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Fuzzy information

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Information that is accurate and timely, specific and organized for a purpose, and that is presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance, can lead to increased understanding and decreased uncertainty.

Information is valuable because it can affect behavior, a decision, or an outcome. For example, if a manager is told that the company's net profit decreased in the past month, he can use this information as a reason to cut financial expense for the next month. A piece of information is considered worthless if, after its receipt, things have not changed.


1: Communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence.

2: a: knowledge obtained from research, study, or instruction.

b: the attribute inherent and communicated by one of two or more alternative sequences or arrangements of something (such as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits in a computer program) that produce specific effects.

c: a signal or a character (as in a communication system or a computer) that represents data, something like a message, the experimental data, or an image that justifies the change in a construction like a theory plan that represents the physical or mental experience or other construction.

d: a quantitative measure of the content of the information; specifically: a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in the result of an experiment that was performed.

3: The act of informing a person.


  1. Diffuse or cause it to spread in all directions Subdue or cause to be subjected to diffusion Spread over a wide area Lacking consciousness Characterized by exhibiting diffuse light or diffusion, diffuse reflection Botany (from plant growth) that occurs throughout tissue

Fuzzy information

Therefore, diffuse information is, according to Rosas Sánchez (2012), the organized set of data that constitutes a message about a certain phenomenon or entity but that has the characteristic of being unclear, exact or concrete.

It is well known by all that information is power and almost all companies are aware of this, they know that information cannot be improvised since it is an element that allows correct decision-making in the company. This allows to adequately face the future of the company and the competition in the market.

The procedure to get to the moment when the information is effective and reliable for delayed decision making, however with the development of the following steps, the correct information can be distilled.

Information Processing and Care for the human being

When we are selectively attending an activity, we tend to ignore other stimulation, although our attention can be distracted by something else, such as the ringing of the telephone or someone using our name.

Psychologists are interested in what makes us pay attention to one thing rather than another (selective attention); reason why we sometimes shift our attention to something that was previously neglected (for example, cocktail party syndrome), and how many things we can attend to at the same time (attention span).

One way to conceptualize attention is to think of human beings as information processors who can only process a limited amount of information at a time without becoming overloaded. Broadbent (2008) and others in the 1950s adopted a model of the brain as a limited capacity information processing system, through which external input is transmitted.

The Information Processing System

Information processing system

Information processing models consist of a series of stages, or boxes, that represent stages of processing. Arrows indicate the flow of information from one stage to the next.

* Input processes have to do with the analysis of stimuli.

* Storage processes cover everything that happens to internal stimuli in the brain and can include the encoding and manipulation of the stimuli.

* Exit processes are responsible for preparing an appropriate response to a stimulus.

Critical appraisal

A series of care models have been proposed in the information processing framework, including:

Broadbent's (2008) filter model, Treisman's (2014) attenuation model and Deutsch & Deutsch's (2013) Selection Model.

However, there are a number of evaluation points to take into account when studying these models, and the information processing approach in general.

These include:

1 - The information processing models assume the serial processing of input stimuli.

Serial processing effectively means a process that has to be completed before the next one begins.

Parallel processing assumes that some or all of the processes involved in a cognitive task occur at the same time.

There is evidence from double-task experiments that parallel processing is possible. It is difficult to determine whether a certain task is processed in a serial or parallel way, as it probably depends on the processes required to solve a task, and on the amount of practice on a task. Parallel processing is probably more prevalent when someone is highly skilled; For example, a skilled typist thinks several letters ahead, a novice focuses on only one letter at a time.

2 - The analogy between human cognition and the functioning of the computer adopted by the information processing approach is limited. Computers can be considered as information processing systems insofar as:

  1. combine presented information with stored information to provide solutions to a variety of problems, and most computers have a central processor of limited capacity, and capacity limitations are generally assumed to affect the human attention system


  1. The human brain has extensive parallel processing capacity and computers often rely on serial processing. Human beings are influenced in their knowledge by a number of conflicting emotional and motivational factors

3 - The evidence for the theories / models of attention grouped under the information processing approach are largely based on experiments under controlled scientific conditions. Most laboratory studies are artificial and one could say that they lack ecological validity.

