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Business and marketing plan


What should we do to develop a business plan ?, Seneca said more than 2,000 years ago: "It is more important to know where events are going than to know where they come from."

A business or marketing plan is a document prior to an investment, or the launch of a product or service, at the beginning of a business where, among other things, what is expected to be achieved with that project is detailed, what the plan will cost, the time and resources that will be used to achieve it, and a detailed analysis of all the steps that must be taken to achieve the proposed ends.


The plan can also address, apart from the merely economic aspects, the technical, legal and social aspects.

The business plan has two roles: internal and external. The first has a certain parallelism with what is understood by engineering project, in which the technical aspect prevails, while in the second aspect the economic aspect prevails. Both share the desire to be exhaustive, it is not a mere sketch, or an idea, simply in both cases it is a systematic plan to achieve the proposed ends.

Unlike an engineering plan, the business plan is not subject to any regulations. Its conscientious writing requires a detailed analysis of the factors of all kinds that affect the project. (Gross profit margin, operating profit margin, profit margin before taxes, earnings per share, liquidity ratio, immediate liquidity ratio, asset turnover, debtor collection period, supplier collection period, inventory rotation, ROACE, ROTAA, return on equity, financial leverage, debt ratio, index coverage)

This does not imply that some analyzes that have been approved from a brief and intuitive analysis will not be carried out because their economic objectives are not clear where profitability is reflected (according to Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox) one of the elements so that the organization goes well. However, projects approved through a full study will make better use of favorable circumstances, having been anticipated in advance and having pointed to their possible solutions.

The business plan, as mentioned, also has an external role, it is usually the memorandum that is presented to attract financial resources or to the owners of the company to decide on the activation of a strategic plan before the launch of a product. or service by the organization. In this sense, it seeks to convince them by giving the image of a solid idea, well defined and outlined according to their objectives. A firm may have discovered a market and created the products, but not have sufficient resources to compete successfully.

Thus, a business plan must meet two fundamental characteristics:

COMPLETITUDE: What matters is in the plan. The business planning process must be continuous and repetitive.

GOOD ORGANIZATION: What you are interested in is easy to find.

According to Cohen, you can talk about two types of business plans: the plan for a new product or service and the annual plan. The first refers to the product or service to be introduced to the market, the other when the particular product is already in production, we need to make changes in the approach or position in the market. The main problem that arises with new products is the difficulty of gathering information in the absence of creativity.

In these cases, the plan must cover the life of the project (in its phases), from the beginning to the establishment in the market.

As for the business plan, it is applied to products already on the market, and to new products which are going to be launched on the market, and which through ID have been studied to satisfy customer needs. (

Philip Kotler says that Marketing: "is human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through a process of exchange.")

The annual review allows discovering new problems, opportunities and threats that are overlooked in the daily life of the organization. A SWOT analysis allows you to look at strengths and weaknesses in the context of opportunities and threats.

Below you can find the answer to the question about what should be the purpose of a business plan:

  • Description of the environment of the company: It allows knowing the market, competitors, current legislation, economic conditions, technological situation, expected demand, etc., as well as the resources available to the company. According to Graham Friend and Stefan Zehle, when analyzing the environment it is important to know the pressures in politics, in changes in consumer attitudes and in the development of new technologies. For the authors there are three levels of change: Stable: There is little or no change in the environment. Any change that occurs is slow, easily identifiable and predictable. Dynamic: There are changes in the environment, but the pace of change is moderate. Turbulent: They are characterized by having a large number of unpredictable and rapid changes, they are characterized by a high degree of technological development Management Control:It foresees the possible changes and plans the necessary detours to overcome them, allowing to find new routes that lead to the desired objectives. In this way, you can clearly see the difference between what is planned and what is really happening. Ken Blanchard, in his book, tells the secret, a business story, being able to visualize the future. Scope of objectives: The programming of the project is extremely important and therefore all those involved must understand what their responsibilities are and how they fit together. its activities in the overall strategy. As an example, some financial and non-financial objectives are presented:clearly see the difference between what is planned and what is really happening. Ken Blanchard, in his book, tells the secret, a business story, being able to visualize the future. Scope of objectives: The programming of the project is extremely important and therefore all those involved must understand what their responsibilities are and how they fit together. its activities in the overall strategy. As an example, some financial and non-financial objectives are presented:clearly see the difference between what is planned and what is really happening. Ken Blanchard, in his book, tells the secret, a business story, being able to visualize the future. Scope of objectives: The programming of the project is extremely important and therefore all those involved must understand what their responsibilities are and how they fit together. its activities in the overall strategy. As an example, some financial and non-financial objectives are presented:As an example, some financial and non-financial objectives are presented:As an example, some financial and non-financial objectives are presented:
Increase profits

· Promote the evolution of the organization.

