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Influence and importance of ict in organizations

Table of contents:


I. Summary

This work highlights the influence and importance of ICT in contemporary organizations. The method used was the documentary through analysis of bibliographic resources, press, and Web sites. The results highlighted the emergence of two strata, Infrastructure and Infoculture, within the ICT and Human Development link. Also the impact on business culture, ICT as a member of the product, its importance in the design of the organization, and its support role in decision-making. As a conclusion is the need to train Human Talent with adequate skills for knowledge management. Challenges in the current organization are also indicated.

Keywords: Technology, information, communications, organization.

II. Abstract

This paper highlights the influence and importance of ICT in contemporary organizations. The method used was the documentary by bibliographic analysis from media resources, and Web sites. The results highlighted the emergence of two layers, the Computer-structure and the Culture of computers within the ICT and the Human Development link. As well, the impacts on the corporate culture, ICT as part of the product, its importance in the design of the organization, and their role as supporting in decision-making. In the conclusions highlight the need to train human talent with appropriate knowledge management skills. The challenges are also mentioned in the current organization.

Keywords: Technology, information, communication, organization.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

III. Introduction

The progressive technological development has been penetrating and transforming the way in which human beings communicate, how they think, how time is distributed, the way things are done and even how people currently achieve their objectives. In this Knowledge Society, there has been an avalanche of developments in different fields of knowledge, which have as characteristics that a field of knowledge influences one or several and they unleash an interrelation of influences that has resulted in a gigantic development. So, we live in an era of constant technological change, given this chain reaction.

One of the influences with the greatest impact in our time are the so-called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as a general concept it refers to the use of multiple technological or computer media to store, process and disseminate all kinds of information, visual, digital or of another type with different purposes, as a way of managing, organizing and, above all, coordinating various work, research, academic activities, etc.

For Escalante (2013) ICTs are a conjunction of three fundamental elements, firstly telecommunications, the area of ​​computing and the least visible, micro-electronics, which cover all areas of society, changing and directly affecting our environment and the capabilities of the communication process between people, machines and the integration of both.

Regarding ICT, for Cabero (2001) (cited in Escalante 2013: 14), it has been conceived as a phenomenon that touches society in all its dimensions and goes beyond specifically technical and technological aspects, since it is an event with implications in the political, cultural, economic and social levels.

According to Macau (2004), since 1960, computing has been introduced in organizations with the aim of automating repetitive administrative tasks (mainly accounting, billing and payroll). The technology is based on large computers or mainframes. Hardware and software are extraordinarily expensive. Only large organizations with huge daily volumes of administrative work can afford such costs. The justification for the investment lies in calculations of the possible salary savings that could be made in the administrative areas. Savings are not actually produced, but rather, with non-growing human resources, a much greater amount of work is absorbed.

In the 1970s, computing was consolidated in the large transnationals, however the paradigm shift also brought its consequences and some supervisors began to experience the changes calling attention to the information systems and that too much information reached them. The information explosion advances, crossing and crossing the bosses' tables, with an enormous amount of data. Most of all this avalanche is only partially assimilated.

By 1979, the information system of the company, based on computer science, is focused on the development of systems that carry out the bureaucratic work process of the company. The focus is therefore on the systems that process payroll, payments, due dates of bills of exchange, invoicing, stocks, bills of exchange, etc.

In the 80s, it began to be detected that the change introduced by ICT in organizations goes much further than what has been understood so far. ICTs are not only an instrument for reducing costs and improving information for management. ICTs are not just a support service for the main activity of the organization. ICTs are changing the nature of products, production processes and services, as well as the nature of competition and the economic sectors themselves.

Porter (1985) (cited in Macau 2004: 4), in his work "Competitive advantage" introduces the concept of value production chain, and divides the general activity of a company into technologically and economically distinct activities, which They are called value production activities, see Figure 1. Information technology has found its way into each and every point of the value production chain, transforming the way in which value production activities are carried out.

Figure 1. The value production chain. Source: Macau (2004) Adapted from Michael Porter and Yankee Group 1992

Due to the aforementioned, it is worth asking how far has the influence of ICTs in organizations? And how important are they within the organizational apparatus? For this reason, the purpose of this work is to study the influence and importance of ICT in organizations, through the documentary theoretical basis of the analysis of bibliographic resources, digital press, and Web sites.

