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Influence of technological development in organizations and human resources

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“Information technologies are consuming the landscape. Information technologies are: a technology that can be made to work in any atmosphere: industrial, financial, etc. ”. Jack Welch.


The topic related to human resources, despite maintaining importance for many years, it was not until relatively recently that it was deepened.

Previously in organizations, in a general sense, human resources did not have the category they should have, although in a not massive way there have been some advances in this regard, even in an appreciable number of organizations, they do not have the necessary hierarchy, precisely This work has as one of its objectives to continue clarifying and providing elements so that people fully acquire the rank that corresponds to them, are given the treatment they deserve and play the role they should play.

The continuous development of science and technology brings with it the social advancement of humanity, whose central element is work.

The industrial age gives way to that of information and knowledge, one of the application elements that attest to this is the deepening and development of computing means, including the so-called artificial intelligence, which has a great influence on the organizational activity.

Precisely, the proper use of information allows us to improve our planning, decision-making, save time, and deepen and systematize control.

Evolution and relationship of social and technological development

Man and societies have evolved and reached different levels of life over the course of time.

Initially, man's dependence was absolute on natural resources and on the contribution of his forces in obtaining what is necessary for his subsistence through the collection of agricultural products, fishing and hunting, at that stage the means of work that They were used were very rudimentary, which were perfected and specialized, which allowed more products to be obtained and even some surpluses.

As can be seen, the technical means that were created served to increase the products and the productivity of work, there was still no technological development that would allow a profound influence on the variation of human resources, much less on their management.

The initial jobs were carried out through manufacturing that gave way to the factory, as a consequence of the technical revolution, which also increased the human relations of the workers.

The industrial revolution brought with it the appearance of the steam engine with which a great technological leap was made, for its stage of development, the subsequent advances in internal combustion engines, electricity, mechanization, automation, chemistry and others, allowed the concentration of production in large companies, as well as the humanization of life and work for people, the great jumps in productivity allowed the more rational use of the workforce and although the conditions of the worker Compared with the previous situation, there was no appreciable jump in the connotation of work for the worker, as a human being, nor a radical change in management in relation to the treatment of the worker as a social being.

This stage of industrialization had its characteristics, among which the following aspects stand out: the organizational structure was pyramidal in shape with the centralization of decisions at the top of it, regulations with rigid compliance prevailed, which gave uniformity both to the orientations and the way of acting of the workers, communication was vertical and from top to bottom and the division of labor was by functions, physical and mental work was governed by the separation between the two.

Now, this situation related to technical progress represented that man's work was more effective.

Notwithstanding the above, the machine, however sophisticated it may be, is nothing without man, since he is the one who sets it in motion, develops and executes the work processes and even more is the one who is capable of conceiving, designing, carrying out way in fact and put into operation said machine, so that man is the most important.

The development of technology continued every day in greater depth, where the influence on organizations is increasing, as well as on workers.

Already today the transformations, in a general sense, are increasingly deep, dynamic, unexpected and turbulent to which organizations do not escape, so that organizational change is a constant, and in this change it is necessary to include as a central aspect the human resources and its integral work management and those who do not assume this and are not adequately prepared and with sufficient flexibility, will not be able to provide the timely response to their needs.

Every day information reaches a higher strategic value, with a tremendous impact, advances in communications and computing, especially and in general for everyone, shorten distances and time in ways not only incredible, but also unexpected.

The above is a great truth, but I want to clarify that although its effects are for everyone, not for “everyone” there are the same possibilities due to uneven development between countries (and between organizations as well), which puts the countries at a clear disadvantage. more backward by not having the means and resources to guarantee at least equity, even if it is primary.

The technological level reached tells us that we are facing a reality and in turn a need of these times, which in the future grows every day, and that without a doubt it is people who make movement, vitality, possible the development or disappearance of organizations.

Therefore, there is no other alternative but to relate technical advances with human resources and with their management.

The breadth and diversity in the characteristics of the different organizations do not allow a single solution for all cases, so each one must adjust them to their environment and shape their program to manage human resources according to the technological development achieved, and the process and strategy of your entity.

