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Infomulticulturalism and its impact on business decisions

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In general, infomulticulturalism includes all those aspects of origin that the human being has, that is, it bases its study on the environment of origin and development of man, in such a way that culture, the environment of physical and mental development and the interaction processes of the individual in society are factors that have a direct and great impact on the study of the three concepts that infomulticulturalism encompasses.

Due to what is explained in the previous paragraph and the large number of variables that impact on the processing and absorption of information from humans and their interaction with the environment in which they live, the study of this new term has a wide field of study. The complexity of all aspects has resulted in the fact that at present there is still no accepted definition that encompasses and explains the entire vast field of work that infomulticulturalism has ahead.

Despite the complexity and the large amount of information that the term processes, the advancement in information technologies and its processing systems have caused organizations mainly to have the tools and skills necessary to identify, collect, process and distribute all those data from all over the world, so that together the data generates a certain relevant amount of information that allows the understanding and attention of the variables that must be taken into account to achieve the best decision-making and the best course for the organization to follow in pursuit of its objectives.

It is through the exponential growth that the internet has had and all those technological devices with which human beings interact on a daily basis, that organizations nurture their information systems by collecting all the information stored on the web. Given these actions, day by day, infomulticulturalism benefits because the interaction between people from all parts of the world and the ease of use of new technologies brings people closer and closer, regardless of time or distance.

Through the phenomenon known as globalization “Term that explains the economic, technological and cultural process suffered by all the nations of the world through communication, transportation and free trade, which creates an interdependence in the unification of markets, societies and cultures through a series of global economic, political and social changes ”. Multiculturalism promotes a proposal for a global social organization, where each culture is recognized and there is the right of the individual to possess some characteristic or important aspect of each one of them.

Terminology used

Based on the following three terms, multiculturalism attempts to explain its wide field of study and its form of application.


The information, referring to all that content obtained through communication, is all that set of interdependent data that together is organized in the mental structure of individuals and creates a logical argument with the need to be transmitted or shared with third parties. (Ramos, 2015)

The information has a series of specific instructions, which add value to people's knowledge, the analysis of the information has a great importance in forming the perception and influencing the decisions that people make in all aspects of their lives, That is why for multiculturalism and especially for organizations, information is of great importance, since it directly influences the steps to be followed in attracting and retaining new customers and markets.


Communication, an action used to transmit certain significant information, is defined as the process by which an issuer establishes a certain connection at a certain time and place with a receiver, with the purpose of sharing a message composed of data and ideas, which in together they create an information content (Thompson, 2008). In general, communication is a fundamental part of people's lives since the exchange of information between individuals and their environment is part of the activities that we carry out every day. Its complexity lies in the understanding of the information communicated, that is, only the process is considered successful when the context of the idea is understood.

Communication is made up of a certain number of elements, which together and used according to their specific function guarantee the success or failure of the process, these elements are:

  • The sender which is the person who transmits the message The receiver which is the person who receives the transmitted message The message defined as the information transmitted (sender-receiver relationship) The channel which is the means of transmission of the message The code, that is, The system used for the construction of the message The referent defined as the external reality to which the message refers The situation defined by the circumstances of transmission of the message The context expressed as the before and after the transmission of the information

As a fundamental part of infomulticulturalism, communication, as well as its content and the means by which it is transmitted, guide the receiver to decode the information obtained, in such a way that it takes into account all those relevant characteristics related to culture to take actions that guarantee the greatest possible success for him and for the organization.

Culture and multiculture

Culture, defined as that set of knowledge, beliefs, customs, morals and all those aspects rooted in the sense of belonging of the human being and acquired as a member of society (Tylor, 1871), contributes in the first instance a fundamental part to the concept of infomulticulturalism, since it defines all those aspects of human identity where the association between various individuals as members of a society or group direct the variables on which their behavior is based. In the current sense and due to aspects of globalization, this term was replaced by multiculture, which is defined as the interaction between two or more cultures within a specific area, so that the ties of relationship that are make up contribute to cultural variety,that is to say, to the transfer and contribution of information between all the members of the societies.

Culture and multiculture in relation to the development context of infomulticulture make it possible to identify and manage global information from all members of cultures and their relationships with each other, with special emphasis on their distinctive characteristics with the aim of study how the use of this information impacts the individual, so that the best strategies are sought to influence their behavior, their consumption decisions and their openness to the acceptance of new markets. (Rosas, 2012)


Infomulticulturalism seen from the perspective of the conglomerate of terms used for its study refers to the process of capturing information from various media, this information obtained is transmitted to various receivers, where according to their culture and traditions (typical of society to which it belongs), assimilates and interprets the information obtained in its own unique way. Under this concept, organizations will provide their own aspects in their products and services offered that resemble the characteristic information of that culture, so that they can be accepted.

Trying to define the term in another way, infomulticulturalism is shown as the exchange of information between individuals of different cultures where the main objective will be to understand the message that is transmitted.

