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Tips to succeed as an entrepreneur

Table of contents:


Each of these tips can be important to the success of any entrepreneur, so it is advisable to reflect on each of them.

These tips are divided into 8 topics that when put together and applied increase the chances of success for entrepreneurs.

Tips to be successful as an entrepreneur by Topics:

A.- Personality and character of the Entrepreneur

  • Leave your comfort zone. Learn to handle the uncertainty and insecurity of the future. Learn from your mistakes. Help others Confidence in yourself Take care of your health, eat healthy, exercise and sleep well Define your goals and set possible goals Enjoy what you do Choose a turn in which you are better than most people Avoid Formalize your mission. Talk less and listen more. Do something that you are really passionate about. Do things in moderation. Make it fun. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Recognize your limits. Renounce excuses. Be curious about everything. Be faithful. to your convictions. Be humble. Be innovative and creative. Be a great leader. Have the ability to improvise. Have imagination, creativity and flexibility to face unforeseen events. Be patient.Have your vision very clear. Work on what matters to you.

B.- Planning, organization

  • Update your business plan periodically. Permanently adjust the vision, mission and strategic objectives. Manage your time. Acquire individual and business insurance on time and according to your situation. Learn to make decisions quickly and effectively. Get legal and fiscal advice. Create an action plan. Take care of quality first. Comply with the policies and procedures that you establish. Determine goals that are in accordance with the possibility and identity of your company. Establish your business strategies. Generate business culture with your collaborators. Introduce mechanisms of control and monitoring. Officially register your idea and brand before spreading it. Be a goal planner. Have a good information system. Have an organized schedule. Have a program to achieve your goals within the time period you determine.Have an agenda with a to-do list and track your progress. Use technology.

C.- Development and growth

  • Stay away from time-consuming activities. Make sure you have time to do the things you love. Seek to be better than you were yesterday. Focus on what's important. Keep growing and improving. Give more than expected.You must make your tasks true habits that lead you to grow. Disconnect from electronic devices. Design a plan B and have alternatives. Focus on the things you do well. Focus on having frequency, sequence and consistency. Establish good habits daily. ready for change. Identify, imitate and surpass the best. Drive change in your company. Learn about what is happening in the world. Do not obsess over small faults. Recharge your passion all the time. Repeat what works and copy Best practices. You will always have more to learn. Be careful about covering a lot, you cannot do everything alone. Be open-minded and have an attitude of being able to do it. Have mentors and ask for advice. Always have plans for growth. Have enough time to think proactively and strategically. Have a great long-term goal,think big, take smart, calculated risks, take regular vacations and disconnect from the office, visualize personal and professional goals.

D.- Market, sales and customer satisfaction

  • Adapt the business to your client. Adapt to what the client requires. Learn to become the best salesperson. Learn some techniques to connect with clients. Build a powerful client portfolio. Know your audience. Clearly define the client's profile. You want to sell to. Define your market. Find a growing market. Survey your market and make adjustments. Understand what is happening in your market. Study the products, prices, services and quality of your competition. Make promotional campaigns when you have Low and high sales. Induce your clients to a positive emotional state. The promises you make to your clients must be verifiable. Do not forget public relations. Ask for the opinion of your customers. Have good body image when you meet with clients. Use social media.

E.- Finance and accounting

  • Save money regularly to invest, do not save to save. Analyze costs and sales prices permanently. Find financing for entrepreneurs. Compare what you spend against what you had projected. Find financial balance. Spend less than you earn. Make numbers to Know the money you need from the start. Make a financial projection and stick to your budget. Do not see money as a goal but as a result of doing things right. Get credits only if you need them. Make a realistic cash flow every month. Reframe your financial strategies. Review the business accounting monthly. Have a good accountant. Use the credits evaluating the conditions of the different financial institutions. Use the money efficiently.

F.- Products

  • Analyze the costs of your products permanently. Incorporate new ideas into your products. Improve your processes of purchasing your products or your production.

G.- Legal

  • Read the fine print of all the contracts you sign, on any subject. Have specialized outside attorneys for when you need it.

H.- Collaborators

  • Learn to give up control. Build a good team. Hire the best, empower people, delegate, trust and motivate your collaborators, establish a relationship of trust, build self-esteem, surround yourself with key, trustworthy and successful people.




Tips to succeed as an entrepreneur