Development and evolution of attention to Human Resources

The approach and treatment of human resources has improved in accordance with the changes that have occurred in technology and in society.

These variations have taken place in different aspects such as: humanization of work, improvement of organizational relationships, increase in training and development, forms and methods of managing human resources, among others.

It is difficult to pin down exactly on these changes, which have not even occurred in all countries equally or with the same depth, also bearing in mind that development has not been uniform in the same nation in the different organizations.

For the reasons stated above, I prefer to speak of stages and give it the greatest generality, running the risk that I pointed to uneven development.

The most significant nuances of the study began in the 19th century, where the functions related to personnel were assumed by direct managers, and there were no specialized areas to attend to personnel aspects.

At the beginning of the 20th century, some organizations, especially the most voluminous ones, began to perform some services, making them independent of the function of the direct boss, although the personnel area was not yet established as such, which took on a general life in the first half of this period. century, with the aim of guaranteeing discipline and addressing administrative issues. People were considered as appendages of machines, far from the value that corresponds to them as a human being and as an element of vital importance in organizations.

The positions were designed in a rigid way and the workers had to adhere strictly to what was established as serving elements of technology and organizational decisions.

After the Second World War, since the beginning of the last half of the last century, changes have increased with humanistic approaches, which take into account sociological and psychological aspects, in addition to working on other important issues such as: satisfaction and incentive to workers for work done, performance evaluation, job evaluation. Theories, approaches or models appear, such as systems, contingencies and human resources, which carried out transformations with respect to previous bureaucratic theories of high centralization and rigidity.

The areas of human resources acquire conformation, a progressive period of identification and determination of people begins as elements of decisive contribution in the results and the destiny of the organizations. Increasingly dynamic and unforeseen changes continue. So far there are no indications of giving the problem a management approach.

After this stage, in the last quarter of a century, other techniques and theories with novel applications in motivation, training and development, negotiation and others related to the employment of workers have been introduced, beginning the first steps for the beginning of the Human Resource Management (HRM).

The changes make knowledge the most valuable aspect, dislodging financial capital from the place it occupied, this does not mean that it is not of great importance as well, at this stage human and intellectual capital acquires a transcendental significance for what is already raised with force "the productivity of knowledge."

Human beings, their talent, intelligence, knowledge and skills make them the most valuable thing in organizations and the main support for their success.

However, the technological development and the knowledge achieved on this current need, as well as having tools that allow us to carry out a satisfactory job in Human Resources Management, still many organizations, for dissimilar causes, are unable to adequately address this point, wasting opportunities and not using the strengths they really possess.

Emerging technologies

General features

The emerging technologies represent the future, which is already present, development of organizations in general, breaking traditions and demanding the use of new knowledge, strategies and variants to follow.

Without a doubt, we are facing a dizzying development that exceeds our expectations and sometimes the change is so fast that we hardly have time to recover.

What has been proposed, puts before us certain challenges that we must take into account in all disciplines of the organization, the use of these technologies requires from us new approaches and knowledge, especially in human resources, a key issue and center for the development of our work.

The development in the current complexity and volumes of information, as well as the speed of change, require us to acquire new ways of thinking and acting, new skills, if we wish not only to develop, but even to be able to survive in such a turbulent environment.

Emerging technologies are not only something else, but are something different, which comes before us with great speed and uncertainty, as a natural consequence of development they go through a period of evolution and movement with great intensity, impacting on innumerable technological fields.

As a general element, the great relationship and impact that these technologies have on organizations and especially on human resources is induced.


Technology has always been developed, what happens in these times is that every day changes appear with greater speed and new variants emerge in many branches of the economy, which is why these are known as emerging technologies, which offer us great opportunities.

A definition is offered below, which according to this author constitutes one of the most faithful approaches to the existing reality and is the following: according to Day, Schoemaker and Gunther. (2001). "Emerging technologies are scientific innovations that can create a new industry or transform an existing one" (Page 24).

These authors also express:

"Science deals with what, technology, how and where and who businesses, (consistently stating that) technology is defined as a set of skills based on a scientific discipline that are applied to a market or a product ”. The parenthesis of the author.

