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Project to create a biotechnology company



The following writing presents a concise investigation in the area of ​​cardiovascular diseases, in order to provide a technological solution that reduces the incidence of diseases as well as the mortality rate caused by this disease, this through the generation of a company.


The proposed technology comes from nanotechnology; MEMS (for its acronym in English Micro Electro Mechanic Systems) represent a viable solution, since due to their size and handling they can be easily introduced into the human body without causing complications that risk the health of the patient.

The main objective is to create a company capable of designing this technology for specific purposes and commercializing it in hospitals in our country, Mexico, thus seeking to improve human health.

The nanotechnology revolution , is associated, on the one hand, the "molecular manufacturing" whose viability would have a huge impact on our lives, economies, countries and society in general. Among the effects, its potential impacts on medicine, biology, the environment, computing, construction, among others, stand out. At present the main practical advances already occur in some fields: nanoparticles, nanotubes. The most questioned progress in BioMEMS and self-reproduction is the subject of controversy among experts, what is clear is that the revolution has begun and also the debate about its benefits and risks.

Currently, around 40 laboratories around the world funnel large amounts of money for nanotechnology research. Some 300 companies have the term nano in their name, although there are still very few products on the market.

Some giants of the computing world such as IBM, Hewlett - Packard (HP), NEC and Intel are investing millions of dollars a year in the subject. The governments of the so-called First World have also taken the issue very seriously, with the clear leadership of the United States government, which for this year has allocated 570 million dollars to its National Nanotechnology Initiative.

The reason for so much interest is not strange. Nanotechnology has the potential to change everything: medicine and surgery, the power of computing, energy supplies, food, vehicles, building construction techniques, and tissue manufacturing. Many more things that we didn't even imagine.


One of the most promising aspects of potential technological advances is medicine. We could venture a definition placing it as a branch of nanotechnology that would allow the possibility of curing diseases from inside the body and at the cellular or molecular level.

Nanotechnology, when applied to medicine is known as nanomedicine. With the description of BioMEMS, it can be guessed that their usefulness in medical fields will be very important. To begin with, the BioMEMS will measure around 0.5-3 microns, so they will be able to float freely through the blood vessels. The main applications of these will be the interaction of BioMEMS with blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes), in the repair of tissues, the cure of cancer or AIDS and the possible therapy of genetic or acquired diseases.

Most diseases today are due to structural changes in cell molecules, and it is now far from correcting them. This is the case of cancer since it is known that it is due to an abnormal reproduction of the cells of a tissue, but the solution is still to remove the affected tissue, we continue to give macroscopic solutions, without solving the microscopic ones and this type of problem is of what will be responsible for solving nanomedicine.

Immunological BioMEMS

The immune system of our body is in charge of providing defenses against foreign or harmful agents for our body, but like all systems it cannot always do everything. Among these deficiencies is that many times it does not respond (as is the case with AIDS) other times it overresponds (in the case of autoimmune diseases). It should be said that BioMEMS will be designed not to provoke an immune response, perhaps the measures they have will suffice to avoid being detected by the immune system. The solution offered by nanomedicine is to provide doses of BioMEMS for a specific disease and the subsequent repair of damaged tissues, substituting in measure for the body's own natural defenses.

Replacing the erythrocyte

One of the immediate applications that nanomedicine is planning to achieve is to make a design that improves the functionality of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in tissues, which is found in the erythrocyte. Today there are advances in this field, being the main researchers Chang and Yu who are developing a new system based on the encapsulation of hemoglobin through BioMEMS.

Biostasis: an application for the future

The term biostasis is applied to the ability to have a tissue that remains in stable conditions for an indefinite period of time. It is also synonymous with cryogenics since for this type of method it is proposed to use some substance that vitrifies or freezes the tissues in order to protect them. This method is a hope for people who have some disease that cannot be cured in time. Although this technique for now cannot be related to nanotechnology, in the future it will, since the idea is to repair the person's tissues in the future, and the BioMEMS will be in charge of this work.

