the existing business of national and international emails or intranet navigation, an air-conditioned premises that has more than 10 PCs on the network for the service and one PC is operated by the manager (a) of the room, for the deposit of the customer's account with a ticket printer to issue the receipt to the customer

For the new service (document printing) a lane printer is installed to provide the service when the customer requests it.

  • Risk analysis

The main risk factors that can occur in the Navigation service are:

  • Climatic risks Health risks Technological risks

Actions planned to reduce the level of vulnerability

The National Civil Defense System has set the policy to follow, aimed at reducing the effects of potentially destructive phenomena. The functional and structural organization of this system is fundamentally based on:

  • Law No. 75 of the National Defense Decree Law No. 170 of the System of Civil Defense Measures Decree Law No. 262 Regulation for the Compatibility of the economic-social development of the country with the interests of the defense.

The application of the previous regulations has allowed, among other goals:

Establish procedures to improve the financial and material assurance of disaster reduction measures.

Increase community participation in reducing the main vulnerabilities.

Actions to be carried out by the Postal Company in the navigation or communication rooms for disaster reduction.

  • Maintain updated technical files of all buildings according to resolution and determine on the basis of the same the vulnerability of their components Keep in operation all the protection systems that are required (fire detection system, fire extinguishing systems, earthworks and against atmospheric discharges, intrusion detection systems, etc.). Being a facility with danger of flooding due to rain penetrations, keep the evacuation plan for people and equipment updated Comply with the established construction maintenance cycles, intensifying maintenance and review of electrical systems and networks and electrical boards of all buildings.

Maintain and strengthen the vitality of the media with the use of integrated systems.

After having presented the Business Plan for the document printing service or email in the navigation or communication rooms, we understand that it will be successful for the following reasons:

  • The total demand for the e-mail and attachment printing service in the navigation or communication rooms is unsatisfied, the market that most demands this service is the City of Havana and the most attractive rooms are those located in the Central municipalities Havana, Vedado and Old Havana. An investment process is not necessary to purchase the printers since the company is in exchange for technology with a Chinese loan, which includes a short-lane printer, which are the perfect and economical for this service It is necessary to find a stable source (supplier) of supply of materials for input, such as paper, printer ribbon, at a lower cost and with quality. This service differs from the one offered by the competition,As it is a service that is derived from another such as the national and international email service, we differentiate ourselves from the competition in terms of prices, location and time that the service is provided. In addition, we have the advantage of being represented in almost all the municipalities of the Capital of Cuba (Havana).


  • Kloter, Peter. Marketing Directorate / P.kloter- La Habana: Editions of the Ministry of Higher Education: 1992-t I and II. Alcaraz, Rafael. The Successful Entrepreneur. guide to Business Plans. McGraw Hill Publishing House. Mexico. 1995 Diaz, Ileana, et.al Organizational Strategy. Editorial Félix Varela (in edition). Course study material. Business Plan Module, Taught by Dra. Alma Hernández.

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Business plan: adding a new service to an existing business