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Be recreational


Lack of recreation is one of the factors that aggravates some of the typical ills of the 20th century: stress, depression, and exhaustion. In our quest to achieve professional and financial goals that would allow us to improve our lifestyle, we have forgotten one of the most important elements that should characterize a good lifestyle: our ability to recreate ourselves and enjoy the fruit of our work.

Many of us get up in the morning to go to a job that we don't like. The mere fact of leaving home, on the way to work, generates a state of constant anguish and fear, coupled with the traffic, chaos and high crime that characterizes many of our cities.

When reflecting on recreation, ask yourself if we experience enough pleasure during each of our days, or if fun and enjoyment have become part of the activities that we only do one day a week or a couple of weeks a year.

Several medical investigations have shown that both pleasure, as well as the performance of motivating and playful activities, contribute to the immediate improvement of our immune system, and the activation of the body's self-healing powers. When studying those people who have passed the age of 100, some really surprising results have been found. They are not necessarily the people who best follow a nutritional diet, or who follow the most rigorous exercise plan, or those who visit the doctor more regularly.

What has been found in common in them is that they are active, they are involved in activities that amuse them and that give them pleasure; they enjoy morning walks, work in the garden or sit in the park to enjoy the sunset; They are beings that laugh and cry with joy with great ease; They are people who have learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

For this reason it is important that you carry out a self-analysis that illustrates what you do, that generates pleasure and joy, that relaxes you, that briefly describes those activities that you love by doing them.

Recreation is to remove our mind, our body or our attention, from activities that due to their intensity, or because they have occupied a large part of our time, may be producing exhaustion, mental or physical fatigue. Large multinationals have found that when their executives stop taking vacations for too long periods of time or when their intellectual work is not balanced by other activities, their productivity, creativity and ability to solve problems and make decisions are negatively affected..

Without a doubt, these measures come in response to the insistent and continuous demands on the part of your recreational being. The truth is that recreational and leisure activities are the solution to much more than just exhaustion at work. It is precisely for this reason that it is not only important, but vital, to set goals that respond to the needs of this area of ​​your life.

It is essential for your physical and mental development that you make sure you have enough recreational activities in your environment.

A strong body and an awake mind work in harmony to achieve success. Finally, these can also be an affective vehicle to achieve a closer relationship with your loved ones. Don't forget that leisure activities can offer you an inexhaustible source of alternatives when it comes to rewarding you for achieving a goal in any of the other facets of your life.

Don't lose sight of the fact that to maintain a balance in this area, you must maintain satisfaction and balance in the various roles that you must assume in your life. Although it is true that in the fun you must involve the family (partner and children), sometimes it is very important to share only with your partner and look for someone to take care of the children in order to be calm and relaxed. You must also be sensitive to the needs of your partner and children and respect their own spaces for fun with their friends, girlfriends, co-workers, siblings or parents.

Be recreational