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Business plan for the creation of an agricultural company



The Business Plan for the creation of a company that produces granadilla under the use of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), was born by the expectation of a group of young university students, with the desire to contribute to the economic and social development of the agricultural sector and generating solutions to the rural problem facing the municipality of Zetaquira (Boyacá - Colombia).


This being an opportunity to involve technical and administrative knowledge in production processes, in order to generate changes that promote the improvement of agricultural techniques, in the quality of passion fruit, the capacity of human talent for sustainable development and the adoption of clean technologies., that allow, to be competitive, complying with norms and market standards.

This document adopts the Business Plan model proposed by the Emprender Fund, created by article 40 of Law 789 by the National Government and attached to the National Learning Service SENA, to finance business projects. For this, it is necessary in the first chapter called, General Aspects of Research, to frame in detail the relevant aspects that will be dealt with in the research, then the modules will be developed: Market Study, Technical Study, Organization Study, Financial Study, Operational Plan and Project Impact; in which the viability for the creation of a granadilla producing company in the municipality of Zetaquira under the use of BPA is clearly and in detail shown, in them it is possible to identify investment needs, income, costs, expenses,utility of the project, point of equilibrium, economic, regional, social and environmental impact.

Additionally, during its preparation, the environment of the business activity was evaluated and interpreted, the results were evaluated when acting on it in a certain way, variables involved in the project were defined and the optimal allocation of resources to start it was decided, seeking alternatives, proposals or courses of action; that serve as a guide in the start-up.

With the implementation of this project, it is intended to generate alternatives for micro-entrepreneurial development for the region by applying the necessary management tools to promote the development of the fruit sector. Also, the development of this business and academic proposal is vital to contribute to professional training, serving as a basis for Business Administration students who wish to carry out business projects under this model.


Frutas Margy will be established in the municipality of Zetaquira (Boyacá - Colombia), with the purpose of producing granadilla under the use of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), to "export Indirectly" through International Marketing Companies located in the city of Bogotá and its surroundings. Other clients will be Corabastos Chain Stores and Wholesalers who constantly demand fresh granadilla for which a staggered cultivation will be planned, allowing a permanent supply of good quality granadilla in the market.

Granadilla produced under Good Agricultural Practices will be offered; reducing the risks of contamination that guarantee the health and quality of the fruit, providing the consumer with a food with a pleasant appearance, aroma, taste and texture, which contributes to the care of human health and the conservation of the environment.

The entrepreneurial group is made up of professionals in the areas of Administration of

Business; Margarita Ávila and Diego Urbina and Agronomic Engineering; with the Engineer Wilmar Andrés Torres; who have direct experience in the administrative and technical management of this type of projects and excellent training in managerial and agronomic areas with an emphasis on clean technologies.

The Frutas Margy company requires a total investment of $ 76,000,000, of which the managing business group will contribute $ 3,000,000 and request $ 73,000,000 from the Emprender Fund as seed capital, in order not to incur financial obligations.

The opportunity is clear, since the demand for granadilla is growing nationally and internationally. Production will be 25,246 kg / year average, obtaining average annual income of $ 62,104,036 from sales of granadilla classified in the following qualities, export, 1st and 2nd at prices of $ 3,000 Kg., $ 1,800 Kg. And $ 1,500 Kg. Respectively.

The profitability of the project, in a 5-year analysis, is 11.47% per year. The net present value at 11% reaches a positive value of $ 657,704 and the payback period of the investment is 3.17 years. The project producing and selling 29,100 kg. reaches its point of equilibrium.

The social impact of the company is positive in the municipality of Zetaquira, because it requires 518 wages / year. For its operation, it demands indirect labor from young peasant men and women, between 19 and 30 years old. Likewise, the development of the fruit sector of the municipality will be promoted with the implementation of clean technologies, with the aim of achieving sustainable development, through the conservation of the environment (soil, water), the health of workers and the consumer of granadilla.

In this way, the commercial, technical, economic, financial, legal, environmental and juridical viability for the creation and start-up of the Frutas Margy company is demonstrated.



Problem Statement.

The approach given by the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC), to the Business Administration program is to encourage its graduates to create companies and thus be job generators; understanding this approach is how a business opportunity was identified and a partnership was created between an agronomist and two business managers with technical and administrative knowledge required to develop the project.