IV. Influence and importance of ICT in organizations

1. Influence

According to Gándara et al (2007), in the work “Effects of ICT in new organizational structures: from vertical management to horizontal companies”, they propose the following:

Organizations have undergone important and if you like rapid changes in recent years, taking as a starting point the agrarian era or the agricultural society through the agro-industrial transition, then the so-called industrial society of the 70s with a first focused phase towards the demand and whose central element was the product, evolving into a second phase, typical of the 80s, focused on the supply market whose critical element was the customer, being in the 90s when a new era known as the information age or the knowledge society focused on the information market and whose central element is knowledge, this chronology is extracted from an annual bulletin presented by the Central Office of Statistics and Informatics of Venezuela (OCEI) in the year 2000,and at the discretion of many authors, this last era remains in force and even without being totally separated from the industrial one.

Cited in Gándara (Op. Cit.) Peter Drucker (1993), indicates that the evolution has been driven by the new Information Technologies that have even allowed economics specialists to see how their theoretical hypotheses approach reality when improve the process and the amount of information available. This information confirms how companies are in the urgent need to readjust their organizational structures, moving from traditional hierarchical models oriented to vertical command, typical of industrial society, to structures that increasingly tend towards the horizontal command line due to their efficiency in information management, with technology being the fundamental tool and information the necessary input of the knowledge society.

In the same vein, in the report on "Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Development - Report on human development in Venezuela" UNDP (2002), it is argued that the appearance and advancement of Information and communication (ICT) have led to the emergence of two strata such as Infostructure and Infoculture, as shown in Figure 2.

The infostructure

The infostructure, groups the telecommunications technologies, the data processing that includes the capture, storage, transformation, recovery and dissemination of information, as well as digitization and switching; all this conformed and supported by computing tools known as hardware, which together with the elements of software, application programs and operating systems, as well as the generation and registration of content in the different areas of society, constitute fundamental tools for support the management of organizations.


On the other hand, Infoculture, corresponding to cultural values, management philosophy, mission, vision, objectives, external and internal regulatory elements, competencies, functions and responsibilities, and the generation of content. That is to say, Infoculture is the part of culture that is destined to understand, understand and give an adequate use to the Infostructure to solve the different problems that are presented to society and organizations, whatever their scope.

From the above, the influence exerted by the Infostructure on the Infoculture of an organization is unobjectionable, hence the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the transformation and development of social organizations. For this reason, ICTs have become instruments or propellant tools of transformation and development processes, which are framed in an integrative strategy with a vision of synergy, where the different elements or components are supported to achieve said development.

Figure 2. Human development: Infrastructure and Infoculture. Source: Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Development - Report on Human Development in Venezuela - UNDP 2002.

In accordance with Nieto (2007), ICTs have characteristics that make them a fundamental support in organizations such as those in the education sector, such as: hypertext - hypermedia capacity, capacity as a distributed system and open to the Internet, use of synchronous and asynchronous services, free availability of content hosting, free applications, free software, expanded interactive capacity; This facilitates the definition of special forms and mechanisms that allow the user to interact with the system in a more complete way than by browsing the information.

In this vein, Benjamín and Blunt, (1992) (cited in Gándara et al, 2007) affirm in their studies that the emergence of New Organizational Configurations has coincided with and been aided by the development of ICT, to which It tends to attribute a fundamentally flexible function to them and a dynamizing character of the organization, leaving in his research the need to contrast to what extent and in what direction ICTs affect the features of organizational design and how both elements fit together to respond to the crucial question of organizational change.

In this regard, researchers Laud and Thies, (1997)) (cited in Gándara et al, 2007), conclude in their work that effectively ICT not only contributes to change, but also enhances it, giving flexibility to the company, allowing speed up both structural and cultural changes, distributing information to the entire organization quickly and efficiently; On the other hand, they also conclude in their work that ICTs are capable of providing more comprehensive planning and control systems, which favor a global analysis of the data by a particular person or most of the actors that make up the organization, In short, it is about providing the necessary tool to promote decision-making in any area of ​​the organization.

This implies that human development has always had a close correlation with the technology variable. From the stone age, through the age of iron, bronze, etc. Up to the present day, technology has been and continues to be the fundamental factor in human development, affecting social, political, economic, commercial and business life, even human organizations. Presumably, nothing different happens with ICT in the so-called Knowledge Society, as revealed by the aforementioned authors.

