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How to put your ideas into practice


Surely it has happened to you more than once, you have many ideas but you do not know how to shape them in order to put them into practice and start to see progress and, in the end, you do not advance with any and you stay as you are. What can you do to start seeing progress and results?

The first reason you get stuck is the same as always: excess information. In this case, excess of ideas. This is very common in creative people and in entrepreneurs who like to learn. Every new thing makes a light bulb light up and you come up with ideas, although in the end you may have a lot of ideas but you forget or leave them abandoned.

The first recommendation would be to have a notebook (or file on the computer or notepad on the mobile) to write down these ideas and that they are not forgotten. An exclusive notebook for that, so as soon as you come up with something you leave it written down, and not only do you not forget it, but it frees your head. In fact, pointing things out is very liberating and I highly recommend it. Important that it is a notebook or exclusive file for that, that you do not have then to break your head thinking where you had written down that idea that you had the other day. And if you are to point on napkins, then carry a folder to save them or take a photo with your mobile or use a recorder. The point is to have them all in one place.

If you are also inspired and want to develop it a little, better than better, then it is very likely that you do not remember well why you thought it was such a good idea or what to do with it.

The second step and another of the reasons why you are stuck is that whoever embraces a lot, presses little. If you have a lot of ideas, you can't focus on all of them or you won't achieve anything. So what it is now is to make a selection of the (or the, but a limited number, you should already know your limits) idea that you are going to choose to put it into practice now. You can even prioritize and set a date for each one. For example, if you have come up with ideas for new services or courses for your website, determine when you would like to have each one ready (although later you can modify the dates), that will give you a clearer idea of ​​where to start.

There are things that are feasible in a short time, others will require more time, effort or other resources. Some you can do now and others may be more realistic to postpone. For example, if you have a list of courses you would like to enroll in and you all love them and they start more or less at the same time, think about the time and energy you have. To sign up for zumba while pregnant because I don't feel like it much, I'll leave it for later. Continuing with dubbing is feasible, an online course, too. Analyze all your current resources: interest, energy, time, money.

Once you have established your priorities and have chosen where to start much of the chaos will disappear and you will feel more focused and motivated. Now it's time to think about what exactly that idea requires. There are people who already only knowing where to start do not need more and are able to go forward and see progress. But perhaps you are still somewhat blocked because, although you have chosen, you do not know how to put it into practice. In this case this is what you can do:

  • Divide it into parts that, depending on your time availability, will be more or less large. For example, I have a client with intense work who also has many unforeseen events, so if her goals are too big, she doesn't advance because she doesn't have time to carry them out. In her case, it was very useful to divide each project into micro-tasks that she could carry out in the small moments she had between unforeseen events, and so she felt that she was progressing (and in fact she did, of course, but. What will make your project move forward right now? That is your priority. Start with the first and if you see that it is too much, it is that you have not calculated well, so divide it again into smaller steps.

The point is that you have to be very clear about what you have to do about each idea. That you see your list of ideas and say "this for next month, this I will consider again later, this I start now." So you don't worry about the rest until it plays. And regarding the chosen one, you also have to be very clear about the steps to follow, so that when you get to work you don't have to think about what to do or where to start, just get started. This is how you will see progress and results. And this is applicable to both your business and your profession and personal life.

What part are you going to put into practice?

How to put your ideas into practice