In everyday life, cognitive processes are often linked to one goal (for example, attention is paid in class because one wants to pass the exam), while in the laboratory of experiments forms are carried out in isolation from others cognitive and motivational factors. Although these laboratory experiments are easy to interpret, the data may not be applicable to the real world outside the laboratory. The latest More Ecologically Valid approaches to cognition have been proposed, for example the Perceptual cycle, Neisser (2007).

Attention has been studied largely in isolation from other cognitive processes, although it is clear that it functions as an interdependent system with the related cognitive processes of perception and memory. The more successful we reexamine part of the cognitive system in isolation, the less our data is likely to tell us about cognition in everyday life.

Management process of diffuse information for organizations

Fuzzy information management process

The process must be implemented throughout the organization from top management down, since this is the one that raises decisions from a strategic point of view.

Why are information systems important?

A human rights information system is much more than a database. Simply put, it is a set of processes, tools, and standards that enable organizations to strategically manage information, work efficiently and securely, and communicate effectively about issues.

In short, an information system will help ensure that information is appropriate, for the right audience, in the right way, and at the right time. The following scenarios explain the importance and value of a good information system:

Information is used because it is relevant

Reporting should be designed in such a way that the requirements of your target audiences are met, making it easy to find the right information.

A communication submitted to a special rapporteur contains all the elements necessary to provide a strong case that cannot be easily dismissed by the receiving State.

You can easily find all the information you need to build something: Case studies for help, photos and video to illustrate, simple explanations to highlight issues.

Information is appreciated for its quality

You must have a verification process to verify all the cases that are collected, before they are used. The database stores information on the reliability of the source, allowing you to build your reports using the best information you have.

Over time, this increases credibility as you acquire a reputation for producing high-quality, verified reporting. Your opponents will find it increasingly difficult to refute your promotional claims, and more and more people will appreciate you as a trusted source.

Information is easy to retrieve, internally

An organization may have collected hundreds or thousands of testimonials on, but they are neatly organized in a database and can be easily retrieved by topic, by date, by type, or any other useful way.

A question requires an immediate answer (with 3 or 4 mouse clicks), researchers can easily find relevant information from their databases and filing systems.

Three years from now, an organization decides to build a report that can easily collect relevant information from its information system, without having to go through the mountains of paper files.

Does an organization need to add some new fields to its database? No problem, because the database was designed from the beginning to be flexible and adapt to those changes. No need to start from scratch.

If you want an update on the impact of a counseling program. Simple, the program director opens his information system and produces customized reports, showing the interventions of the year organized by type, location and level of impact.

The information is accessible, externally

Visitors to an organization's website find it easy and pleasant to navigate. Sections were marked using precise and understandable terms.

Although the website contains hundreds of reports and press releases, visitors can find the content they are looking for, in just a few clicks of the mouse: by type of, by date, by topic, by country.

Visitors to an organization's website can sign up to receive email alerts, which deliver updates directly to their inbox. They will keep coming back to the website and the visibility of the increases.

Information is safe and secure

If a laptop containing valuable data is lost or stolen, no problem, the hard drive has been encrypted so its contents are safe. Your data is also fixed on a system, and it is easy to restore.

Information systems… and HURIDOCS '

Each sector of the organization has its own specific information needs. For example, documentation or handling of litigation cases. Thus:

HURIDOCS needs to drive innovation in these types of tools, by investing in research and development, to ensure that human rights organizations are well equipped for years to come.

HURIDOCS must continue to provide its network with timely and valuable advice and experience, to ensure the exchange of learning and experiences among its members.

Information seeking is a stage in the consumer decision process during which a consumer searches for internal or external information.

Learning objective:

Examine the "information seeking" stage of the consumer decision process

Key points:

During the search for information, the options available to the consumer are identified or further clarified.

An internal search refers to a consumer's memory or memory of a product, often triggered or driven by personal experience.