Within organizations, education is one of the processes with the most opportunities for growth thanks to technologies. There is talk of a digital gene or DNA that shapes students towards the maximum use of new technologies and allows them to easily adapt to digital environments and the appropriation not only of tools but also of the ways of interacting with the world.

1.1. Digital culture and social movements

Internet has acquired great importance as an instrument to conceive new manifestations, organizations and social movements around causes where regulation is given by the individuals involved. The network as a catalyst for changes and revolutions is brought to the table in the face of demonstrations that have used the Internet as instruments of reaction against political and social regimes.

In continuity with the influence of the Internet on society, there are new languages ​​and new ways of carrying out some activities, such as sending text messages, sending 140-character messages, communication by e-mail or through various applications They have modified behaviors and therefore the way of thinking and even reasoning of the individual in postmodernity. Cell phones, tablets, and other devices have become more than just an accessory, in such a way that it is strange that someone in a meeting does not have an intelligent communication device.

1.2. What is the influence of ICT in the core of organizations?

1.2.1. Globalization

Coinciding with Caballero (2001) are phenomena such as globalization, virtualization, and transdisciplinarity within organizations. For the United Nations (2002), the globalization process corresponds to the growing gravitation of global economic, social and cultural processes over those of a national or regional nature.

This process has accelerated given the advancement of ICTs, which have influenced communications and computing worldwide, an example of this is in satellite communications, by submarine cables such as the Columbos II that connects Europe and America through the ocean Atlántico, with fiber optic technology, have contributed to mass communications that unite the planet, and according to Larragueta (2009), these submarine cables are capable of transmitting the equivalent of 120 million simultaneous calls.

For this reason, the actors between the organizations interact through exchange networks, where suppliers and customers also participate as interested and affected by the business activities, thus managing to share knowledge which can be captured as added value, through this type of knowledge is known as relational capital. It should be noted that exchange networks promote translocal flows: financial, intellectual and socio-cultural without tax revenues. This does not mean that local control and power systems no longer exist, but they are being resized and reconfigured in response to the new rules of Globality.

1.2.2. Virtualization

Moving on to the field of virtualization, the online encyclopedia of the famous PC News magazine defines virtualization as: a variety of technologies for the management of computing resources, providing a software translation layer, known as the "abstraction layer" between software and physical hardware. Virtualization turns "physical" resources into "logical" resources. (Author's translation)

Now then, the idea of ​​virtualization, associated to the virtual word, makes think that the virtuality of the virtualization is not real and that it is only an appearance; Well, nothing more distant than that last conception, since virtualization in the field of information and communication technologies is referred to a different way of perceiving reality.

Virtualization in ICT is basically manifested in the following way:

  • In hardware virtualization In network and storage virtualization In application virtualization

All of the above indicates that ICTs have impacted the way of living and sharing the increasingly globalized world, opening channels for the globalization of knowledge, finances, and culture, among others, accommodating certain activities through of technological means, such as:


It is a teaching-learning experience that is carried out through the Internet, where there is a physical separation between teachers and students, with the predominance of both synchronous and asynchronous communication, and through which a continuous didactic interaction is carried out. On the other hand, the student becomes the center of training, having to self-manage their learning, with the help of tutors and peers.

The e-community

They are communities that are fundamentally related in virtual environments through the Internet, or online communities, among which the discussion forums, social networks (Facebook, Twitter), emails and email groups, groups of news, Video Conferences, and Chat, among others. These communities include scientific communities, knowledge networks, and others, made up of a group of people, brought together by a common interest, and who maintain their relationship over time.


Also known as teleworking, in which an organization, making use of ICT, makes it easier for the employee to carry out his activities in places other than the organization's location, improving the environmental impact and economic reactivation of some societies, through the democratization of the employment, becoming a valid job option.


Also called Electronic Government, through which the internal processes of a government are carried out, the delivery of products and services, government management audits, transparent tenders, citizen management and with companies in relation to the State, through the implementation of different technologies, among which stand out those corresponding to e-business or electronic commerce and others closely related to the management of the State.


Generally called electronic business, and according to Hartman et al (2000), cited in Ramos (2004), it is any initiative on the Internet that transforms business relationships, whether they are business-to-business, business-to-customer, intra-business relationships. -business or between two consumers. E-business is a new way of managing efficiencies, speed, innovation and the creation of new value in a company, as well as the new decentralized configuration of organizations and their adaptation to the characteristics of the new economy.


