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Why is the internet useful for doing business?

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In this article, we are going to talk about how the internet can help us “start a business” that leaves us good profits and helps us achieve the much desired “Financial Freedom”.

In its beginnings, the internet was a means of communication to which only the government and large companies had access. It was a tool used by large governmental and private corporations (National defense, companies like IBM, Microsoft, etc.).

The internet is one of the great technological advances, already grown so much that it is no longer only used by the government or large corporations. It has become a means of mass communication, allowing people to interconnect hundreds of miles away.

When web pages began to be created, website owners shared information with their visitors, but these pages did not allow visitors to interact with each other. That is, the visitors acted as passive users; They could only read the information provided, but could not leave comments, add their views and give their opinions on it.

With the birth of blogs, chats, social networks or also known as web 2.0; Visitors take an active part on the internet (they can comment, post content or establish relationships). Currently the internet no longer only allows communication through one way, that is, the owner of the website publishes content and the visitor reads the information as a passive user. Now the internet has become a two-way medium, in which visitors are able to comment, give their views, and even make their own posts.

For example: A blog owner puts content on his site, visitors read the content and can comment on that content and include their own views in order to start a debate on a certain topic.

In social networks (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.) there is also a two-way communication, where people can chat online, post, share with friends, etc. There are also other technologies that are very useful for communication, such is the case of Skype and Webinar.

The internet has been revolutionizing the world; it has become a global communication medium. That is why it is very important to know and apply it in business.

Advantages of creating an internet business

Creating an internet business has many advantages, we are going to list them:

1. Work from home or anywhere in the world: People who have discovered the potential of the internet to do business, can work from home or anywhere in the world, just with a computer and an internet connection.

You imagine yourself on the beach, feeling the sea breeze caress your skin, wearing comfortable clothes and a refreshing drink; still generating income.

This is possible thanks to the internet!

2. Freedom of schedule: Having an internet business allows you to be free in your schedules, that is, you can work at the time you want. In addition to the previous advantage, you can work from home at any time you want, and even during your holidays.

3. Global market: Your market is not limited to the local market, but you have a greater reach (Global Market).

Eg. If you have a clothing maquiladora in Yucatán, and you supply the entire state, you will be focusing on the local market. But if you use the internet as a business tool (you could create Adwords campaigns to attract more boutiques interested in your merchandise), you could reach all of Mexico and even all of Latin America.

4. Low costs: Anyone can have an internet business (The costs are ridiculously affordable).

To have a physical business we must invest a considerable amount of money, but to have an internet business the costs are low.

Comparison between a physical business and a virtual business

For a commercial or convenience store we must invest in: Local (rent or own), assortment of merchandise (products), electrical energy (Spotlights and refrigerators), in addition to spending a lot of time attending the business.

Cost? Pen it. For an internet business (a blog): Website (Free or minimal investment), web hosting (USD $ 6 per month), domain (USD $ 10 per year), time invested two hours a day.

Cost? USD $ 82 per year.

Components to start an online business

An internet business must consist of the following components:

WEB page: It is the essential of a true internet business. Eg Blogs, Forums, Social Networks, Subscription Pages, Digital Magazines, Online Newspapers, etc. Our website will be the headquarters of our business, compared to a physical business, it will be our premises (there will be our administrative offices, our store, our reception, etc.).

Traffic to our website: The second most important component is the traffic to our website. As in real life (with a physical business), we need to attract prospects to our premises, people who are interested or who may be interested in our services or products.

How to get people to visit our website? There are so many ways to attract prospects to our website. Some of them are: Marketing with videos and social networks, content syndication, seo campaigns, Adwords campaigns, etc. Each one of them brings special value and used correctly can catapult your business to the pinnacle of success.

Conversion: Convert that traffic into clients, contacts or loyal followers who visit our page frequently (depending on the purpose of your business).

Why is the internet useful for doing business?