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The boss is or seems


You seem to be the boss! Or are you the boss? When we analyze the characteristics, behaviors and attitudes of those who have the responsibility of leading people, of managing teams; We obtain the result that they are bosses, who feel like bosses, who assume the commitment to achieve beneficial objectives for the company and its collaborators.

The society of the image, in which we live immersed, can distort the reality of who is in charge of an organization, in such a way that the appearance of being the boss can generate a benefit to those who, being in management positions, do not act as true bosses, and they do act like real actors.

Accommodation to a managerial position using all kinds of tricks to ensure continuity in that position, and its corresponding good salary, is the objective and the benefit of those who would like the business world not to turn, or change temperature, or suffer movements seismic in the markets.

Fortunately, life continues, and changes continuously, offering opportunities for business improvement, organizational challenges, and collective performance. Changes so fast that there is no time to use another mask and act in the next scene.

They are being left out of the scene, many managers who proclaim themselves bosses, endorsed by the identification plate of their office, and not by the appreciation and acceptance of their collaborators, who identify them as the person responsible for the bad work climate, for the general demotivation in the workplace. company, the high rate of absenteeism, and finally the negative economic results.

For whom is it profitable to "pretend to be the boss"? The answer is easy: for who appears to be. And who does such an appearance harm? To the company as a whole, to all the actors that participate in the generation and optimization of the productivity of an organization.

If you consider that you act under the criterion of the appearance of "being the boss", reflect on the great and serious damages that may be causing the company in which you hold the position of director, manager… It is also very important that you reflect on his professional career, his personal and professional development, in recent months.

You can count on the advice of a business coach, to help you look at yourself and listen to yourself, observing your professional behavior from another perspective, away from the whirlwind, the world of work, and business. The coach or personal advisor will help you reduce your professional fears; to stop pretending; to be brave and improve your professional performance under the prism of the transparency concept.

You will learn to manage with emotional intelligence, managing your emotions and those of your collaborators; promoting productive and healthy attitudes and behaviors, for the organization, and for workers.

You can count on the collaboration and support of one or more collaborators; if possible sincere and honest people; those that normally are not part of the staging that you have created yourself, making an unfair cast of actors, which does not respond to the organizational reality. Perhaps you will get some important guidance from that unremarkable co-worker that you called “problematic, and even marginalized, as a critical employee.

Thus, the first step you must take, in order to feel "boss", is to want to relearn how to direct, ceasing to be a "fictional" actor, and acting with the intention of serving your employees, optimizing company performance, and improving the quality of working life.

Once he is integrated into the club of authentic bosses, those who are recognized by all clients: internal and external, of the company; You must decide if you want to be a normal boss, a good boss, or an excellent boss. everything will depend on the degree of commitment of you, with the objectives of the company and the employees.

If you have decided to become an excellent boss, you have to work with practical intelligence, transforming the concepts of professional and business excellence into tangible actions in the day-to-day management of your teams and the management of the company. Each action to improve organizational performance will increase the culture of work excellence, organizational innovation, and a culture of prevention of interpersonal problems in the company.

There are professionals who, due to their attitudes and natural aptitudes, can be considered authentic bosses, but even for these special bosses it is very beneficial to be surrounded by an excellent team, who continuously feed back their behavior and actions.

The team that collaborates directly with the boss, will help us to evaluate their professional level of managerial commitment, as a team manager; But let's not forget that this analysis is also going to help us to diagnose if the boss with an intention to improve in the business and human aspect, finds himself with a mediocre team of collaborators.

In these cases, the manager must obtain external support from professionals to help him start a continuous process of corporate improvement. This process is born with the transparency of those who want to be an excellent boss, communicating to each employee the improvement process that has started in the company, proposing that they participate and collaborate in this change that will result in the optimization of organizational and business results.

The boss is or seems