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How to effectively prospect and present at MLM

Table of contents:


In this article, you will learn the 10 basics a potential prospect wants to hear before becoming an associate representative for a MLM company.

The difficulty of many entrepreneurs in the multilevel industry is learning how not to exhaust their contact list, below I present answers to face and overcome this obstacle. Some of the points covered:

• Strategies and Places to find qualified prospects.

• Qualified leads with very little investment or almost free.

• Ads with magical sales messages.

• How to create effective advertising campaigns with little money.

• 3 powerful reasons to get people to listen to a message.

• Strategies to prospect locally and remotely.

• Much… much… more…

This course is an excerpt from a six-hour workshop taught by Axel Pineda for the first time in Chicago Illinois, USA. called: “The secret to make an effective presentation in Multilevel”

Lesson Number 1:

Anyone who aspires to achieve success in the MLM industry should become professional in how to effectively present the business opportunity it represents because it is undoubtedly the key to building massive organizations, but more than massive successful ones.

Sadly, I have seen many succumb to the realm of despair and frustration, and they give up before they have learned to prospect and present effectively. There is no point in you prospecting effectively if you have not developed an effective presentation.

In this course we are going to see lessons on how to create a prospect portfolio and how to make effective presentations.

The lead portfolio is of great importance to be successful in this industry.

Without prospects there is definitely no one to expose the business opportunity to.

These lessons will help you create more leads, have better responses, and become a great sponsor.

You as an entrepreneur; You are looking for an opportunity to achieve financial freedom. Sponsoring partners to your organization resembles this story:

One day you come to your house and open the mailbox and there is a very sharp, elegant, and very good quality design package offering you to become a distributor of a great company with an incredible profit plan, and a fantastic product.

Given the quality of the presentation, you decide to call for information, but while you analyze the opportunity seriously; a week later you receive another package with much better quality, with a much better profit plan, a better product, a company that gives you the promise of commitment that you will not walk alone on the road to success, because they will be at your service. side with training and support from professionals to ensure that you are successful in the company. You decide to carefully analyze both opportunities, you start to make comparisons, but in the process two weeks later another package arrives in your mailbox with a very, very elegant presentation, and offers you an incredible profit plan, a fantastic product, a company backed by millions dollars, and with great technology etc. etc.Totally incomparable to the others…

If you see the trend? Keep this in mind:

No matter how good your advertising campaign is, there will always be a better one than yours. The first secret you should know when sponsoring is this:

“It doesn't matter how you make the first contact; what matters is what you do after the first contact. ”

Some experts say that the first thing to do after the first contact is to create a friendly bond.

Many "Pseudo-Leaders" lead many to spend money on advertising campaigns without getting the results just because they are doing the wrong process of not following up properly after the first contact.

This means; what to do after the first contact is to talk to the prospect on the phone, or to meet in person; that is, find a way to start a personal conversation with the prospect.

Whether you advertise by newspaper, radio, the Internet, or direct mail, remember, follow up, and this will lead you to create very close friendly ties between you and your new prospect.

Building a friendly bond with prospects ensures you create effective marketing networks and you will not suffer from the constant decline of lost distributors.

It is important for you to keep in mind that it does not matter how many distributors you sponsor; in reality what makes the difference is how many distributors you maintain in your network.

You don't want to be one of those leaders who build large organizations just to see distributors for other companies disappear. Pay close attention when advertising to attract prospects.

It is important to keep in mind the golden rule: "Do everything possible to create a friendly bond with your prospect before talking about business."

Lesson Number 2:

Now let's see what are you willing to do to create that friendly bond with your prospects?

The experience of many successful people in the industry shows that if we are not willing to do what needs to be done to create such friendly links with prospects, we will never have a stable marketing network.

There are four fundamental aspects that we must carry out once the first contact has been made.

Let's think that the prospect made contact with us through a print advertisement.

The prospect made a phone call, what he wants to hear is a friendly voice ready to answer his questions. Immediately you start working on creating a friendly link, ask for personal information, full name, phone number, full address, email. You will have complete information to follow up.