· Integration of all parts of the organization.

Review new and existing services

· Improvement of personnel.

· Increase administrative efficiency.

  • Attracting resources: In fact, this is what the business plan is used for most of the time.Optimizing the use of limited resources: Research carried out to carry out the business plan and the analysis of strategic alternatives stimulate reflection on the circumstances that influence the process to be developed and on the events that may appear, modifying ideas and previous objectives.

For resources:

LABOR They are fungible resources, normally personnel resources, which can reduce the duration of an activity by using more of them. These resources are associated with a calendar and a working day (where overtime is reflected) that defines their availability.

MATERIALS Which are resources that can be produced, consumed or both. In these their availability will be marked by the stock at all times.

OTHERS Which are resources that do not correspond to any of the previous types, such as rented equipment, computer time, etc. The availability of these resources is very flexible.

In either case, we must highlight the need to have the resource in the right place, which transforms the problem of having a resource at the right time into having the resource in the right place and at the right time, introducing a new factor of great economic weight of displacements (transport).

  • Organization and temporality: In any project the time factor is fundamental, there is almost always a completion date that must be respected. It is therefore important to schedule activities in such a way that all foreseeable circumstances can be used to carry out the plan within the set deadlines, that is, that everyone knows what to do within the plan and when.


How should we start to make a business plan?

As early as 1975 Peter Drucker said: "you have to manufacture what is sold and not try to sell what is manufactured."

Every company, regardless of its size or the sector in which it operates, needs to prepare a business plan. This must meet a series of requirements to be effective and requires from those responsible, a realistic approach to the situation of the organization, that its elaboration is detailed and complete, must include and develop all the objectives, must be practical and affordable for all personnel, of a determined periodicity, with its corresponding improvements, and shared with all the personnel of the organization. A great challenge that arises for the management of the organization in this century is the productive factor and that of Management Capacity.

As the trend towards globalization of markets and business activity, arise from impulse or decisions in a changing environment, and that are systematically coupled to functional strategies and operational decisions.

The first stumbling block entrepreneurs face is the challenge of creating a successful company. To respond to this challenge, they must have the capacity to discover a market need and to develop an adequate product or service to satisfy that need.

It is not necessarily possible to think that in order to compete in a fully globalized market you can compete with low prices, the analysis of trends is an indicator of what we can do to continue in the market, and the decisions we can make regarding the turn that must Organize if you want to continue producing and / or selling.

If we respond adequately to these challenges, it is very likely that a company will experience rapid growth, at this point it faces a set of obstacles and challenges typical of survival.

Business decisions should always be made based on the strength of the business idea, but it is much easier to make a decision if the idea is conveyed clearly and concisely through a business plan.

The Manager must recognize all this so that the company does not face difficulties, must know the operating systems in order to be able to launch a product or deliver a service and work on a base.

The organization must take into account that it requires plans, both organizational and formal discipline, since it commits itself to enter into a formal planning that we can associate with a lifestyle, where tasks as well as obligations, roles and responsibilities acquire a special touch which will allow us to address both the objectives, goals, measures, and rewards that the organization intends to achieve.

Graham Friend and Stefan Zehle, in their book How to Design a Business Plan say: no two businesses are identical, and two business plans are never alike, but good business plans have themes in common. They "tell a story" and explain how the business will achieve its goals in a consistent, consistent and cohesive way. The "story" will focus on the customer's needs. The Plan will identify the market, its growth prospects, target customers and main competitors. It should be based on a set of credible estimates, and should identify those estimates to which the profitability of the business is most sensitive. It should also identify the risks faced by the business, the potential inconveniences and the actions that will be taken in order to mitigate the risks.

When developing plans it is important to consider their effectiveness and profitability, this implies thinking of a global commercial organization in which changes must be planned in key sectors, as this will allow successful progress in the different stages.