We have various emerging technologies such as biotechnology, information technologies, genetics, micromachines, nanotechnology, superconductivity and others, some are more directly applicable in a specific branch, others more general for broad benefit in different branches and organizations, in our case we will focus on information technology, emphasizing the influence and relationship with organizations and human resources.

Management of emerging technologies

The management of emerging technologies requires us to use different approaches in various aspects such as strategies, application of knowledge, skills, different analysis, decision-making, which also forces us to think differently, not only act, and others, without which we would not be able to obtain all the possibilities that these technologies offer us. Special mention requires the attention and relationship with the workers of the organization.

The complexity and speed of change presented to us do not allow the use of single solution models, but rather, through variants or general guides and depending on the existing situation, evaluate and apply the solutions. The current forms of management, somewhat slow and passive, if possible, are already out of date, so more aggressive, although intelligent, forms are imposed.

We must also refer to the new organizational design, which constitutes a new commitment in the approach and application of management, the organizational structure and the design of jobs, are fundamental aspects within the organizational design.

Foresight is essential in the acquisition of competent personnel, if they do not have one, capable of carrying out the activity, taking into account that the new thinking and action is not limited to the initial period of work, but may appear in any other moment within the use of emerging technology management that it was decided to apply.

Day, Schoemaker & Gunther. (2001). "Managing emerging technologies has become a key factor for success." (P. 24).

We would add to what was proposed by these authors, that it is not only necessary to manage, but it is necessary to do it in a different way from the traditional one, that is, different in depth, speed, focus, vision of the future, taking into account changes, the type of organization, the existing situation in the environment and other aspects without which it would not be possible to achieve effective and efficient management.

Differences between current and emerging technologies

From what has been studied so far about emerging technologies, we can extract some aspects that have a great difference between both technologies and cite several of them, such as: their complexity not only as a new and different technique, but also because of their application; speed of change, by which it is originating at that moment and by which in a short time will originate; the capacities and competencies of all personnel must be broader, deeper and constantly updated; innovation must be almost constant; the deep reconversion of the organizational design; change of strategies in a short time, where sometimes it may seem that it is not necessary to do so; uncertainty and high risk characterize new technologies over traditional ones, and others.

The foregoing makes it prudent, we would say that decisive, the use of different forms and tools of work, adjusted to the existing situation, for example, emerging technologies cannot act on the basis of the daily routine as in dissimilar occasions is traditionally done., the rigidity in the procedures and in the decision making must be forgotten, guaranteeing flexibility at all times, to avoid the risk of succumbing.

Another important issue is to take into account in planning the incorporation of various options that allow making changes that are sometimes even diametrically opposed.

The search for alternatives in the investigations that are carried out is very important, trying at all times to anticipate the demands of a possible change.

Elements for success

There are many possibilities for success that emerging technologies allow, however, these do not spring up spontaneously as “spring water” but rather it is necessary to face and solve certain challenges that, as previously addressed, are due to the accelerated and turbulent change that We are shaped by a complex and uncertain environment and it forces us to adequately define the level and characterization of the management to be used, as well as to have competent personnel with a spirit of constant improvement.

The constant adjustment of strategies, tactics, perspectives, competencies, organizational and work tools in general and others, are essential aspects to achieve success. Constant exposure to risk is a present challenge, which determines not only to be alert but also to be proactive in certain situations.

Enemy of success in these cases is the lack of flexibility, both in planning and in action, since we know the situation we have today, but in many cases we do not know or imagine what we will have tomorrow, so we constantly require a new orientation sometimes radically contrary to the one we are using.

The lack of necessary information or communication in all senses is also an essential aspect.

Vertical, hierarchical and rigid structures become inoperative in the face of uncertain and turbulent changes in the environment and rapid variations in technology, so to counteract the new challenges it is essential to apply new organizational designs.

Lack of preparation of the staff, in most cases due to lack of foresight of those who manage, although the carelessness or disinterest on the part of some workers is not ruled out, although ensuring this is also the responsibility of those who manage.

