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Marketing project. production of student ceramic objects

Table of contents:



It has been detected among students and friends great acceptance for objects made in the school, which should reinforce their ability to adapt to the community. The Industrial Arts course needs to acquire new materials, tools, and simple machines for classroom jobs.

It is everyone's problem to create new alternative work spaces, to recover production in a simple way with the resources available to the school, applying to the unemployed and underemployed a possible job opportunity in this time of crisis with the implementation of strategies, marketing principles, and implementation of a marketing plan.

Based on the aforementioned, it is intended to carry out an economic activity that will consist of the manufacture and sale of ceramic ornaments. At the same time, strategies of the mixture of marketing, distribution and promotion will be applied for the sale of the product to the consumer, seeking to organize the outputs of the manufactured products.


  • Manufacture 100 units of ceramic objects applying the marketing strategy, achieving a profit of 60% per year, with growth and penetration in the school community. Assess the advantages by implementing suitably selected strategies in the brand policy, distribution and product promotion.

Local and product certification:

Registration of the local producer

Product registration, at the provincial and national level

Registration and approval of labels.

This project will be of artisan production for direct sale among the school community, so the aforementioned inscriptions will not be made.

Selection of raw materials-molds-casting-drying-cooking-labeling-sales.


The barbel tub is a common element of low cost and with it it is possible to achieve ceramic objects worked with and of great qualities and application. Given the availability of the necessary tools in the establishment, the production of ceramic objects has been a convenient choice for the students.

Barbel tina

Electric power






Industrial Arts Course

Grids-detergents etc.

10 Industrial Arts students

Stages of the production process

- Dump barbel tub in a mold

- Wait for the condensation time of the material at the desired level.

- Dump excess material

- Remove the mold

- Let dry

- To bake

- Paint

- 1st. Meeting: Explanation by the teacher of how to obtain capital and the developed prototype will be presented to the community and the general public

- 2nd. Meeting: The state of progress of the business will be explained in detail.

- 3rd. Meeting: General evaluation of the experience and presentation of what was acquired with the proceeds.

- Teacher: Ensures quality control of the product.

Sales volume: 100 units

Brand name "Angelo"

Design: Angels of celestial color.


It consists of the name of the school, province, brand name and design, Medium / long term activities

Operation Time spent
May Jun-Jul Aug-Set Oct-Nov Dec.
1st. Briefing meeting -----–
Production process -----–
2nd. Meeting ------
3rd. Meeting ----
QA ----------------


To finalize the prices, the following have been taken into account: Direct and indirect costs (labor, supplies, etc.) The costs demanded by the raw material to start the work will be provided by the School Cooperating Association, until its replacement at the end of the school cycle.

Product: Ceramic ornament (unique model)

Distribution: Because it is a direct channel from the producer (school students) to the buyer. There are no costs for distribution

Promotion: It will be carried out by students of Industrial Arts.

Raw material

Barbel tina 50 kg.
Tags 100


School property


Students' own


Detergents and racks: donated by the students


  • School students

Calculation of costs used in production

Raw material: Prices per 100 units

Barbo tina: $ 37.50

Cooking: $ 15.00

Label: $ 5.00

Total cost: $ 57.50

Expected return: per 100 units $ 150 - $ 57.50 = $ 92.50


The number of intermediaries is reduced as it is a direct channel, from the producer to the consumer, being carried out by school students.


Personal sales: Oral presentation in a conversation with one or more possible buyers in order to make a sale. They will focus on the later stages of the production process. Being the students themselves the suppliers of the product.

Catalogs with specific design, and informative.

Packaging: Packaging paper will be used to attract the attention of buyers.

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Marketing project. production of student ceramic objects