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Emotivism for environmental management and sustainable development. test

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"This essay will address from the perspective of emotivism, how to achieve success in the face of changes that have occurred due to environmental impacts in the industrial era."


Environmental requirements

The British Standards Institute (BSI), introduced in 1992 the standard called BS 7750 Ecological Management Systems, developed by the Department of Commerce, since it was understood the need for the products to be exported to have a level of control over ecological aspects, also seeking to ensure the certification of industries in this control. This standard was extended to Ireland in the same year. In the same period, BSI decided to model the BS 7750 standard to the ISO 9000 model and the AFNOR 30-200 Environmental Management System standard also emerged in France and in Ireland it was called IS 310 Environmental Management System.

The 3 standards sought to certify environmental practices, involving a third entity as an evaluator and certifier, for greater objectivity, starting the SGS company of Swiss origin, with the ecological administration audit work, issuing the Paloma Verde certificate to those companies where they attested to the operation through BS 7750.

For 1996, the ISO organization established the ISO 14000 standard, based on the English, Irish and French ecological standards, considering personal health and safety, as well as product and process safety.

Currently, ISO 14000 includes all aspects to consider in the responsible management of processes and services to affect the environment in a minimal proportion, including from the responsibility of management, personnel and suppliers, following a structure similar to ISO 9000, since that considers that the quality of processes, products and services must be environmentally responsible.

In the Mexican Republic, in 1988, the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection was created by presidential decree, for the preservation and restoration of ecological balance, as well as environmental protection, in the national territory and the areas over which the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction. Its objective is to guarantee the right of people to live in a healthy environment, through policies and instruments that allow for the sustainable use of resources and the prevention of damage to the environment. It establishes control and security measures for compliance with the same law called LGEEPA.

Among the most important environmental definitions, you can see as Article 3 says to the letter.- For the purposes of this Law, it is understood as:

  1. Environment: The set of natural and artificial or human-induced elements that make possible the existence and development of human beings and other living organisms that interact in a given space and time; Protected natural areas: The areas of the national territory and those on those that the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction, where the original environments have not been significantly altered by human activity or that need to be preserved and restored and are subject to the regime provided for in this Law; Sustainable use: The use of natural resources in a way that respects the functional integrity and carrying capacities of the ecosystems of which said resources are part, for indefinite periods;

Being all of the above, those that have been preserved since the issuance, since that law has added more definitions, considering the growth rate that the country has had.

Derived from the seventh article of the LGEEPA that indicates that each State corresponds to establish its own environmental policies and from decree # 189 of the Chiapas State Government in March 2009, the Environmental Law for the State of Chiapas is established, which in its article1, establishes that its objective is the conservation of biodiversity, restoration of ecological balance, protection of the environment and the rational use of its resources to promote the sustainable development of the State, thus aligning itself with what is described in the LGEEPA, establishing the bases for:

  1. Recognize and guarantee the right of the inhabitants of the State to enjoy an adequate environment for their health and well-being; Define the guidelines, principles, criteria and instruments of the environmental policy in the State; Coordinate actions in the matters object of the present law, between the State and the City Councils of the municipalities that comprise it, as well as with the authorities and institutions in the matter of the federal sphere; Promote the use, management, associated knowledge and fair distribution of the benefits and costs derived from the use of the elements of biodiversity and genetic resources; as well as the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples related to the use and management of natural resources;

Article 4 describes.- They are environmental authorities in the State.

  1. The holder of the State Executive Power, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural History, the Municipal Councils;

This same law, in section six, establishes education and research for sustainable development, as a transversal thematic axis in educational processes.

Article 61 establishes the promotion of the creation of an environmental management area within the organic structure of the municipalities that is responsible for the implementation of the Environmental Education Plan for Sustainability in the State of Chiapas at the municipal level.

To the letter, Article 74 establishes that “The companies or industrial establishments located within the State's territory may develop voluntary processes of environmental self-regulation, by means of which they improve their performance, respecting the laws and regulations in force on the matter, and committing themselves to comply or exceed the levels, goals, parameters or benefits in terms of environmental protection ”.

“Article 75.- In order to define preventive and corrective measures in the framework of the environmental audit, companies may carry out methodological examinations of their operations, with respect to the contamination and risks they generate, to compliance with environmental technical standards and parameters. and to the efficiency of its processes. ”

In state law, in the third chapter, it establishes the economic and administrative sanctions for violations thereof, which includes from a warning, fines, closings and even the repair of environmental damage.

