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Project to develop a community of entrepreneurs

Table of contents:


1. Executive Summary

In order to increase employment, both national and local governments promote the creation of jobs through tax advantages to existing companies and similar incentives to those that are established, either from national or foreign investors. In this way, it acts on an already existing and limited entrepreneurial public.

The reason for this project is to increase the number of entrepreneurs who are those who carry out new ventures. These new ventures were born as micro and small companies, which, as is known, are the ones that generate the most jobs, since large companies make a more intensive use of capital and technology, which proportionally result in fewer jobs.

For the aforementioned reasons, increasing the number of entrepreneurs generates a greater type of undertakings of all kinds (commercial, social, cultural, sports, etc.) that will lead to greater business dynamism, with all its benefits, such as a better occupational rate..

Training entrepreneurs is not an easy task. The entrepreneur is a person with certain attitudes and who may have some skills and competencies. An attitude is defined as: "the predisposition to respond consistently to various aspects of people, situations or objects." A person's attitude is inferred from the way they express their beliefs and feelings based on their behavior. Beliefs are postulates based on values ​​and experiences of the individual. They are formed mainly because of your socioeconomic background and other experiences throughout your life. They are learned beliefs, for example: "persevere and you will win."

The way people think provokes emotions that are feelings directed at other people, things or situations. In a person who has positive feelings towards perseverance, when things do not work out, his feeling naturally leads him to a behavior, which following the previous example, would be to persevere.

Attitudes develop as a representation of people and their social environment. Prototypes are formed in people's memory that allow them to assess individuals, situations or objects a priori and act accordingly.

If the orientation of young people to the future is changed with a long-term proactive perspective and all this occurs in an environment that reinforces beliefs and develops positive emotions towards these behaviors, entrepreneurial attitudes would be fed back.

According to what has been described, the Personal Entrepreneurial Plan Workshop (PEP) acts as a trigger to give rise to an “entrepreneurial community” that requires a series of subsequent activities to establish and consolidate it.

Given the characteristics of the target sector, which are young people aged 16 to 29, a critical mass is required for the community itself to provide the conditions that are expected to influence the beneficiaries and the sector. One hundred young people are considered per year with their entrepreneurial plan carried out. These young people would then be integrated into a process of training - training - incubation that ends in undertakings that will belong to this Community.

Communication activities and consolidation of the "CE" itself must also be carried out, external activities, as well as those that affect its interior, its symbolic world in what has to do with its heroes, rites and stories.

  1. Reason for being of the Project

In a world that changes rapidly and in which technology creates and destroys jobs at the same speed, States intervene to maintain the levels of occupation of their peoples within humanly acceptable values ​​for democratic societies.

The strategies pursued are generally aimed at tax incentives for companies installed so that they take on more staff and also at setting up new companies. In the latter case, it is understood as a partial vision, since it encourages only existing entrepreneurs, which is why it is working on a limited number of people.

In a globalized world, another strategy is to hunt for existing entrepreneurs in the world, who are offered special conditions that are attractive for them to invest in the country, conditions that are surely not offered to nationals.

There is a third alternative that directly impacts the environment, and focuses on the search, discovery, development and growth of the number of entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs found micro and small businesses, which later became medium and large. They generate business, create the wealth of a country and a region, giving work to others. They are the true generators of employment since that role is no longer occupied by large companies or the State. Strictly speaking, in the way of efficiency, the opposite happens, they tend to expel labor. On the other hand, they are the true generators of wealth, providing effort and creativity.

Experience also pays attention to other variables such as the attitudes that people have, because these are the entry point for new knowledge, mastery of tools and their application (skills).

Attitudes, knowledge and habits converge in culture, which blesses some and devalues ​​others. That he has some archetypes as heroes, but that it does not occur to him that someone who opens his factory at 6 in the morning and generates endless activities and jobs, could be.

Heroes and antiheroes, the entrepreneur is not even visualized by young people, since many of their behaviors belong to this useful and valuable social character. Indeed, it is the entrepreneurs, for example, who organize the graduate trip and obtain the resources for it.

But at the same time, it seems that all formal education, primary, secondary, university, is destined to generate only the "good employee", that is, the good manager, engineer, the good technical supervisor or employee, etc. The paradigm of an outstanding college student would be to enter a large company, where you will progress up to a certain point, but you will never be its creator or owner.

