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Business projects. lucraco production center for therapeutic purposes


The project aims to:

  • The Industrialization of the root of Walteria Ovota, whose prostatic anti-inflammatory qualities, under its active principle, which are flavonins, are giving extremely encouraging results, its consumption and the opening to new markets whose trend is towards Phyto-Therapy, or Medicine Natural. Promote deeper Research, both in the field phase, and in the Production phase itself; an adequate and efficient agricultural management and, in parallel or progressively, the incorporation of fields considered poor, or not suitable for the agriculture of traditional products. Generation of jobs, and promotion of Agroindustrial development.

  • Project justification

Its promotion is important, because through its execution, it will allow an increase in sources of work, at the Departmental and local level, generating employment and promoting Agroindustrial development.

Also rescuing the knowledge of our ancestors on the subject of Natural Medicine (Phyto-Therapy) and specifically in the cultivation and use of Lucraco (Walteria Ovota), adapting it to current analysis, research and processing techniques.

  • Company Type

Private Closed Stock Company (SAC)

  • Potential Investors - Promoters
  1. Private Sector Entities - Public (State) D - Foundations National and / or Foreign Entrepreneurs
    • Project Study Level

Profile - Developed

  • Responsible for the Preparation of the Project

Jose Luis Hernandez Cabrera

  • Address or Telephone of the Profiling Unit

Address: Guatemala N ° 172 Urb San Francisco-


Telephone: 9942815

  • General Background

Referring to Healing Plants, or with healing power, is to go back in History, to the direct experimentation that human beings carried out and carry out, in the search for the cure or mitigation of their ills, in short: Their integral physical well-being.

Many of these plants fed them, while others, supposed the Summation of Food and cure or exclusively cure. The latter became his Medications; what today we classify as Phyto - Therapy and Natural Medicine.

At present, large sectors of the population; not only Peruvian, added worldwide, they resort to plants to heal themselves, which is why it is necessary to integrate Traditional and Modern Medicine and fully face the formulation of the Peruvian Natural Pharmacopoeia, which collects Popular Knowledge and integrate it into scientific knowledge.

This Profile refers to Walteria Ovota (Lucraco). Used in Traditional Iqueña Medicine as an antitussive, bronchial affections, cough and in the last decades as an anti-inflammatory Prostatic (La Raíz del Lucraco)

We have relied on a phytochemical "screaning" in the whole plant, having found tannins and / or free phenolic groups, triterpenoids and / or steroids, alkaloids, catechins, flavonoids, saponins and by means of thin layer chromatography the number of components was determined.

The Agroindustry then, in this case we direct it towards the Pharmaceutical industry: Pharmaceutical Agroindustry.

In Peru, the Industrialization of Lucraco (Walteria Ovota) has not yet spread. It is not, therefore, risky to think that the technically used use of this shrub and an adequate and permanent orientation - education in its consumption will make this Profile viable.

The climatic characteristics of the area allow the cultivation of Lucraco, practically along the entire coastal strip, from Pisco, to Nazca, including the edaphological and water requirements, which, as we already know, are not demanding at all.

  • Study of the Product and Future Market

2.2.1 Raw Material

Description of the Waltheria Ovota

  • Botanical Classification

Vegetal kingdom

Division XIII: Phanerogams

Sub-Division: Angiosperms

Class I: Dicotyledons

Sub-Class I: Archiclamideas

Order XVII: Malvales

Family: Sterculiaceae

Genus: Waltheria

Scientific Name: Waltheria Ouota

Vulgar name: Lucraco, Palo Negro, Negrillo.

  • Morphology

Bushy, cosmopolitan plant with a woody stem and heart-shaped leaves, simple, alternate position, with serrated edges, penninervadas, yellow cluster flowers.

It generally inhabits vacant lands, soils and lands with little herbicide control; and we find it at all times of the year.

  • Uses in Popular Medicine

In bronchial affections, cough (leaves and flowers).

In prostatic conditions (root)

To carry out this profile, we will only delve into the benefits and description of the root part that is the one that is most in demand and we hope that with a good application of Marketing techniques and strategies, our Product: "Walteria - Oral " will meet our expectations.



The collection of the material was carried out in the surroundings of Ica in spring 2001. The entire plant was used, which were subjected to a drying process and then pulverized in a mechanical mill, being preserved until its use in neutral glass jars. to protect it from the environment.


The active principles are identified in the different parts of Waltheria Ovota, subjecting them to solvent extraction, obtaining seven different fractions, which were subjected to coloration tests and subsequent determination of the number of compounds by thin layer chromatography.


The dry and ground product is weighed and macerated with ethanol, it is taken to reflux extraction for four hours, obtaining an ethanolic extract, part of which is separated, which constitutes fraction "A"; the rest is brought to dryness (reduced pressure and temperature), the residue that remains is treated with a dilute HCL solution, slightly heating it in a water bath and filtered hot, the operation is repeated with the same solvent, gathering them filtered, which constitutes the acidic solution and on the other hand the insolubles that dissolve with chloroform, this solution dehydrates and constitutes fraction "B"

The acidic solution is neutralized with ammonium hydroxide and extracted with chloroform, washed with water, combining the aqueous fractions. The organic (chloroformic) phrase is dehydrated and filtered, this is fraction "C". The aqueous phase is semi-saturated with anhydrous sodium sulfate and extracted with a chloroform-ethanol mixture, washed with a semi-saturated solution of anhydrous salt in water, bringing together the aqueous phases that constitute fraction "E". The organic phrase (ethanes-chloroform) is dehydrated and filtered, this constitutes fraction "D".

In addition, a quantity of the dry and ground drug is mixed, filtered and constitutes the fraction "F". The dry and ground material becomes the “G” fraction.

The identification tests that were carried out were colored and are as follows: (…)

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Business projects. lucraco production center for therapeutic purposes