Although even the doctors do not agree if the resuscitation of the patient can be feasible, the researchers of this subject maintain that in the future they will have the techniques to achieve this.

Modifying DNA

Another of the expectations that can be achieved with nanomedicine will undoubtedly be the modification of human genetic material and consequently the cure of associated genetic diseases. Although genetic engineering is in charge of the research in particular of this molecule, nanotechnology is going to be in charge of providing the necessary tools for the manipulation of such a precious molecule.


Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Today, the world we live in is very different from our parents and grandparents. Industrialized countries have been the protagonists of dizzying social and economic changes, which in turn have led to radical changes in lifestyles.

It is true that in recent decades mortality has decreased dramatically. However, the causes for which people die have radically changed in sign. If we put traffic accidents aside, cardiovascular disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in the West.

At the same time, and not by chance, one of the factors that has changed the most has been that of the way we eat.

In the United States, the main actor in the Western lifestyle, cardiovascular diseases account for 80% of overall mortality. At present, we know quite precisely how this situation was reached and what the triggers of the tragedy were.

The incidence of CVD increased since the beginning of the century to the point where it became the leading cause of death in industrialized countries, as each country changed its traditional lifestyles. In the United States this happened in 1920, in Spain it did not happen until the late 1950s.

The increase continued until the late 1960s when the epidemiological investigations carried out shed sufficient light on the causes of CVD. From then on, the quality and availability of medical care, together with a greater awareness of the population promoted by dissemination campaigns, caused mortality from this type of disease to decrease. The decline began to be noticed first on the west coast of the United States and took a little longer to reach countries like Spain. Despite everything, today it is still the leading cause of death.

Epidemiological investigations into the causes of CVD began as early as the beginning of the century. The influence of diet on the development of arteriosclerosis was first described in 1913 by Anitschkow.

Years later, in 1953, Kinsell observed a depressant action of vegetable oils on blood cholesterol levels, when they were introduced into the diet replacing animal fats. For his part, Ahrens identified polyunsaturated fats as the critical components of this reduction. These observations served for other authors to initiate research to determine how different nutrients affect blood cholesterol levels. Specifically, the studies by Jeys and Hegsted were revealing in terms of two facts that marked the lines of research in the following years:

  • The cholesterol effect of saturated fats is twice the lowering effect of polyunsaturated fats, and the most effective way to lower cholesterol levels is to eliminate saturated fats from the diet.

With each passing day, cardiovascular research becomes a little more complex and inaccessible. However, the conclusions always point to the same thing: a simple diet, rich in fresh and natural products, together with a little exercise and fresh air is what will keep us away from cardiovascular diseases.

Origin of the disease

The problem with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is the accumulation of organic matter, mainly fat and cholesterol, inside the blood vessels. This process occurs to a greater or lesser extent in all the arteries of the body, but when this process becomes more worrisome is when the affected arteries are in charge of providing fresh blood to the heart or brain.

  • Pain in the center of the chest with a sensation of tightness or compression that lasts a few minutes Chest pain spreading to the neck, shoulders and / or arms Discomfort in the chest along with lightness in the head, sweating, fainting, nausea, or shortness of breath.
  • Weakness in the arms or legs Loss of sensation in the face or body Difficulty speaking Sudden loss of vision in one eye Feeling drunk or having trouble walking Sudden and severe headache
  • Swelling of the lower extremities called "peripheral edema." Exercise intolerance followed by shortness of breath, fatigue and coughing.