An external search is carried out when a person who has no prior knowledge about a product searches for information from personal sources (for example, word of mouth from friends / family) and / or from public sources (for example, online forums, consumer reports) or dominated marketer sources (eg, sales people, advertising).


The Consumer Decision Process

Also known as the purchase decision process, it describes the fundamental stages that a customer goes through in deciding to buy a product. Many scholars have given their version of the purchase decision model.

Information search

It is considered the second of the five stages that make up the consumer decision process and can be categorized as internal or external investigation.

External investigation

When a person has no prior knowledge about a product, then this knowledge leads them to seek information from public or personal sources.

The search for information is considered the second of the five stages that make up the consumer decision process. During this stage, a consumer who recognizes a problem or a specific need is then likely to be convinced that the search for information, either internally or externally. This is also when the customer aims to seek the value of a product or service. During this time, the options available to the consumer are identified or further clarified.

The search for information can be categorized as internal or external investigation as already mentioned above. All this in order to make a correct and beneficial decision for your purposes.

Internal information is generated within the organization. This information is stored within the organization and is directed to senior management, as they make strategic decisions.

Diffuse information in organizations

This type of information blocks organizations from understanding the value or meaning of the information for what it was made, informing. As long as the data taken into account is measurable, it can be analyzed without any problem and a decision made based on it. For example, analyzing the information of an organization, data can be obtained on different internal means of the company, this data is quantitative, which makes it an easy method to understand and analyze.

On the other hand, the information becomes diffuse when qualitative data enter the scene, such as a market study, in which factors such as people's tastes for a certain product enter, this is where variables that are difficult to measure already enter which are subjective aspects of each of those qualified. They are emotions at a given moment, in the end that information becomes very difficult to measure and becomes diffuse information. It is not clear for your understanding.

Therefore, fuzzy information can be defined as data that is difficult to understand and analyze in order to obtain effective information from them, leading to the impossibility of making decisions based on this information.

Fuzzy information tools

There are tools that help to manage fuzzy information, such as: Analysis of quantitative data:

Despite the fact that quantitative information tends to be less diffuse since it is expressed in numerical form, its measurement and analysis can be facilitated with the use of different softwares that facilitate obtaining information.

Qualitative data analysis:

These data tend to be more difficult to analyze since they are based on the subjectivity of each person, making it more difficult to understand; Through various heuristic methods they can be solved and in some exceptions the treatment of this data in some software can propose an ideal answer.


In some situations it depends on the context and subjective aspects to make decisions, for example, the weather, what is hot for someone? And what is hot for another person? This refers to the ability of each person to understand the world around him, his logic of the world.

This type of fuzzy information has a solution, the theory of fuzzy sets, developed by Zadeh (1965), the proposal consists in that each element has a level of belonging to a set, and that value can be between 0 and 1.

Fuzzy logic is a method for handling qualitative information, however today there are different programs that bring us closer to more reliable information.

Communication in the management of diffuse information

Communication is an important factor in all companies, since exchanging information with their environment is a fish overboard like information to the company. Communication can be horizontal or vertical. To disseminate the information and achieve the results, it is necessary that it is already analyzed to facilitate the understanding process, otherwise it will only generate difficulties in the processes, delaying the tasks.


I thank my school, the Orizaba Technological Institute, my teacher Fernando Aguirre and Hernández for encouraging me to do this type of work, the habit of reading and creating articles is a promotion that I greatly appreciate, since it makes me aware of what I am able to do.

R eferences

Broadbent, D. (2008). Perception and communication. London.

Deutsch, JA, & Deutsch, D. (2013). Attention: some theoretical considerations.

Neisser, U. (2007). Cognitive psychology. Appleton Century.

Rosas Sánchez, L. (March 14, 2012). Gestiopolis. Retrieved on October 04, 2016, from Gestiopolis:

Treisman, A. (2014). Selective attention in men. British Bulletin. Zadeh, LA (1965). Diffuse establishments, information and control.

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Fuzzy information