We get good employees precisely when this nucleus of companies, the large, state-owned and / or multinational companies, generate fewer and fewer jobs due to greater use of capital, technology or outsourcing of activities. Students are oriented towards the good employee when there is less and less employment, while what there is is more “work”.

There is less work in a dependency relationship, but more opportunities to create work for oneself (“self-employed”) and also for others. There are numerous opportunities to respond to needs, which result in generating products or services, which after they have been "worked", provide much more than a salary.

To all this he adds the gratification of seeing the idea realized, the dream come true, the organization, the products, the satisfaction of the people who buy or use them.

The business entrepreneur is a pragmatic person who solves problems (meets needs) of other people and makes money. There are also social entrepreneurs, founders of NGOs, cultural, educational, sports, university entrepreneurs, all activities that build the spiritual and material wealth of an area.

There are entrepreneurs in the state estates, those who take risks, who have initiative, who organize, who try, who fail and get up and try again.

Entrepreneurs have what the English call "need to achievement", which in Spanish translates as "need to achieve", to bring an idea down to reality, to make it work, for things to happen.

The need for achievement is the great universal fuel, and the entrepreneur happily goes through many sacrifices, and has the ability to delay gratification in pursuit of his goals.

The entrepreneur is not born, it is made. He makes himself, more or less easily if he has an "environment", with a favorable culture, with guidance and support. Perseverance is what separates people along the way. Perseverance is reinforced by appreciating others for persevering to their achievements.

People with different perseverance in their formation of habits can be pedagogically accompanied, and all will progress somewhat. What accompaniment cannot do is replace their need for accomplishment, the drive, or the pleasure it means for them to see the things they dreamed already accomplished.

What cannot be generated is dreams. It has been found that, for multiple reasons, there are young and old who gave up dreaming, who do not live but have chosen to survive. That there are people for whom the fault is always someone else or they believe they are caught by circumstances, from the outside. People who live in what is called "the speech of the victim."

You usually live in an environment with a culture where connecting with your own need for achievement is difficult and sometimes impractical, because most of the time there is no basis for support: we like crafts, but the effort and effort is not made. Research so that products are positioned in certain segments, who are willing to pay for it. And then, the artisans end up delivering pizza by motorcycle.

In the short term, this forces people to work for others who are encouraged.

But this will be the case until an area with another culture is achieved and then many more people will consider that destiny. When there are more who are encouraged to connect with their need for achievement, the later will be those who rationally advance to materialize it.

Entrepreneurs need a framework that helps them create that environment and also helps them connect them with the fabric of the state apparatus, as well as with other institutions such as banks, consultancies, NGOs, providers of countless services, etc. where they can support and help them, and can compete and grow.

And this area is what is called the Entrepreneurial Community (“CE”), because it is an organization that is close to its young people and therefore is more susceptible to developing new beliefs and behaviors, new attitudes, a new culture.

In addition, this will strengthen the professional and business sector related to the Community, by creating a strong network of companies of different sizes, which will synergistically strengthen their strategic position, giving rise to a business cluster as the springboard for the entire region and the world.

To understand what is meant by an entrepreneurial community, it is necessary to first visualize that a lawyer is trained in a community of lawyers, a doctor in a community of doctors, an engineer in a community of engineers, and so on with any example.

It is even suggested that a criminal is formed in a community of criminals. In this case, the community will have to be dismantled or a more powerful one must be created. In any case, it is still a community challenge.

Consequently, an entrepreneur is formed in a community of entrepreneurs.

Without community, the phrases:

Training entrepreneurs has nothing to do with teaching knowledge, whatever it may be. Entrepreneurship has nothing to do with the business plan, in the same way that a "terrorist" has nothing to do with the "submachine gun." The "terrorist" is formed in ideology and in a "particular" way of observing the reality that he shares with others. Based on that particular way of observing reality, he is consistently moved with some human beings and indifferent to others. In short, I "form a community" by communicating (talking) with others. For this reason, it is necessary to form a critical mass, so that many speak about what they are going to do and begin to do it. This means changing the culture, first changing what we do every day, our daily practices and habits. By valuing entrepreneurial behavior, let us train hundreds of entrepreneurs.Their behaviors will be models and examples. More so when today it is known - according to Daniel Goleman (Social Intelligence, 2006) - that there is what the author calls “mirror neurons”. "Apparently, different experiments with apes have shown that in their brain there is a type of neuron that" fires "(is activated) both when the animal performs an action and when it observes another (especially, of the same species) do that action. In other words, these neurons "replicate" ("reflect" like a mirror) the behavior of the other animal. What's more, it appears that some experiments with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have found some evidence of the same type of neuron in the human brain. And it is speculated that they could play an important role in learning skills by imitation,as well as in the development of language, and it has been said that problems with this type of neurons could be at the base of autism. Mirror neurons transform visual information into knowledge ”.