Eric G. Flamholtz, in his pyramid of organizational development considers six key tasks, which I will describe in a succinct way. (see graph n ° 1)


When should we make a business plan?

Discover and define a market gap. Fundamental requirement to create a successful organization, the market is made up of buyers who demand goods and services that the organization tries to produce and sell, the possibilities improve if the organization discovers a need that has not yet been adequately satisfied or that has little competition to satisfy it. This process involves the use of strategic planning to discover the market.

Create products and services. It basically consists of analyzing current and potential customers in order to design products that meet needs.

Get the resources. On many occasions, it is very difficult to obtain the resources, despite the fact that the market has been identified and products and services have been designed to satisfy the needs.

Create operating systems. To function effectively, an organization must take accounting systems, billing, collections, advertising, recruitment, staff training, sales, production into account to facilitate day-to-day operations.

Creation of administration systems. These systems that are required are: planning, organization, managerial training and control.

Management of business culture. Just as all people have their idiosyncrasies, all organizations have a culture, which can be summarized in a set of shared values, beliefs and norms, which governs the way in which people are expected to run their business on a daily basis.


SOURCE: From businessman to Professional Manager, p. 14

The main value of the business plan is the creation of a written project that evaluates all aspects of the economic feasibility of the initiative carried out by the organization, as well as an analysis of business prospects.

The business plan is an essential step that a manager must take, regardless of the size of the business, it is for this reason that the (new) entrepreneur must write the business plan that is ideal for the particular company.

Why should we make a business plan?

The business plan is useful in several ways:

  • Define and focus the objective making use of the analysis of the information collected and appropriate.It constitutes a sales tool and faces important relationships (lenders, investors, banks) Remember that libraries, bookstores and industry or government websites are the places where you can find business plans with basic information.It integrates the main normative documents.It arises from the conceptual, methodological and management need to specify the strategies in economic, technical, technological and financial terms.It is a logical, progressive document, realistic, coherent and oriented towards future action in order to achieve objectives and goals. Why should we make a business plan?

Why should we make a business plan?

Strategic planning is one of the main resources through which management can create a shared vision of what the company wants to become, and contributes to shaping the corporate culture, and becomes a way of life as it provides the direction for the organization and its staff, as it motivates and guides behavior.

The strategic approach involves the direction the organization is going to take and the capabilities it needs to achieve the goals, it analyzes the organization's environment both to assess future opportunities and threats, and even more so with a globalized and standardized market in which companies that are not prepared are prone to disappear, it is to be emphasized that the objectives as well as the goals must be precise to formulate action plans that we can achieve.

It is worth mentioning that the strategic plans must not only cover the markets and the external commercial opportunities that the organization envisions, but also the internal capacities that the organization requires for its growth.



If people or organizations think about strategic planning, it is important to think that the development that is intended to be achieved is for the organization, since the final goal of the strategic planning process is to formulate the course, from where the organization plans to compete in the market, taking into account the conditions of effectiveness in order to fulfill its mission in the long term.

Strategy is what gives realism to a plan, since it constitutes the art of directing a set of operations aimed at achieving a goal, since the strategy refers to the procedures that must be established to reach the objectives and goals.

Strategic decisions are the options that determine the direction and success of organizations. Although many of those responsible for taking them are CEOs, entrepreneurs and leaders, it is increasingly common to see that middle managers also receive this responsibility. This is why organizations are more horizontal than they were in the past and are more customer-centric than ever, as well as being driven by the forces of change and complexity, which are increasingly intense and accelerated.

Although any organization must comply with a variety of issues that should be addressed, there are some points that must be taken into account, according to Eric G. Flamholtz the key points that must be considered are the following:

  1. What business are we in? What are our competitive capabilities and limitations Do we have a unique market gap? What do we want to become in the long term? What are the critical factors that will make us succeed or fail in trying to achieve success? mission? What are our competitive capabilities and limitations that will determine our competitive effectiveness? What goals do we set to improve our competitive effectiveness and the organization's capabilities in each of these areas critical to success?

Most specialists think that in the turbulent environment in which businesses operate is complex, therefore, the best method today is continuous analysis. This enables the company to act quickly, take advantage of opportunities before competitors, and thus respond to threats from the environment before significant damage has occurred.

