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A fuzzy world. decision making in companies

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Making decisions in a company is a responsibility that few have the courage to take, that is, having the courage, the knowledge and the decision to tell or mark a complete organization the route that should be followed. It is undoubtedly a great responsibility since thousands or even millions of pesos in investment, jobs and livelihoods for many families, and even the subsistence of a population depend on it.

That is why any company or organization does not make decisions lightly or without considering all the factors that may be involved, and on all those that may represent a risk or a problem in the future.


Now, thinking of the people whose task is to make these decisions, they must be trained professionals, who have different skills and attitudes, with different developed skills. One of these skills is being able to quantify the unquantifiable. But how is this possible? It is at this moment that Fuzzy Logic comes into play, the process by which information or knowledge can be transmitted and received correctly, clearly and precisely, even when the barriers that exist are difficult to overcome.

In general, it can be mentioned that diffuse information allows giving a certain quantifiable value to aspects that are not at first. This is because, as mentioned at the beginning, companies cannot afford to follow a path that does not represent a certain degree of reliability, it is because of this that the areas that do not give this value to their proposals are very difficult to break into.

Currently, fuzzy logic has gained value due to its large number of applications within modern industry, applications that are reflected from industrial processes and systems, the development of automatic deduction artificial intelligence devices, as well as the construction of electronic elements. for home use or entertainment in general.

Numerical and non-numerical interpretations.

The language is full of some words or concepts that can be understood by a human being, but that, for example, if it wanted to be interpreted by a robot or an artificial device, it would have different barriers to be interpreted. That is why there are two methods, which refer to certain specified characteristics

Non-Numerical Methods

In the interpretations and quantification of the quantities and of different characteristics, mention can be made of some non-numerical approximations that are used with a reasoning closer to the usual one, that is, the qualitative one. One of the most studied methods in this classification is the default reasoning, which refers to the conclusions of the rule systems as valid until a better reason is found to believe something (González, 2011) Numerical Methods.

There are different methods, among which the family of probabilistic methods can be highlighted, which associate a numerical value (it can be the degree of belief) between 0 and 1 only, in such a way that the uncertainty about the expressions. In this way, when a sentence, or an expression has a 0.7 probability, it does not mean that it is 70% true, but that it has a 70% belief about the expression. The value assigned to probability depends to a great extent on the evidence available. The Dempster-Shafer theory which uses degrees of belief given by intervals of values ​​so that the acquired knowledge can be represented. And in the same way there are several probabilistic families,describing techniques including exact and approximate methods (certainty factors)

Fuzzy logic.

Related to what has been commented above, it can be mentioned that fuzzy logic is in the same way a reasoning method which falls into the category of approximate and non-probabilistic, since it can be defined as an extension of multivariate logic that greatly facilitates qualitative information modeling roughly only. The success or the fame that it currently achieved is due to the fact that it has the possibility of solving highly complex and poorly defined problems that, if they are tried to solve with traditional methods, are very difficult to solve.

The author González (2011) defines Fuzzy Logic as:

"It is the multivariate logic that allows to represent mathematically uncertainty and vagueness, providing formal tools for its treatment"

It is a tool that allows establishing a mapping in which any type of problematic situation that arises can be solved by giving a set of input variables, that is, the input space, in order to obtain a value that is appropriate to the problem in the output variables, that is, the output space.

Historical background.

The term as such "Fuzzy Logic" was used for the first time in 1974 and today it is used in a broad sense, as it deals with grouping the theory of fuzzy sets, if-then rules, fuzzy arithmetic, quantifiers, etc..

Lofti A. Zadeh, is the author who is credited with the creation of the concept, because in his proposal, fuzzy logic was presented as a way in which information can be processed in which the data could be associated with a certain degree of partial belonging to sets. As mentioned above, it was in the mid-1970s that this theory became known and began to be applied to control systems. In the first part of his presentation, that is, his first phase (Between 1965 and 1974) Zadeh made mention of the general concept of a fuzzy set and its associated membership function that takes values ​​in the unit interval. In this phase, no mention was made in great depth of the reasoning mechanisms and the logic that is associated with this representation.

In the second phase, between 1972 and 200, two important concepts were introduced: the linguistic variable and the concept of if-then rules (if, then). Currently the vast majority of applications that exist of fuzzy sets use these concepts, thanks to the development of the concepts of this second phase, fuzzy control applications evolved rapidly.

The third stage of development, which is from 1996 to the present, fuzzy logic is focused on computing with words, using natural language processes for searching the Internet and developing automatic responses. Today there is a multitude of lines of research that intensively occupy the theory of fuzzy logic in various areas of application.

Use of diffuse information.

Information and knowledge are elements that are closely linked to the learning process, which can easily be divided into four main stages:

  • Stage 1

Incompetence - unconscious.

  • Stage 2


  • Stage 3


  • Stage 4


Now, in this learning process, it can be mentioned that data or information is always present, as a minimum element that can be stored with a certain meaning, and when it is related to a specific context. When it is carried out and processed, it is the beginning of the information. A data set will always be oriented to an end, with which, it can now be called information. Now, this information can be classified according to the type of texts, in order to be presented. In order to really acquire the information and put it into practice to turn it into knowledge, it must be passed through different mental processes, where it will be compared with the information that was previously had and points in common or marked differences will be found,that will define the new positions or previous knowledge.