Infomulticulturalism is associated with everything that the individual knows from their environment, where its purpose is that through communication processes and contexts such as globalization and information technologies it can explain the factors that affect behavior and perception of members of one or more cultures.

Origin and generalities

Tylor defines culture as: “That complex that includes knowledge, beliefs, In a modern and globalized world, the interaction between cultures and the sharing of their most representative characteristics are carried out through a virtual environment, this intercommunication guarantees that the exchange is easily achieved at high levels of information.

But this was not always the case. The origin of infomulticulturalism comes from a public policy model whose relationship with a reactionary social philosophy led to it being known as a unification of modern society. In its beginnings, infomulticulturalism sought to protect and preserve the greatest number of existing cultures, focusing its main efforts on minorities seen in relation to the largest and most powerful cultures. Over the years, the evolution of the term has managed to establish a diversity of cultures whose objective is to understand the concepts and characteristics that are most representative of each one, whose differentiation lies in the fact that not essentially what certain things can represent for a person, necessarily for another member of another society would have to mean the same thing.(Velázquez, 2012)


The best-known objectives and those that most stand out in relation to the term are:

  • The identification of the cultural roots and the most representative characteristics of each member of a society The study of the behavior of individuals based on the information they transmit through virtual environments The analysis and study of how and what type of information is necessary transmit to directly influence the decisions of the individuals who receive it, so that the behaviors of the individual members of a society can be controlled


From an organizational point of view, infomulticulturalism is fundamental since it provides the balance that should exist between all those values ​​of the company, the values ​​of the culture where it is established and the local values ​​according to its location. It is through the understanding of this concept that observation, identification and adaptation in an organizational and cultural context will help the organization and all its members to act under a flexible approach that guarantees a balance between all the parties involved and therefore a feeling of belonging to the community.

The management and understanding of all that information collected from the members of society will bring as many areas of opportunity as benefits for the organization and for the community where it is developed. Under a diversity management analysis, strategic business planning will result in operating and cost benefits.

Infomulticulturalism and its relationship with organizations

Infomulticulturalism and its impact on decision-making

The specific characteristics on which the way of acting of each culture is governed is very different according to its geographical location, so it will be impossible to draw a general route that can be applied in the acceptance of the organization on each one of them.

The fact of making a decision on the application methods of each of the cultures that you want to reach, generally creates uncertainty and will depend on the information collected through electronic media and web services, so that, in case the responsible person considers that the criteria to be used are correct, whether or not they will proceed with the decision-making.

Under this concept, infomulticulturalism seen as a critical factor in decision-making will cause organizations to take into account the activities of:

  • Learning regarding the relationship between the information collected and the characteristics of cultures Understanding of a globalized environment in all aspects that involve the organization, especially economic and social Management and use of information technologies to search for relevant information that may impact on the search for new markets

Based on the activities to be carried out by the organization, the analysis of all the variables involved is very interesting since it is based on the processes used and the characteristics identified of the members of the companies that the markets will react in a favorable or negative way to the proposals made.

The actions to be taken into account will depend to a great extent on the person in charge assigned and on the conception he has of the opportunities presented. But without a doubt, the use of infomulticulturalism as a tool for identifying and managing all those characteristics of a culture will be of great help to be able to put on the table the whole series of possibilities and relationships that exist or could exist between the organization and cultures.


Based on the study and knowledge of all the concepts that are related to the term infomulticulturalism, I personally consider that the concept can be a watershed if it is used correctly in organizations.

The mix of knowledge, information and the means to communicate creates the perfect balance so that organizations can understand in real time all the opportunities they may have regarding their members, markets and potential clients. Knowing and acting on all these variables guarantees knowing the present and future behavior of individuals, in such a way that anticipated strategies can be created to be the first to arrive and meet the expectations and needs of the markets.

The wide field of work that infomulticulturalism has, guarantees that not only the external environment is involved, but in the same way the understanding of our collaborators and their relationships with society inside and outside the organization opens us the possibility of seeking improvements that benefit their quality of life and therefore the productivity of the company. Despite being a relatively new term, infomulticulturalism opens up the great possibility that all companies, regardless of their line of business, can have great competitive advantages in a growing global environment.


First of all, to Dr. Fernando Aguirre, who as an advisor and professor of the fundamentals of administrative engineering, encourages me to give my best in each job done, I thank him for his professionalism and the advice received.

In the same way, I thank each of my colleagues in the first semester of administrative engineering, since thanks to their contributions and desire to work, they motivate me to move forward and perform the tasks and activities entrusted to them better and better.


Definition extracted from the First alterworld dictionary, Editions Le Monde Diplomatique, Intellectual Capital, Buenos Aires, 2008

Communication and multiculturalism. Retrieved on February 28, 2012, from Multiculturalism

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Infomulticulturalism and its impact on business decisions