Regarding the economy, it should be analyzed for example: inflation, unemployment, income, consumption, profitability, investment, trade balance to mention some indicators that cannot be overlooked, the political climate, laws, taxes, minimum wages legal, unions, labor codes, levels of education, schools, hospitals, in the technological field, latest advances in production processes, and the most important today the ecological aspect, in order to be committed to bioethics and the social.

At the moment we analyze these variables, we are preparing to face the threats and opportunities that the environment can offer us, that is, to anticipate the impact that the organization may suffer.

We cannot forget the microenvironment, which allows us to assess our strengths and weaknesses that we have in the organization in its internal part, understanding strengths as the capacities that are within the organization, and with which we hope to achieve the proposed objectives. Not so the weaknesses, which are constituted in the limitations that are inside the organization and that at the same time are those that slow down the progress towards the achievement of the objectives.

For the analysis within the organization, the following aspects should be considered:

The human resource: It takes years to recruit, train and develop the necessary personnel for the formation of competitive work groups, that is why organizations have begun to consider human resources as their most important capital, and the correct administration of them as one of his most decisive tasks.

However, the administration of this resource is not a very simple task. Each person is a phenomenon subject to the influence of many variables, including differences in skills and behavioral patterns that become very diverse.

If organizations are made up of people, their study constitutes the basic element of organizations, and particularly of Human Resource Management. (Recruitment and selection of capable personnel, maintenance of the spirit of cooperation of all the personnel, in order to fulfill the mission of the organization and, use of the services of the personnel in an effective way, that is, the rational use of the efforts of the human resource)

The human resource endowment process in the organization occurs because it provides people who will use their muscles and minds, helping to make the mission of the company a reality. Staffing requires planning (current and future evaluation and development of a future program) and the necessary provisions to ensure adequate recruitment, that is, it is neither excessive nor insufficient.

The success of the recruitment is to define with all care and precision what the position demands of the candidate who is going to fill it, along with their remuneration that must be appropriate and competitive.

Taking this as a basis, the next step is to start a process to form a group of candidates from which to select the most or most qualified and integrate them into the organization.

Continuous monitoring of human talent requires conducting training and development programs for all employees in combination with a periodic evaluation of their actions. For this reason, the manager becomes a leader and assumes the provision of human resources, which is presented in graph No. 2.

Leadership style: One of the most decisive management functions of organizations is leadership or leadership, a necessary requirement to function efficiently, since leadership influences the behavior of others in a way that gives them more probability of achieving goals. of the organization.

Business systems: Business foundations are the guiding principles of the organization's actions, elements from which the organization's management is structured, also because they express interest in the growth and development of people. Jeremy Hope (Gestión 2000, p, 61) mentioned, “Many second wave companies have become highly competent in the design and delivery of products and services with high quality and reasonable prices”

The work of Management is complicated, demanding and has a special touch, which is why managers must exert great influence to achieve an adequate level of efficiency and productivity, while the degree of effectiveness is given by personal effort, to which must have the ability to choose and apply methods or techniques that are appropriate for a given situation.

Managers must fulfill and develop basic functions that affect daily work such as:

Interpersonal Relations: By virtue of being the visible head of the company, and being the representative of formal acts or the liaison of various departments.

It is Informative: Because it constitutes being the disseminator of information, and the valid interlocutor.

It is decisive: since it is the most difficult and delicate role, which it is called upon to fulfill, since it must distribute the resources of the company.

Skills also play a role and these have to do with the intellectual part, in that it has to analyze and interpret and solve problems that are complex.

Interpersonal relationships: have equal importance at all levels because they are related to the operational aspects of the company.

  • Computer systems: Tools that support administrative, production and other processes, with which we can manage efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness Organizational structure: It constitutes the way in which the staff is organized to carry out a productive work and facilitate the achievement of the plan, it should be designed in such a way as to facilitate business operations.

Small and medium-sized industries reveal a development and adaptation to dynamic conditions of change, including competitiveness, continuous improvement, computer development as a whole, moreover, there are even industrial organizations that are unable to respond promptly and accurately to these demands of the globalized environment.

