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Infomulticulturalism and decision-making in the world



Mention what the process scope methodology is and give a brief description of each of the steps and what is the purpose of using this technique.


In recent years, a growing diversification of societies has been witnessed throughout the globe, which has brought with it that communities and societies can think in different ways depending on where they are established, in addition to other factors. which have influenced the diversification of societies such as globalization and new technologies such as the media, transportation, etc.

The ways in which information is exchanged between people and companies as well as the great diversification are an issue of interest to most companies since by being able to analyze these factors, companies will be able to generate databases with respect to the needs of people and through the implementation of this it will be possible to have some kind of strategy to attack in a more efficient way the current and future markets.

In addition to the aforementioned, organizations are interested in this type of aspect since, as it is applicable to the external environment of the organization, it can be used within the internal environment, with which they will be able to know how they behave, think and what they are the interests of the collaborators and have an idea of ​​the goals they have personally, this benefits companies since when a worker seeks to achieve their objectives and goals within the organization, it benefits the same because a route to be able to somehow achieve the previously established vision.

This is how it can be denoted that the goals of the collaborators are completely rooted in the culture of the people and their way of thinking, that is why organizations must establish a certain interest in these aspects since in that way they can reach to know the different existing ways in which an individual works within a family as well as a work society. When an individual becomes part of an organization's work team, he learns different things that he would not have the opportunity to see in everyday life, which is why companies become a fundamental part in the integral development of collaborators.

To be able to study and analyze in a better way how this process is of interest of the organizations for the collaborators, it must be established first of all what is infomulticulturalism and what are all the aspects that are involved in this term as well as its characteristics which may influence decision making.


Before being able to say in an accurate way what this concept of infomulticulturalism refers to, we must dismember this word, since as you can see it is composed of three terms which are:

  • InformationCultureMulticulture


“Information is a set of mechanisms that allow the individual to take back the data from their environment and structure them in a certain way, so that they serve as a guide for their action. It is not the same as communication, although it does. Two subjects have the same information, not when they have the same data, but when they have the same way of guiding their action. When they evoke the meaning of their action in common, they communicate the same information ”(UDLAP, SF)

Through the above definition we can say that the information is all the data that we collect through experience or an experience, however, this information can be distributed or exchanged between individuals in a particular way or in teams, the information that will be exchanged with other people must to contain certain characteristics to be able to be transferred in the best possible way, this way of which mention is made is through communication, which is stated below.


All living beings have the need to maintain some kind of relationship with their peers, either to look for food or simply to not feel alone, so that this interrelation process happens, communication is used, this is how we can denote that the Organizations also have the need to communicate with the environment that surrounds them and also with the same members of the organization, with this process it will be possible to ensure that the performance of the collaborators will be the best and also the problems of the organization will be able to flow from one clearer and faster way.

However, organizations must maintain good communication with the societies in which they have activities and thus must ensure in the same way that the information that is being provided is adequate, that is, give exactly the information that is needed and not to give more than what they ask of us.

This is how we reach a point in which companies must seek the correct path by which the company should be directed in the environment that surrounds it since with this it will be possible to avoid that the organization can create expectations that later it will not be able satisfy or fulfill. Within the information that can be provided through communication there are a number of factors to consider, such as:

  • Problem to be solved Desired impact Budgetary frameworkCompanyDescription of the recipients of our messagesCompetenceUsersExperience of one Point of saleTechnology (Guide for developing communication tools, 2009)

The aforementioned aspects must be very well taken care of by organizations, since these factors are one of many interests that the organization has in order to achieve a competitive advantage within the market.

Likewise, so that organizations can communicate in the best way with both the internal and external environment, the basic communication process must be taken into account, which despite being something that is already deeply rooted and which is carried out in unnoticed by most people, one must study and have a better notion of how communication can benefit organizations and affected cultural parties.


“The first recorded attempt to understand the communicative process dates back to classical antiquity, at the time of the Greek sages. It was Aristotle (384-322 BC) who in his philosophical treatises differentiated man from animals by the ability to have a language and conceptualized communication the relationship of three basic elements: sender, message and receiver. " (COEBIOETICA, SF)

From Aristotle's ideology of differentiating human beings as rational from animals, it was possible to verify that the communication process consisted of three fundamental parts and that is how all modern communication ideologies start from this principle, a The parties that are involved in the communication process are shown below.

  • The issuer is the party that begins the communication process between two individuals or between two groups or organizations, which sees the task of carrying out an exchange of information within the communicative act, this person or organization transmits a message, which of Similarly, it is part of this process.The message is nothing more than the information that the issuer is providing to the other party, this message can be either created by the issuer or investigated and analyzed by the issuer through the use of many sources of information, which to be highly reliable must be approved in some way by other committees that are involved in the task of information management, this information can be either books, indexed journals, articles, etc.However, the sender must understand that the message he wants to transmit must be as clear and understandable as possible The receiver is the party that is tasked with receiving the message that the sender is transmitting, as the content of the The message must be encoded in such a way that it can be understood by the receiver, since otherwise the communication process will not make sense.

Despite the fact that Aristotle proposed only these three points of the communication process, other authors propose that there is even more such as the medium and the response made by the issuer.

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the medium is the body for public information. As you can see in the previous definition, the medium is how the information will be transmitted from the sender to the receiver, the medium can be in different ways, however, the three most used ways to carry out the exchange are mentioned below. of information.

  • This is the most common way of exchanging information when people are personally discussing a situation of interest for themselves or for the good of an organization, this means of communication refers to language and speech. the transmission of information from the sender to the receiver is done in writing and can be provided through books, reports, magazines, articles, brochures, etc. By waves. This medium refers to information technologies, since the exchange of information is done through electronic devices such as radio signals, television or the telephone.