Every year, heart disease tops the list of the most serious health problems in the US In fact, statistics show that cardiovascular disease is America's biggest health problem and the leading cause of death. Take a look at these statistics published by the American Heart Association (AHA):

  • Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the leading cause of death for women in much of the world. According to the World Health Organization, more than eight million women die each year from heart-related diseases. At least 58,800,000 people have heart disease One in four people have some form of cardiovascular disease, including the following: High blood pressure - 50,000,000 Coronary heart disease - 12,000,000 Angina pectoris - 6,200,000 Myocardial infarction (heart attack) - 7,000,000 Stroke - 4,400,000 Rheumatic heart disease / rheumatic fever -1,800,000 Congenital cardiovascular defects - 1,000,000 Congestive heart failure - 4,600,000 Nearly 1 in 2.4 deaths occurs as a result of cardiovascular disease.Since 1900, cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death every year except 1918. About every 29 seconds an American suffers a coronary accident, and about every minute someone will die from the same cause. Cardiovascular disease causes more deaths than the next 7 causes of death together. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women (and men). These diseases currently claim more than half a million women's lives each year - more than the next 16 causes of death combined. 57 percent of men and 64 percent of women die suddenly. For cardiovascular disease, there were no previous symptoms of the disease; the cost of cardiovascular disease in 1999 is estimated at 286.$ 5 billion - an increase of about 12 billion since 1998 Strokes killed 159,942 people in 1996 - on average, someone in America suffers a stroke every 53 seconds, and someone dies every three and a half minutes stroke. Strokes are the leading cause of severe and permanent disability, accounting for more than half of all patients hospitalized for neurological disease. Deaths from stroke have increased in recent years. The World Health Organization estimated in 1995 that cardiovascular diseases represented the most frequent cause of mortality worldwide. In Latin America and the Caribbean, cardiovascular diseases represent 31% of all deaths. It is estimated that 20 will occur.7 million deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the next 10 years. In Mexico, this group of diseases constitutes a public health problem, and as it happens in other countries of the world, it is the result of this epidemiological escalation; Heart disease is the leading cause of death and about 70,000 deaths occur annually from this reason and 26,000 from cerebrovascular diseases. There are 44,070 deaths from ischemic heart disease, 24,102 men and 19,965 women.Heart disease is the leading cause of death and about 70,000 deaths occur annually from this reason and 26,000 from cerebrovascular diseases. There are 44,070 deaths from ischemic heart disease, 24,102 men and 19,965 women.Heart disease is the leading cause of death and about 70,000 deaths occur annually from this reason and 26,000 from cerebrovascular diseases. There are 44,070 deaths from ischemic heart disease, 24,102 men and 19,965 women.

Existing treatments

  • Pharmaceutical treatment. Some conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, and being overweight can be controlled by combining medications with a healthy lifestyle. Surgical treatment. The more serious conditions associated with cardiovascular disease can be life threatening. These generally require that the patient be admitted to the hospital. Prompt medical or surgical treatment can reduce mortality, improve quality of life, and limit the amount of damaged tissue.

Current pharmacological and surgical treatments have a considerable degree of mortality and high costs in large-scale surgeries.

Description of need

  • It is necessary to rely on state-of-the-art technology for these conditions, since the current management and treatment of these is not 100% resolutive and the side effects in some cases do not justify the risk of long-term pharmacological management. There is poor effectiveness in treatments with existing drugs, to reduce the risks of accidents and cardiovascular complications. Rather, these treatments are focused on preventing and controlling predisposing diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, ischemia (heart attacks) and hemorrhages. Long-term treatment with drugs is not satisfactory, it only reduces or controls the existing problem. Hepatotoxicity to Long-term drug treatment is another negative factor arising from these treatments.The difficult change of harmful habits to the body (smoking, alcoholism, a diet high in fat, sodium, cholesterol and carbohydrates, exogenous obesity, sedentary lifestyle and stress). The use of MEMS in the treatment of these diseases is more decisive and with less risk of mortality than cardiovascular system surgeries. The use of MEMS is a less aggressive, more efficient and safer and more effective means to combat the disease.more effective and safer and more effective in fighting disease.more effective and safer and more effective in fighting disease.

