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Analysis of the administrative process of the san josé hospital complex


Improving the Health System from the Development of People (Experience in UPQ-Complejo Hospitalario San José)

Dr. Carla Pellegrin Heiremans: Head of the Surgical Ward Unit.. Patricio Castro Castillo: Deputy Director of People Development.


  1. Problem Background Background Variables

number of days of absence of staff.

n ° Hours lost per day due to arrears.

Stagnation of service improvement. II. Operating Model of a UPQ

III. Intervention Performed.

  • Management systems and people development Required.


Until December 2008, the UPQ shows a rate of suspension of surgeries

close to 23%


Context Background

Staff problems

Absenteeism: Greater than 17%

Arrears: Greater than 20%

Informal trade: 5 cases

Resistance to change: Generalized.

Negative leaders protected FENATS

General dissatisfaction of the staff who did not show the behaviors described above.

Nursing charge deficit.


Context Background

Other associated problems

  • Bad registration of activities implies economic losses for the Institution. Deficit of positions and respective assignments. Stagnation of the quality of the service due to low updating of the personnel and absence of security protocols.
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Analysis of the administrative process of the san josé hospital complex