Industrial Age: The Industrial Age introduced machinery that facilitated man's work, this time the new development of man was lived, ignoring the impacts that affected the development of many ecosystems, since these new machines needed to absorb many fossil fuels to generate the necessary energy to work. The expression or term Industrial Revolution was spread from the year 1845, by the communist Federico Engels, one of the founders of scientific socialism, to designate the set of technical and economic transformations that characterized the replacement of physical energy by the mechanical energy of machines, the change to manufacturing production by factory in the capitalist production process.Among the various factors that were the origin of the industrialization process, three deserve special mention: The Commercial Revolution in Europe, the primitive accumulation of capital and the appearance of technological advances (machines). The most important cause for the development of the Industrial Revolution was the appearance of steam machines, the mechanical loom, the spinning machines that revolutionized industrial production techniques in the 18th century. From there the rise of the manufacturing industry occurred. The First Industrial Revolution first developed in England and then spread to the European continent. The First Industrial Revolution accelerated the process of migrations from the countryside to the city, which intensified the growth of the urban population and contributed to the formation of a new social class,the worker or proletariat. The working day in the first decades of industrialization lasted from 14 to 16 hours a day. Low wages, due to the abundant available labor and the use of machines, reduced the price of labor to levels of mere subsistence.

Emotivism: according to Hume, Ayer and Stevenson, there is no ethical reference that transcends the individual himself: the only thing that is worth is the interest of each one. Coexistence is something that we have to accept to the extent that it "satisfies us" or reject it to the extent that it "bothers us". Although social life necessarily requires certain "bearable" limitations, these should be the minimum necessary for each individual to carry out her own private moral conduct.

During the 20th century, emotivism was one of the most influential metathetic theories. Its most prominent representatives were the British philosopher Alfred Jules Ayer, chief spokesman for Logical Empiricism in England, and the American philosopher Charles Leslie Stevenson.

Alfred Ayer maintains that value judgments do not affirm anything about any object in the world or about the personal state of mind of the speaker, they only express certain emotions. But expressing is not the same as asserting. Ethical concepts are pseudo-concepts, which do not add any information about the evaluated action.

For Russel, a value judgment expresses a desire, which as such is not a description, so there is no room for truth or falsehood. Unlike Ayer's position, the moral desire manifests for Russell the claim to universally extend the valued quality.

Stevenson highlights not so much the expressive function of moral terms as their "magnetic" character, but their ability to influence people's opinion and course of action. Thus, accepting that something is good would, in principle, make us tend to work in its favor. There is a moral reasoning, that goes according to our beliefs, that provokes our own attitudes.

Starting in the 1950s, aspects of the philosophical current of emotivism are taken up again, where Georg Henrik von Wright, Allan Gibbard, Nicolás Zavadivker, agree that emotions depend on the value judgments adopted by beliefs through a reasoning of right and wrong.

According to Hume, to reason an emotion, you must know all the objects that intervene in situations, which does allow you to make value judgments that influence or reflect morality. From this it follows that the actions or behavior of the human being depend on reason and taste, translated into knowledge and experience, for a behavior consistent with the societies where the individual operates.

Success: according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, success comes from Latin. exĭtus, which means exit. Therefore, success is the happy result of a business, performance; It is also interpreted as good acceptance that someone or something has. Reaching the End or termination of a business or matter.

There are many examples of success and can be mentioned in the case of a business, having bought the shares without a hitch; in acting, when an artist is recognized by other people for the films or number of films made; as for acceptance of something, when a song is listened to many occasions for a long time.

Many times the question people ask is how to achieve success? As success is the happy result, then you must first establish objectives and goals to be reached, do the actions with discipline, have aptitude, but above all attitude; know where and how to get there.

In any situation the positive side should be sought, if there is a problem it must be turned into opportunity, mistakes must be turned into learning. All of the above is accomplished with Leadership.

Leadership: Leadership is understood as the set of skills of a person, to cause a group of people to achieve the objectives and goals set, mainly supported by motivating people, developing them in their skills and improving their skills. Leadership is conceptualized as the ease of some people, to mobilize others towards a common goal and who is not necessarily the person who has the highest position or representation in their organization, but the one who promotes actions and improves attitudes.

A good leader makes correct decisions and makes his people make the correct decisions, for the achievement of objectives and goals with success, managing effectively and making emotions focus on joint success.

