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Business plan for SMEs

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In the following material you will find the necessary information that will make it easier for you to start and operate a business and identify opportunities as threats to it and thus create strategies.


The purpose of the work is to plan and create instruments that are not regularly used in business and propose it in an appropriate way, analyzing the short and long term and creating the structure that a business needs. You will also find the stages that a business has to go through and that in some cases business leaders have no idea when they present themselves, I ask you for your time to identify the fucking that you will find at the end and identify where you are. right now.

Business plan


According to “In the changing world To establish the truth and identify the main threats and opportunities faced. With all that essential to be honest and encourage that honesty by frankly comparing a company with other competitors ”(STUTELY, 2000, p. 11)

Planning and instrumentation

"Great ideas need landing gear and wings" (JACKSON, 2000, p. 12) in my opinion, whenever a project is started or at least a dream, it must always be carried out with the right people accompanying us.

Once we have analyzed where we are at this moment and where we want to see ourselves in the future, whether in the long or short term, the most important thing we must do is identify each of the steps we must follow to carry out our vision since The vision that we have will be the reason for the organic structure, in the same way we must organize the structure in a way that suits us example if the marketing department is the most important of an organization then it must stand out let's remember something because if our plan requires that something always takes place then someone will be appointed to do it


Presentation of business plan

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, yeast maker, or baker that we expect our dinner to come from, but from the care they give to their own interests. We do not appeal to their humanity but to the love they have for themselves and we never talk to them about our needs, but about the advantages they have (Smith, 2000, p. 30)

A business plan does not exist in isolation. It should not be written and then filed, on the contrary, it should be sent to the lowest levels to communicate the direction that the company follows and what activities each element of an organization should carry out, therefore a plan creates the need for resources that must come outside of the company, whatever the plan, should convince investors that the plan is in their benefit and will offer performance since when seeking resources from outside it should offer a broad parameter for who the plan is directed to,Some plans mainly seek to encourage the hiring of more staff and to detect needs, but most plans aimed at external recipients seek money from either the bank or an investor, this increases the degree of care with which a plan must be prepared.

It is known that seeking sources of financing until reaching the potential of a plan were rejected several times.

People can make a big difference

It is not the critic who counts; Nor does the man who points out how the fort stumbled or where the maker could have done these better. The credit belongs to those who remain in the struggle; one whose face shows traces of dust and sweat and blood; he who fights with courage; the one who errs and remains halfway over and over again; the one who knows great enthusiasms and great devotions and ventures for a just cause; he who, in the best of cases, knows in the end the triumph of great achievements and who, in the worst of cases, if he fails, does so by trying hard, so that his place will never be with the cold and timid souls that they know neither victory nor failure.

Please convince yourself that planning wisely is essential for orderly improvement, which requires everyone around you to understand what you aspire to and why.

I wish you the best for your particular project, the techniques referred to in this fragment will provide you with the technical assistance you may require.

Business plans are used for many different purposes. In being considered as:

  1. The formal expression of a planning process A request for funding A scheme to be approved A tool for administrative operation

One of the main ones for easy understanding is that it meets four objectives

The formal expression of a planning process:

It serves us of great advantage since it allows us to discover errors and allows us to take advantage of possible opportunities, as well as a guide to operate and react to irrelevant events or rather to be at the forefront of events that have made the world see the world from another perspective as They are: Change, technology and globalization the three points mentioned are because in my opinion they constitute a more persistent area of ​​challenge since we cannot remain without giving a touch that distinguishes one thing from another, consequently technology does not go unnoticed it is because in Any business is essential and I say it because I have had the opportunity to give myself the task of observing how technology changes businesses no matter how small. Globalization is important not because I emphasize it but because in a generalized way it has made

Businesses choose to change policies and this is because no one wants to stay one step behind the competition as you will have read the points mentioned go hand in hand.

A request for funding

Behind every business plan there is a financing intention because it allows us to work with money from another person called an investor, this happens in most circumstances because a clear example is in which companies seeking financing to buy furniture are mostly mischievous. continue operating I clarify it is not always used for the aforementioned.

The approval

A documented business plan provides a framework for approval. The owner of a small business who takes on the problem of documenting a plan is probably the one who authorizes it as an important point.Normally, a board of directors or a board of directors is the one who authorizes a business plan or perhaps a person in charge of giving the approval as It is very important to point out that approval and financing are closely related since when approving a business plan, the plan is usually always financed, it can also happen vice versa because it could be that an investor could be the one who leads a plan and therefore Consequently, you have to approve it even if the project is not correct. Business owners and executives are always responsible for the actual conduct of the business.

Operational administration

Before going any further, we need to take a little time to briefly discuss the definition of management.

It is the process of structuring and using sets of resources oriented towards the achievement of goals.We can also divide this definition as:

Administration is a process: it consists of a series of activities and operations such as planning, deciding and evaluating.

Administration implies structuring and using a set of resources: it is the process that gathers and puts into operation a variety of types of resources, human, financial, material and information

Management means acting in the direction of achieving a goal to accomplish tasks: therefore, it does not perform random activities, but activities with a well-defined purpose and direction.

A plan provides a framework for running a business by setting out a method that ranges from general strategy to day-to-day activities.

The level of detail is measured by the degree of control required by presenting limits and objectives against which actual performance is to be judged. If this is not fulfilled or is exceeded in its fulfillment, there is time to amend the plan, the strategy or sometimes even the objective itself.

Once all this is done then you can identify the following:

  • Define your business activities Define your current situation Define the external market, the competition you face and your market Define your objectives for the period covered by the plan Formulate a strategy to achieve your objectives Identify risks and opportunities Map out a strategy to limit risks and explore opportunities Debug the strategies to work plans Project costs and revenues and develop plan


I think that when I made the material, it helped me in a personal way to give myself an idea of ​​how to manage resources to the maximum, as soon as I undertake and carry out my idea, although it is true I plan to start a business for this reason I decided to make this material so that they is useful and helps them land that idea they have in mind.

Business plan for SMEs