First: Send them a letter showing appreciation for the opportunity to be friends, while also creating a business relationship.

Second: Send your prospect a postcard with a motivational message, reminding them that it was an honor for you to meet them.

Remember that human beings are emotional creatures, that is why we are very excited when someone highlights our abilities or feeds our dreams.

Third: Present your product with a sample so your prospect will experience the benefits.

Fourth: Give him a motivational CD, an entrepreneurial magazine, a report, a book in electronic version, or a printed version and ask him for his personal opinion about the information.

I personally make the following four recommendations:

  1. Design a thank you letter, and send it the same day you had contact with the prospect. Send a package with a description of the company you represent, description of benefits and advantages of the products or services, and an explanation of the profit plan that The company offers. Share enthusiastic testimonials from associates. Call your prospect a week later and discuss the benefits and advantages of participating in your company.

One of the aspects that anyone who aspires to success in the network marketing industry must be very clear about is why people associate with MLM companies to build a business.

If we are not clear how and why prospects decide to join a company, we may end up using the wrong strategies.

It is important to honestly determine what prospects want to hear, read and see, and then compare it to what we deliver as a valuable end product.

Lesson Number 3:

Imagine that your prospect wants to hear how to make $ 10,000 to get out of debt in twelve months and you talk to him about how to heal from physical ailments. What do you think will happen? Undoubtedly, your prospect will be discouraged.

True marketers specialize in presenting presentations designed to meet the needs of prospects, so we must see the quality of presentation that we are exhibiting.

To learn how to expose in the correct way we must think as our prospects think.

There are several important factors and here I present them for you to consider when making presentations.

Many of us make the mistake of assuming the factors that influence the prospect to make the decision to join a network marketing company.

After doing research asking 500 prospects what they wanted to see, hear and read about a network marketing opportunity, this is what they answered:

These factors are numbered from one to ten according to the importance that the prospects gave them.

# 1. Who presents the presentation.

This was the first factor that determined the prospects as the most important when making the decision to join a MLM company.

Prospects join a fair network marketing company and only because of the trust, affinity, and security they feel from the person presenting the opportunity.

Prospects cannot see the company's facilities, they cannot see the company's president every day. Prospects cannot have a personal experience with the product or service in one day.

Prospects don't know the company's corporate board, the only thing prospects can see, touch, and perceive is the person who presents the opportunity.

As prospects listen to an opportunity presentation they are thinking:

  • Can I do the same? Is he telling the truth? Am I really going to get the help I need? Can I trust him? Could he be patient with me as I learn?

In summary, the most important factor is how the presenter perceives the presenter is what determines the decision to join the company or simply not to do so.

  • The prospect is not interested in knowing that the president of the company was born in the poorest cradle and that he is now the president of a company that produces millions of dollars. The prospect is not interested in knowing that the vice president of marketing is a great man with a Very high IQ: The prospect is not interested in knowing that the exhibitor is driving a BMW 745 that cost him $ 100,000 and lives in a million dollar home.

The prospect you want to know is if you can really trust the one who is presenting you with the opportunity, the prospect wants to feel comfortable, safe, and confident with the exhibitor.

So a personal story is important, but a trustworthy story, where the prospect identifies himself and sparks enthusiasm and self-confidence to start a career in the network marketing industry.

Many make the big mistake of making long presentations focusing on the details of the product, of the compensation plan, of the human quality of the president, when these are details that the prospect will discover when he becomes an associate.

Although these details are in some way interesting to the prospect's ear but it is important to understand that it is not the number one factor that makes them join a business opportunity.

So from now on focus the presentation on your personal story, on testimonies of real people. Be enthusiastic, be motivating, earn the trust of your prospects, and they will be your friends and followers on the journey to success in the MLM industry.

Develop your story, talking a little about your offspring, your dreams, your goals before you have known the business opportunity that now represents, talk about those difficult times that you have gone through in life, that you have done to confront and endure all the family, financial difficulties, explain the kind of attitude you had before, and the kind of attitude you now have.

Explain in detail why you faithfully believe in the business opportunity you represent, and why every day you are committed to achieving all of your goals.