Let's change the visual information, that young people see entrepreneurs as a valid alternative for their future development.

Because as Marilyn Ferguson says: “If I continue to believe what I have always believed, I will continue to act as I have always acted. If I continue to act as I have always acted, I will continue to obtain what I have always obtained ”.

Forming this community requires carrying out different actions, but always keeping the community independent of the structure that develops it. The development of a culture of entrepreneurship within the community cannot depend on the structure or hierarchies of a university, business chamber or government, no matter how much it generates it. Rather, it must be a movement that takes place in its borders and in an inorganic way at the beginning. Entrepreneurs are a smaller percentage of society and are not organized.

The conditions can be created so that future members, entrepreneurs, young people, the actors themselves are born and that, acting freely behind their genuine individual interests, form a community that is energized and in addition to related companies, since the sum of your own behaviors.

Therefore, the aim is for young people to "Visualize" their future and then act to reach it. This will determine that they “communicate” with each other, in their community and modify the “dialogues” that guide their society to new directions.

Ultimately, any development model if it does not have entrepreneurs is destined to fail and these are the main product to be obtained.

The "visualization", "anticipation" or "prospective", allows the creation of a desired future; It starts from an attitude that does not start from the present to predict, forecast or set up a future scenario, but starts from the configuration of a desirable future to, from there, reflect on the present, “re-signify” what happens in it and, finally, orient our development towards the future that we had imagined as desirable.

Then the self-fulfilling prophecy operates. " This attitude supposes a systematic work on a desired future scenario. The important thing is that the attention -in the first place- is not focused on “trying to design what is going to happen”, but trying to be as clear as possible what it is that we want to happen.

This intention is based on images. It is our imagination that lodges in the time that is not yet. It is an imaginative construction that attracts us, that motivates us, that invites us to be reached. Construction that is born from our emotions, aspirations, sensations, intuitions.

Once this desired future is outlined, it is about making it explicit, making it credible, imagining the behavior of the different variables that intervene in said scenario.

When it comes to creating a desired future, it is not guessing something that will be true or false. What interests us is that the desired future is a sufficiently functional and motivating vision to be able to attract and guide the way of thinking and acting based on this vision.

In creating a desired future, the most transcendent components of the creative process are put into play in an integral way, since imagination is needed to imagine said future, discovery to shed light on the different relationships and interactions on which the scenario will develop. desired future, creativity to produce alternatives and ideas on how to achieve that future, and innovation to make these ideas and alternatives become concrete transformative actions in our lives.

It is not easy to develop this type of attitude in society, especially in those that, like the underdeveloped, are basically focused on a past that they perceive as much better.

Another aspect that is difficult to understand is the idea of ​​"desired future." "In terms of wishing - many think - I can rave imagining unrealizable utopias and just wishing for them does not mean that they are fulfilled."

This is how those who have not understood the difference between a "pushing present" and a "seducing project" think.

Conversations in our society should stop turning only on what differentiates us or on our limitations in order to better understand reality so as not to be left out and thus move on to a systematic work of "imagining a future to be built, to establish limits ourselves."

If this systematic work is done in a creative, intelligent and participatory way, surely the desired futures to be achieved will not be “unrealizable utopias”. They will be, yes, challenging projects whose results are not perfectly clear today, but they do begin to imagine, delineate, discover (“uncover”), glimpse (“between-see”: note the difference with “pre- see ”) in a set of real and imagined variables.

For this reason, the attitude of creating the desired future is clearly strategic, as it does not require the precision and accuracy of a forecast necessary for daily operational work, nor the speculation proper to tactical decisions that need to assume probabilities of occurrence based on a context in which they try to handle themselves.

The creation of a desired future takes place in a time axis in which the first thing is to sketch an image to be achieved, and from there we work on the present, generating alternatives and then putting them into practice.

