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Tips to overcome procrastination, tiredness and confusion

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Enterprising woman, are you asking for help?

The enterprising woman - like every woman - tends to overload herself with work thinking that she will be able to cope on her own. Many times they don't ask for help because they don't know how to do it. If you are tired and stuck, here are 3 steps to asking for help effectively and in a targeted way.

One of the skills that I admire most about women is their spirit of sacrifice when facing obstacles in their lives.

I have seen it in my own life and in that of other women. When it comes to fighting for ours, we are lionesses. We pull out our claws and fight the fight.

We do not hesitate to postpone our desires for the good of others and we are quick to give up our own comfort in pursuit of the progress of the entire family or business group.

How should it be different? God created us to be mothers, caregivers, and protectors. The bad thing is that we do it to the point of harming ourselves.

Therefore, despite the fact that this attitude is laudable -and very necessary in some situations-, it can cause you many problems when it comes to undertaking.

If you are used to quickly carry your backpack with your tasks and your problems, thinking that "somehow I will manage", be careful, because your ability to solve problems and face new situations has its limits!

Sometimes you need to ask for help.

If you feel today:

  • Stagnant, because you can not get out of your income level, despite your efforts, overwhelmed, because you are working hard and seeing very few results, confused, because you lack the necessary clarity to take decisive action.

So the phrase: "somehow I'm going to manage," no longer does you justice.

I have learned not to overburden myself and to recognize that point where I could no longer be lonely long ago, and I have figured out a very effective way to ask for help.

Here are my 3 steps to ask for help that help me not to fall into procrastination, tiredness and confusion:

1. I analyze the situation

Many times the burden and fatigue do not come from overwork, but rather from internal fears that you feel when you are focusing on a bad outcome of what you are facing. This leads to you getting tired of mentally tormenting yourself, when, generally, the solution to the problem does not require so much work or your time.

The solution to fear is easy: instead of focusing on a bad outcome, ask yourself what would happen if something bad did NOT happen and if you managed to succeed with your plans. Imagine a good result and seek God with all your heart. He created you not to fail, but to succeed!

2. Prepare to take action

Once you've got fear out of the way, determine your daily and weekly tasks. Do not only write down what you are doing, but also what you know you should be doing and you cannot do.

3. Ask for help

Once you have your list, determine which of those activities you necessarily have to do. Be very honest with yourself. Leave your perfectionism aside and do not mark the tasks that do not depend 100% on you.

Then ask for help at these 3 levels:

1. To your family and acquaintances

Sometimes it is just a matter of communicating well with your loved ones and clarifying that you feel very overworked and that you need their help. Many times a friend can help you with small gestures that will bring you great relief.

You don't have to do everything by yourself!

2. Punctual professional help

Many tasks typical of an online business, such as uploading content to your blog, answering your emails or sending your newsletters, can -and should- be delegated. The good thing about an online business is that you can hire help by the hour. https://www.upwork.com/ is a good place to find highly qualified freelancers who can assist you in your business.

If you need to hire a "right hand" to assist you in your business, www.miasistenciavirtual.com.ar is an excellent option.

3. Hire a mentor

One of your best investments will be asking for the help of a person who has already reached where you want to go.

I personally have never worked on the web without a mentor. The phrase "somehow I'll manage" never applied to me in business, because I was fully aware that I didn't know how to start an online business, no matter how hard I worked.

The same is true for you. If you want to take your business to a level where you have never been before, you cannot do it alone. You need help from someone who has already been there!

Tips to overcome procrastination, tiredness and confusion