There are examples of great leaders, who show that they come from different social and academic strata, thus showing that the leader does not have a common origin, but is simply the person who has a positive attitude towards the situations that life presents and overcomes them to achieve its mission and vision.

The importance of the emotivist perspective applied to environmental changes by the industrial era, to achieve success.

Sustainable development has been an issue addressed for several years, but it has not been consistent to develop methods or policies that ensure sustainability and minimize damage to the environment. Since the beginning of the industrial age, technology has been developed to generate products and services that satisfy, not only the needs of populations, but satisfy personal and political interests, without taking into account collateral damage to communities and ecosystems.

Although technology is understood to be necessary, it has not been developed in tandem with laws or regulations that help regulate a production that also complies with the quality aspects or standards that are accepted by the groups to which it is directed. consumption.

The industrial revolution was a response more aimed at solving adverse situations in the economy of European countries, it rightly began with the creation of machines to replace the hand of man, thereby initiating the development of technology, mainly using natural resources, such like the steam engine. This created the need to make mass products that covered, at the time, employment and food needs, by marketing all kinds of products, such as fabrics, which at that time, every inhabitant required to create their clothes and not be immoral, to The time. That, in turn, gave them a status and then they found the sectorization of social classes, not only those who had or did not have money, but those who already had possessions from simple as clothes,to land and factories with many workers.

To the growth of the industry and the owners without taking into account the human being, since the proletariat was made to work for long hours with low payments for their task, as well as age was not taken into account, since they had in their operations on children and women, together with men, regardless of the type of activity, whether simple, complex or heavy.

Leaders of opinion, science and philosophy appear and at that time a search for the improvement of workers begins, from different perspectives, finding for example Hume, a philosopher who creates the concept of emotivism, where he considers that people They do things, as long as it is within their value judgments and they have the feeling to do it, since it is not immoral or does not harm society.

Prior to this industrial revolution, the scientific revolution occurred, which begins when Copernicus, after having made mathematical explanations, devoted himself to astronomy, defining that the sun was at the center of the universe and that the earth is the one that revolves around the Sun; The above was not accepted by the Catholic Church, of which he was a priest, for which he was censored, but heliocentrism was born, which with a Pythagorean mathematical basis, explains that celestial movements must be circular and uniform, being an aesthetic axiom, that goes against Christian theology, which makes man the center of the universe, just because the earth is that center. Here is the first part of the scientific revolution already mentioned,since a current of scientific research begins to try to explain everything that could not be explained at the time by religious censorship. Due to the new scientific attitude, Plato and Pythagoras' writings are rescued. Within this same revolution, Tyco Brahe (1546 - 1601), adopts an intermediate and more condescending position towards religion, presenting the hypothesis that the sun and the moon revolve around the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun, making more The understanding of a planetary system was complex, since it made it appear that all the other stars or planets were above the moon and that the sun as a new star discovered, had no parallel.Plato and Pythagoras's writings are rescued. Within this same revolution, Tyco Brahe (1546 - 1601), adopts an intermediate and more condescending position towards religion, presenting the hypothesis that the sun and the moon revolve around the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun, making more The understanding of a planetary system was complex, since it made it appear that all the other stars or planets were above the moon and that the sun as a new star discovered, had no parallel.Plato and Pythagoras's writings are rescued. Within this same revolution, Tyco Brahe (1546 - 1601), adopts an intermediate and more condescending position towards religion, presenting the hypothesis that the sun and the moon revolve around the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun, making more The understanding of a planetary system was complex, since it made it appear that all the other stars or planets were above the moon and that the sun as a new star discovered, had no parallel.since it made see that all the other stars or planets were above the moon and that the sun as a new discovered star, had no parallel.since it made see that all the other stars or planets were above the moon and that the sun as a new discovered star, had no parallel.

From the discussions generated by the axioms of Copernicus and Brahe, Kepler, Brahe's own assistant, took all the hypotheses and axioms to a cosmic depth, explaining all scientific knowledge about the movement of the planets and their mathematical structure, since they are regular bodies. With this, he issues Kepler's Laws, where heliocentrism explains that everything happens geometrically and mathematically to achieve perfection in things that happen and will happen. Hence the concerns of other scientists to investigate are generated using clearly defined methodologies that can explain the absolute of the universe, known today as the scientific method. From now on, the most solid investigations of the so-called science begin, with the most important being mathematics at that time,physics and later chemistry.

