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How to present your business idea to investors

Once you have a consistent business plan and you have proven that your initiative was not a crazy thing, most likely you will have to expose it to investors, that is when your storyteller soul should float

You have already worked very hard on your idea, your dream and now it is becoming reality, you are happy because after all you were not as crazy as they had told you, it is time to look for capital and present your idea to achieve it. But, there is always a but, to this appointment with destiny you must go armed with more than your business plan, your desire and your knowledge; You will have to be prepared to face busy people who will give you a maximum of 10 minutes and who will not be very courteous, since they receive thousands of proposals a year and are ready to head off at the first opportunity that you show them your helpless little neck.

To face these "evil" your shield and your sword will be your business plan and an excellent story. To these people you will have to "tell the story" very well put so that they believe it and they do not send you to the club. Keep in mind that more than the business plan, in this type of meetings, the history of your initiative matters more, if you manage to capture their attention in the first two minutes, maybe, just maybe, they will focus on what you will tell them the remaining eight. You are already thinking what you are going to say, excellent, very surely you will have to start with the answer to the question: what is your business? Obviously, they will not ask you, but when they give you your turn you should start there. Keep in mind that a business story must be very clear, complete and precise and that when you tell it you must transpire success through all the pores.

The chapters of the novel
* Description of the business * Market and customer profile * The secret touch * Your story The figures

Basically your story should contain the following points:

  • Clear description of the business, why it is important and why people will notice and want to spend their money on it. The market circumstances that led you to start your company, the profile and the number of potential customers. «Secret touch »That will engage millions of customers and how you will reach that market. The achievements you have achieved, even if they are small, the alliances or other types of initial advantages that you can disclose and of which you are proud. The location of the company, when It started and who is it? Your history, your achievements or the sacrifices you have made to get where you are. The figures, expectations of income, profits or losses, how many people accompany you on your adventure, how much money you need and where you are going. to spend…

Remember that you must count the above in 10 minutes and that you will have to be exact, credible and completely clear. If you have not rehearsed, make your presentation for those who accompany you on the initiative, for your family or friends. The more times you tell the story, the better it will turn out and the day it touches you, a true story will be made that even Los Hermanos Grimm would envy.

One last thing, don't wait any longer to start.

How to present your business idea to investors