Institutions and companies in the MEMS industry

Some of the companies in the bioMEMS sector that provide the technology and its characteristics, defined by themselves, are the following:

  1. Albany Molecular Research Inc., Drug Research and Development, American Pharmaceutical Partners, Injectable Pharmaceutical Products, Caliper Life Sciences, Tools to Discover Medicines and Improve Diagnostic Processes CardioMEMS, Inc., Devices for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management of Serious Diseases Digital Bio Technology Co., Ltd., develops diagnostic and analysis tools Immunicon Corp, Platform for diagnosing cancer Ferrofluidic NanoparticlesInsert Therapeutics, Intracellular Delivery Systems for Small Molecular Medicines and GenesMicronics, Inc., develops medical systems.Nanogen, Microchip for biological analysisNanospectra Biosciences Inc, Nanoparticles for medical applications.

Panorama in Mexico

MEMS will impact consumer electronic products, information technology, telecommunications and industry; Immediate opportunities in Mexico are in the automotive sector (potential market of 100 million dollars, forecast for 2006) and the health sector (potential market of 15 to 20 billion pesos, forecasts for 2006). (Salazar, 2005).

Bill Garrett, a young researcher at the University of Colorado, noted that Mexico, unlike China and Korea, has experts in the field to fuel the emergence of small MEMS design companies; which does not require a large investment if you have the support of the universities and the Government. José Mireles, from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez points out that in the country there are more than 10 high-impact research groups in the area of ​​microsystems with more than 50 active researchers (Barba, 2003).

Table 1 MEMS centers and industry in Mexico

Source: CAP-MEMs

Some research in Mexico, on MEMS:

  • ACSA; Pressure transmitters for PEMEX; Contact with LabPisa for medical patches (MEMS, Temp, Pressure sensors) CINVESTAV –Jal: Accelerometer and seismograph, in collaboration with UTA.IIE: Study of analysis of opportunities for CFE and for electrical equipment manufacturers.INAOE: Motorola donation of laboratory for manufacturing highly integrated circuits. Projects in optical microcomponents and chemical sensors; in collaboration with Texas Instruments, StarMega, UNM, C de Microelectrónica de Barcelona for a design and test center ITESI: Identification of opportunities with LAPEM-CFE-Industria (Siemens plans to establish a laboratory in the region) and Opportunities derived from attracting companies from the electricity sector to the region ITESM-Mty: Wireless electrode (biomem) together with INAOE.UACJ:Linkage with Delphien for projects such as electrode encapsulation (SEGobEdo mixed funds) and Collaboration with UTEP –clean room.UdG: Membrane for pressure sensor (Pemex) and Characterization and Design Laboratory.UNAM: UNAM-MEM Network; possible applications in antennas for KA.UPAEP band: Pressure sensors, programmable antenna; application of ionizing radiation for oncology; interaction with IMP in pipelines, interaction with VW, Crouzey Underwritters Laboratories (UL).Crouzey Underwritters Laboratories (UL).Crouzey Underwritters Laboratories (UL).

In Mexico there is the Center for Productive Articulation in Micro technology (CAP-MEMS) and according to the official website, it was created by the Mexico-United States Foundation for Science, with support from the Ministry of Economy, with the purpose of promoting the use of niches of opportunity in Mexico related to applications and development of new products based on Micro Electromechanical Systems Technologies (MEMS) in different industrial sectors.

Potential customers

Table 2 Public Health Sector Infrastructure of Nuevo León

SOURCE: SSA. Statistical Information Bulletin. Resources and Services. Volume I. No. 23, 2003. Mexico City, 2004.


  • It does not include the private sector. It refers only to general and specialty hospital units. It excludes information from IMSS-Oportunidades, the National Institutes of Health and Federal Reference Hospitals. It excludes personnel from the National Institutes of Health and Federal Reference Hospitals. It includes resident physicians and interns. It includes outpatient consultations for surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics-gynecology, pediatrics and other specialties.

SOURCE: INEGI Health Statistics NOTES:

  • Establishments that only provide outpatient services and / or diagnostic and treatment auxiliaries are not considered. The establishments considered necessarily reported the existence of some number of census beds and discharged patients. It includes obstetrician-gynecologists, pediatricians, surgeons, internists, anesthesiologists and other specialists. It includes residents, interns, and dentists.