From now on, great discoveries and inventions are generated, reaching the era of the industrial revolution, which was a trigger for competitiveness to create sources of economic income and therefore, socioeconomic and population growth, without considering the effects on human beings. and its environmental environment, since the need to be sustainable in productions was not identified, that is, to give back to the environment what was extracted from it, as well as to take care of people, due to the so-called “exploitation” of the hand work, to obtain mass productions, seeking to obtain money in large quantities.

For the middle of the 19th century, the term or concept Ecology appears, which was born from the observations of the nature of eighteenth-century philosophers and naturalists, including George-Louis Leclerc Buffon, Alexandre Von Humboldt and Charles Darwin, who with their contributions gave origin of the environment treaty (eco = environment or environment; logy = treaty or study), giving total importance to the study and behavior of plants and animals in a fully defined common area, understanding that the survival of species is essential to keep alive An environment.

Thus, the concept of Environment was born, which, supported by definitions, appreciations and ecology research by Eugene Odum and Charles J. Krebs, is defined as the interaction of all abiotic factors (inorganic material) and biotic factors (organic material), of the which depends on the development of a living being. That is, abiotic factors involve materials, such as water and soil, and energy such as solar radiation. Biotic factors comprise all organisms in the environment.

On June 16, 1972, in Stockholm, Sweden, during the Conference of the United Nations Organization on the Human Environment, it is stated that “The environment is the set of physical, chemical, biological and social components capable of causing direct effects or indirect, in a short or long term, on living beings and human activities ”and at the same time June 5 is declared as World Environment Day.

In 42 years, since the expression of the Environment and the declaration of the world day to recognize it, technological advances have been many, but few have been aimed at not negatively impacting or improving the environment around us; the environment gives us food, health, shelter from natural resources and these, in turn, have been used to generate products or services that meet our needs, but we do not understand or do not know the positive or negative impact on the environment to be covered our needs or requirements, thus appearing the term Sustainability, which means, in itself, the return to the environment, of what we extracted so that it is reused or recycled right there, that is, if we extract water from a well, not only the natural cycle of water will feed back the well,instead, there must be other ways of recovering the water from the environment.

The impact on the environment from our activities generates waste and pollutants to a certain degree, but during industrialization large amounts of both are generated, the most relevant being the pollutants, which, if not controlled and in a sustainable system, modify the environment, reaching to the depletion of natural resources; An example of the above is observed in large industrialized cities of the Mexican Republic, such as in Mexico City, Monterrey or Guadalajara, where the emission of pollutants has decreased the quality of the air in the environment, which in turn causes damage to the health of living beings. From the foregoing, it has been inferred that industries establish controls on emissions to the environment, to reduce the impact on the environment,They have also established methods to ensure that natural resources have an optimal regeneration cycle.

Due to population, commercial and industrial growth, in 1980 Sustainable Development was born, as a need to ensure that there is economic and social growth in regions where environmental resources are used, with the assurance of returning those resources, minimizing the impacts environmental, making the community sustainable. This has been for years, a subject of discussion and sometimes of disagreement between environmentalists and economists, who are the fundamental part so that in reality a community or industry is sustainable and sustainable, since ecological, economic and transformation activities require a good administration so that there is economic and social growth.

For the companies that generate products or services to self-regulate or be regulated by entities approved by governments, ISO standards are born, which in the case of quality applies 9000 and for environmental care 14000.

The ISO 14000 Standard includes the requirements that each company that impacts the environment must meet, developing its methods that ensure minimizing the damage caused by the generation of its product or service, as well as describing the ways in which it must self-evaluate its processes and environmental risks. and safety for people and processes, establishing environmental indicators with a focus on sustainability. Likewise, it describes the requirements to be evaluated by external entities, which when they validate compliance with regulations, may certify the company as environmentally responsible. In the case of the Mexican Republic, the norm has been adapted to the national and constitutional context, creating a translation and application according to expectations, applied through the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection,that in turn each state develops its own and for Chiapas the Environmental Law for the State of Chiapas, which establishes the way in which each company must adhere to environmental regulations, monitored by the Federation, the State and the Municipalities.

A certifying company must be recognized and endorsed by the National Metrology and Standardization Center, to be authorized to environmentally evaluate a company, carrying it out using ISO 14000; but so that the Government also recognizes the company evaluated as environmentally responsible, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, through the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection, conducts legal visits and environmental audits, which when the outstanding level of the standards, grants the Clean Industry Certificate.