The aim was to solve the problem of financing the business opportunity, for which it is necessary to prepare this Business Plan that demonstrates the feasibility of creating a company that produces organic granadilla export type in the municipality of Zetaquira, complying with with the methodological and technical guidelines required by the SENA Entrepreneurship Fund and which provides young entrepreneurs with the opportunity to create their own business.

The current regional and departmental situation was analyzed and it was found that "no crop like fruit trees has the potential to produce food of excellent quality, offer good profitability, generate employment and be oriented towards small and medium producers, which is one of the current priorities President"Furthermore, "it was observed that in the Lengupa region (Boyacá) there are no granadilla crops under the use of export-type GAP and the demand for this type of product worldwide is increasing (see annexes 3, 7 and 9)". This region has a microclimate system that guarantees that crops are not damaged by climatic abnormalities as is the case in other regions of the country.

Based on the foregoing, an OPPORTUNITY was identified to create a granadilla producing company under Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), demonstrating its viability in the development of this Business Plan.

  • Problem formulation.

How is it possible to demonstrate the feasibility for the creation of an export-type organic granadilla producer company in the municipality of Zetaquira?

  • Systematization of the Problem Is there sufficient internal demand for tropical fruits (granadilla) to ensure that the product can be successfully marketed? How does the location of the company contribute to the success of the project and the development of the Lengupa region? From a legal point of view, what would be the most appropriate structure for the company? Does the technology required for the project exist in the country and is it possible to condition it in the Lengupa region? How can negative impacts be reduced by environment for the production of these crops in the region How to identify the financial viability of the project for investors and / or partners?


1.2.1 General Objective.

Prepare a Business Plan for the creation of an export-type organic granadilla producer company in the municipality of Zetaquira.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

  • Contextualize relevant and necessary elements for the development of the research Carry out a market study in which the supply and demand for granadilla at the national level can be clearly identified Establish the location of the company according to factors such as transportation, availability of raw material, and customer location, always seeking a substantial reduction in costs, and that in turn contributing to the development of the agro-fruit sector of the department of Boyacá Design the organizational and administrative structure for the creation of the company Carry out a study technician who determines the most appropriate facilities, machinery and plant distribution.Carry out an environmental study to determine the impact on the environment and design strategies to reduce said effects through the adoption of clean technologies. Carry out an economic, financial and socioeconomic evaluation of the project.


In recent years, world agriculture has evolved towards more efficient and sustainable models, in environmental and economic terms, where safety and quality within production systems are becoming increasingly important. In this context, the “Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) arise, which are a set of practices that seek to guarantee the safety of agricultural products, the protection of the environment, the safety and well-being of workers, and agricultural health, with the in order to improve conventional production methods and reduce the use of agrochemicals. "

Based on this new technological component in agricultural production, granadilla will be cultivated through the use of BPA, also seeking the socioeconomic improvement of the population and taking advantage of the existing opportunity in the department of Boyacá in the fruit sector, for cultivation and marketing of tropical fruits, demanded by International Fruit Marketing Companies, which basically export to Europe and Latin America, who require good quality fresh fruit, with norms and standards required by destination countries (EUREPGAP - BPA), which ensure traceability. (See annex 9)

The purpose of the investigation was to apply knowledge of the administrative areas to a company that produces organic granadilla. To achieve this objective, the deductive research model was used. In accordance with the research objectives, the series of opportunities that the project offers to investors was confirmed and will serve as a guide for the execution of the business idea.

Through this research, the aim was to take advantage of “a latent opportunity that is found in the department of Boyacá in the fruit sector, especially with regard to the cultivation of tropical fruits demanded nationally by exporters for the agro-industrial processing of different food products and the consumption of organic foods that help with health care. "

As the consumption of fruits in the country is in deficit, it is easy to understand that there is an internal market with enormous and very important potential for the development of fruit production.

