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How to know if you are doing well or poorly in your business or profession

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One of the concerns that my readers tell me is how to know if they are doing well or poorly. Whether it's about a decision, a career change, or a newly launched business.

Sometimes you worry about that before you even make a change, “and how am I going to know if I'm doing well or not? ”In my opinion, this question is nothing more than an externalization of the fear of failure, as if the fact of being able to go wrong means that you are going to end up losing everything and living under a bridge or something like that.

I have already talked about that in other articles, but to be brief, the probability of that happening, in the vast majority of cases is very low (and I say the vast majority of cases because nothing is impossible, not for you to think that then you are that small percentage).

The point is that when you are afraid, you cling to any excuse for not taking the step, so we are going to try to eliminate this so that you are encouraged to take that first step or to continue if you are already underway.

What signs tell you if you are doing well or not? In my opinion and according to my own experience:

When your inner voice tells you that this is not really what you want.

And yes, this happens, that you dare to do something and inside you think: "but if I do not want to do this", and then the justifications arise that make you still go ahead: "but I have to do it / is what I am expected to do / what will they say if I quit / I will look like a failure ”, etc. And you end up doing something you don't want to do, and besides, you know it.

When you don't see progress of any kind.

I always tell my clients, especially when you start your business, that there is a planting period in which you do a lot and see little, until the time of harvest comes and things change. But just because you see little doesn't mean you don't see anything. So first determine what result you want to achieve and what you consider progress, and then go analyzing from time to time if there is progress. If there are not, it is time to consider what happens.

When you have no life.

Several times I have been told by people who have so much work or are so poorly organized that they have no life. If you do not have time for yourself or your family, if you are stressed, if getting up is almost an ordeal because you know that another killer day awaits you, something is wrong.

You have to understand that there may be more intense times than others, but that you are the one in control. For example, when I'm in the middle of launching a new program, it's a time of a lot of work and some stress. But I know and I know how long it will last and what I have to do, so it is not a problem. The problem would be if it was always like this.

Without a doubt, the best way to determine if you are doing well or badly is that, before you start (or, if you are already underway, before continuing), you determine what you consider to be “going well”. So you can make decisions clearly instead of trying to figure things out when you're in total chaos. That is why it is important that from time to time you review your trajectory and decide where you want to go and what you want to achieve, in order to continue moving forward knowing that yes, that you are on the right track and that if you go wrong, you will know how to correct it.

What do you say? How do you know if you are doing well or badly?

How to know if you are doing well or poorly in your business or profession