Commit to every prospect that you will be around at all times to help you with training, motivation, and loyalty to each one.

Make each prospect feel like you are the person they have been waiting for to walk the road together that will lead to success.

Make vows of commitment to everyone that you will be there at all times when they need you.

Speak every word with your heart and be sure that they will believe you.

Lesson number 4:

# 2. Sponsorship Support.

In Lesson 3 we covered the importance of knowing how to introduce yourself to your prospects. In simple words; the importance of knowing how to sell to your prospects.

The second most important factor that the potential prospect determines is the security and confidence that may exist to depend on your line of sponsorship.

The prospect wants to feel that they are going to receive the right help to succeed.

It does not matter how excellent presentation you offer, it does not matter how beautifully you talk about your company, your product or service, if you do not manage to transmit that confidence and security in your prospect so that you feel the need to create a dynasty in the industry, he just won't join your company.

Perhaps your prospect is new to the network marketing industry and he will be unsure of his ability to do the business you propose to you, because he may not have a clue how to get started, hence the future of your prospect. It could be in your hands.

The support the prospect receives from his line of sponsorship is most important in his new career.

To eliminate those fears in your prospects, demonstrate how you and your line of sponsorship have helped others achieve success.

Assure commitment to your prospect that you will support him until he achieves a certain level of success.

Undoubtedly, your prospect wants success, that is why he has listened to everything you have proposed, only that you commit to being close when he needs your support.

Never use these phrases in a presentation:

  • "I think this company is going to be a winner." "I have been a distributor for other companies, but none has been like this." "If you are not convinced with this company, I belong to others that perhaps will convince you." "If you don't like this product, I also have other products that are very good."

Remember that your prospect has all five senses in you to make sure you are the right person who can help you succeed in life.

Your prospect wants to be convinced that you are the right person to whom he can possibly join and set dreams that are already asleep.

Once he trusts you and joins his team, the next thing he looks for is training. Let's move on to training quality.

# 3. Quality of training

Hands down any potential prospect to join a network marketing company is looking for training.

You should offer weekly, monthly, quarterly trainings, as continuous training sparks a wave of interest and desire to belong to your organization.

Training events are the classroom for many prospects.

Do you know why franchises became fashionable during the 70's and 80's? Large franchise sales corporations offer intensive training that builds buyer confidence and confidence.

Offering training to potential prospects dictates security and assurance that joining the company and you; success will be a sure thing to achieve.

You can dispel fears, insecurity, fear of failure, simply by offering professional and dedicated training.

All humans in the position of prospects like to get things secured and that makes us feel secure in our decisions.

Commit to every prospect to deliver one-on-one professional training and that will ensure that many will want to belong to your organization.

Lesson number 5:

# 4. The marketing plan and income potential

When we conducted this survey among prospects from 10 different companies, I became convinced that although all prospects seek to earn money, it is not the decisive factor in joining a company.

Surprisingly money is not a deciding factor in the prospect for joining a network marketing company.

Promises of making large amounts of money are worthless when you don't have the confidence and security to do business successfully.

In other words, it matters that the company offers 99% commissions if the prospect does not understand the process involved in creating a company in the network marketing industry.

Confidence in the prospect that can be successful in the industry goes beyond the percentages in the commission plan.

Many make the serious mistake of exposing the marketing plan step by step at the first contact, forgetting about the “trust in the prospect” factor.

Remember the first time you heard a marketing plan. Could you explain it in great detail just by hearing it once?

Please do not spend too much time explaining the compensation plan in detail, as this will not help your prospect make the decision to join their team.

The explanation of the commission plan reserve it for a training session, in which you can already explain in detail the promotions, special bonuses, organizational commissions, royalties, etc.

Don't focus on the commission plan - that's not what your prospect wants to hear in the beginning.

# 5. The product line

One of the best ways to irritate a prospect is to talk to them about the content of each product.

A true potential prospect wants to know only one thing about the product: will people buy that product?

A potential prospect will not join a network marketing company just because the product or service has the best.

Reserve product or service details for a training session.