Contrasts between fuzzy logic and classical logic.

There are several points at which the different logics can come into conflict, however, for a specific problem, it may be that part of the two, or a combination, deals with each other. Whereas, in traditional set theory, being a member of a set is defined as a Boolean predicate, in fuzzy set theory being a member of a set is allowed to be represented as a distribution of possibilities. Fuzzy logic has a great mathematical basis, mainly in the different set theories that give the possibility of imitating the behavior of human logic.

This fuzzy information is used mainly to represent information that is imprecise, ambiguous or vague, that is, at first there is no way to define it in a concrete way, which is not quantifiable. It is used to perform operations on concepts that are outside the definitions of Boolean logic. With the use of fuzzy logic, subsets can be represented with degrees of truth and falsehood.

The most contrasting points between the two logics are presented below:

Fundamental characteristics.

There are some characteristics of Fuzzy Logic, which makes it a very specific method, since it follows principles such as The Incompatibility Principle, which mentions that the description of the behavior of a complex system cannot be made in a totally precise way. In order to solve this problem, Zadeh raises the need to obtain some tools or strategies capable of rigorously and reliably handling information that is not accurate, which develops the following specific characteristics:

  • Inaccurate information representation.

This is because the use of fuzzy set theory is proposed. As well as describing the experience of complex systems in their input and output relationships through conditional propositions of the type "if, then".

  • Inference about information that is not accurate.

You need a way in which you can combine the information you have to get new facts. For this, the author establishes the need for a generalized inference method and introduces what is known as The Compositional Rule of Inference.

  • Exact reasoning.

It can be seen as a particular case of approximate reasoning, since any logical system can be fuzzified. Through fuzzy logic, human knowledge can be formulated in a systematic way and can easily be included in engineering systems.

  • Fuzzy constraints.

Fuzzy systems are especially interesting to be able to define systems whose exact model is difficult to obtain, since it is necessary to occupy an approximation.

  • Inferences

This can be viewed as a fuzzy constraint programming process.

  • Decisions

It is widely used in decision support systems. Fuzzy logic allows decisions with incomplete values ​​or uncertain information to be obtained.

The fuzzy sets.

A fuzzy set is one that can contain elements with partial degrees of membership, unlike what is dealt with in classical logic, in which the elements may or may not belong to said sets. On this scale, intermediate points can be handled, as well as a certain influence around the elements with which the comparison is made, to determine the characteristic of an element or device.

Membership function.

It is a curve that determines the degree of belonging of the elements of a set. It is denoted by the Greek letter µ and can be adopted between values ​​of 0 and 1.

Whereas in a set of classical logic the following graph would be had: (See PDF)

Graph 1. Use of classical logic (Gonzales, 2011)

In a system with fuzzy sets, the following graph would be found: (See PDF)

Graph 2. Use of fuzzy sets (Gonzales, 2011)

Universe of discourse.

It is the set of values ​​that the variables can take. This set of elements that we are going to take into consideration. It is also necessary to understand that it is a fuzzy variable, which, in reality, is any value that is based on human perception rather than on precise measurement values.


This concept is very easy to adapt by seeing some processes to some extent reversed. That is, in the first place, the technology was based on carrying out measurement and control processes autonomously, that is, that a machine, a system or a process, due to its specific characteristics, could detect an element or a product that It was good or bad, what happens or does not happen, that complies or does not comply.

However, now, it is sought not only to have two fixed parameters, but also to understand in a more “human” way all the different parameters with which a decision can be made.

However, in order to include that to a system, a process, a robot or some digital element, it can have its high degree of development and understanding, that is why Fuzzy Logic is introduced.

A new concept that allows the development of strategies or tools to facilitate decision-making and that can overcome the barriers that may arise.

Thesis proposal

Implementation of a system based on fuzzy logic, according to the needs that arise in the organization.


Assess, develop and implement a system or a process that meets the specifications of a given need, within a company, with a totally diffuse approach.


Special thanks to the Technological Institute of Orizaba, to Professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, for all the knowledge he shares with his students and to the Master in Administrative Engineering that promotes the culture of learning. As well as to thank CONACYT for the support provided and for the areas of opportunity that it generates, with its different programs, to the Postgraduate students.

Bibliographic references

  • GUILLERMO ALFREDO ARRIOJA CARRERA. (2011). Management of diffuse information. Orizaba, Mexico: ITO. Guillermo Morales-Luna. (2002). INTRODUCTION TO DIFFUSED LOGIC, MEXICO: CINVESTAV-IPN.JP Aurrand-Lions, L. Fournier, P. Jarri, et al. Application of fuzzy control for ISIS vehicule braking. In Proceedings of Fuzzy and Neuronal Systems, and Vehicule applications'91, 1991. LA Zadeh. Fuzzy set. Information and Control, 8: 338–353, 1965. LA Zadeh. Outline of a new approach to the analysis of complex system. IEEE Transaction on System Man and Cybernetics, 1: 28-44, 1973.Tomás Arredondo Vidal. (2014). Introduction to Fuzzy Logic. Mexico.
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A fuzzy world. decision making in companies