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Take the initiative and take action in your business


We often know what we have to do but we don't do it, we don't take action. Why do we keep putting off tasks? What is holding us back? Indecision and procrastination are two of the main obstacles to achieving our goals. Over-analysis is often another good excuse for inaction.

To avoid taking action we resort to different types of rationalizations. Many times we try to convince ourselves that it is better to stay in our current, known and safe state than to risk facing the unknown consequences of change. This phase of discomfort acts as a deterrent to initiating action. The fear of failure inhibits us; we think that taking action is more painful than putting it off.

Sometimes we wait for the motivation to start a task, but the motivation does not come by magic. Using the words of Burns (*): "first comes motivation, but productive action." That is why it is so important to take the first step, whether we feel like it or not. When we start to achieve goals, then we do feel motivated to continue working. And the more often we make decisions, the easier it is for us to do so.

Other times we get caught up in planning: we want to have all variables under control before taking the first step. But control is an illusion; that situation never comes. How many times have we said before an exam: "If I had had one more week…"

"If we want to feel comfortable, be in control, and act effectively, confidently and bravely, we must first feel uncomfortable, not in control, and act incompetent, without confidence…"

Dryden, W. Beating the comfort trap, London, Sheldom, 1993

In today's changing society, the fish that doesn't move is carried away by the current. Planning is necessary, but if we get stuck in this phase and do not act, we are missing opportunities; sometimes it is better to stay with the good than to aspire to the optimum.

«Let's avoid the analysis-paralysis syndrome. If we are too perfectionists we will miss opportunities. Let's not forget that speed is a competitive advantage »

Manuel Schneer Building one's own brand. Personal marketing for a professional. Barcelona, ​​Editorial granica, 2003

We recommend that you shorten the period of time between planning and action; Once you've set a goal, start as soon as possible. Focus on the results you hope to achieve. We can only be sure that we have made the correct decision afterwards, evaluating its result. If you take action and make a mistake, you can always integrate this experience for the future. That is much better than eternally regretting what you could have done and did not do.

(*) Burns, DD The Feeling Good Exercise Manual, Barcelona, ​​Paidós, 2002.

Take the initiative and take action in your business