A true professional exhibitor is not going to focus his time on talking about the details of the product or service, rather he will concentrate on explaining why the trend of the product in the market is excellent.

The most important thing in an opportunity exposure is to present testimonials and credibility about the product. The other details are exposed in a training session.

For example, contents, concentrations, science behind the product, laboratory reports.

Also the description of the products or services can be offered in written material, recordings, statistics and that will create more conviction in the prospect.

# 6. Being a pioneer in the area

Many times we believe that the prospect will be motivated by the idea of ​​being the first in the area or it will be attractive to be the pioneer to open the market, but perhaps what he wants is evidence to see that there are more people actively involved in the area.

Definitely being a pioneer is not a very attractive factor for most prospects for that reason it is vital to assure your prospect that together they will work hand in hand, and together they will build a viable business.

The only ones who are motivated by the idea of ​​being pioneers of a company in a country or a city are leaders who have experience in the industry.

# 7. The company literature

Literature may be the most beautiful, the best designed, but no literature on its own sells. What sells is the people.

Don't waste your time explaining that your company has the best literature, the best CDs, the best in DVD technology, because that won't help you associate prospects with your business program.

If you spend time explaining the beautiful designs in your company's literature, it is best to reconsider your profession, perhaps you will succeed by selling designs, paintings, or photographs.

Good quality literature is important, but it is not an important factor in your prospect's decision.

Lesson Number 6:

# 8. The image of the Company

Very good; We have already reached the end of the course How to Prospect and Present Effectively CONGRATULATIONS!… I have no doubt that it has been helpful for you to learn these principles that when applied in real life have impressive results, since I am a witness to it. So let's go to our lesson number 6:

Sadly, many distributors in the industry believe that the company's image influences the prospect's decision; however the truth is that very little influences for good the focus of the company's exposure.

What is the use of showing a video produced in high definition, which describes the winery, and the corporate world office, if the company does not offer any type of professional and dedicated training to new distributors?

The reality is that no corporate image is as important as demonstrating the quality of training and dedication the prospect will have in becoming an associate.

The best corporate image that can be presented to a prospect is the quality of training and dedication that the prospect will receive when they become an associate.

The image of the company is important that every prospect knows it, but more important is that every prospect is clear that they will not walk alone, but will have a team of experienced staff to train and prepare them for success.

# 9. Starter pack:

Again, many dealers and representatives waste their time putting together an exhibition based on the starter pack.

They sell a collection of flyers, leaflets, sales receipts, videos, cassettes, etc. All this type of material is useless in the hands of associates without self-confidence.

The prospect will feel confident to see and hear the conviction and security of the exhibition.

The prospects decide to join a business program in network or multilevel marketing for the security and confidence they felt from the exhibitor.

The biggest joke that many companies and leaders make to prospects is handing over a starter briefcase and wishing them good luck, without giving them the necessary tools through training.

Every good company gives the new distributor a great starter pack, but teaching each dealer how to use each tool is a matter of special training. Remember: For many distributors, each training is a classroom to become professionals in the MLM industry.

# 10. Experienced Corporate Administration

Many are those who say: "Our president has 50 years of experience"

Others say: "Our corporate team has 2000 years of combined experience"

Others exclaim with great pride: "Our corporate officers have worked in 10 different companies"

The question that arises is: who cares where the president comes from?

If I don't know him yet, if I've never seen him in my life.

Prospects are not interested in knowing who runs the corporation. The prospect is interested in seeing and hearing that the exhibitor is successful in the company and this automatically makes him trust and believe in the corporation.

It is important to mention the experience of the administrative staff, but it is not as important as emphasizing on the dedicated training that the prospect will obtain immediately becomes an associate. And also the exhibitor present themselves as a loyal, honest, trustworthy, and responsible person, worthy of their trust.

Remember that the key to success in any presentation you make from now on will be your ability to make each prospect feel how important they are to you, and that if they automatically succeed you are successful.

Always keep in mind: If prospects become distributors and they are successful, you are successful.

For me you are very important, therefore I hope that you share your opinions and testimonials with me at all times. Write me and tell me how it has helped you to take my course.

How to effectively prospect and present at MLM