We have seen objective elements whose application is fundamental for success, but there are other subjective elements that we must also take into account, such as: distortions or limitations in people's thinking in terms of approaches, decision-making or other; fear of facing or facing the situation of change that exists or is coming; rejection of change by certain people or sectors; vagueness in approaches or procedures; not working in commitment to workers or doing it incorrectly; little development of cooperation between the organization and employees or between the latter; excessive mental rootedness in the use of the technology applied, which blocks the idea of ​​change, thus imposing an opposite challenge; excessive rigor and irrational intolerance to failure.

Information Technology

Within the group of emerging technologies is information technology, about which we will see some main aspects, taking into account that our fundamental objective consists in the study of the relationship and influence of these in organizations and especially in resources humans.

The development achieved in information technology allows us to apply it to any organization regardless of the branch of the economy in which it is located.

Computation allows its use and facilitates work when there is a need to act quickly in data processing, as well as when the volume or complexity of these is great.

It is very important today that workers in organizations acquire an adequate level of knowledge about information technology as a vital and transforming element in any area and in the organization as a whole.

Internet, its use and advantages

The intention when studying this aspect is not to develop a deep analysis on the subject of the Internet and its different applications, but to provide some elements that allow it to be related to the organization and especially with human resources.

We will see some general advantages that its use in any organization offers us, among them we have:

  • It allows the information that is stored to be available to everyone, avoiding "secrets", and that it is the same for all workers. It enables faster decision-making by the person who must make it. bosses a timely communication with their collaborators, with customers, as well as the relationship of all the workers of the organization, so that a general and precise interaction can be achieved.It improves commercial management in an integral way such as marketing, purchases, sales, customer service. Taking advantage of the opportunities and competitive advantages offered by the environment.

However, all these potential advantages are not used on many occasions and not fully used on others, due to not only objective but also subjective flaws. One of the most important is the lack of preparation or knowledge of those who should take advantage of these opportunities.

The Intranet, its use

Every day, organizations need to use a greater volume of information, so the work becomes complex and tedious, regardless of the time it takes to search and find it, and the costs that this entails.

An Intranet is a network of computers belonging to an organization or group of them, which use Internet technology, and which constitute a common space to locate certain information that may need and at the same time be used by any of the users of the system.

Its essential objectives are: to optimize the flow of information, which allows a comprehensive reduction of costs, especially in communication within the organization; enable collaboration between users through the use of information and internal mechanisms.

The Intranet is an important and powerful management tool that makes it possible to save time and work in searching for data, as these are correctly stored and available to users. Other advantages are: the information stored is organized and selected; allows you to take advantage of everyone's experience, increasing collaboration; guarantees better monitoring and control of the tasks carried out; saving office supplies; Any user can provide information and place it for use by others; eliminates some mistakes made with the use of traditional working methods; guarantees adequate information for all at a lower cost.

I would like to make an aside on how useful the use of the Intranet could represent for an organization in the training of its workers since it constitutes a tool that enables the training and development of personnel. This aspect brings in itself a series of cost and time advantages that it is not the objective to list but to highlight the impact it can have on human resources.

Influence of emerging technologies in organizations and human resources.

A general framework

We know that emerging technologies determine high risks and great uncertainty; that flexibility in thinking and acting must accompany us, given the rapid changes; that knowledge must be deep and constantly updated, both in the technical aspects related to the technology in question, as well as in relation to strategies, human resources and their management, change, culture and organizational behavior and other aspects of the organization; We also know that once the work process is consolidated, we can obtain high economic benefits, together with the value of use achieved.

The above, in accordance with other elements, require organizational designs different from the traditional ones, that is, with another approach, and with the development of structures with a different dynamic and adjustable to the changing environment.

Influence in organizations

Traditional organizations with pyramidal structures, with their power center at the top, with vertical communication and a sense from the top down, do not guarantee satisfactory results, so different variants of organizational designs are being used, such as: virtual organizations; learning organizations; network organizations; acquiring great importance the union of organizations in different combinations, with the aim of producing something superior to what can be achieved through the sum of the parts working independently; These are not the only variants, there are others.

