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Consequences of success without innovation

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Without a doubt, it has been shown that we can all be successful in any area of ​​life, for example: managing a business with excellent economic gains, through sporting achievement or as a singer of a renowned rock band with enviable talent.

Climb rung by rung, work and strive to achieve success and meet all expectations, however what happens when people who succeed fail after a while?

This is mainly due to the famous comfort zone, a state of mind in which people stop striving and setting goals, because when they perceive the first gains or benefits of their success they believe that there is nothing else to do.

According to the author A. Robbins (1987), the main personal traits that lead to the success of a project are:

  • Passion Self-confidence Strategy Energy Power of Adhesion Master in communications

We often know of many famous people who, after succeeding, end up losing their fortune, indebted to the neck, addicted, lonely, depressed, or even in prison.

Why do you fail after being successful?

It fails mainly because it believes that success will remain intact, in such a way that the habits and practices that originally allowed it to be achieved are abandoned; This is the reason why many people fail almost immediately after having achieved what they so longed for.

The negative factors that most influence the deterioration of a successful project are:

  • Low self-esteem Inconsistency Lack of motivation Indiscipline Disorganization Psychological conflicts

Another important element is attitude, especially an attitude driven by ego or arrogance, beliefs of the type; "I'm very good at what I do, I don't need to improve" "For I have other ideas, they always come to me because I have magic".

An entrepreneur may neglect his clients for activities where he is not specialized, for example doing administrative work when he knows nothing about administration, simply because he believes that his role as president allows him to take care of everything.

Or the classic soccer scorer who thinks he does not need the support of his teammates, if this happens, he will exhaust himself faster, his frustration will appear and without having optimal results, he will end up affecting himself and the entire team.

In the previous examples we can perceive that you loved people, although talented and successful, they were not able to continue striving to work as a team, by putting aside others they ended up losing the success they were trying to maintain.

Guidelines for an Innovative Mindset

If we allow ourselves to fall into our comfort zone we will soon be in the same place where we started. This is why it is so important to innovate after reaching a certain level of success. Below I will share with you the basic guidelines that will help you innovate and maintain a successful mindset.

  • Observation: Look around you, you can always find new ideas in the environment in which you develop, seek and meet the needs of people, what you can offer them and make you different from others. Learn how to sell yourself. Curiosity: Always use curiosity as if you were a detective, this will open your vision, ask yourself: What would happen if I did this? What if I had this opportunity? What if today was the last day to do it? Listen: You should always have this skill honed, listen to the people around you, open yourself to feedback and know how this can help you. Ask yourself questions: Always ask yourself questions such as: Am I on the right track? What profit am I having? What can I do to improve much more? Solve problems: Do not leave problems at the last minute, there is always a solution whether they are small or large. Create a support network: Social support is too important, always support and help them help you, we will never know who we will need even a few words of encouragement.

Internalize these guidelines frequently, it takes practice, but if you are constant you will soon realize that you are able to stay motivated and make your small or big successes a constant in your life.

Finally, when you reach success, evaluate what else you can offer to this world and those close to you, innovate ideas, do not let the ego blind you.

Pursue all your goals with love, fun and passion, enjoy life here and now. Of course, some goals will cost us years, a lot of sweat and even pain, but stagnation means falling from a great height, defend the privilege of making your dreams come true, life continues to give us opportunities.



Psic. Karlos Betancurt

"Psychotherapist, lover of creativity, human communication, writing and personal development, it is a privilege to professionally help those who face emotional challenges."





Consequences of success without innovation