Intention is an imaginative adherence to an end, followed by a conscious tension to achieve it. The word "intention" is similar to "purpose" or "design", they all speak of the determination of a will in order of an end.

Creating: much more than making or assembling, it involves imagining, building, discovering and "making it be believed." It is the broad sense of the process that goes from imagining a future to doing what is possible to make it happen.

Future: we are not only referring to a scenario, but to an anticipatory dimension where we "choose" a desired configuration.

Desired: qualitatively different from the notion of probability, we make the desired Future become possible and real, but its main characteristic - for us - is that our intention is there.

The community starts to conform to one hundred young people per year, each one with her plan with a desired future with a horizon of ten years. This figure shows how a society like Punta del Este closely follows what is happening in terms of the so-called entrepreneurial phenomenon, that is, the launching of businesses, producing different dynamic commercial companies, thus ensuring their sustained development over time. The undertakings should not be only for Punta del Este, beyond that this city acts as its origin and mentor, as a springboard for the entire region and the world.

One hundred initiatives are one hundred ideas that are launched, one hundred needs (current and potential) of service providers, one hundred offices or warehouses, one hundred new brands, one hundred possibilities for market research, one hundred service networks that will begin to be deployed (with customers, suppliers, employees), one hundred business plans, one hundred bank accounts, etc.

This dynamic of businesses, entrepreneurs and organizations that are formed, linked, related and negotiated is the one that is lived in an environment that will characterize the “CE”, regardless of whether the undertakings are developed geographically far away.

Entrepreneurs, businessmen and companies that look for coincidences, imagine projects, get trained. In short, entrepreneurs, businessmen and companies that “co-evolve” creatively.

Complementing "the world of companies" with that of "business" or "entrepreneurship" is always refreshing, since this brings much closer to the human beings who run these companies, who create them, who manage them, which make them successful.

You enter the world of entrepreneurship focused on business. A series of different risks appear, different rules of the game: the rules of the market, of "hyper-competitiveness", of numbers, weights, associations, franchises, licenses, profits, capital, costs, the benefits.

The need for different complementary skills and capacities also arises: creativity applied to concrete results, innovation in all its dimensions, leadership, negotiation, competitiveness, strategic thinking.

Running a company, managing an area or starting a new business are challenges of different characteristics as they arise in an environment made up of defined units and with clear limits, or in a complex and dynamic environment where these limits and definitions are difficult to grasp..

All these elements make up the ingredients that spice up the existence of a “CE”, which our societies are demanding if we want a happy future and not continue expelling and excluding compatriots.

On the other hand, "in a study carried out by Harvard University (cited by Rovira Celma, Álex. 2005." The Inner Compass. "Urano Editions) their students were interviewed and among the various questions they were asked, one was about the goals in life, what did they want to achieve in the future !!

Only 3% of the students wrote what they planned to do in their life.

Twenty years later, they were all interviewed again. To the surprise of the researchers, the 3% who had established their goals in writing were worth more financially than the remaining 97% and not only that, but they were healthier, happier and more satisfied and had a better disposition towards life than the rest of the people. alumni interviewed. »

Those who study at Harvard constitute a select minority that does not represent any youth in any country in the world. Notwithstanding this, there would be no reasons to show that ordinary young people should not behave in human terms in a similar way to those who study at that University. For this reason, it is to be expected that the quality of life of all young people will improve after the written establishment of their goals in life.

Proving this is going to take us ten years. It will be enough to show that they are guilty of the fact that many young people who make up the “CE” “are worth more economically than the rest and not only that, but they are healthier, happier and more satisfied and have a better disposition towards life than the rest.” the fact of having participated in the Program. That is the greatest reward for effort.

  1. Target market

To be part of the “CE”, young people will be summoned to formulate a Personal Entrepreneur Plan that allows them to Visualize a ten-year future and establish “their” way of reaching it.

The proposed goal is to train more than one hundred young people per year.

The ages range from 16 to 29 years of age, and it is intended that individuals without distinction of sex, different ages and experiences and who are studying or are professionals from different careers participate in each workshop, since heterogeneity favors creativity and innovation and therefore increases the possibilities of synergy between participants and between participants and the environment.

  1. Operations
  • A dissemination channel is required that invites young people to register to carry out the Workshop, a means that receives those summoned to register their registration, the assembly of the groups, their call for the dictation of the Workshops, a room for the dictation.The delivery of the Workshops and the monitoring of the students until the completion of their PEP The Workshop results in the Personal Entrepreneur Plan (PEP) whose program is shown in Annex I. The PEP is reflected in a document that allows the young person monitor your progress towards the imagined destination.