Known as electronic commerce, it is the virtual place, through ICT, where buyers and sellers meet to carry out their operations of purchase, sale of products and services. Among its operations are banking operations, through fund transfers, purchases through Web portals, purchase and sale of shares, etc.

1.2.3. Transdisciplinarity

In relation to Transdisciplinarity, according to Martínez (S / F), transdisciplinarity is a new intellectual and academic movement promoted by UNESCO and by the International Center for Research and Transdisciplinary Studies of France, which tries to go beyond (trans) not only of uni-disciplinarity, but also of multi-disciplinarity and inter-disciplinarity.

For this reason, the intention is to overcome the fragmentation and fragmentation of knowledge reflected by particular disciplines and their consequent hyper-specialization. Transdiscipline represents the claim to the most complete knowledge possible, and that is capable of dialogue with the diversity of human knowledge. For this reason, the dialogue of knowledge and complexity are inherent in the transdisciplinary attitude.

1.3. ICT in Venezuela

According to Nieto (2009), significant advanced ICT development efforts can be identified in Venezuela. There are sectors where the installed infostructure or the prevailing infoculture are so efficient that they can be comparable with those existing in societies where ICTs play a fundamental role for social development. However, this is not an indicator that reflects the reality of all sectors of Venezuelan society, especially the education sector.

Below are some statistical tables that show the progressive development of ICT in Venezuela:

Figure 3. Teledensity of mobile telephony in Venezuela. Source: UNDP 2002 - Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Development - Report on Human Development in Venezuela

In Figure 3. The sustained development in the field of mobile telephony in Venezuela is shown, surpassing since 1999 the Teledensity of fixed telephony, as defined by UNDP 2002 in its report "Information Technologies and Communication at the Service of Development - Report on human development in Venezuela "

In Figure 4. The main uses of the Internet in Venezuela are shown, as revealed by the survey by Datanalisis and Cavecom-e, where 77.9% is for searching for information. "

Figure 4. Main uses of the Internet in Venezuela. Source: Datanalisis and Cavecom-e 2002, quoted from UNDP 2002 - Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Development - Report on human development in Venezuela

Figure 5. Internet access by account type. Source: Datanalisis and Cavecom-e 2002, quoted from UNDP 2002 - Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Development - Report on human development in Venezuela

Figure 6. Internet penetration in some Latin American countries. Source: Datanalisis and Cavecom-e 2002 taken from IUT, cited from UNDP 2002 - Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Development - Report on human development in Venezuela

Figure 6. Shows the positioning of Venezuela in Internet Penetration, with only 4.87% of the population, compared to some Latin American countries, according to Datanalisis and Cavecom-e and data from IUT, which shows that Sustained efforts are still required to improve the position of bringing the Internet to the majority of the population in the national territory.

To overcome this gap, the State has set itself a series of challenges whose purpose is to position itself in the Information Society to achieve national integration, mass access to information, enhance the education sector, as well as the health sector, and reduce inequalities in access to telecommunications services.

For this, reforms have been proposed in the regulatory framework that guide the incorporation and use of ICTs, included in the National Constitution, the Organic Law of Telecommunications, the National Telecommunications Plan aimed at the development of the telecommunications sector; the Organic Law of Science, Technology and Innovation as well as the National Plan of Information Technologies whose mission is “The development of strategies, policies, plans, programs and norms, in a coordinated and articulated manner between the organs of public power and the private sector, mainly with the productive sector, that allow investment, development and consolidation of ICT in all areas of the State and society "

1.4. Found results of the influence of ICT in organizations

Without having tried to exhaust the issue of the influence of ICT in organizations, but rather having shown the tip of the iceberg in this subject, it can be summarized in a general way in the following results:

  • The change in the structure of the productive sectors, which are increasingly based on collaborative networks of production, management and information exchange Raising the educational level of a significant part of the world population and, therefore, of its ability to handle information. The convergence of information technology and communications becomes total in current uses of the Internet. The Internet also reinforces the symbiotic confluence of the ICT-cultural information and entertainment industry. Organizations begin to manage information and knowledge, and not just data. As in the beginning, using ICT. The diffusion of ICT in daily social use continues to increase, both in homes and in organizations.

