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Does money really motivate us?


We live permanently surrounded by news that highlights success; We are moved by the stories of people who were made from nothing and now lie at the top. We watch in amazement on television programs that describe in great detail the eventful lives of the rich and famous.

The other side of the coin, we appreciate when we read on the covers of newspapers and magazines headlines about "stars" who fell into deep depression, drugs, crime, and so on. victims of fame and power.

The pressure to maintain social status forces some people to take risks and liabilities that become, in many cases, unmanageable. We could say that money is the main motivating element in people, however the results of surveys carried out with workers of important companies, place the salaries of employees in no less than fifth place. They give more importance to motivating factors such as: appreciation for the work done, feeling part of the activities, support for personal problems and safety at work.

Money generates various situations and not necessarily related to happiness. On the contrary, it can arouse envy, resentment in the family, at work. Almost daily we can observe cases of families that are destroyed by property disputes. We live constantly comparing ourselves; with the neighbor, with the coworker… Have you not heard comments like these? «The wife says to the husband, Have you noticed that our neighbor has a car of the year?… and I when? or children putting pressure on their parents because their classmates receive more tips at their school. It is not my intention to define money as synonymous with conflict. It is undeniable to recognize that the world moves with money… but to believe that it is the most important thing, is something else… except that the famous say it.

Money is and will continue to be a means to obtain material things, the problem is generated when we place it as the end of all our actions, as the cause of happiness or misery. As explained by Juan Antonio Pérez López in his theory of motivation, money only satisfies the needs of the body (food, clothing, hygiene) and is related to HAVING… the question is: HAVING, what for? A person can buy five houses but can only live in one of them, he can fill a clothes closet but only has one body to wear one at a time, he can fill the garage with luxury cars (as many soccer players and stars of TV) and drive just one. We can buy all the food in the world but we have a stomach with limited capacity.For this reason it can be explained why many, despite having money to enjoy luxuries and buy "half the world" feel lonely… do you know why? Because money satisfies the body, but not the soul. What good would it do you to have all this, if you have a child who is unhappy in her marriage?

Money can help a lot, if you are clear about what it is used for. Of course we have the right to enjoy our effort and live unforgettable experiences, however it can also serve as a means to satisfy other dimensions of the person: intelligence. For this reason, it is advisable to read a good book, share forums, train continuously. Being well prepared will allow us to generate greater economic income (first it is KNOWING then DOING), to acquire greater security in what we do… in short, to be more efficient.

We have mentioned the body and intelligence… but people are more than that, of course. We have the most precious gift called Freedom, which is not the same as independence. When I say freedom, I mean that capacity that people have to make decisions… to assume the consequences and not go looking for guilty to feel better. Everyone is free to choose the path that they consider most appropriate for their life, to learn from each "fall" and have the courage to get up again and again. It is well explained by Doctor Viktor Frankl, the creator of logotherapy, when he tells the harrowing stories in the concentration camps of Auschwitz, in the middle of the Second World War. It indicates that a person was capable of resisting any physical abuse,psychological pressure… but no one could change their way of thinking or the desire to continue living… in moments like these, the hope of reuniting with his wife, children, finishing an unfinished project (as was his case)… kept them alive.

We said that we are body, intelligence but also will. It is not uncommon to see people with a high IQ, who are left "in the middle of the road" precisely because of lack of will. Parents struggle and sometimes despair when we have a child who is "smart" but "lazy" at the same time and it is very difficult for us to reverse this situation…. We usually say: What a waste, you don't realize what you have, what your life is going to be! … And it is that the will puts feet to the intelligence. Pérez López affirms that the motive becomes stronger when it comes to serving another person (transcendent reasons) if you don't think about the mothers who get up at midnight to take care of their baby, overcoming fatigue or when a client needs your help. to fix a problem.

The true motivation is not found in material things, it comes from within us, it is not imposed, there are ways to induce someone to do something: give them good reasons that awaken the desire to do it. As Luca Guidarelli puts it, "True motivation is not imposed, to motivate you have to focus on desires and emotions and the instrument to carry it out is involvement in goals, dreams, is the mission of the company ".

We will continue talking about money and its impact on people's motivation. It is an issue that always generates controversy… those who have fame, power and money would give a minute of their life to be able to walk freely through the streets, without anyone violating their privacy, without having an entourage of bodyguards, meanwhile those who do not enjoy of those privileges, they would give a minute of their life to ride in a luxury car, sail on a cruise ship or appear on the front page… What do you think?

Until next time!

Does money really motivate us?