For this, the central plan of any business is the marketing strategy, in which not only the market but also potential customers should be analyzed, it should be noted that the sale differs from the marketing by virtue of the fact that it focuses on the customer before that in the product, because it analyzes the needs of the client and in this way segments the market, by identifying the clients creates a commercial mix directed to the specific segment (see graph), the segmentation promotes the global estimation of what we know as the supply and demand, this comparison allows us to quantify the size of the market that the company can cover, one more reason to be able to sell more and not covered by low prices.

In addition, the consumer is the one who finally defines the needs and characteristics of the products, where the design and the sale price are being more individualized.

Where should we start with the business plan?

Product price Promotion place
Design price list Advertising geography
features discounts direct marketing channels
Quality credit terms sales promotions retailers
Quantity repetitive purchases Coupons opening and closing hours
Variations way to pay Packaging taking orders
Container joint promotion fulfillment of orders
Brand loyalty programs delivery or distribution
Service public relations



Marketing starts from the knowledge of consumer needs, attitudes and behavior, it is the most important part so that companies can sell more, not only from low costs, as Lorenzo Couttenye says, it begins by discovering, why Do your current customers buy from you? What is the most powerful reason that motivates them to buy your products or services, without counting the price as a reference? Then the marketing plan includes qualitative aspects such as the quantitative aspects for the quantification of demand. (sales).

All this framed in achieving sustainable competitive advantage that yields a good level of profits, by combining the resources and opportunities of the business, taking into account the way of adapting in the competitive environment.

For new or beginning companies, the foundation on which they rely is the business plan, either implicitly or explicitly.

independent variables dependent variables
Causes Effects
market mix behavioral response
1.- pricing decisions 1.-knowledge
2.- promotions decisions 2.-understanding
3.- distribution decisions 3.-taste
4.- product decisions 4.-preference
5.-purchase intention
situational factors performance measures
not controllable
1.-demand 1.-sales
2.-competition 2.-market share
3.-legal / political 3.-cost
4.-economic climate 4.-profit
5.-technological 5.-return on investment
6.-government regulation 6.-cash flow
7.-internal resources of the 7.-income / share
Organization 8.-image
Market analysis in search of opportunities Structures and functions
Competitor analysis Key Result Sectors
Trend analysis Possibilities and restrictions
Outcome sectors
Action plans
SOURCE: From businessman to Professional Manager, page 124

What is business strategy planning?

Business Strategy Planning means finding attractive opportunities and developing profitable business strategies. But what is a business strategy?

It is nothing more than a target market and a related business mix.

  • A target market is a fairly homogeneous (similar) group of customers that the organization wishes to attract. A commercial mix, this is the controllable variables that the organization arranges to satisfy this target group.










Strategic management involves deciding the "HEAD OF THE COMPANY" and what is required to achieve them. It involves analyzing the environment of the company, in order to assess future opportunities and threats, it consists of formulating objectives and establishing goals as precise plans in order to achieve them.

The plan must be effective and not only cover external opportunities, but also internal ones, the final goal is to formulate the future course, that is, how does the company plan to compete in the market ?, and thus compete effectively and meet its long-term mission. When talking about the strategy, it is necessary to point out the three levels:

Corporate level: This is formulated by senior management to monitor the interests and operations of the company, and are made up of multiple lines.

Business level: Refers to the administration of the interests and operations of a particular line, this aims to determine what position the business should adopt in its market and how it should act, given its resources and market conditions.

Functional level: In this strategy managers are in charge of a function, for example, production, marketing, in order to put into practice the strategies of the business unit and therefore those of the company.

In other words, strategic management is a logical and systematic process that will allow consensus to be reached on company decisions, and in this way bridge the gap that exists between now and the place we want to go, with the objectives set by the company, as well as the resources it will employ and that will be used, which makes things happen that would not have happened otherwise, such as exploring the environment in order to evaluate where the company expects to compete.

Strategic management is an essential element for the success of your business, but many companies do not use it effectively to guide their activities. Some of the main reasons are to mix the basic or daily aspects of the business with future activities, Vague Missions and Visions, and lack of monitoring and follow up on progress.

The Vision must guide all organizational change and all improvement activities. The best way to do this is to capture the Vision on a long-term goal. Then we must identify three to five key activities that ensure the Vision will be achieved.

This long-term plan is the starting point for the annual planning process. The annual plan identifies the essential things we must accomplish that year to achieve the Vision. All other critical activities and processes must then be deployed in all necessary areas. The owners of these critical activities and processes must be identified and assigned to then develop performance measurements that will allow us to monitor progress.