This author does not consider that any of these forms is consolidated as the only dominant model, but on the contrary these and other models will be used interchangeably depending on the conditions, characteristics and prevailing situation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will expand later on the unions or combinations of organizations as a matter that is gaining momentum in these times.

Formation of organizational designs

Each organization that uses emerging technologies moves within a different scope and conditions, so there is no single model for all organizations and situations, due to this there are a group of characteristics, among others, that must be analyzed and that influence To a large extent, they sometimes determine, in the organizational design to follow, let's see some:

  • The mission and objectives of the organization, that is, its reason for being, and the results that we must achieve. Technologies, both the type of emerging technology, as well as the communication and information methods and mechanisms. Processes, relationships and work sequence of the activities of the organization. Strategies, strategic models used, or to be used, to achieve the objectives and fulfill the mission. Structure of the organization and design of the jobs.

Regardless of the design in the selected organizational form, it is necessary to express something that I consider of vital importance to obtain high results and that these are lasting, and it is the maintenance of a balance, between the specific work, that guarantees the development of the production process or of services in obtaining the programmed objectives, and the systematic investigation and exploration that allows to be alert to the organizational changes or the environment.

Union or combination of organizations

Emerging technologies with their intrinsic characteristics, as well as the uncertainty and risks they generate; its high cost of application and execution; the high knowledge and constant updating that their human resources require; They determine that on multiple occasions organizations and / or countries, especially small or with few resources, find themselves unable to use these high technologies by themselves and they go to different variants of unions or combinations of organizations to complement each other.

We will also specify other reasons to join or combine organizations, among which we can mention: to achieve strategic objectives that cannot be achieved independently or to obtain them in a shorter time or more economically; obtain new effective and efficient use values; share risks; impossibility, by other means, of access to new technologies or other resources; obtain financial, productive or service objectives, according to the needs, not separately achievable by either party.

In this way, they can use emerging technologies by tracing this shared path, according to their mutual needs, and be able to take advantage of the potential competitive advantage offered by said union or combination chosen by both.

Types or forms of unions or combinations

The type of union or combination to be used is not selected arbitrarily, but based on the needs, claims and possibilities of the organization, since each form of combination has its characteristics and functions. Among the most used types we can point out:

  • The strategic alliance or association The joint or mixed organization The merger of organizations The purchase or acquisition.

Let's see below some of the main characteristics of these combinations of organizations.

The strategic alliance or association is characterized by being an agreement, or contract, between two or more organizations, to carry out certain acts or activities authorized or stipulated by the parties depending on the agreed, each party makes contributions according to the stipulated and You can perform management actions against third parties, being responsible to them. Each organization pursues its own strategic objectives. This agreement does not imply the establishment of a legal person other than that of the parties.

The mixed or joint organization, in this case the organizations establish a new organization with its own attributions and provisions and with a structure, policies and specific workers who will lead and develop the operations and processes inherent to it. They can create branches, representations or subsidiaries, as an organization that constitutes a new legal personality different from that of the parties that formed it, coexisting with them.

The merger of organizations is the full combination of organizations and as a result of this act a new organization is created with its specific characteristics.

The purchase or acquisition, and its name exposes us the detail, where an organization assimilates the acquired or bought.

These combinations also have differences, in other aspects, such as: the amounts of financial investments, the control exercised between organizations, the depth of integration, the interdependence of one with another, another important aspect is the ease or difficulty of breaking ties within the combination.

Of course, as we go through the union from the alliance to the purchase or acquisition, the aspects observed in the previous paragraph are increased or deepened.

There are also other psychological aspects that have a great impact on these forms of union of organizations.

Advantages of unions or combinations

The combination of organizations that use, or wish to use, emerging technologies have the possibility of taking advantage of opportunities that would not be possible by themselves, among others we can mention:

  • Possibility of obtaining new knowledge and acquiring new technologies Obtaining complementary elements to your organization such as: capabilities and resources that will undoubtedly raise and improve your competitiveness, your work results and reduce your costs Provide new products or services with new use values, as well as access to new markets. Strengthen or improve the positioning compared to that held individually by both organizations. Consolidate the organization in a process of research, production or commercialization.

