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Entrepreneurial skills program in an educational institution in piura perú

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To determine the influence of the training program "Jóvenes en Acción" on the development of entrepreneurial skills in students in the 5th year of secondary education in the area of ​​education for work of the educational institution "Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008


  • Identify the level of entrepreneurial skills possessed by students in the 5th year of secondary school in the area of ​​education for work of the educational institution "Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008 Design a training program for young people in action to apply them to students of the 5th year of secondary school in the area of ​​education for work of the educational institution "Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008 Apply the training program "Jóvenes en Acción" to the students of the 5th year of secondary school for the development of his business skills in the education for work area of ​​the educational institution “Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo” - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008.Evaluate the results obtained from the application of the training program "Young people in action" applied to students in the 5th year of secondary school in the area of ​​education for work at the educational institution "Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008


Design of teaching and learning content prepared by those responsible for the project. The objective of this is its application. In school contexts and determine the degree of effectiveness in internalization, changes in behavior, principles, erroneous ideas.


  • A program will proceed to apply a diagnostic instrument to the group that is going to work, in order to know the level of knowledge that the study subjects have, then the information will be processed and the results will pre-issue establishing an outline of the educational program that It will be promoted as an adaptation to the curriculum. Usually an educational program will initially consist of sessions and its frequency can be inter-daily or weekly. The experience of the group is based on working together, which will facilitate the development of cognitive activity, cooperation and the search for different solutions. After the workshop, an instrument (the post test) will be applied again. All research and programs must take into account the following ethical principles: principle of beneficence, self-determination.These ethical principles are considered in the interaction with the research collaborators, for which the respective permission will be requested.


Entrepreneurship can be defined as the process of using private initiative to transform the concept of business into a new company, or to expand and diversify an existing business or company that has high growth potential. Entrepreneurs seek innovation to seize an opportunity and mobilize capital and management skills, and take calculated risks by opening markets for new products, processes and services


Education for work is not a novelty in Peruvian education, the difference between the previous proposals and the current one is centered on the approach that the latter takes.

Education for work or technological training (College of Technical Variation) in our country was based on occupational analysis; which consists of decomposing the tasks of an occupation into simpler operations, and the training consisted of teaching those operations in increasing order of complexity.

Likewise, it responded to the demands of qualifications of the industry; manual skill, knowledge of machines, knowledge of technical rules for handling materials and processes, location of the worker in the organization, they made up what one had to know to perform in an occupation


Independent Variables (Vi)

Training program "Youth in action"

Document prepared by the research group aimed at developing a series of capacities, attitudes and aptitudes aimed at motivating their entrepreneurial spirit

Dependent Variable (Vd)

Development of the entrepreneurial skills of 5th year high school students

It consists of the set of capacities, abilities and skills that students possess and that will allow them in association with other resources (land, labor, capital and technology). designing and creating new products, developing new production processes, etc.


Our research is within the quantitative paradigm. It is quantitative since statistics will be used, which have quantitative instruments to contrast our hypothesis and be able to accept or reject it with a certain certainty. (Ramos, 2007)

It is Applicative - Evaluative because our topic is related to the application of a training program for young entrepreneurs "Action Youth", which after its application will evaluate its effectiveness in achieving the entrepreneurial skills of the 5th year students high school in the education for work area of ​​the educational institution "" Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo "- AH Pachitea Piura, 2008.


The design of our research is Quasi experimental with two groups: one control and the other experimental, the same one that is graphed as follows.

G1 ----- X ----- Y1

G2 ------ ---- Y2

Education, work and employment relationship.

Trends and changes.

Concepts of employment and self-employment. Competences and abilities.

Development of the entrepreneurial attitude and aptitude.

Ideas, development and formulation of projects

Notions of individual and family companies. Associativity.

Enterprise management. Conflict resolution

Investigation of the markets. Business plan.

Business creativity.

The informal market

The creation of micro enterprises

Opportunity and Business

The level of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship can be defined as the process of using private initiative to transform the concept of business into a new company, or to expand and diversify an existing business or company that has high growth potential.