“Heeding the mandates of the Nation in terms of agricultural production and land management, where agricultural productions from the center of the country are destined for export, Boyacá is located in a strategic point of the National geography, to produce and offer to the world Exotic Vegetables and Fruits from tropical climates. "

"At present the granadilla occupies a remarkable place within the tropical or exotic fruits, exported for this reason it is striking to fix innovations in relation to this product, and its great potential in the short and long term Colombian production occurs between February and March and between October and December, although the country maintains full availability of the fruit throughout the year, thanks to the high level of technification of the crops and the good natural drainage of the topography where they are located, except in the case of Antioquia. "

"The passion fruit in international trade has gained importance thanks to the campaigns for the consumption of exotic products that have been carried out by the countries that produce the fruit worldwide, including Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, as in 2000 Colombia exported 570 tons of granadilla and showed an upward trend throughout the 90s (6.8% annual average). "

This type of agricultural production, taking into account its yield, can recover the total investment in three years from the moment the crop is established, two of which are for production. Therefore this crop represents a good long-term financial investment.

Additionally, an integrated preventive environmental strategy is applied to processes, products and services to increase efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment by offering an organic product, free of chemical residues that contaminate the environment, and have harmful effects on the environment. Human health.


  1. Theoretical framework.

For the elaboration of a business plan, it lowers the guidelines established by the SENA Entrepreneurship Fund, it is necessary to define some terms to have greater clarity in its interpretation: Plan: “Action program for the implementation of a company. 2. Systematic plan of future operations in a given period ; and Business: 1. purchase and sale of goods and services for profit. 2. A place to negotiate where inventory of merchandise is kept for sale ” ; According to these concepts, it can be defined that a Business Plan “is a fundamental document for the entrepreneur, both for a large company and for a SME.

In different situations in the life of a company it is necessary to show all aspects of a project in a single document: for approval by superiors within the organization, to convince an investor, to support a credit request, to present a offer of sale, to obtain a license or a franchise of a local or foreign company, or to interest a potential partner. Other authors such as Rodrigo Varela, define the Business Plan as “a process of giving the business an identity, a life of its own. It is a procedure to clearly and precisely state the purposes, ideas, concepts, operational forms, results and, in summary, the entrepreneur's vision of the project. It is a mechanism to project the company for the future,to anticipate difficulties and to identify possible solutions to situations that may arise. The complexity of the Business Plan is directly proportional to the complexity of the business and inversely proportional to the knowledge and experience that the entrepreneur has about the business. "

To the above, the concept of Company is added: “1. Institution characterized by the organization of the economic factors of production. Unlike the concept of society, the company does not have legal personality. 2. Any type of business, corporation or partnership. "This definition can be valued from 2 points; the first as a producer of goods, or as a provider of services; In the development of this research, the first concept will be applied, which refers to Production: “1. From the economic point of view, it is the increase in the value of goods through, transformation, and transfer in space and time, as well as the possession of the goods themselves. 2. Efficiency criterion that refers to the capacity of an organization to supply the goods demanded by its environment ”from this definition the type of production that will be identified for the individual; Primary production:Also called Extractive Industry, “includes those branches of production that obtain their raw materials from nature. The branches of agriculture, fishing and mining are main branches of the primary or original production of goods for which it is necessary to define. "

When using the production factors, a Product is obtained as a result: anything that can be offered to serve the market whose acquisition, use or consumption satisfies a need; comprises physical objects, services, people, places, organizations, and ideas; in this particular case the product is identified as Granadilla: “1. Passionflower flower. 2. Fruit of the passionflower. 3. American plant of the passionflower family, with large fragrant flowers, whose whorls roughly resemble the instruments of the passion of Jesus Christ. "

In a globalized world where there are no borders and biological products are booming worldwide and considering this an added value to the product, it is pertinent to consider its definition in the following way biological products,“They are defined as a production system that largely rejects or excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and additives for livestock feed. Wherever possible, it uses crop rotation, crop residues, animal manure, legumes, green manure, organic residues, and biological pest control to maintain productivity and till crops. soil, provide nutrients for plants, and control insects, weeds and other pests.

Organic farming is widely used in underdeveloped and developing countries, largely due to economic problems and a lack of chemicals. However, they are becoming more and more widely accepted in developed countries as a reaction to intensive or industrial exploitation systems.