Based on the foregoing, we can state that the lack of strategic management does not allow for sustainable and sustainable development.

The business foundations are the guiding principles of the organization's actions, elements from which management is structured, also because they express interest in the growth and development of people.

Plan: that is, establish a global objective that brings together the actions of all employees. Example. How many units should they produce, in order to meet a goal or otherwise set longer-term goals which can range from one to five years.

Organize: be aware of the tasks that must be done, that is, establish the relationships that must exist between the different jobs.

Staffing: filling vacancies in order to develop the jobs required by the organization.

Leading: knowing how to provide adequate motivation and leadership in order to bring encouragement and a spirit of achievement and cooperation.

Control: stay alert and check that things are going according to plan.

In order to expand these concepts a little more, the resources should not be forgotten, which can be tangible as well as intangible, since from which the objectives of the company can be met.

As Eric Flamholtz would put it, managing corporate culture, as all organizations have a culture that is nothing more than a set of shared values, beliefs, and norms that govern the ways in which staff are expected to run the business. daily.

Implementing a strategic management model will allow the company to project itself into the future, control changes, adapt to market conditions, and seek ways to channel continuous improvement in the company.

Management roles and practices are determined to create and maintain competitive qualities in staff, maintaining the Drucker line, which suggests "getting ordinary people to do extraordinary things."


In order to develop a business or marketing plan, we must not forget that the central point is the strategic planning process, since it is the best way to get the most out of the organization's resources, while we can determine the way to establish objectives and strategies (be viable, lead to a competitive advantage, add value for the customer, adapt to the changing environment) that must be implemented.

Good strategic planning is not an academic procedure, but a successful management tool.

Analyze the environment, an essential requirement to identify future influences that the organization may suffer, since the rates of change can be moderate, unpredictable, fast, turbulent, etc., foresee political factors (national and supranational), political factors (national and global), social factors, both demographic, such as cultural values, and technological factors, which can produce a rapid and drastic impact on the economy.

Analyze the market in which the organization expects to operate, establishing projections, that is, analyzing both supply and demand, which must be fully documented, since the projections are theoretically objectives that are supported in the business plan.

Define the size of the potential market, which is aimed at clients and companies that can afford the expense to obtain it, for this market research helps us a lot when we use secondary sources or carry out a primary investigation. Segment the market by the characteristics that may be presented by virtue of which may require a different marketing approach.

Have an operating plan which must contain the organization's structure, human resources, costs and operating expenses.


The marketing plan is a management tool that determines the steps to follow, the methodologies and times to achieve the objectives that the organization has set out to achieve. Thus we have that the Business or Marketing Plan are part of the strategic planning in an organization.

The business or marketing plan is a tool that allows us to mark the path to get to a specific place. We can hardly elaborate it if we do not know where we are and where we want to go.


  • Drucker PF, THE MANAGEMENT IN THE FUTURE SOCIETY.- Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma 2002. The marketing plan - Monografias_com2.htmFlamholtz EG, FROM ENTREPRENEUR TO PROFESSIONAL MANAGER.- Argentina: El Ateneo 1996.Friend, G and another, How to design a Business plan, Editora El Comercio SA Lima, 2008 Goldratt, E and another LA META a process of continuous improvement, Ediciones Regiomontanas, MEXICO 2004.http: //www.ehu.es/Degypi/Gestion/gespro5va.htm#_Toc122447942http: / /www.monografias.com/trabajos15/plan-negocio/plan-negocio.shtmlhttp://www.myownbusiness.org/espanol/s3/J. Kourdi, Strategy, Keys to making decisions in business, The Economist, Buenos Aires: Cuatro Media, 2008.



Friend, G and another, How to design a business plan, Editora El Comercio SA Lima, 2008

Friend, G and another, How to design a business plan, Editora El Comercio SA Lima, 2008

Friend, G and another, How to design a business plan, Editora El Comercio SA Lima, 2008


Essay-The company as a Puzzle

J. Kourdi, Strategy, Keys to making decisions in business, The Economist, Buenos Aires: Cuatro Media, 2008

Taken from how to design a business plan, p. 120


Drucker PF, THE MANAGEMENT IN THE FUTURE SOCIETY.- Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma 2002.

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Business and marketing plan