In agreement with Macau (2004), notwithstanding the above, as in any paradigm, there are inconsistencies and misunderstandings on some issues, assuming challenges to be achieved, such as the following:

  • ICTs do not overlap the modern organization, they are an integral part of it. ICTs do not overlap networks, they are an integral part of such networks. Strategies, operational criteria and organizational formulas must be thought together and integrally with the ICT use strategy. Analyzes of an organization's value production chain and its connection with the value system of the environment in which it operates are no longer sufficient. They must be complemented with the analysis of the value production chain of the network (s) of which a given organization is a part.Because ICTs are an integral part of networks and modern organizations are interrelated in networks, therefore the chain of production of own value of an organization stops having a linear representation to adopt network structure.The influence of ICT has made the organization become a series of nodes, closely attached to the customer, grouped in a network.

2. Importance

Given the influence that ICTs have made at an organizational, social, political and economic level, the importance of ICTs in the organizational field can be inferred. In principle, ICTs offer greater facilities, overcoming the barriers of distance and time, in most cases. Plus, they offer accuracy, lower risks, and lower costs.

They provide great benefits and advances in health and education; they empower people and social actors, NGOs, etc., through support and exchange networks and discussion lists; They are a support to SMEs and local entrepreneurs to present and sell their products through the Internet; allow interactive learning and distance education; they offer new forms of work, such as teleworking; and they give access to the flow of knowledge and information to empower and improve people's lives.

2.1 Importance in business culture

The company with the support of ICT has multiple advantages and opportunities, both in productivity and in inclusion, managing to add value to the business. You can add concentration of information in few hands, new economic models, online reputation and transparency of organizations, among others.

New technologies are not only impacting companies, but also working methods. Models such as teleworking provide job opportunities not only as a way of working from home or outside the office, but also open the possibility for people with different disabilities to have desirable working conditions for their condition.

New technologies have brought challenges in the business culture, it is worth asking what job skills today's employees should have, how the company should face them and establish guidelines, standards and procedures that allow workers to interact with social networks, optimize times, strengthen skills, training and being more productive; where both generational and knowledge gaps are taken into account in the face of ICT.

2.2 Importance in automating the administrative and bureaucratic process

The modern organization assumes that all or almost all competitors have achieved the automation of the administrative and bureaucratic process, so that the competitive advantage in this area has disappeared, however, poor management of ICT in this department creates disadvantageous situations competitive in costs or in efficiency with respect to the competition.

According to Macau (Op. Cit.), The automation of the administrative and bureaucratic process is an obligatory function in the modern organization. From the managerial point of view, it is managed with classical criteria. The use of ICT in this function responds, still to a large extent, to the industrial paradigm. As an added value, ICTs allow considering, in an economically realistic way, transversal and integrative actions in the administrative circuits of an organization, as well as taking on large volumes.

2.3 Importance of the Infrastructure

The competitive advantage provided by the infostructure is part of a broader, tactical and strategic management capacity of the senior managers of a company. Thus, the managerial capacity of a certain organization is a competitive advantage (or disadvantage, depending on the case), where ICTs play a key role in strengthening it. Without an effective management information system, it is impossible to objectify and quantify problems or alternatives in time.

Hunches and smell are part of the skills of a good manager, but their almost exclusive use leads to the heart attack of the organization. Today, it is impossible to imagine a business leader without a good information system that serves as a management tool coupled with managerial knowledge and skills.

Therefore, the use of automated systems cannot, in any case, be limited only to senior management. Its use, as a directive instrument and common language, by all the nodes of the network that makes up the organization is essential. All this has led to foresee that in the coming years there will be a very significant increase in simulation applications, especially those of the “What if? ”, Accompanied by more attractive and simple graphical user interfaces than the current ones.

2.4 Importance of ICT as a member of the product, service or production chain.

Its strategic importance is conditioned by the weight of the informative content of the product, service or production chain. This function tends to increase exponentially. Many production and service sectors will be deeply altered in the coming years, given that the underlying trends are unstoppable, given that every production or consumption process has a physical and an informational component associated with it. Progressively, the weight of the latter increases.