Organic farming is known by different names in different countries, and the roughly 16 terms used to refer to it include organic farming, regenerative farming, and sustainable farming. Organic farming is the most used term in Europe, while the United States and the United Kingdom prefer organic farming. "The Good Agricultural Practice "promote conservation and promotion of the environment with profitable production of acceptable quality, besides maintaining the safety required for a food product for human consumption. This is achieved through proper management in all phases of production, from the selection of the land, the sowing, the development of the crop, the harvest, the packaging, the transport to the sale to the final consumer.

Taking this added value in production as a strength, it is feasible that the product, due to its characteristics, is demanded by other countries, for this reason it is necessary to highlight the concept of Exporting " term expressed as the sale to a foreign country of goods, services, capital, labor, etc.; the product."

2. Conceptual Framework

For the development of the research, it was necessary to use concepts that allow the better understanding and achievement of the objectives framed within a theory that was defined below.

FRUIT GROWING “Cultivation of all those plants that produce fruit. It is also defined as the art that teaches the methods of that cultivation. In a broad sense, the term includes the preparation of the fruits and their subsequent commercialization. The object of fruit growing is to combine environmental factors, such as soil and climate, in the best way, with the techniques used, economic availability and marketing channels. "

COMMERCIALIZATION. “In marketing, planning and control of goods and services to favor the proper development of the product and ensure that the requested product is in place, at the time, at the required price and quantity, thus guaranteeing profitable sales. For the person responsible for this process, marketing encompasses both production planning and management. For the wholesaler and for the retailer, it involves the selection of those products that consumers want. The correct location of the product, at the right time, is highly relevant when it comes to goods that are in fashion, temporary goods, and new products whose sales rate is highly variable. The price is usually set in such a way that the good can be sold quickly, and at a satisfactory rate of profit.The quantity produced must be sufficient to satisfy all potential demand, but it must not be excessive either, avoiding the forced reduction of the price in order to increase sales and reduce the level of inventories. "

OFFER. "one. Price for which one person is willing to sell and another to buy. 2. Quantity of goods that can be sold in a market and at a given time. " 17

DEMAND. “Quantity of a good or service that economic subjects are willing and able to acquire in an implicit market at a given price and at a given time. Note that the notions of need, desire and purchasing power are implicit in the last statement. It is one of the factors that sets the price of an economic good or service in a market economy. "

OFFER AND DEMAND. "Offer is the maximum price requested by the seller, demand, the maximum price that the buyer is willing to pay for the purchase of a merchandise or a security."

THE COMPETITION. “Competing companies -current and potential-, advantages and disadvantages of their products and strategies, market share by turnover, etc. In what aspects does it compete with these companies (price, quality, expansion of the offer). "

COMMERCIALIZATION (MARKETING). "Activities that accelerate the movement of goods or services from the manufacturer to the consumer and that includes everything related to advertising, distribution and marketing techniques, product planning, promotion, research and development, sales, transportation and storage of goods and services. "

FINANCE. “Management to provide means of payment. Finances cover financial planning, estimation of income and cash expenses, financing or obtaining funds and financial control or measure of compliance with original plans. " twenty-one

BUDGET. "Action plan expressed in figures for a given period of time." twenty-one

MARKET STUDY. "Its purpose is to determine, with a good level of confidence, the following aspects: the real existence of customers, for the products or services to be produced, their willingness to pay the established price, the determination of the quantity demanded in terms of to be able to prepare a sales projection, the acceptance of the payment methods, the validity of the marketing and sales mechanisms envisaged, the identification of the distribution channels to be used, and the competitive advantages and disadvantages, etc. " 22

TECHNICAL STUDY. “Its purpose is to define the possibility of achieving the desired product or service in the quantity, quality and cost required. This originates the need to identify production processes, suppliers of raw materials, equipment, technology, human resources, supplies, control systems, forms of operation, unit consumption of raw materials, supplies and services, distribution of plant and equipment, training requirements. of human resources, etc. " 22


needs of the business group and staff profile that the business requires, management structures and styles, control mechanisms, administration policies.

of personnel and of participation of the business group in the management and the results, having all these elements.

FINANCIAL STUDY. "The needs for financial resources, the sources and conditions of these and the real possibilities of access to them will be determined."

