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3 Steps to demarcate clear limits with your time and with your money

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Can't you say no? Three foolproof steps to demarcate clear limits with your time and your money

It costs you say no? Unlike men, the enterprising woman has serious internal conflicts when it comes to having to respect her time and money. But, if you continue to give up your limits, you will inevitably be stuck in your business, with low sales, customer, and revenue volumes, as well as feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Learn 3 foolproof steps to demarcate your limits with confidence and security.


As an enterprising woman, are these situations familiar to you?

  • Your coaching sessions often go beyond the account. You spend considerable time personally attending to questions and requests that come to you by email, social media or in your forums. When you talk to your clients about your fees, you end up charging less than what that you had proposed or giving them more benefits.

All these situations are only a reflection of one of the biggest weaknesses of the entrepreneurial woman: not knowing how to demarcate her limits. In other words, it's hard for us to say no!

Unlike a man, women are much more perceptive and concerned with the feelings of others. If a client asks us to pay less, or demands an additional service that is not included in what we initially agreed with him or her, even if we get upset, we tend not to clarify it immediately.

On the contrary. To avoid potentially conflicting conversations and not hurt anyone, we prefer to sacrifice our money and time as long as everyone is happy.

Everyone except you. That annoyance that you felt inside when people crossed your limits, can easily be transformed into:

  • Grudge, because you feel like they took advantage of you. Sadness, for not feeling valued. And anger, because, again, you gave up your limits by succumbing to the pressures of another person.

How is it solved? How can you clearly demarcate your limits, without falling ill and without ending up feeling guilty for having been very hard and very intransigent with the needs and feelings of others?

1. Research your weakest points

The first thing you have to do is know what are the situations in which you usually give in.

Is it with your time? For example, do you tend to work harder than you do serving clients who ask you to spend more time than they initially agreed to?

Or is it with your money? For example, do you give up control when you talk about your fees and end up charging less than you thought?

2. Prepare an action plan

Once you know your weakest points, where people usually cross your borders, prepare in advance and make a clear plan on how you will react the next time it happens to you.

For example, when a client who is in a program of yours that does not contemplate consultancies by email, writes an email asking you for help, you can design an answer that is kind, but, at the same time, very clear in enforcing your limits:

“Thank you very much for sharing your achievements with me, I congratulate you! Your question is excellent. I already have it on file and I will answer it in detail on Tuesday, in our next coaching session. ”

In the same way, design alternative programs and have them on hand when you negotiate your fees. If the customer asks for more benefits than are included in the program they want to buy, you can kindly point out that you also offer a more complete service and ask them if they are interested.

3. Don't try to justify yourself

Lastly, don't feel responsible for other people's feelings. Don't make the mistake of trying to justify your position.

On the contrary! Be kind, but uncompromising with your limits and don't give long explanations. This way you will project a confident and confident attitude that will earn you the respect of your clients.

Never forget that it will ALWAYS cost you dearly to give up your limits. If you want to take your business to a new level of income, it is crucial that you research and solve these leaks in your money and time.

Take your rightful place as an empowered female entrepreneur, who fully understands what she is worth and is excellently rewarded for the transformation she brings!

3 Steps to demarcate clear limits with your time and with your money