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Construction of the corporate image

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Construction of the Corporate Image. The identity of your venture

Now that you have decided to take the big step of establishing your company, welcome to the world of entrepreneurship. If you already have the vision of what the external face of your company or its corporate identity will be to create that link with customers, but you do not have the tools to capture it, you need the help of a graphic designer or an advertiser. The main objective of a good corporate image for an enterprise is to create a direct connection with your potential clients.

By observing it, they feel identified with your brand and with the philosophy of your company, so that every time they see it they feel the need to buy your product or hire your services and more often recommend your products to their social circles.

This objective is simply applicable for any type of enterprise, regardless of the size of the company or the market in which it is being developed.

Why build a corporate image?

A suitable corporate image for each type of market will project a professional and quality image of both the products or services and the company and will differentiate it from its competitors.

Building a corporate image is a process that can take years to complete and many more to be implemented and remain current in the minds of consumers. Among the major brands worldwide we can mention Coca Cola, Sony, Samsung, Nike, Amazon, Apple, Adidas among others.

One of the strategies that has led these brands to success in the communication field is undoubtedly their multi-channel communication strategy, since they serve their clients through all the existing communication channels. This allows the user to place orders from a computer and to manage changes in sizes or colors from an app or in a physical store located in your city.

Next we will see the construction of a corporate image in three simple steps:

1. Determination of the Name

Once you have defined the name and slogan of your business, you should concentrate your efforts on creating a graphic element that synthesizes your business. A logo that will convert the name of your business into your brand. Creating a logo is not an easy task, several factors must be analyzed. Among them the most important, that your logo accurately communicates the activity of your business. Otherwise it would not be an effective job. And above all, a logo must be simple and uncomplicated so that it can be easily inserted into the memory of consumers. For this you must use the appropriate typefaces for the different fields in which the companies develop. Since all typefaces do not work the same.

3. Application of Colors

Since you have chosen the name, slogan and fonts for your logo with a lot of work, you must finish off the construction of your corporate identity. Choosing the color or colors that will give life to your corporate image must be done in a professional manner. Always based on Goethe's "Theory of Color". This determines the relationship of colors with various emotions in the human being. It also quickly associates them with a brand without the need for their name to appear. But in order to achieve this effect in the minds of consumers, years must pass. For now in the initial stage of your venture you must show all the elements together to start being recognizable.

The correct choice of the color of your logo will mark your identity. Vivid tones, for example, denote modernity, while dark tones, on the contrary, transmit calm, tranquility and elegance, although they stand out less. You must choose a main color that identifies your company with the market niche to which it is focused and then it will be complemented by a range of colors that is according to the characteristics of the company.

For a logo to have good results it must meet two very important requirements: Originality and Applicability.

Originality so that it can be remembered and can conquer your potential customers.

Applicability to be able to be used correctly on all the supports of your corporate image. From a business card to a printed pen or a T-shirt. All without losing any detail when changing the sizes of the same. It is very important that in addition to your color logo you have a monochrome version of your logo in black and white. And always have digitized versions of the logo in exportable formats.

After establishing the bases of the corporate image of your company you must determine what elements you are going to use according to your needs. Bills, letterheads, business cards, folders, shirts, caps, signs, among many other products. Always bearing in mind that not all the elements of your corporate image are going to be the same. Therefore, not all will have the same data and must be adaptable to the shape of each element, sometimes having to add or delete data as the case may be.

Knowing that you are creating a brand image, it is important that everything is consistent. To do this, I recommend putting together a small corporate identity manual detailing the main style guides for your brand, the typeface used and the colorimetry that must be used so that the entire corporate image is in harmony with communication.

Creating the corporate identity of your venture does not have to be distressing or complicated. Have fun and develop your creativity to do it. It is the beginning of your company and you must have all the motivation to structure it. Start enthusiastically on the road to success.

Construction of the corporate image