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Collective awareness to undertake with an entrepreneurial spirit


The article proposes a collective conscience to start a business with an entrepreneurial spirit and concrete and firm actions. Being your own boss implies great added value in the daily events of your personal, economic and professional development. Because developing an immaculate spirit of leadership and vision, you can explore great horizons and live great realities.

A colleague of mine wisely said at one of his investor seminars, "The biggest disadvantage of a job is that it becomes the main obstacle to wealth." I asked him, Dr. Camacho, explain a little more…. It is very simple. We need no more explanation than knowing that "when you work you don't have time to make money."

That is very true. I have long shared that vision with all my friends.

If you are an employee and have a little more vision, you will realize that no matter how much more you work, how much more you earn, or how many new projects you carry out, you will not leave the "income level" where you are.

They may give you a bonus, a commission, or a raise, but this doesn't get you to the level you want. It costs you a lot of sacrifice both in time with your family and personal stress.

Sadly, all your efforts mean a lot more money for the company than for you. In most cases, good employees make a lot of money for the company. If you think this is NOT fair. That all your efforts are NOT worth so little. And that it is NOT worth all your sacrifices for the stability that this work gives you. That, my friend, is the clearest sign that you should consider starting your own business!

For what you love the most, don't make the big mistake of being a super worker for someone else and never being one for yourself. If you sacrifice your time, your family well-being, and accept the stress of your job, at least make sure it is for your own benefit. Not someone else's.

The chains of your employment are very obvious and clear. Look, you, like all human beings, rich, poor, brown or white, share a factor that makes you human. It's the time. Like everyone, you only have 24 hours a day.

On average, a third of your time will be used for Sleeping, the other third for Working, and the remaining third for Everything Else. In other words, your work has you in chains. It is very difficult to leave it because you depend on it, not only financially, but in a matter of time as well.

If you want to do more to progress, you have to use time that you can only get from one of three sources: Work, Dream, or Else.

As if that were not enough, in your condition of employee there is a very depressing fact:

As an employee, absolutely every dollar you earn will be directly related to your time and your person (I emphasize, your time and your person.) One more dollar means, more of your time.

What do you do to avoid being tied to this condition?

As a business owner, this condition of income and time is not a 100% necessary requirement. You can earn more money without having to put more of your time and yourself. Someone else can generate money for you without using your time or person.

In short, although I am convinced that your work as an employee chains you, do not even think of leaving it for a business without first having well established the way to meet your personal needs or without having learned how to meet the basic needs of a business for a good weather.

If you have serious intentions. If you already decided to be your own boss. Learn business. This is the basis of success. Learn, live, dream business.

Collective awareness to undertake with an entrepreneurial spirit