Fig. 1.1 Communication process (Instituto Blestgana, SF)

Communication process

Although these means of transmitting information were the most widely used until a few years ago, currently, as we well know, we are living in a digital culture completely rooted in people and organizations, with which the exchange of information is being sought either by electronic means, in this case the exchange of information occurs through a virtual or digitized medium, in which the information flows through computers, smartphones, internet, email, etc.

In the case of the transmission of information through the internet, there is a scheme or a structure so that the information can reach the person or organization. Below is the relevant schematic.

Fig. 1.2 Structure of communication tools through the Internet (Hinojosa Alarcón, SF)

Structure of communication tools through the Internet


In order for the information to be encoded by the sender so that the receiver can understand it, it must have a series of important and fundamental characteristics, which are mentioned in figure 1.3.

Fig. 1.3 Creation of information (Palma Serrano, 2014)

Creation of information


First we have to define what the concept of culture is, although many of us think we know what it refers to, we will see that in part we have knowledge of what it is, but not in depth.

"Culture is the set of values, customs, beliefs and practices that constitute the way of life of a specific group." (Eagleton, 2001) However, it is said that culture has been created through symbols, as well as the origin of the word culture comes from the Latin "colere" which referred to the activities of farming and use of the Earth.

Now it can be said that culture is not created by obligation, but is born from the need of human beings as well as seeking a benefit to society.

Within culture there is a set of values, which are not born from some kind of obligation. Within the different types of culture that exist around the world, it can be verified that different values ​​are taken into account, some of them are dominant within societies, which are:

  • Sharing the same languageReligious beliefsThe importance of traditions and ritualsArchitecture and land useScienceArtLiteratureMusic (Warren, 2002)

Also within cultures there are subcultures which are presented through groups of people who have different interests within a culture, as well as customs and ideals. A clear example of this are countries such as the United States, since thanks to the number of people of different nationalities that exist in it, subcultures are created, however subcultures can not only be denoted through nationalities but can also be by the tastes that people have, such as preferences in the purchase of some items, sports, musical tastes, race, etc.


Now, once we understand what culture is and what are the factors that are influenced for the creation of subcultures, we can come to analyze what organizational culture is.

According to Chiavenato 2006, organizational culture “is a planned process of cultural and structural modifications, which visualizes the institutionalization of a series of social technologies, in such a way that the organization is enabled to diagnose, plan and implement these modifications with the assistance of a consultant.. It is a very complex educational effort, destined to change the attitudes, values, behaviors and structure of the organization, so that it can better adapt to new conjunctures, markets, technologies, problems and challenges ”.

For companies it is a very important point to consider within the facilities of their organizations, since with the study and implementation of a culture, it will help the organization to establish a comfortable work environment among all collaborators regardless of the hierarchical level at which that they belong, in addition to the fact that if the collaborators feel comfortable with the environment that is presented in the organization, they will work at ease with which they will be able to achieve and seek the personal objectives they have and in this way the organization benefits from being able to achieve its objectives Similarly.


This term refers to the fact that within a nation or community there are different cultures, however many times the term multiculturalism can be somewhat complicated to interpret. It is said that the muticulturalism movement was born around the year 1970 in Canada and Australia, consequently in countries like the United States, England, Germany and France.

However, what multiculturalism seeks is that within the territorial space of the countries there may be a series of factors, such as:

  • That both the government and all people accept the variety of cultures That different types of organization be allowed to exist within the society of the country in question That all cultures can have the same opportunities and are equally respected Avoid discrimination at all costs and rejection of cultures different from ours

That is why it can be understood then that multiculturalism is the opportunity that is given to multiple cultures that are within a certain territory to be able to coexist and have the same opportunities as all others regardless of beliefs, religions, etc.


It is important to take the concept of infomulticulturalism for decision-making within an organization, since by doing so it will be possible to have more viable information about the interests of the people who could acquire a certain product, it also helps to obtain a strategy avoiding in this way the power to launch perhaps advertising that could create some discriminatory effect for people who are in a potential market.


  • Chiavenato, I. (2006). Introduction to the general theory of administration. Mc Graw Hill. (SF). www.coebioetica.salud-oaxaca.gob.mx. Retrieved on March 15, 2016, from http://coebioetica.salud-oaxaca.gob.mx/biblioteca/libros/ceboax-0237.pdfEagleton, T. (2001). The idea of ​​culture. Barcelona: Paidós Editions. Guide to develop communication tools. (2009). National Institute of Industrial Technology Hinojosa Alarcón, V. (SF). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from: http://www.conacyt.gob.mx/cibiogem/images/cibiogem/redes/redmexogm/Ta lleres-monitoring / 3 / Presentations3 / 6-Tools-communication-redessociales. pdfBlestgana Institute. (SF). iinstitutoblestgana.cl. Retrieved on March 15, 2016, from http://www.institutoblestgana.cl/virtuales/com_organiz/Unidad3/content2.h tmPalma Serrano, EM (November 25, 2014).gestiopolis.com. Retrieved on March 15, 2016, from: http://www.gestiopolis.com/infomulticulturalidad/Real Academia Española. (2014). rae.es. Retrieved on March 15, 2016, from http://lema.rae.es/dpd/srv/search?id=s0yU2agQnD6O6Oo0aB(SF). www.udlap.mx. Retrieved on March 14, 2016, from: http://catarina.udlap.mx/u_dl_a/tales/documentos/ldf/jimenez_r_mc/capitulo1.pdfWarren, K. (2002). Cultur and Identity. New York: Palgrave.New York: Palgrave.New York: Palgrave.


I want to thank in a very special way the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering of the Master in Administrative Engineering that I study at the Technological Institute of Orizaba, but mainly to my professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernandez for encouraging the desire to research and read about different interesting topics.

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Infomulticulturalism and decision-making in the world