The success of a company in a context of sustainable, sustainable and affordable development can only be achieved through the leadership of the companies and the people who manage and operate them, in such a way that there must be full knowledge of the requirements clients to achieve quality standards, but at the same time, they must be managers of change and knowledgeable of environmental requirements, to ensure that environmental impacts are minimal and develop pollutant control methods and methodologies to regenerate natural resources.

That leadership cannot be isolated from human development, that is, people should not only consider themselves as workers, but beings who think and feel, so they must be trained, developed and motivated.

Within the motivation to the people, the good leader must identify the emotions of the people that allow him to do the activities with pleasure and achieving satisfactory results. Emotionality is decisive, since the leader must work under moral value schemes that are consistent with the culture of the region, since if the work teams see something as non-moral, that their value judgments are being put aside, the planned results will not be obtained, neither in quality nor in environmental care, putting the industry of any kind at risk.

According to Hume, if as a leader you do not have the experience that situations are the cause of something and if you do not have a logical cause-effect relationship, then the goals will not be true; that is, if the leader has not had experience that what is used should be paid to avoid deterioration, then the goals that he achieves will not be related to the sustainability-sustainability-affordability of the business (industry) for which he is responsible. You must educate your work teams environmentally, applying ethical and moral values, ensuring that emotions (emotionality) are generated according to regional and institutional values, through the acquisition of knowledge (knowing-knowing), individuality of the person (knowing how to be) and the correct execution (know how).

In Mexico there have been many leaders who, due to their contributions and positive attitudes, have come to be called national heroes, since they made and achieved the growth of the nation, applying values ​​and value judgments, understanding the emotionality of the peoples, applying phrases that have become famous and today are motivational, such as "The homeland is first" by Vicente Guerrero, "Among individuals, as between nations, respect for the rights of others is peace" by Benito Juárez, being a sample of the Leader's Vision to make others do what they must do to achieve success. Under the premise "the leader does not win, he convinces", leaders are found in all political, social and economic spheres; do not necessarily have an origin of academic excellence (good grades),economic prominence (upper class), popular election (positions in legislative chambers) or decision of hierarchies (organizational charts). The leader is a visionary, fundamentally honest, inspiring and generates credibility in himself and in his followers; therefore, the question is: are there leaders in Mexico that lead us to industrial success with sustainable, sustainable and affordable development?


Emotivity, under its philosophical concept, has been transferred through the years, but once it has been understood that the handling of people's emotions must adhere to value judgments to have moral behaviors, it has been used polarized, since just as there are leaders who use it positively, there are those who do it negatively. When managing emotions is not used, but abused, behaviors are generated that in one place may not be ethical and moral; This leads to the existence of leaders who do not serve the people or their company, but rather the other, thereby demeriting, over time, the quality of products or services for which they are responsible for generating.

In order for Mexico to achieve success in a highly competitive and competitive industrial era, with sustainable development, political and business leaders must act jointly to legal compliance with quality standards for products, services, the environment, occupational safety and health, but with a correct handling of emotions towards the positive, both their own and those of those who should be given direction.

There are business leaders, including industrial leaders, who in one way or another have achieved the economic development of regions of Mexico and who have become aware of caring for the environment. In the government environment, leaders must make their loved ones aware, so that Sustainable Sustainable and Affordable Economic Development is fully established, based on the fact that “Under the federal system, public officials cannot dispose of incomes without responsibility; they cannot govern under the impulse of a capricious will, but subject to the laws; they cannot improvise fortunes or indulge in leisure and dissipation, but rather dedicate themselves assiduously to work, resigning themselves to living in the honorable mediation that provides the remuneration that the law indicates "from Benito Juárez's speech,as Governor of the State of Oaxaca before the X Legislature, at the opening of the first period of ordinary sessions on July 2, 1852.

From the above, the leadership and vision of the public servants related to the development of the country must grow, at the same time or faster than that of the businessmen and industrialists, to guarantee a Mexico rich in tradition, culture, nature, resources, energy, values, being emotional and generating emotionality, that is to say, being passionate and making others passionate about the development of the country, that makes us First World. When the emotions of Mexicans are generated by Mexicans at the service of the country, within the moral of our culture and with it the economic, environmental, labor and health laws are fully complied with and enforced, then Mexico is sustainable, sustainable and affordable, being Leadership, Values ​​and Emotion for Mexico,the Requirements for the change to be successful in the face of the environmental impacts of the industrial era, from the perspective and application of emotivism


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Emotivism for environmental management and sustainable development. test