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Importance of leadership within an organization

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When we talk about leadership

The answer to this question is one that inspires the least agreement among experts in the field and HR professionals, and it refers to leadership. This is such an elusive term for its conceptualization, that it has generated and continues to generate numerous investigations and theoretical updates. I therefore do not pretend to define it in a strict way or to make a theoretical presentation on the subject, which incidentally presents abundant literature, but simply to outline some ideas that are currently being handled on the subject.

We can define leadership basically as the ability to influence others, in the group, to achieve their goals. The source of this influence can be formal, when the leader has a managerial rank in the organization or non-formal, when they emerge within a group.

Now, what is the importance of leadership within an organization. We can say that having effective leadership allows the organization to direct and achieve the established goals, as well as the articulation of a realistic vision that injects energy and is understood by all workers. Likewise, it allows you to integrate and encourage participation, keep workers motivated, articulate better communication and negotiation.

Through time we have had diverse theories about leadership, from the directive, participatory, achievement-oriented, supportive, situational leader, through the theories of the path to the goal, the attribution of leadership, and charismatic leadership until reaching the approaches to transactional, transformational leadership and visionary leadership. Transactional leaders are those who guide and motivate their followers in the direction of the established goals, clarify the roles and the requirements of the tasks.

The transformational leader possesses charisma, provides vision and a sense of mission, provides intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, instructs and advises. Finally the visionary leader articulates a realistic and attractive vision of the future for an organization. All with very redeemable points as well as bibliography and research supporting its basic precepts.

However, if we analyze the various situations that we face in an organization and that many times the leader must reduce tension and facilitate and guide actions to achieve the objective and superior performance, it is very difficult that a single approach can cover all the contingencies a leader has to face. With the new theoretical approaches, and the demands of a highly competitive and globalized market, one of the main characteristics that must be valued is the flexibility and adaptability to the environment, as well as the capacity for communication, information management, learning and effectiveness.

If we reflect on the question that serves as the title of this section, we could say that a person is not - or does not make - a difference in the performance of an organization alone. It makes a difference to the extent that it influences and triggers innovative and outstanding behaviors in accordance with the vision and goal set by the organization. In other words, to the extent that it directs, leads, and manages the group, involving all workers, achieving a commitment in each of the critical processes and fostering innovation and reflection throughout the entire process. In other words, through effective and efficient leadership.

But how to achieve effective leadership in the organization. Effective leaders are described as instructors rather than bosses. They are expected to provide advice to help you perform better. According to Robbins, they are expected to demonstrate the following skills:

Ability to analyze ways to improve an employee's performance and capabilities. Demonstrating the capacity for observation and analysis, active listening and an open door policy

Ability to create a supportive climate. Generating a climate of free and open exchange of ideas and information, offering assistance, learning from mistakes and reducing obstacles

Ability to influence employees to change their behavior. Encouraging continuous improvement, using a collaborative style, dividing difficult tasks into simpler tasks, demonstrating commitment and responsibility.

Today flexibility, teamwork, building trust and the free flow of information are key tools for the survival and development of the organization, together with learning, continuous improvement, innovation and the breaking of paradigms for all the levels. Reflection throughout all of our processes is essential to learn from our mistakes and improve our performance. Thus, the leadership style that we want to promote in the organization must consider these aspects.

Importance of leadership within an organization