The table indicates that our students have reached a high level in their creativity and innovation capacities (86.6%), Teamwork (63.3%), Interpersonal Relations (60%), Market vision (56.5 %) Labor initiative (53.3%) and planning (50%) the latter is the underdeveloped capacity. The remarkable thing about these results is to observe that the levels of deficiency are minimal in reference to those of the low and high level.

Our results show that the students of the 5th year of secondary school in the education for work area of ​​the educational institution "" Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo "- AH Pachitea Piura, 2008 do have entrepreneurial skills, but that these depend on the motivation and support that we as teachers offer them, to awaken in them that imperative need to emerge and develop their own company or at least support them for their personal growth

The table informs us of how in all the sessions of our program notable changes were achieved in relation to the results obtained in the pe test. For example, the session Relationship, education and Work and employment in the pre-test obtained 70% disapproval, but in the post-test test it reached 86.6% approval, followed by the other sessions: ideas, development and formulation of projects (30 % in pre-test and 80% in post-test) Notions of individual and family companies (43.3% in pre-test and 76.6% in post-test), Trends and changes (40% in pre-test and 73.3% in post test) and the last session, Opportunity and Business (30% in pre-test and 76.6% in post-test).

These sessions are those where the students participated more actively, highlighting creativity, clear and concise opinions, knowledge of a reality where unemployment prevails and the students are interested in having their own company or business in the future

The entrepreneurial skills possessed by the students of the 5th year of secondary school in the education for work area of ​​the educational institution "Parcemón Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008 are given by creativity and innovation, Teamwork, Interpersonal Relations, Market vision and labor initiative

The training program for young entrepreneurs "Jóvenes en Acción" applied to students in the 5th year of secondary school in the education for work area of ​​the Educational Institution "Parcemón Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008 allowed the development and strengthening of their business skills, giving them a vision of entrepreneurship as a capacity for personal and socio-economic development.

The results obtained from the application of the training program "Jóvenes en Acción" applied to the students of the 5th year of secondary school in the area of ​​education for work of the educational institution "Parcemón Saldarriaga Montejo" - AH Pachitea Piura, 2008 show that This type of innovation achieved positive achievements in the objective of strengthening and improving the entrepreneurial capacities of students, and it allows certifying that innovative programs can be coupled to the official curriculum without wasting time and spending resources.

The hypothesis that established that if we apply a training program "Youth in action" was validated, this will significantly influence the development of business skills of students in the 5th year of secondary school in the area of ​​education for work at the educational institution "" Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo ”- AH Pachitea Piura, 2008.

For teachers, implement innovative programs adapting them to the reality of the students in order to strengthen entrepreneurial skills and form an awareness of personal self-development.

For teachers, promote the practice of developing business projects among students in order to generate in them the sense and capacity for entrepreneurship.

To teachers, diversify the curriculum not only in the area of ​​education for work; but all areas in order to articulate the entrepreneurial skills of students around a common curricular objective

To the direction of the school, Promote the innovative program in other educational institutions, in order to test it in other contexts and establish its official validity, so that it can be taken into account

application in other curricular areas

To the management of the school, promote the re-elaboration of the IEP of the institution in order to innovate in the institutional objectives the training in entrepreneurial skills for students at the secondary level



To develop the entrepreneurial skills of the 5th year high school students in the education for work area of ​​the educational institution "" Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo "- AH Pachitea Piura.

Promote the entrepreneurial and creative spirit of young students of the 5th year of secondary school in the area of ​​education for work of the educational institution "" Parcemon Saldarriaga Montejo "- AH Pachitea Piura, promoting the development of their business skills as a constitutive part of their future professional life and the establishment of companies as an alternative for incorporation into working life; participate in the development of micro and small businesses


Market vision -To promote in students a knowledge and a vision of the business and labor market

Business opportunities -Motivate students to develop a spirit of business creation and labor initiatives -Encourage and stimulate associative capacity as an instrument of institutional and business development.

Creativity and innovation

Labor competence -Encourage in students a spirit of labor and business competence as a key to achieving socio-economic success

Entrepreneurial capacity -Encourage the generation of ventures that are based on the intensive application of the knowledge acquired.

-Generate and enrich skills and an entrepreneurial spirit to develop self-employment concerns and carry out entrepreneurial projects

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Entrepreneurial skills program in an educational institution in piura perú