To achieve the number of young people to be integrated into the “CE” annually, between six and seven workshops must be held a year.

  • Likewise, a results monitoring system will be established that will allow a continuous evaluation of the needs to advance their purpose. This monitoring will be carried out in a group, which will feed the interrelation between the different beneficiaries. According to the needs of each PEP, training activities will be carried out (business plan, marketing, finances, etc.). Beneficiaries will also be invited to participate in seminars and conferences with people who can act as mentors or examples, visit companies and organizations or other types of social instances that promote a sense of belonging to the Community and contribute to the need for achievement of the participants. the "CE"In addition to the benefits inherent to said membership, it will give access to other benefits such as "Affinity Card", which must be studied and established with different commercial agents. Proposals that arise from the beneficiaries themselves and that fall within the powers will be encouraged. of the "CE".

Following a strategy to penetrate the culture of entrepreneurship, massive events are generated (with rock musicians and other innovative artists). These events are of greater scale, impact, diffusion and scope than those mentioned in point d. and they are aimed at stimulating and massifying "the entrepreneurial value" as the axis of the identity of the organization (I want to belong to that !!).

  • Rites that allow massification through a communication impact to the rest of the student population. For example "The Day of the entrepreneur of the" CE "), where acts of recognition and celebration are held. Communication campaign: launch a contest to choose the logo, message, etc., of the " CE ". Communication entrepreneurs are invited to describe how they perceive themselves, making a parallel with entrepreneurs from other sectors. A jury is chosen made up of a representative of the young people and a recognized entrepreneur who would go on to become a mentor and icon of what it is desired to achieve with this Project.

5. Management and Organizational Structure

The Directorate that will support the creation of the “CE” will be entrusted to a Commission made up of leaders from the business sector, who emulate the desired results (Heroes). In turn, the ad hoc” “CE” will adapt its structures and its operation by coordinating its resources with those already existing with the other countries of the region. Relevant specific areas can be strengthened, as well as hiring those who have essential specific skills.

As there is a need to maintain a holistic vision of the subject, the needs of young people should be monitored with all the programs currently operating on the subject in order to match them with their own needs and those of the “EC”).

People are required who are responsible for:

  1. external communication to inform and summon the beneficiaries, register them and form the groups, dictate the PEP workshops until the preparation of the document, which by virtue of the specificity of the task, must be contracted externally, the monitoring of the beneficiaries according to to each Plan, which will require a registry of consultants who carry out each task and are monitored by the person in charge, the training, who prepares the groups and topics, according to the needs that arise from the previous item and coordinates with those who dictate them, promotion within the "CE" (talks, conferences, publication with news, success stories, visits, other benefits, etc.).

If necessary, the Commission can delegate the operational coordination of all these processes.

  1. Strategic alliances and future development

It is considered relevant to begin the development of activities in coordination with an entrepreneurial program of the large cities of the Region. It is healthy that the culture that is lived in the "CE" does not limit the magnitude of the entrepreneurship of its members, so it is also possible that these Programs make their contributions, as well as that similar activities do not overlap and that it helps to create synergy Between everyone. Moreover, it is thought that the participation of all types of audiences in joint activities reinforces behaviors, favors creativity and innovation, generating new associations and purposes and promotes social integration, culminating in synergies that are unthinkable today.


Annex I: Workshop Program

Annex II: Entrepreneurial behavior and learning




(Personal Entrepreneur Plan)

Hourly load: 12 hrs. (8 face-to-face)

Space : 16 locations

Teacher: Rafael Rubio

Rationale and purpose of the Workshop

In order for them to discover their strengths and project them into the future, the participants of the Workshop develop their Personal Entrepreneur Plan with a ten-year vision.

Methodology *

The Workshop is developed following the Appreciative Dialogues methodology, which is a philosophy of change that starts from the premise "discover what gives life to a human system and then let it flow" (http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/)



A dialogue is held in pairs with the purpose of discovering the positive entrepreneurial potential that exists in each individual. This allows us to know what works best for each person and what must be preserved to reach the future.


In this phase, the participant must visualize his greatest potential as an entrepreneur with a horizon of ten years.