On the other hand, the capacity of the planet's inhabitants to elaborate and process information has increased dramatically in recent years. For example, every time a doctor indicates a prescription for a drug, the patient can review the side effects of said drug on the Internet and is able to take it or go to another doctor. The buyer of an organization can compare the advantages and disadvantages of a product with respect to similar ones on the market, just by entering specialized sites on the Internet. Added to the aforementioned in this section is the rapid dissemination of computer applications and the rapid generalization of multimedia applications, which strengthen the Infoculture of organizations.

2.5 Importance in the design of the organization and its activities

According to Macau (Op. Cit.), The analysis of the value production chain of an organization in the context of the network society provides the necessary elements for the design of the objectives and the structure of the organization. Thus, the new forms of networking that all truly competitive organizations will adopt cannot be built, or rebuilt continuously, without the intensive use of ICT. The leadership of this task of constant organizational construction must be assumed by the management of the organization. It should have the work, help, and advice of technology professionals, but never delegate its responsibilities.

2.6 ICT as support systems for knowledge-based decision making

For Gándara (2007), One of the most notable characteristics of decision-making in the business environment is the great complexity that comes from the different real situations to which it is a matter of responding, manifesting itself through:

  1. Response times, increasingly shorter, decisions with important long-term consequences must be adopted in a short period of time Incomplete and limited information, as a consequence, it is impossible to have all the information necessary to solve a problem and adopt an optimal decision, and even if you had all the information, it could not be processed without the computer tools of simulation, prediction and information processing.Uncertainty about the data, many decisions in the organization incorporate the foreseeable situation of the environment within the information to take into account, and this cannot be known except in approximate terms. Multiple objectives, the decision maker must look for some criterion that satisfies a set of different and normally incompatible objectives.

For decision-making, the decision-maker can make use of ICTs through applications for Electronic Data Processing (EDP, Electronic Data Processing), and on the other hand, applications whose purpose is to facilitate decision-making when the requirements of the Information to be handled can be, to a certain extent, identified in advance, such as Management Information Systems (MIS) or Executive Information Systems (Executive Information Systems).

2.7 Importance results

Given the importance of ICT, in general terms for the organization, and according to Hendriks and Vriens, (1999) (cited in Gándara, 2007), currently Organizational Intelligence, and specifically Knowledge-Based Systems, can become a regarding the use of technologies that allow the use of operational knowledge as a resource, so that the organization achieves significant competitive advantages. Additionally, the following characteristics are highlighted within the importance of ICT in organizations:

  • ICTs add value to the business They provide new job opportunities, such as teleworking They involve new job skills that today's employees should have Mismanagement of ICTs in automating the administrative and bureaucratic process creates situations of competitive disadvantage in costs or in efficiency with respect to the competition. The competitive advantage provided by the infostructure is part of a broader, the capacity for tactical and strategic direction of the senior managers of a company. ICT as a member of the product, service or chain of The new forms of networking that all truly competitive organizations will adopt cannot be built, or rebuilt continuously, without the intensive use of ICT.ICTs are fundamental tools to help the organization make decisions.

V. Conclusion

The new organization under the influence of ICT is operating under a new concept, based on the epistemic, because when managing new knowledge, new codes will emerge, which will promote an emerging organization according to these emerging realities.

The new organizational reality under the influence of ICT, implies that these organizations learn to understand emerging realities, faced with new constructs, as a consequence of new languages, new ways of thinking, new logic of reasoning, product of globalization, virtualization and transdisciplinarity.

The training of the new manager with adequate skills for knowledge management becomes a strategic priority of any organization, since it is impossible to escape the influence of ICT in the personal, educational, governmental, and organizational fields.

The importance of ICT in the organization is unquestionable, but it also suggests challenges, which imply keeping in mind that without the factor of human talent, systems cease to be efficient per-se. On the other hand, the advent of new technologies has also meant an invasion of privacy, where the constant search for information, marketing focused on customer tastes, the sale of private data information, have resulted in the life of citizens become more and more public.

Another factor that must be considered is that the influx of technologies has also fallen into unscrupulous hands, which is why the propensity for electronic fraud is increasingly relevant, as well as identity theft, credit card theft, theft of confidential information between organizations specialized in violating digital security or hacker individuals who violate computer security.

In the same way, the processing of high amounts of data and increasingly intelligent systems that classify information, together with increasingly computerized production processes, has led to the loss of jobs in an increasingly computerized world, therefore which is convenient for society to prepare for these emerging changes to prevent global impact crises.

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Influence and importance of ict in organizations