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Tips for behaving when starting a business

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Treating people with respect is part of how to start a business

Contributors are not numbers on a business graph. They are flesh and blood people, and deserve to be treated as such. Most people are good people. They don't ask too much, just to be treated with respect and courtesy. Many people in the world are fed up with being treated like little children. I have been able to verify it many times throughout my life.

Remember, people want to be treated the way you would like to be treated. They also have ideas and opinions. And they want to get the impression that they are treated as smart, mature adults, not schoolchildren who need constant vigilance and care.

In a successful business there is no place for prejudice

Treating employees with respect also means offering everyone the same opportunities to succeed. Not everyone has the same job performance, but the leader must offer the same opportunities to succeed to all members of his team.

In our business, the success of each worker is based on their individual performance, regardless of gender, race or cultural level. For example, we have many women in positions of responsibility who have built their careers and who earn great income thanks to their excellent productivity and incredible leadership skills. They are judged like everyone else, taking into account their level of excellence instead of looking at parameters such as male or female, black or white, etc. This should be the only current parameter for promotions and recognition in any business.

Occasionally someone from the company has proposed special meetings only for certain ethical groups for men or only for women. For example, I have been asked to hold meetings of regional vice presidents for women or regional vice presidents of "minority groups." Such suggestions have always been rejected because I believe they create an environment of segregation. In our business, regional vice presidents are simply regional vice presidents, whether male or female, of majority or minority groups. The necessary qualifications are the same for everyone, regardless of race or sex, and it makes no sense for me to categorize people within a certain social or ethical group. We have to know that to start a business you have to take all this into account.

It should not be forgotten that the main concern as a leader is to create a quality company with the best possible collaborators, regardless of their characteristics of social belonging, and that is the only important thing.

We must think about the consequences of our business decisions on our collaborators

Every time we make a decision, it is obvious that we must consider the effect that you will have on the good running of the business. It is often the only thing taken into account. Of course, the economic results are important, but we must not forget the human factor in the decision-making process. In addition to thinking about the impact on personal income and benefits, you have to think about how a certain decision will affect our team.

For example, our business is dedicated to sales, and commercials work on commission. People who have just entered the business may still earn little. For us it is perhaps easier, from an administrative point of view, to pay them once a month. We would have less paperwork and save time.

But from a human point of view it would not be a wise decision, because new commercials who have to adapt to a new type of business and income need the security provided by a weekly check. It is a way to measure your progress from week to week, and it helps you immediately check the results of your efforts. We can be sure that for the business it does not make any difference but for the sales representative it does, and that is the important thing, rather than saving a few dollars. The summary of how to start a business is that to be successful in life it is necessary to work with our collaborators.

Tips for behaving when starting a business