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Infomulticulturalism and its impact on decision-making

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By infomulticulturalism we can understand that it is the coexistence and exchange of information between different cultures. Today this concept has revolutionized the way of thinking and ways of working of organizations.

Infomulticulturalism has brought new technologies and ways of transmitting information in a matter of minutes with collaborators from abroad, as well as exchanges of personnel to open doors to new ideals and tools that can serve us as support.

This concept has to some extent helped companies to keep up-to-date with information and has opened doors to other countries thus giving opportunities for expansion This concept also influences society, since due to the large amount of information that is handled in social networks, television, radio etc. They show the societies of different cultures, we are influenced by new and different fashions, traditions, etc. That as well as it can be good for companies, it also implies a very important challenge since, due to infomulticulturalism, society constantly seeks new things. This denotes a great influence on decision-making in both society and organizations, clearly the information influences this process in an important way.


We can start with decomposing the word "infomulticulturalism" and define some of its components in order to understand exactly what this complex word refers to:

Information according to the dictionary of the real Spanish academy comes from the Latin informatĭo, ōnis and defines it as the Communication or acquisition of knowledge that allows expanding or specifying what they have on a certain subject, it also defines it in a shorter way saying that they are knowledge thus communicated or acquired (RAE, 2015). Based on these definitions of the word we can say that the information is knowledge whether we receive it or communicate it, it can be of any subject or matter.

Culture comes from the Latin cultūra which means cultivation or upbringing, its definition is: "Set of ways of life and customs, knowledge and degree of artistic, scientific, industrial development, at a time, social group, etc." (RAE, 2015)

Multiculturalism means the coexistence of different cultures (RAE, 2015). We can also define it as the set of different people or groups of people with different cultures in the same geographical space in which they coexist and inhabit. Multiculturalism is part of many countries and societies today, and it is a quite complex relationship in many parts of the world due to the loss of their own cultures due to the influence of stronger cultures.

So by combining these words we can find a clearer meaning to the word infomulticulturalism, and we will define it as the coexistence and exchange of information between different cultures.

As its main objective, infomulticulturalism must analyze how that information changes to the subject who receives it, the influence and importance in their decisions, and the way in which they behave in their environment as well as the formation of new paradigms, concepts and stereotypes.

And, to make this concept clearer and easier to link it with organizations, we will define the word globalization since, as its meaning mentions, it is the tendency of markets and companies to expand, reaching a global dimension that goes beyond borders. national. (RAE, 2015). Thanks to globalization, markets began to cross national borders, taking them to a multicultural environment.



A very important concept to mention that has been changing organizations in an impressive way due to globalization and infomulticulturalism, are Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) these new tools imply a series of important new challenges for companies, but at the same time great opportunities to create value.

For the first time in history, with the implementation of ICTs, doors have been opened to tools such as social networks, mobile internet, smartphones and the cloud, which if used well can be very useful for companies and make a difference. with competitors creating links with their consumers electronically to setting up online stores that allow them to buy from the comfort of their home (IESE, 2014).

Another important point and benefit for companies is that the information processing capacity increases unstoppably, thus making it easier for entrepreneurs to communicate and send immediate information to other countries (FORBES, 2014).

For example, one of the main information systems that has also revolutionized the transmission of information is the system known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), they are helping companies in their worldwide expansion (UNAM, 2014).

In the role of entrepreneurs it is very important since they should never forget that today we live in a globalized world, where new competitors are always emerging and it is life or death for an organization to be prepared to beat them.


The changes that infomulticulturalism has brought with it in companies also positively affect the collaborators of a company or the company globally, we can call this the "internal effects" of infomulticulturalism in companies (Seoane Balado, 2005).

Today there are various work programs in which they carry out international exchanges to train their staff in another field and another culture. And it opens the doors to foreign people to bring new concepts and ideas. Which gives both parties a benefit of infomulticulturalism since they come up with new and different ideals that can work in the company in your country.

Another benefit and I believe that the most important and with the most impact on companies today and that is caused in part by infomulticulturalism and globalization is the adaptability of companies to theories or administrative tools of other countries. Thanks to the information they provide in manuals, processes, etc.

For example, the adaptability of tools such as Lean Manufacturing or lean manufacturing, which is a Japanese tool conceived by gurus of the Toyota production system (Rajadell & Sánchez, 2010)

Six Sigma tool created by Motorola, which has been widely disseminated and adopted by other world-class companies such as: Sony, NASA, Toshiba, Ford, Polaroid etc. (Gómez Fraile, et al, 2011).