Here it is about being able to answer the question: what will "my" reality of behavior as an entrepreneur look like? (set of behavioral characteristics that define an entrepreneur).

Once the dream has been defined, it is about creating a process by which the chosen behavior is brought into reality, in order to move towards the dream.

This is where a clear analysis of the strengths that is available and those that might be needed to implement the Action Plan must be made.

Also, the behavior model defined here works as an “emotional aid” for entrepreneurs, when they face the different obstacles that arise.

The final phase is an invitation to action inspired by the previous phases of discovery, desire and design. This is the phase where you will work on the things that need to be done.

The "Destiny" stage focuses especially on personal commitments. It involves change, its stability over time and the monitoring of progress.

It is also known as "Obtaining Results".

Course approval

It is obtained through the approval of the document (PEP) formulated by the participant after the end of the Workshop.


BARRET, FRANK J. and FRY, RONALD E. (2008) Appreciative Inquiry. A positive approach to building cooperative capacity, Montevideo, Xn.

ROVIRA CELMA, ÁLEX. (2003) The inner compass. Knowledge and lasting success, Barcelona, ​​Active Company.


* "Appreciative Dialogues"

“Appreciative Dialogues” (http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/) is a methodology for development and social transformation, used to strengthen leaders, create consensus, generate shared visions and projects aligned with them.

It is a training method that achieves, as Peter Drucker says, "to make people's strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant." Therefore, “the type of question we ask determines the type of answers we get. The seeds of change are implicit in each question, and thus individuals and groups grow and develop based on the dialogues they have and the questions they ask ”(David Cooperrider).

The questions discover the entrepreneur that exists in all of us (Discovery). When Plato says: “the first thing is to know oneself, everything that man learns is already in him. All the experiences, all the external things that surround him are only an occasion to help him to know what is in himself ”. The questions “help them discover what is inside them, since as Galileo also said,“ we cannot teach people anything ”.

With that seed of an entrepreneur that you have, you start to “dream” the future and share your dreams, which in turn generates more feedback (Dream).

It is known that one is an entrepreneur and a future Vision was also established, then the entrepreneurial behavior (Design) is modeled, which is the germ for positive change that is bodily alive in all behaviors and decisions.

The point here is to be able to answer the question "What would my behavioral reality as an entrepreneur look like?" Images of the future emerge from positive examples, what the participants were like in the best moments of their past, and inspiring ideas shared in the previous stage.

It is at this stage that participants must make a clear analysis of the strengths they have and those they might need to shape their behavior.

Finally you reach the fourth phase, Destiny. The final phase is an invitation to action inspired by the previous phases of discovery, dream and design.

At this point, personal initiative is challenged. It seeks to achieve the commitment of the participants to the action.

The "Destiny" stage focuses especially on personal commitments. It involves change, its stability over time and the monitoring of progress. Also known as "Obtaining Results".

Appreciative Dialogues are a methodology known for its excellence to promote cultural change.


Entrepreneurial behavior and learning

In many cases, this social capital is the result of social skills, understood as specific competencies that allow people to interact more effectively with others. These include the following: social perception, impression management, social persuasion and influence, and social adaptability. An adequate use of this set of skills is essential in a wide range of processes that occur in the

entrepreneur's activity, from making presentations to investors and clients to selecting partners and forming teams and alliances, where the diversity of interests and characteristics are not an insurmountable obstacle at any time.

With regard to opportunities, these are directly related

to creative activity, an essential component of innovation that becomes like the heart of entrepreneurship (Thompson, 1999), and that can be understood as the ability to generate ideas or do new things, through processes that usually occur in an intuitive and unsystematic way (Hills et al., 1997). A program that seeks to exercise creativity must deal with mitigating the effects of the blockages that may arise, be they perceptual, cultural or emotional (Simberg, 1964).

Perceptual blocks have to do with the initial posing of problems and the inertia to use alternative approaches, due to the way they are presented to us at first. Cultural blocks are caused by the rules of conduct, thought and action that society produces and that lead to conformity. Emotional blocks are determined by the stresses of everyday life and are rooted in insecurity. An intense creative activity has to do with the facility to relate to the new, which is itself unknown. In this sense, it is important to note that on many occasions, the educational system tends to give priority to the known and does very little to prepare to effectively face the changes represented by the unknown.A better orientation would be to teach how to think rather than what to think (Olton and Crutchfield, 1969).

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Project to develop a community of entrepreneurs