Elements that slow down or make the mix of organizations fail.

Indeed, the different combinations of organizations are complex to manage, so much so that many of them fail in the attempt. Let's look at some of the elements that fuel failure:

  • Inconsistencies and clashes between organizational cultures Incorrect or poorly focused strategies and / or ineffective coordination or communication Lack of complementary resources or ineffective combination of these Lack of adaptation or poor determination of the strategic objectives of the combination of organizations Failure to guarantee the harmony between the production and / or service processes and the marketing and distribution channels of both organizations.

Important observation and analysis

I consider it essential to analyze and delve into a fairly generalized detail that is the criterion of different authors who study and write on this subject of unions or combinations of organizations.

It is expressed that the unions or combinations establish a collaborative relationship to guarantee the work results that have been planned, and with which I totally agree that this is the case, they also state that together with this, competition must coexist between the organizations to join, maintaining the limits between both aspects, to such an extent that a term has been exposed by Bradenberger, AM and Nalebuff, BJ, recurrent by the way, which is that of co-competition (co-opetition), coming to pose the failure of many organizations combined as a consequence of the state of tension created between collaborative and competitive efforts.

The criterion of this author is that this phenomenon occurs in organizations, or in countries, whose objectives are limited to obtaining profits, above all, or guaranteeing other exclusive purposes for their organization at all costs.

The foregoing should not be what the unions of our organizations or of our Latin American countries, mostly with limited resources, pursue, and I wish to expose and try to coin a term that indicates with certainty, fairness and balance what we want and need and is expression of these new times and is that of cooperative competitiveness which I must explain, although I think that the expression already indicates the way.

With regard to cooperation, I already stated that you fully agreed, and why competitiveness and not competition? Because it is not the fight for the market that should prevail in our unions, but cooperation to obtain products or services with values ​​of superior use and that satisfy the needs of citizens and competitiveness because the union must guarantee products or services that are competitive in quality, costs, durability and other aspects that allow the combination to achieve what is expected and satisfy the needs of the parties.

This concept of cooperative competitiveness, and more than this, its understanding and conscious application, will constitute a very important strength of the union or combination created to achieve the desired strategic objectives.

Influence on human resources

We know that changes in technology and in the environment determine in organizations a high risk and great uncertainty, so it is required that they be able to react appropriately, and this is achieved, among other things, with a high preparation of the human resources and a constant update of it.

We have certain essential aspects whose interrelation and interdependence determine profound challenges in human resources, among which are: the need for work that motivates and stimulates; that job satisfaction is guaranteed, as well as, in the field of personal life; the need for adequate flexibility. The essential aspects are technology and its development, workers with their aspirations, and the organization with its changes and its interaction with the environment.

It is essential that knowledge about these techniques be acquired, applied and constantly raised in human resources, which will allow the organization to achieve various objectives, among which we can cite: the automation of certain tasks both in the administrative and in production or services; obtain, store, distribute and use information effectively at all levels; guarantee speed and simplicity in control; allows to improve performance; gives the possibility of continuous improvement based on the technological advances that are achieved.

Together with the above, the application of information technology through computing enables a substantial improvement in all human resource management processes (recruitment, selection, induction, training and development, communication, and others) that As we know, these have become a strategic resource in any organization.

Likewise, it is also possible to link other systems or areas of the organization with that of human resources, which increases the strategic role of the latter.

The high knowledge in workers who work in emerging technologies and their constant updating due to rapid changes, require new organizational relationships, so that today, there is already talk about the personalization of employment contracts that leave behind the common traditional contracts For workers, this new approach will make it possible to meet current aspirations and needs as a result of changes in processes and in the use of emerging technologies. This aspect, in addition to personalizing the relationship between the worker and the organization, enables workers to increase control over certain labor issues that until now are exclusive to organizations.

To guarantee all of the above, more up-to-date conceptions are required that allow a shift in relation to the traditional mentality in the treatment of human resources.