From Tables 2 and 3 we can see that in Nuevo León there are 29 public hospitals and 51 private establishments, of which 38 are general clinics and 13 are specialty. (INEGI 2003) Forming a total of 80 potentially consuming localities.

Target Sector

The project is aimed at health institutions, specifically Hospitals, since the Hospital or

Health Institution will be a permanent captive client. Unlike the pharmaceutical industry, since it sells the patent and the training, this causes a decrease in the price of the product, in the long term, since the pharmaceutical industry would be an intermediary between us and the user.

We must offer state-of-the-art MEMS technology with a comprehensive approach to the buyer; This is to offer the product based on a contract, with a focus on its benefits and safety, as well as the permanent training of the personnel who buy it and supply them with the necessary consumables, for the term of the contract and its capital gain at the end of it for the new contract. So it is necessary:

  • Promote and inform the Health Institutions involved in the preventive and surgical management of MEMS in these conditions. Train specialists in these preventive and surgical treatments of cardiovascular diseases to use these MEMS.


Theoretical framework

The reduction, integration or miniaturization to the size of microns, and even nano, is a characteristic of this discipline, the objective is to bring together a group of functions within a compound designed to cause effects or perform tasks.

DNA Atom Virus Cell Water Drop Hair Human

Silicon Wafer

Figure 1 Scales and dimensions

Source: Mexico-USA Foundation for Science, 2004

When you talk about MEMS, technologically you work in micrometers and when you talk about nanotechnology, you mean nanometers; however, the terms are used interchangeably, due to the fact that there is an overlap zone between MENS and NEMS.

MEMS research began in the late 1960s, but the first commercial MEMS devices appeared only in the early 1990s and were used in the automotive industry. (anonymous-01, 2004)

MEMS technology is based on tools and methodologies that are used to form structures within the micrometer scale; Much of its manufacturing process is similar to that of Integrated Circuits (ICs). For example, almost all MEMS are built on silicon wafers, the structures are made on thin films of materials, and they are molded using photolithographic methods (Huff, 2002).

Michael Huff, explains that there are three basic building blocks in MEMS technology, which are: depositing thin films of material on a substrate; applying a molded mask to the surface of the films by photolithographic means; and selectively record the movies on the mask. The current process for creating MEMS takes these three processes into account.

  1. Thin film "deposition" processes for MEMS. Deposition techniques can be classified into two groups:
    • Deposition that occurs due to a chemical reaction: “Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)”; "Electrodeposition", "Epitaxy", "Thermal Oxidation". These processes exploit the creation of solid materials directly from chemical reactions in gaseous and / or liquid compositions or with the substrate material. Deposition that occurs due to a physical reaction: “Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)”, “Casting”. The deposited material is physically placed on the substrate.
    Lithograph and transfer of the pattern.
    • Lithography in the context of MEMS typically means the transfer of a pattern to a photosensitive material through the selective application of a source of radiation, such as light. Optical lithography refers to light in the range of the visible spectrum.
    In general, there are two classes of etching processes:
    • Wet etching is the simplest and cheapest technique. The material is dissolved when it is immersed in a chemical solution, only a container with a liquid solution is needed that will dissolve the material in question. Dry etching, the material is dissolved using reactive ions or a vapor. Dry etching can be separated into three classes, reactive ion etching (RIE), sputter etching, and vapor phase etching.

Important Concepts

MEMS-based products (microsystems) are built by design, test and readjustment method, usually an actuator and a sensor are designed; Afterwards, it is manufactured, tested and, according to the deviations observed between the design simulation and what is observed in real way, the adjustments are made on the controller.

In a MEMS there is no programming, the MEMS responds by mechanical action, by material properties, environmental characteristics, electrical excitations. Whoever designs them needs knowledge of microsystems, integrated circuit manufacturing processes, mechanics (material properties), computer-aided design and knowing how to use MEMS design software such as “coventor” (cheap software) or “sandialab” (powerful software)..

Microsystems. It consists of three elements; the sensor, the controller and the actuator. The controller can be as simple as "non-existent", that is to say that the sensor output is linked to the actuator input; or very complex like a microprocessor.

