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How to overcome the first steps and advance in the development of your internet business?


Many times they ask me, after starting business on the Internet, what to do when the first slump comes, the first discouragement. Many do not find the way to start, others already disappointed by not having achieved sales, they do not believe in anything, they let their minds fill with thoughts like, this is not my thing, those who told me that it would fail, they were right, this is just for a few, and what is worse, they accept failure.

It is normal for any undertaking to start with great enthusiasm, with all the illusion of being able to fulfill our dreams. After achieving the first objective, which is to start the business to a minimum, we look forward to the first results that for some reason do not arrive.

This produces great disappointment.

The first mistake made here is, setting sales expectations at the wrong time.

When we have MINIMALLY started a business, it is only the beginning. There is still a long way to go before having sales.

Imagine, you have set up a restaurant, you spent time setting up the kitchen, you equipped it with its tables, you took employees and everything necessary to serve your customers.

When everything is in good condition, you open the doors and you wait for many people to crowd to enter…

Well of course! No one enters. People do not know that you have opened, what menu you have, nobody knows that you are there.

You will say, obviously if you don't do a little advertising, how you want people to find out. Hallelujah!!

Why do we believe that Internet business is different? This mistake is very common.

We upload our pages to the server and then go to Google waiting for it to appear in the first places.

When we are able to offer something on the Internet, we must make it known, so that our potential customers find out. No one knows that we exist on the Web if we do not make ourselves known.

There are many marketing and advertising techniques for this, just like in the restaurant example, you can put a sign on the door and hand out some brochures, this will cost very little money, or you can hire professional advertising for many thousands.

The advantage of publishing on the Internet is that you can get TRAFFIC (Visits to your page) for little money.

So, returning to the specific topic of this article, the first concept that you must follow "Marked on fire" when you face your business on the Internet, is NOT GIVING UP. We all go through this moment at the beginning, we must overcome it. When you have more experience you will learn to better plan your ventures and you will not have to go through this slump.

The path of doing business on the Internet never ends, we are always on the move. LEARNING.

Of course, you must get to the point where you will be reaping the fruit of so much effort and so you will feed back to move on. But don't expect results ahead of time.

When you have the wheel turning you can analyze, according to your plan, how the business is going and how much you are earning.

This is not just about business on the Internet, it is about LIFE in general.

So I say and repeat. If you want to do business on the Internet, think that you would do a traditional business. Is the same!!!

Overcome yourself, follow your intuition, but organize yourself from reason and common sense.

If at the first obstacle or difficulty, you turn around and run away, your life will end up having no meaning.

There are two ways to see an obstacle, the first is as a problem and the second as a great opportunity.

If you see a problem, you get stuck, you get depressed, as I said before, it is almost inevitable to go through that moment if you have NOT made your work plan. At best, it will take a long time to get over it. But do it!!!

If you're at this point now, I want you to feel like I'm taking you by the lapels and shaking you up a bit, WAKE UP! Why do you abandon your dreams?

On the other hand, if you have A PLAN, you will know that you are going through a normal moment of any project and you will see THE OPPORTUNITY to improve, you will take that obstacle as a challenge, it is part of your path and you will quickly look for a solution, how to overcome it, to correct to go ahead.

A very important tip, LEAN ON SOMEONE, don't be alone on the road. It is also common, surely out of anxiety, to believe that we can do everything alone. Think of someone who has already been through what you are going through and ask them for advice, it will save you time and surely money. It doesn't hurt either, from time to time, a pat on the back will help your self-esteem. Count on me if you think it's convenient.


Are you afraid of something?

Do you really want to do business on the Internet?

Only you can answer these questions.

Now get over yourself!

Go after your dreams, don't be distracted, don't rest.

What can be more important than your dreams?

How to overcome the first steps and advance in the development of your internet business?