It is very important today that the workers of organizations acquire an adequate level of knowledge about information technology as a vital and transformative element in any area and in the organization as a whole.

Organizations must take advantage of and use the possibilities that technologies offer in relation to human resources, some of them are expressed:

  • Adapt the work to carry out a recruitment of trained personnel with the necessary capacities Guarantee the motivation of employees so that they remain in the organization That the structuring of human resources allows adjustment and adaptation to the rapid development of the technology.Guarantee a greater breadth in the treatment of human resources, which allows them an active participation in decision-making.Increase the delegation of authority, allowing workers creativity, direction over their work and control thereof. Take into account the growing and changing needs and aspirations of workers Involve workers with responsibility and participation in the results of the organization.

Common challenges of organizations and human resources

  • Guarantee and develop motivating and stimulating work Provide and demand adequate work flexibility and treatment of human resources Take advantage of the competitive advantages that emerging technologies provide us Adequately deal with uncertainty and high risks Deactivate the use of forms of traditional authority and one-way communication Maintain (retain) and develop workers.


We studied how human resources did not have the category they should have, and that precisely this work had as one of its objectives to continue clarifying and providing elements so that people fully acquire the rank that corresponded to them and the role they should play, and how the continuous development of science and technology brings with it the social advancement of humanity.

Aspect that must be understood is the development and passage from one era to another until reaching that of information and knowledge. Precisely the proper use of information allows us to improve our planning, decision making, save time and deepen and systematize control.

It is not only necessary to study technological development in isolation, but also in relation to society and specifically for our work with respect to human resources in organizations. For this reason, it is essential to understand how the development of work with human resources has been.

Emphasize to understand how the situation related to technical progress represented that man's work was more effective, as well as that the machine, however sophisticated it might be, is nothing without man, since it is he who sets it in motion, develops and executes the work processes and even more is he who is capable of conceiving, designing, carrying out in fact, so that man is the most important thing.

Organizational change today is a constant, and in this change it is necessary to include human resources and their integral work management as a central aspect. We saw how information every day reaches a higher strategic value, with a tremendous impact, advances in communications and computing.

It is very important to understand and act consistently in relation to the diversity in the characteristics of the different organizations that do not allow us a single solution for all cases, so each one must adjust them to their environment and shape their program to manage human resources.

The topic of emerging technologies was broadly addressed, where in addition to studying their definition and other specific concepts, the management aspect of emerging technologies was specified, which requires us to use different approaches in various aspects such as strategies, application of knowledge, skills, different analyzes, decision-making, which also forces us to think and act differently.

The organizational design constitutes a new commitment in the approach and application of the management, the organizational structure and the design of the jobs.

Differences were raised between both technologies, citing several of them as: the greater complexity of emerging technologies, not only as a novel and different technique but also because of their application; speed of change; the capabilities and competencies of all staff must be broader and deeper and constantly updated; innovation must be almost constant and others that must be studied carefully.

Some of the most important possibilities of success that emerging technologies allow were studied, and we saw how the constant adjustment of strategies, tactics, perspectives, competencies, organizational and work tools in general and others, constitute essential aspects to achieve this.

An enemy of success is a lack of flexibility, both in planning and acting.

Together with these objective elements, there are other subjective elements such as: distortions or limitations in people's thinking regarding approaches, decision-making; fear of facing or facing the situation of change; rejection of change.

Within the group of emerging technologies is information technology, which allows us to apply it in any organization regardless of the branch of the economy in which it is located.

The application of information technology through computing enables a substantial improvement in all processes of human resource management.

We saw how different variants of organizational designs are being used, deepening the union of organizations in different combinations, with the aim of producing something superior to what can be achieved through the sum of the parts working independently.

We observe that there is no single model for all organizations and situations, a group of characteristics were focused on, which must be studied carefully. Important to balance between concrete work and systematic investigation and exploration.

Different variants of unions or combinations of organizations were analyzed, note the main characteristics of these combinations of organizations, as well as their differences.