Sensor or Biosensor. They are devices that convert non-electrical signals into electrical signals, through a conditioner. Non-electrical signals can be mechanical, chemical, thermal, or magnetism actions. The prefix bio is used to indicate that the input signals are of biological origin.

Actuator or Bioactuator. They are devices that convert electrical signals into mechanical actions, through a conditioner. Electrical signals can be resistive (non-conduction), capacitive (conductor surrounded by non-conductor) or inductive (non-conductor surrounded by conductor), electro-static or piezoelectric (potential differential in crystals due to being subjected to voltage). The prefix bio is used to indicate that the input signals are of biological origin.




Figure 2 Structure of the microsystem


MEMS technology can be used to serve various services in the Clinical industry, such as:

MEMS fat grinders

Using micro-pumps, the fat is suctioned, the sensor sends its activation signal to the actuator according to the electrical characteristics of the veins.

MEMS fat degraders

Using drug dispensers specific concentrations of fat degrading chemicals are left.

Drug dosage

Biomems measure the physical and chemical parameters of the body, these data allow you to identify the dose to be delivered. The device was designed to release complex profiles of multiple substances to maximize the effectiveness of drug therapies. Biomems of this type are injected into the bloodstream; its most mediated application is in drug detection and its market is in security (criminals) and sports medicine (athletes)

BioMEMS for Analysis-Diagnostics

Through them, clinical diagnoses (characterization of pathogens, genetic malformations, cancer, "pharmacogenomics") are carried out in a matter of minutes, based on the chemical parameters of the blood. Biomems of this type are injected into the bloodstream and navigate through the blood looking for damaged cells, which allows early detection of diseases and opens the possibility of treating them locally. They can also serve as pressure sensors, glucose sensors, gas sensors.

MEMS for instrumentation and medical equipment

Microsurgery requires fine instruments to be introduced into the human body with minimal invasion, such as: Microneedles, Micro tweezers, Micro pipettes, surgical scalpels with sensors, microcatheters, used in non-invasive microsurgery and brain surgeries.

There are medical devices influenced by micro technology such as endoscopes, spectrometers and ultrasounds that have reduced their size allowing more accurate intrusive evaluations. This is the case of endoscopes that generally obtained images in inaccessible areas within the human body performing colonoscopies, gastroendoscopies, laparoscopies, etc. and now with microendoscopes they can be applied in cardiology to observe small arteries, detect arteriosclerosis in coronary arteries and examine heart valves (microspectrometers, micro cameras).

Use of technology

MEMS are created by companies that receive the mechanical actuator and electrical sensor design from their customers. They are produced in high volumes to reduce their cost. MEMS packaging varies depending on customer requirements, MEMS can come in wafers or syringes more commonly.

Advantages of Technology

  • Nanotechnology can solve many human problems Nanotechnology can solve many problems related to water scarcity Nanotechnology and optimization of agriculture Nanotechnology to improve people's environment Nanotechnology and advances in medicine Nanotechnology and the benefits for the environment Nanotechnology to eliminate the causes of many social problems.

Disadvantages of technology

  • Economic imbalance due to a proliferation of cheap products Economic pressure due to artificially inflated prices Personal risk due to the use of molecular nanotechnology by criminals or terrorists Social imbalance due to new products or forms of life Unstable race for manufactured weapons with nanotechnology Collective environmental damage from unregulated products Competing molecular nanotechnology programs (increases the possibility and danger of other risks) The abandonment and / or outlawing of molecular nanotechnology (increases the possibility and danger of other risks).



The objective of the “Caballo de Troya” project is to create a commercialization company for nanotechnology applied in the medical industry, BioMEMS, in Monterrey NL with the aim of improving human health.


The scope of the “Trojan Horse” project includes the development of a trading company. Using nanotechnology developer companies as suppliers and Monterrey clinics and hospitals as clients. For market studies, the project will only reach the area comprised by the State of Nuevo León, specifically the city of Monterrey.


Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and organic biotechnology come together to form BIOMEMS to radically change the ability of medicine to diagnose, treat and cure disease.

Diseases cause problems around the world. It is for this reason that biomems come to cover a fundamental part in the health aspect, since they have potential medical applications, some of them are those that we mention below:

  • They can search for and destroy viruses, cholesterol, excess fat, cancer cells and genetic markers.By entering the human body through the bloodstream, they seek to eliminate the need for surgery.They can serve as an autoimmune system since they are capable of detecting diseases in early stages, locate it with extreme precision, and provide specific treatments. (Euroresidents, 2004)



Figure 3. Troya BioMEMS AC company logo


TROYA AC provides the medical industry with a technological alternative to improve the quality of life and health of people, representing a new alternative medicine to attack health problems where other techniques have not been successful.


To be the number one provider of the entity in the biotechnology industry, covering, in its entirety, the needs of the medical sector in Monterrey in the next 5 years.

Institutional values


Performing our duties and providing products and services with a high sense of ethics and responsibility.

Service vocation

Making our professional skills and knowledge available to our suppliers, customers and business partners for the benefit of their organizations.


Satisfying as much as possible the needs and expectations of our clients and business partners


The company TROYA AC is constituted as a legal entity and is registered with the Ministry of Foreign Relations, where said agency verified that this name was valid. The articles of incorporation were registered with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. (IAF, 2004)

As a legal person, the name or company name of the company is established as a civil society. This company is a contract by which people are obliged to pool money, goods or industry, in order to distribute the profits among themselves.

Its business or activity is the sale and distribution of biomems for the timely diagnosis of diseases.

The capital of the company will be formed by the contributions of the partners.

In this society format, the contribution of work and knowledge will also be made. Each partner is legally responsible for the debts and obligations of all participants.

The partners will be part of the management for each of the departments in the company, as a business unit.

Organizational structure

Its organizational structure will be networked, this in order to integrate functions, revalue knowledge as an agent of continuous improvement and consider the environment a fundamental part of its development strategy, to have a collaboration and complementarity structure defined as the network. (Louffat, 2004)

The network structure will serve as the basis for the integrated, coordinated and balanced operation of the companies with whom Troya will have a direct relationship. This with the aim that a supplier, a producer, a distributor and a client come together to act as a network, which will result in the relationship between them being completely complementary. The organization chart is presented in the figure.

Figure 4 Organizational structure in network

Functional Units

The areas in which the company will be divided will be:

Administrative and Financial Unit. It is the unit in charge of financial and accounting administration, human resources, sales and marketing. The person in charge is Lic. Dina Débora García Garduza.

New products and markets exploration unit. She will be in charge of keeping up-to-date on trends, innovations and processes for the introduction of new products and markets. The management will be in charge of Eng. Federico Plancarte Sánchez.

Technological Unit. Department for the design and management of technology. It will also make contact with the developer laboratory and the chemical laboratory. This unit is divided into two areas of specialization, mechanics and electronics, in charge of the engineers Ricardo Sotelo and Jacob Espinosa respectively.


The strength of the company is based on its staff, it is in this where strategies and active power are concentrated. Human capital has become more important in recent years since it is responsible for generating Intellectual capital, which represents one of the most important assets in most organizations.

The tasks and activities that each of the members of the company will carry out are mentioned below:


Administrative and Financial Unit: Lic. Dina Débora García Garduza

  • Responsible for the administration, the management of accounts and payroll, as well as the finances of the organization Establishes the mechanisms of periodic information on the progress of the organization for decision-making Designs the strategies that give added value to the organization to its customers and makes it more competitive.

Exploration of new products and markets: Eng. Federico Plancarte Sánchez

  • Explore changes in the environment Find areas of market opportunities, competitive threats and the strengths and weaknesses of the organization Identify the strategic response of the company to enter new markets with other products Design and development of new products

Mechanical Technology Unit: Eng. Ricardo Sotelo Mora

  • Study of densities and resistance of the fat within the blood flow Design of the suction machines and fat crushers in the veins Calibration of the actuator Coordination with the developer laboratory

Electronic Technology Unit: Eng. Jacob Espinosa Cinta

  • Studies of the resistive and capacitive characteristics within the veins to determine the distance at which the fat plugging is located. Design and selection of the appropriate sensor. Sensor calibration. Coordination with chemical laboratory. Delivery of merchandise and explanation of use of the technology to customers.