Infomulticulturalism in the work environment can help to improve as long as it is handled correctly, since it can both improve common interests, teamwork with different ideas or differences between colleagues, and thus bring benefits. But if it is not known Using it or adapting your work group to an infomulticultural environment problems can worsen productivity, as well as the relationships between departments, subordinates and employees.


The external effects of infomulticulturalism in companies are directed towards consumers, this concept refers to the information that reaches people and changes their thinking, tastes, values ​​and culture itself.

Infomulticulturalism is also something that companies face every day since the wishes of a possible consumer are constantly modified, since they are bombarded with ideas and information so that they buy what all companies want to sell them.

Infomulticulturalism forces companies to be up-to-date in both information and technology in order to maintain contact and customer loyalty. It offers to visualize the future of new markets, which brings the benefit of companies to be competent by having collaborators with new and fresh ideas and who can reduce the probability of failure that the introduction of a new product or service is well received. for customers, society and the world.

An example may be, when a company dedicated to the manufacture of clothing in Mexico, must be up to date on American fashions that have a lot of influence on Mexican society, see new trends, etc. To be able to continue within the market without being displaced by another brand, whether national or international.


Decision comes from the Latin decisĭo, -ōnis. Y means Determination, resolution that is taken or given in a doubtful thing or Firmness of character. Therefore, based on this definition, if we want to delve into the issue of decision-making, we can say that a decision-making is the determination to choose a viable option or that the person believes is viable depending on their situation.

Decision-making is a very important process and one of the most difficult that people face today, since as Pilar Martínez Clares says in her article Making a good decision consists of drawing the objective you want to achieve, gather all the relevant information and take into account the preferences of the person who has to make that decision. If we want to do it correctly, we must be aware that a good decision is a process that takes time and planning. (Martinez Clares, 2014)

Therefore, the only way to make a good decision is through the application of a good procedure (Robbins & Sthephen, 2002).

So if we want to talk about decision making and infomulticulturalism that we already define as coexistence and the exchange of information between different cultures. We can say that they are related in an interesting way in the day-to-day of companies and society since infomulticulturalism is an important factor in decision-making, mainly in society, since by so much information from different cultures the purchase decision is it becomes somewhat complex to be influenced by new cultures and new ideas etc. And for companies, since their client "society", being influenced by new ideas, changes tastes very often and it is up to companies to make decisions that sometimes affect their productivity, forced to change presentations, in less time.


In conclusion we can say that infomulticulturalism is a new concept that has revolutionized the world since it has influence on societies and companies as such, making decision-making more complex than it already is, because despite making the information flows rapidly through the development of new world technologies, decision-making already depends on many factors and new ideas that intervene in people's ideas.

The capacity that organizations have in these times to take advantage of these new concepts are drivers to create products and services that are consumed by their customers and at the same time the unification of the identity of all companies, as well as use those characteristics of their new collaborators is of great importance for their permanence in the globalized market.


  • FORBES, M. (2014). New technologies modify business strategies. Obtained from http://www.forbes.com.mx/nuevas-tecnologias-modificar-las-estrategias-empresariales/Gómez Fraile, F., Vilar Barrio, J., & Tejero Mozón, M. (2011). Six sigma. IESE. (2014). IESE Business School. Obtained from the University of Navarra: http: //www.iese.edu/es/conoce-iese/prensa-noticias/noticias/2013/marzo/las-nuevastecnologias-y-su-impacto-en-la-competitividad-empresarial/ Martinez Clares, P. (2014). Importance in decision making. Obtained from https://www.um.es/coie/guia-salidas/guia-salidas-08-toma-decisiones.pdfRAE. (2015). Royal Spanish Academy. Obtained from http://lema.rae.es/drae/?val=infomulticulturaRajadell, M., & Sánchez, JL (2010). Lean Manufacturing evidence of a need. Robbins, & Sthephen. (2002).Management fundamentals. Mexico: Pearson Education.Seoane Balado, e. (2005). The new era of commerce: electronic commerce. ICT at the service of business management. own ideas.UNAM. (2014). General Directorate of Computing and Information and Communication Technologies. Obtained from
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Infomulticulturalism and its impact on decision-making