The different combinations of organizations are complex to manage, so much so that many of them fail in the attempt, so it is necessary to take into account the aspects that arise about this situation.

This author's criterion on co-competition and the occurrence of this phenomenon in organizations, or in countries, whose objectives are limited to obtaining profits, above all, or guaranteeing, at all costs, other purposes was exposed. exclusive to your organization. And since the above should not be what the unions of our organizations or of our Latin American countries, mostly with limited resources, pursue, and a term was proposed that indicates with more certainty, fairness and balance what we want and need and is an expression of these new times and it is that of cooperative competitiveness which we must understand and apply since it constitutes a very important strength of the union or combination created.

Changes in technology and the environment determine a high risk and great uncertainty in organizations, so it is required that they be able to react appropriately, and this is achieved, among other things, with a high preparation of human resources and a constant update of it. It is important to highlight the challenges in human resources, among which are: the need for work that motivates and stimulates; that job satisfaction is guaranteed, as well as, in the field of personal life; the need for adequate flexibility.

The new organizational relationships are very important, for which criteria were set out on the personalization of employment contracts, this new approach will allow to specify current aspirations and needs as a consequence of changes in processes and in the use of emerging technologies.

Study carefully the elements to achieve high work results and the common challenges of organizations and human resources.

Work elements:

  • Adapt the work to carry out a recruitment of trained personnel with the necessary skills Guarantee the motivation of employees so that they remain in the organization That the structuring of human resources allows adjustment and adaptation to the rapid development of the technology.Guarantee a greater scope in the treatment of human resources that allows them an active participation in decision-making.Increase the delegation of authority allowing workers creativity, direction over their work and control of it. taking into account the growing and changing needs and aspirations of workers Involve workers with responsibility and participation in the results of the organization.

Common challenges

  • Guarantee and develop motivating and stimulating work Provide and demand adequate work flexibility and treatment of human resources Take advantage of the competitive advantages that emerging technologies provide us Adequately deal with uncertainty and high risks Deactivate the use of forms traditional authority and one-way communication.


Organizational change. Situation in which variations are made in the structures, in the technology, in the behavior of the people, or another aspect, which allows adaptation to the environmental situation, allowing a stability with which the mission can be guaranteed.

Effectiveness. Degree to which the proposed objectives and goals are achieved, that the production or service has been fulfilled in the expected quantity and quality and that it is socially useful. Ability to determine appropriate objectives, "do the right things." Measures the result compared to the goal of an activity. If the objective is met, the work will have been effective.

Efficiency. Ability to minimize the use of resources in the achievement of organizational objectives; "Do things correctly." It is the measure of the results obtained in relation to the resources put into play to obtain them.

Strategy. It is the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of the organization, together with the actions to be taken and the allocation of the necessary resources to achieve the goals set.

Chandler, A. (1992). Strategy and structure. Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Information. Data analyzed, organized, classified and related to each other, to guarantee a system that puts us in a position to undertake decision-making appropriately.

Artificial intelligence. Development of computing proposals to stimulate intelligent human thinking or behavior.

Goals. Purposes where the activity is directed. Where the impulses tend to satisfy the needs.

Mission. The general goal of the organization, based on the planning premises that justify the existence of the organization. (Purpose) Reason (or reasons) for being an organization.

Goals. A goal characterized by a comparatively short span and specific, measurable achievements. They are the results that are intended to be achieved through the actions that will be taken in the different areas of the organization.

Process. Set of resources (people, finances, facilities, equipment, techniques, methods) and activities related to each other, which transform input elements into output elements.

Productivity. It is the effectiveness of the rational activity of the individual in the sphere of material production.

Epistemic risk. Risk of not knowing what one does not know. German philosopher Jurgen Habermas.

Decision making. The process of identification and selection of the appropriate action, on the evaluated alternatives, for the solution of the specific problem, or for the use of any opportunity.

Job. Process between nature and man and that the latter performs, regulates and controls through its own action, is the basic condition of all human life.

Competitive advantages. Ability to create an advanced knowledge of a particular technique to improve the product, its commercialization and the productivity with which one works.


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Influence of technological development in organizations and human resources