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If you want to be successful in internet business: don't stop!


Are you tired of going to great lengths in your internet business, without getting ahead? If you've taken the time to educate yourself and are applying a set of actions that should work, don't stop! The results that you are obtaining may not be as insignificant as you think. Find out how important it is to be consistent and how you can get a healthy long-term view of your Internet business.

When starting an Internet business, the great hope is that the efforts will be rewarded immediately. We see it according to the law of cause and effect. Certain efforts should lead to certain results.

Great is the disappointment when this does not happen. The product did not have the expected sales, very few people attended the videoconference and no one seems to be interested in the services offered.

The problem is our assumption of how things "should" happen. It's all a matter of perspective. The classic problem of seeing the glass half full or half empty. Before dismissing your efforts as a complete failure, ask yourself why you imagined everything would turn out perfectly right off the bat.

Where is the genie in the bottle?

Many people do not face new challenges, because it will cost them effort, time and money and they do not have the guarantee that it will work. They would like to see what the return on investment is going to be before jumping into the pool.

They want to have a guarantee that it will work.

The problem is, there are no guarantees in the business world. There is no genie who will come out of a bottle to promise us that our efforts will pay off immediately.

Then people stop. They don't move on if the conference wasn't as spectacular as it should have been. They stop when they see that the launch of the product did not have the expected reception.

You will get results if you don't stop

When you do not get the expected results immediately, it is better to give thanks for the little that could be sold than to be sorry for everything that did not happen.

This attitude is an internal decision that each entrepreneur must make on their own. No one else will do it for him.

The law of cause and effect remains in effect and continues to guarantee that you will get results… if you don't stop. It may be different from what you planned, but it will have results.

Many times the fruits of a job are not reaped immediately. Sometimes it takes time. Your efforts, applied consistently, will pay off.

The hare, the tortoise and the flywheel

What best explains this principle is the concept of the flywheel or "Flywheel," described by Collins in his book "Good to Great." (Collins, Jim: "Good to Great". Harper Collins Publishers, USA, 2001. p.164-185.)

The flywheel is a part of an engine that transfers mechanical energy. Collins applies the same principle to the business world by using it as a metaphor for a cycle of actions, each one giving power and speed to the next.

The central idea is not to look for a product or a service that will mark the success of your business, but to apply strategies continuously with the certainty that gradually the set of actions will lead to success.

As the fable of the race between the hare and the tortoise tells, the enterprising "hare" will be very busy and restless. You will constantly be looking for new strategies to find the flagship product, which will finally open the doors to success, and will change your course after each failed attempt.

It is known that the hare lost the race, since it got tired of running here and there. The tortoise, on the other hand, advanced slowly, but surely, always in the same direction. And won.

The “turtle” entrepreneur develops a set of strategies that are applied constantly and that together accelerate progress until reaching a breaking point at which results begin to be achieved.

This gives you the same effect that a flywheel has on a car engine. At first the wheel is pushed and hardly moves. As the same actions continue to be applied, the wheel picks up speed and rotates faster and faster, until it reaches the point where its inertia makes it move almost by itself.

Seen from this point of view, a poorly attended event or a less successful product are not failures per se. They become milestones on a long road at the end of which the entrepreneur has the certainty that he will succeed.

Put another way: A failure is just a failure when you stop and stop pushing!

If you want to be successful in internet business: don't stop!