Work environment


The value that is given to the members who collaborate in the organization allows defining their identity and creating an image of the service offered, to create a relationship of trust with our clients. Therefore, an important factor is the people who make up this organization, where an important element is the communication that occurs between all its members.

Open communication aims to be a motivator since it aims to develop communication and relationship skills. In addition, it is intended to achieve a work environment of commitment, union and loyalty.


In the organization, incentives will be used to make everyone work together towards a common goal, in order to originate greater learning at the educational level and greater profits for the organization. It will be a force to achieve the vision of the organization that is to be the number one supplier of the entity in the biotechnology industry.

Competition can be seen as an incentive. Competition requires each individual to do a better job than their peers. Cooperation requires that people contribute equal and maximum efforts towards the achievement of a common goal.

Incentives to be used in the organization include: individual performance and profit sharing bonuses.

A performance bonus would be an award payment for superior performance. And the profit sharing would be according to the profits obtained during a year of work and would be according to the participation of each partner in the initial capital.

About the company

The people who make up the organization must have the skills and abilities and develop new ones in order to promote innovation and organizational competitiveness. In this way, the company aims to increase the quality of human capital in the organization.

The company has a limited number of staff, made up of the partners who come together to form it, which will only grow as the profits of the company increase. This limited number of partners will be originally set out in the organizational structure; Therefore, said structure remains flexible for the growth and expansion of the organization.


Nanotechnology, the emergence of MEMS and medicine come together in an area that will undoubtedly revolutionize technology and medical science, creating areas of opportunity for health care and generating great benefits and expectations for the human being. The emergence of bioMEMS comes to cover a fundamental part in the health aspect for its medical applications.

The bioMEMS or Micro Electromechanical Systems for medical and biological applications represent an innovative and fascinating market as they promise to improve our quality with the exploration, monitoring and control of a person's health status.

Troya BioMEMS, AC is aware of the need for a technological alternative to improve the quality of life and health of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, given that current pharmacological and surgical treatments are expensive and have a high degree of mortality.

Therefore, our company is presented as an alternative solution, lower cost and with lower risks and greater probabilities of success, given that its procedures are simple and consist of introducing bioMEMS into the patient's bloodstream, with which it is sought eliminate the need for risky and expensive surgeries or pharmaceutical treatments with toxic side effects for the body.


  • World Health Organization (WHO) http://www.oms.com MSD. Merck Sharp & Dohme de España, SA Madrid, Spain Merck & Co., Inc. (USA) www.4woman.govUniversity of UTA Health Sciences CenterSecretariat of Prevention and Protection of Health (SSA) BBC MUNDO.comIAF. Constitution of the company. Civil society. http://www.iaf.es/tramites/sociedad/capi010.htm#menu Innovateur México. Creating a new company in Mexico.Anonymous01, Spectra MEMS Information, 2004 Huff, Michael. MEMS fabrication Sensor Review. Bradford: 2002.Vol.22, Iss. one; pg. 18, 16 pgs Rodríguez, Joaquín. Prospects in MEMS, XVI ADIAT Congress, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. April 2004 Salazar Amador, Rubí. Business Training on MEMS Technologies, UPAEP, Puebla México 2005Barba, Arturo. Mexico wins over China in Word micromachines. Saltillo, Mexico: Sep 25, 2003. p. 1CAP-MEMS Center for Productive Articulation in Microsystems (MEMS) United States-Mexico Foundation for Science Louffat, Enrique. We need to sow knowledge in our region. 2004 Euroresidents. Technological advances.National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics. Statistical data of Nuevo León. 2003 www.inegi.gob.mx Style standard: APA
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Project to create a biotechnology company