ECONOMIC EVALUATION. "Its main purpose is to determine the economic characteristics of the project, for this there is a need to identify investment needs, income, costs, expenses, profit, accounting and economic equilibrium points and determine the possibility that when selling the product at the established price, the business leaves an adequate surplus. "

LEGAL AND SOCIAL STUDY. "The legal and social possibility that exists for the business to establish and operate is defined, issues such as permits, regulations, laws, obligations, social effects, type of society, responsibilities, among others." 22

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS. “Emissions, effluents, and waste from the company, risks and contamination from these emissions, effluents and waste, pollution control mechanisms, risks to the community due to emissions, effluents and waste, risks for workers, mechanisms of Hygiene and industrial security." 22

ISO 9000 AND 14000 STANDARDS. “Standards that regulate the quality of goods or services sold or offered by companies, as well as the environmental aspects involved in their production. Both commerce and industry tend to adopt uniform production and marketing standards for all countries, that is, they tend towards standardization. This not only translates into laws that regulate the production of goods or services, but its influence tends to give stability to the economy, save expenses, avoid unemployment and guarantee the profitable operation of companies. " 2. 3

GOOD FARMING PRACTICES. “Good Agricultural Practices combine a series of technologies and techniques aimed at obtaining healthy, quality fresh products.

superior, with high economic returns, emphasizing the integrated management of pests and diseases, conserving natural resources and the environment and minimizing risks to human health. " 24

3 Geographical Framework.

“Zetaquira is one of the 123 municipalities of Boyacá (Colombia), it belongs to the Lengupa region, located (see annex 1) on the road that leads to Tunja at a distance of 74 kilometers from the capital of the department of Boyacá. It is a region of landscapes and contrasts. It is limited by the following municipalities: by the North with Tota, Pesca and Rondon; by the West with Ramiriquí, Chinavita; to the South with Miraflores and to the West with Berbeo, San Eduardo and Aquitania.

Zetaquira's soil occupies approximately, from 5º 17 ”north latitude to 73º 10” longitude west of Greenwish. It is located in the temperate thermal floor, since it is at an altitude of 1875 meters above sea level.

The municipality registers an average annual temperature of 18ºC, taking into account the area of ​​226 km²., Distributed as follows: lands with cold climates 86 km², lands with paramazos climates 83 km², lands with temperate climates 57 km² therefore the products are also different and they depend on the weather; We also find several thermal floors. An average relative humidity of 85% and an average rainfall of 2,000 meters per year.

The main economic sources of Zetaquira are: agriculture and livestock, but we also find activities such as: commerce, construction, carpentry and jobs in public entities (Mayor's Office, Agrarian Bank, Registrar, Inspection, Notary) among others.

Agricultural production is subsistence and its organization is in the process of adapting technology. The municipality has moderate commercial activity with the municipalities of Miraflores, Ramiriquí, Garagoa, Sogamoso, Guateque and Pesca, it has banking establishments such as Banco Agrario: Institution that collaborates with the development of agriculture and livestock. " 25

BASIC GUIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE 2003 Granadilla Crop. ASOHOFRUCOL. Bogota Capital District-Colombia, 73p.



.Governance of Boyacá, 200p.

National Development Plan 2003-2006.

Study of promising fruit trees for export. 1992-2004.

Study of promising fruit trees for export. 1992-2004.

Business dictionary. Konral Fischer Rossi. 1992.

VARELA, Rodrigo. Business Innovation Science and Art in business creation 2001, 381p.

Business dictionary. Konral Fischer Rossi. 1992.

Business dictionary. Konral Fischer Rossi. 1992.

Small Larousse in color. 1990.

Encarta Student Encyclopedia 2003. Educate.


Ocean Economic Dictionary 2002. Educate.2005

Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, ICA, Vegetal Health Division. 2005.

Encarta Student Encyclopedia 2003. Educate 17 Ocean Economic Dictionary 2002.

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Business dictionary. Konral Fischer Rossi. 1992.

Encarta Student Encyclopedia 2003. Educate

Business dictionary. Konral Fischer Rossi. 1992.

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The international standardization body is ISO (International Standard Organization), created in 1947 and which has 110 member states represented by their national standardization bodies, which in Spain for example is AENOR (Spanish Agency for Standardization), in Argentina IRAM (Argentine Institute for Materials Rationalization) and in the United States the ANSI (American National Standards Institute).

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Business plan for the creation of an agricultural company